fame and acclaim [aubre]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2023 3:14:48 GMT
it's a quiet afternoon at the clinic, until the doors burst open. a somewhat haggard-looking young man with hot pink hair hurries in, a bundle held tightly in his arms. he's soaking wet and out of breath.

"s-sorry, i-- you were the only clinic close enough--" they hadn't even checked if they do emergency visits here, they'd hurried straight over. they figured it was better to see a doctor as soon as possible. "i found this marill, and..." he unwraps the wet jacket in his arms, revealing a young marill with claw marks on its abdomen. this was no playful pokemon battle; its breath is ragged, and it's clearly suffering a great deal.

"i didn't know where else to go..." they'd waded into the water in order to retrieve the poor thing. now reese is here, looking like a dog caught in the rain, wide eyes pleading with the receptionist.

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 4:14:27 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]This place had been a dead zone all morning. The most exciting case came courtesy of a cat with its head stuck in a fishbowl. Which, aside from a ton of laughter, wasn’t much of a diversion.

The Heliolisk’s frill explodes with a surprised squawk as the automatic door bursts open. With a panicked motion, he shrinks his internet window. “Lisk!” He jumped on the countertop. with an irritable expression. A clawed digit gestured violently to the by-appointment-only sign. But his attitude changed when he saw the blood stains on the young man’s shirt.

Then, of course, he was soaked. It made him think of his sister. The self-sacrificial tendencies are bookended by neverending apologies and emotions on the sleeves. Wait. The earlier motion changed into a universal sign for pause. Then, the electric type gestured to one of the empty seats behind Reese. On the table were a few forms—which weren’t something you could fill out on a wild Pokemon. A few taps on the keyboard and he settled back on the desktop.

Within seconds, the swinging door to the exam rooms burst open. The doctor looked like she’d been on break. Her fingers were stained with ink and her hair was mussed. A tablet was resting in one hand. A set of scrubs was thrown over the other. “Uh—Alastor didn’t leave you name, but you can come on back.” For a moment she debated on shaking hands, But they were both full. “We’ll be in Exam Room 1.”

She looked the pink-haired person up and down. Her lips twisted slightly, her gaze dropping to the lavender fabric in her hands. “I brought some scrubs, but I didn’t have your size. So, they might be a little—well, Alastor isn’t the best at sizes.” To him, almost all humans looked extra large. Maybe she should have brought some towels instead. Way to overthink it, Doc. Let’s give him a whole wardrobe while you’re at it.

“Can you tell me what happened? Before you brought him here?” A glance revealed their patient to be a male. Obviously. He doesn’t need to narrate the here and now, Aubre. Arceus.


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goodbye, ms. flower thief.
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TAG WITH @reese
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 18:57:59 GMT
despite the worry on his face, reese waits patiently. when the doors open, he looks up, startled. the marill is mostly unresponsive, still wrapped up in his jacket and bleeding sluggishly. reese stands up and follows aubre, only handing the marill over once it's been prompted. the scrubs he pulls on over his head, shaking it after she suggests they're the wrong size. as long as they fit, he doesn't really care about looking the most fashionable right now.

"i can't tell you much." their voice is tight. "i found it like this near the beach. there was nobody else around." they have no clue what happened, and they'll likely never know. wild pokemon fights rarely turned this violent, so they can only assume it might have been a mishap with a trainer. but he doesn't understand why someone would just leave the poor thing like that.

the marill stirs, crying out in pain. it's starting to come to again, and it's realized it's in an unfamiliar location. it wants to get up, but it doesn't have the strength. reese eyes it nervously. "please let me know what i can do to help."

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 1:04:19 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

Life is really a matter of masks. And, in this job, Aubre wore more than you’d find at a Halloween store. Though it was almost always the same theme. She pretended to be someone who knew the answers. Her anxiety and uncertainty were suffocated beneath the translucent white coat. Still, she could not hide a start as she spotted the blood. [break][break]

The good samaritan’s almost apology receives a shake of the head in return. “Fortunately, even I can see what the problem is.” It was splattered in red across the floor and reflected back on the steel. The poor thing needed help, and it needed it now. [break][break]

The little balloon Pokemon looked almost deflated, Its normally vibrant color is two or three tones less saturated than usual. “Shhh.” Scarred hands gently stroked the Marrill’s head as she knelt beside it. “I won’t hurt you. It’s okay.” A bunch of empty words that’d comfort no one. Certainly not her. [break][break]

There’s a brief pause as she offers a small smile to Reese. This job is about the trainers as much as the Pokemon. “Al?” The Heliolisk perked up. Claws dropped to his little notepad. “Would you get Maggie for me?” An irritable croak emerges as he turns away from the pair. Everybody knew he was the best translator in the room. But his rough mannerism was just as sandy as his skin. With a shrug, the lizard vanished from the room in search of a pink ball of plant fluff. Someone just doesn’t appreciate my bedside manner. [break][break]

“Can you talk to him for me?” She moved over to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a plastic bag. This she ripped open with a ssssszzzt. From a different drawer, she pulled out a stitching kit. “They understand more than people realize.”


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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verdanturf town
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goodbye, ms. flower thief.
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TAG WITH @reese
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 18:24:38 GMT
reese flinches at the suggestion, eyes wide. sure, he talks to his own pokemon, but the task of trying to communicate with another seems rather daunting. for a moment he considers calling out one of his own pokemon to give himself a confidence boost, but he determines that bringing another grass type into the area might not be the best idea. if the marill is conscious enough to realize it, it might feel threatened by the super effective type matchup. who knows what happened to it before this? his roserade and his lurantis both are a little too... sharp-looking for that to be comfortable for a creature with gashes on its belly.

"wh-what should i say, exactly...?" they fret, wringing their hands out. they're leaning anxiously over the operating table, though they're trying not to crowd aubre. they've been to a pokemon center plenty of times, but this is different. this is something those machines can't fix, nor could a potion or a berry. suffice to say they're afraid they might already be too late.
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 16:29:26 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

Aubre pauses to give Reese a small, comforting smile. She knew what it felt like to be nervous. To be drowned in a sea of a million choices, a single misstep seemingly a drop away from disaster. "Ask him his name. Treat it like you're meeting a person for the first time." She rubs an alcohol swab across the site of the wound. “He seems to trust you.” The doctor shuffles back to the counter. Scarred hands gently pick up a bottle of sanitized water.

“Fortunately, the wound looks worse than it is.” Blood tended to do that. It spread around like a toddler’s lunch on a tray. So, what started as a few cheerios suddenly looked like a whole beach. “It’s straight-edged, so closing it won’t be too hard.” First, she spritzed a liquid painkiller on the area. “It may feel a little funny, but that’s just the medicine, okay?” After waiting for the substance to do its job, Aubre returned with a bottle of water. She used the water to wash mud and dried blood from the wound.

Around this time, a bright pink Jumped around the door. She made a noise of concern as she pushed herself toward the Azumarril. The wide smile on her face made it clear the little floating plant meant no harm. A hushed conversation ensued, The sounds from the water type were stilted and slow, as if he was drunk. That’d be the blood loss.

The redhead pulled out the needle and its driver. The shine of these objects seemed to wake the Azumarril up. “Now, look, I know these look scary. But they’re here to help you.” The little rabbit looked nervously up at Reese, drawing its injuries inward.


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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verdanturf town
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goodbye, ms. flower thief.
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TAG WITH @reese
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 19:18:42 GMT
he tries not to stare too much as aubre works, and tries to follow her lead in talking soothingly to the injured marill. "d-do you have a family...?" he asks, hoping to keep the pokemon's attention on him. it probably doesn't have the strength to thrash about, but better safe than sorry. "my family's back in sinnoh... ah, but you probably don't know what that is, huh..." he flushes. "my name's reese rhodes."

they flinch, then, anxiety suddenly striking them. they try not to give their full name to people these days unless they have to-- they worry far too much about whether they'll be recognized. their dream of becoming a contest star has been crushed thoroughly by the reality that comes with fame, and their poor heart can't take people knowing about them anymore. they used to love being up on stage, but now if they even think about performing in a standard contest they start to shake.

if aubre knows his name... his hands start trembling, right then and there, as his eyes meet the marill's equally anxious ones. then he swallows, and remembers to breathe. "once you're all better, we'll get you back to your family, okay? it won't be long until you're out of here." he wisheshe could find some way to use his contest expertise to comfort the poor thing. it's probably not a good thing to bring out his pokemon here, though.
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Mar 22, 2024 0:17:26 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

The water-type’s eyes drift to Reese as they begin to talk. Even if he doesn’t understand the words, it serves as a distraction. “Rill?” He murmurs to the young trainer, confusion apparent in dark eyes. The pink Jumpluff waits a moment before echoing. Though the gesture is weak, the water type does its best to nod. It has a few siblings left around and a momma too. “Ri.” Big eyes swim with moisture. Would he get to see them again?[break][break]

What if these people ate him!? Or took him away forever? That’s what happened to Daddy.[break][break]

The boy’s embarrassment seems to bring some levity to the situation. A tiny, pointy smile threatens. (‘He’s turning pink.’) The flying-type giggles into her little flipper hands. [break][break]

As for Sinnoh? Maggie just does her best to convey a very big, very far away pond. Sure, that wasn’t quite right, but this little guy didn’t seem like a cultural aficionado. “Riri?” It shifts slightly to the right. It tries to get a better view of the grass-type talking to it. What a weird name humans had! His was Bubbles. [break][break]

Blue skin winces as a needle probes a sensitive area. A gentle hand brushes the rabbit’s foot as the redhead murmurs an apology. With the same monkey on her back, the doctor is quick to notice that tremble. Her work pauses for just a moment. “Are you all right?” She gestures to a nearby chair. “You can sit down if the blood’s bothering you.” She forces what she hopes is a comforting laugh. “I’m not licensed to treat you.”[break][break]

Aubre takes a moment to examine her work so far. It’s stitching together pretty cleanly. The road that seemed infinite is now rapidly shrieking. The gaping cavern is now more of a hole. “Just a little more, okay?” A quick wiggle of the fingers and she returns to the task at hand. The sooner this was done, the quicker he’d be back to normal. Or, at least, not have a bunch of weird monkeys poking him. "A few IVs, an all-inclusive stay, and we'll get you home."

The Marrill nods. It flickers its gaze from the woman with the pointy thing to the pink-haired person. A tiny paw reaches toward them.


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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verdanturf town
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goodbye, ms. flower thief.
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TAG WITH @reese
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 19:21:24 GMT
reese shakes their head. "i-- i'm fine," they say. the blood isn't the thing that's bothering them... granted, they're not exactly a fan of it, either, but their desire to help far outweighs any squeamishness they might have. after all, if they'd been so freaked out by blood, they wouldn't be here in the first place. they'd waded out into the water to get the poor, helpless marill, and carried it all this way wrapped in their own clothes, which are stained with blood.

the marill reaches out for reese. his eyes widen, but he doesn't refuse the offered paw, knowing the fairy type just wants some extra comfort as aubre finishes up her work. reese squeezes its paw, holding into it tightly. "almost there," he says with a smile. "then you can rest up, and go home soon enough." he wishes he knew who had done this; he still doubts it was another wild pokemon. if it was, the job likely would have been finished...

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 13:48:45 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar

“Okay.” The redhead accepts without a hint of pressure. “If you need to step out, let me know.” She could always handle the comforting herself. But she didn’t make a move to chase them away. She knew what it felt like to want to help. To kick the young person out could be more detrimental than letting him stay. Especially if something happened. Besides, the Marrill seemed to trust him more than her. Which, she supposed, was understandable. Only one of them was armed.

A small, secretive smile appeared as Rheese gripped the Marrill’s paw. Things like that—no matter how small—reminded her of why she did this. To help these connections and keep Pokemon safe. Sadly, she’d seen plenty of Pokemon with no trainer connection. Those humans thought of themselves as owners and Pokemon as nothing more than toys or ornaments that spit fire. Instead of responding verbally, the doctor focused on her work.

In and out the needle went. Finally, the hole was closed to the best of her ability. She swiped the area down with a clean wipe, returning it to blue. Instead of a gaping hole, they faced a Frankenstein balloon—the small threads and staples. “We’re all set. You can let him go.” Careful not to spook him, the doctor moved to remove her gloves and set her hands back to sanitary. The blooded coat was laid aside for the moment as she pulled a treat from a jar.

It smelled like fresh berries and was almost jelly-like in texture. She handed it to Rheese. “Give this to him.”


[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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verdanturf town
cafe worker
goodbye, ms. flower thief.
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TAG WITH @reese
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 19:04:00 GMT
the stitches don't take much longer to finish it. the marill will still need time to heal, and will probably always have a bit of a ghastly scar on its belly, but it will likely survive. reese holds onto the little pokemon's paw until aubre is completely done with sanitizing the wound, and only lets go once the marill itself seems to have relaxed. reese breathes a sigh of relief, seeing that the hard part is done.

once given the treat, reese pinches it curiously between their fingers. since it smells like berries, they can only assume it's something to help speed along the healing process. actually, it smells pretty good... they bring it closer to the marill's face, and the blue mouse sniffs the air. "here... you did such a good job, you can have a present from us," reese says. it's kind of like giving a kid a lollipop at the doctor's office, they think as the marill takes the treat from their fingers and chews it slowly.

with the treat gone and the marill on his way to recovery, reese straightens up. "thank you," he says to aubre. "when will he be well enough to go back? i can take him to where i found him, once he's ready."

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 14:31:43 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar



The doctor straightens with a poorly disguised noise of pain. She takes a minute to flex her fingers as she attempts to center herself again. In moments like that, her entire world fades to her job. She is surprised to find the sun as low as it is. Has she truly been at it that long? A squeak from her patient coaxed out a secretive little smile. The treat had helped distract the water-type from his nerves, and it’d go a way to rebuilding the blood he’d lost. And people think we’re so different.

“You did great.” Doctor McKenna is quick to echo. Her Jumpluff murmurs something a few seconds later, likely a translation of her trainer and Reese’s words. Content that her work is done for the moment, Aubre pauses to wash her hands. They come back smelling like Pecha cobbler. His questions are met with a gentle smile. “I believe it is I who should be thanking you.” There’s a brief pause as she wipes her hands dry on the provided paper towel. “A lot of people would have left him there.” And, unable to float and bleeding out, he’d have ended up easy prey for a Barraskewda or, worse yet, a poacher.

At his next question, the doctor is thoughtful. “With help from some of my healers, he should be out of here in five or six days.” They had to make sure he stayed still and didn’t overexert himself. “I’d say a little sooner, but waterways are full of bacteria. I wouldn’t want him to come right back.” That kind of injury coupled with an infection could lead to a tail removal if left alone too long.

She didn’t argue against the young man releasing him. The pair seemed to have built some sort of rapport. “I’ll need a way to contact you—” She paused. “When he’s ready, I mean.”



Aubre here to fight

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july 7
verdanturf town
cafe worker
goodbye, ms. flower thief.
42 posts
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TAG WITH @reese
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON May 8, 2024 18:24:26 GMT
five or six days... that's understandable, though a bit longer than reese had hoped. the wound would have to close up enough to not risk any infection, after all, but his heart still aches for the little marill that will be kept away from his home for that long. would his family remain long enough for him to rejoin them? he doesn't know much about the migration patterns of marill and their kin, and whether they stay in one place or if they tend to move on once they've used up an area's resources. he can only hope and pray that things turn out alright.

"i'll need a way to contact you--" reese blinks, and then straightens up. "oh, right! of course." they pull their phone out and give the number to aubre so they can be contacted once the marill is ready to leave the clinic. once the contact information is exchanged, they gather up their bag and prepare to leave. before they do, though, they crouch down by the marill again. "i'll be back, okay? and then i'll take you home."

bidding their farewells to both aubre and the pokemon there, they head out, suddenly hyper conscious of the blood on their clothes. oh, well... i'll just try to avoid people as much as possible so they don't freak out.

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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,132 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
fame and acclaim [aubre]
POSTED ON May 18, 2024 6:26:51 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


