
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


pokemom / matilda
june 7th
lilycove city
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be.
91 posts
part of
TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 19:30:23 GMT



Idle chatter fills the room as their kind share words over a drink. Some are storied, others have nothing more than the current day to speak of. All of it amounts to grey words, existing in a hollow that only her cocktail could fill.
Labwork is menial and numbing. Futile efforts to broaden her horizons are met with obvious resistance. They still don't trust me. Daring to close that gap only offered further resentment from her alleged peers. Team Rocket had the scientists they needed. Covered the ground necessary for their bold agendas.
But there was always more... Wasn't there?
Yearning to discover something, anything useful, made he wreak of desperation. A little girl with a big name that they could pity, because she was pitiful. All these years, and nothing to show for it. The days were beginning to feel like a prison.
Thankfully this life had it's way of providing distractions when they were needed.

tags open thread (taken)[break]
main foyer (bar)

rocket hq

[attr=class,petra1credit] template by punki

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June 6th
You keep on trying but, I like your blood on my teeth just a little too much
32 posts
part of
TAG WITH @calli
Calliope Alvara
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 23:37:10 GMT
Calliope Alvara Avatar
A night spent at the Main Foyer meant one of two things for Calliope as of late; making new connections, or making new enemies; all while sampling the bar’s finer beverages. She'd yet to do the latter, but she'd stepped on rather a few toes prior; not purposely, but her bad moods had always been legendary, especially when she tried to drown them.

And that was before she'd been usurped into Rocket once more. The first time had not been by her own wishes, and an attempt at breaking the chains that bound her to the organisation had seemed fruitful… or so she had been led to believe. But now, like a dog, she'd been forced to crawl back into their clutches, seeing no other way than to accept their embrace once more.

Embrace. Ha.

Calliope smirked at the thought as she tapped the bar's surface restlessly, waiting for someone to take her order. When they appeared, she was curt.

"The strongest of whatever you have."

The tapping, once restless, now smoothed into something more rhythmic as they disappeared to prepare her drink. She'd turn around in a second and survey her surroundings for a potential conversational partner. But for now, Calliope allowed the ambience to lull her mind into a sense of ataraxia.




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played by


pokemom / matilda
june 7th
lilycove city
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be.
91 posts
part of
TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 0:43:25 GMT



The sound of fingers tapping against the bar remind Petra of her dull hours spent running calculations in the lab. For her, it was likened to a cry for help. Evidence that her mind wasn't in a good place. Their desire to order the strongest drink the bar offered only furthered that perspective.
"Rough day?" She questions, approaching slowly from the woman's side. Likewise, she is reluctant to actually take the seat next to them. It would be better to discern whether they wanted any company to begin with...
Petra polishes off her drink where she stands, setting the empty glass upon the counter when the server returns. While it's being replaced, the scientist hopes for some kind of answer. Something more than a cold stare, or going ignored.

tags [break]
main foyer (bar)

rocket hq

[attr=class,petra1credit] template by punki

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