A Meeting That Won't Dragon

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 23:27:46 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwendolyn's heart was ready to leap out of her chest as she walked into the epitome of "rich people workplace" in Evergrande City. The marble and decorations inside of the lobby cost more than what she would likely ever made in her lifetime. This place looks about as official as they come. Could I ever work at a place like this one day? Some doubts floated inside of her head about whether or not this was an entirely good idea. The councilwoman was probably super busy and didn't have much time nor interest for somebody like her. Gwen hesitated to enter the building as her anxiety was physically choking her. But her own ambitions had forced her to take the first step inside. It took two steps more before she came face to face with the receptionist. She was a fair haired woman and had that sort of "cute office worker" look that Gwen knew from her comics.

"Good afternoon! How can I help you?" she asked.

Gwen tensed up as she had been looking at her for a moment, then spoke up. "I-I'm looking for Mrs. Morningstar's office, please!"

A set of directions later, Gwen once again was on the precipice of her goal for the day. It was Freya Morningstar's open office hours and the perfect time to ask her about a topic that she was very knowledgeable in that could help her. Of course, that was also assuming that she would have the time or patience for her. Gwen worried her little orange head about possibilities before she willed herself forward.

Several knocks came on the door with the back of her knuckle. "Mrs. Morningstar, I was wondering if you had time to talk." She looked at the councilwoman at the other side of the room from her position. Standing in Freya's doorway was a younger girl on the cusp of adulthood. She wore a baggy green coat with a fur lining, followed by a white graphic tank top and headphones around her neck alongside her messenger bag that bore the signal of the Rangers on its side.

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 19:19:39 GMT
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more and more rangers keep finding their way to her door. it makes sense, in a way, that those already connected to the league in a professional capacity would come with ideas. civilians are busy with their civilian lives, content to shake their fists at the league after every disaster. 

she's clicking away at a laptop when there's a knock on her slightly ajar door. pale eyes peer over the screen to see a young, nervous girl standing at the other side. her lips tilt in a frown. 

"miss morningstar. i've no spouse." she runs her tongue along her teeth and waves a hand to beckon the girl inside.

"i have time, yes." she clicks around a bit more, moving to block the next thirty minutes off on her schedule, but it's already been done. is faster than freya gives her credit for. 

she draws away from the keys and gives the girl her full attention. 

"what brings you in today, ranger...?" she asks, waiting for the girl's own introductions. 
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2023 2:31:49 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

The sudden correct had blown Gwen's mind. She made a mistake right off the bat! This whole excursion was a disaster already. She should just apologize and leave this building and never come back. She looked back outside to the halls to consider this option, but her ambitions were far too great to allow her to leave empty handed. "Sorry! I just...You're just so beautiful and- I mean, uh...Nevermind. Sorry."

The novice ranger slowly made her way to come closer to the councilwoman's desk. She looked intimidating in the eyes of Gwen. A shark looking down on the creature that was no more important to her day than a paper in the wind. But still, she was giving her the time of day. The only real upside was that her topic lied within her personal interest, rather than just letters from the adoring public. Once at a proper distance, the bespectacled nerd offered her hand for a shake.

"My name is Gwendolyn Conway. I'm a Ranger Technician. Gwen is fine though." her eyes went down to look at her open bag at a certain Pokeball that she had in mind before noticing that it had come open. A certain dragon type that she had came to Hoenn with that in no place belonged in an official office space. "Crap, why'd you have to sneak out of your ball, Goomy? Please be back at base. Please don't be anywhere causing trouble." She thought to herself. There wasn't any more time to devote to this though. Miss Morningstar's time was valuable.

"A-Anyway. I've been reading through your published volumes of dragon-type Pokemon and I came to ask for your help on something." She took out a tablet that had the most recent edition of Dragonology: A Compendium of Dragon-Type Pokemon. She flipped the virtual pages along to get to the one she wanted. Once at the section that had been booked marked for this meeting, Gwen set the tablet down and flipped the case opposite to act as a small rest to prop up the electronic. The screen showed one part of Page 21, focused on the blurb about Garchomp. Her eyebrows came together in thought. Should she try and pass off that lie that had been said so many times to other people? It was possible, but something in her wanted to keep things civil and friendly. Something that could let her know she meant no harm.

"I've been saying that I've been studying them for a mission, but the other Rangers are so..." Her hands spun around in the air, as if to collect the words but none came to her. "Limiting, in a way. Even with all my gadgets and stuff I've shown them I can handle myself with, they still won't let me go to one of those habitats where I can get the best dragon-types. So I was hoping you could offer your expertise on how to catch a Garchomp or a Tyrantrum. I've just been interested in the typing since reading your work."

Behind the case of the tablet, two gooey horns perked up from behind the case. They flicked around as Gwen leaned down and was blind to her slimy friend's location. After ensuring it was safe, the Goomy slithered up onto the front of the tablet and let out a pleasant chirp at the woman staring up at it.

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2023 4:18:46 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she must be around 's age, but the two young women are like night and day. tsubaki may trip over her tongue sometimes, but it's not from lack of confidence. she carries a weight with her that this girl does not. this ranger - gwen, she introduces - is softer. not broken in or broken down. not yet, anyway.

hoenn has a way of changing that.

her brows go up at the compliment, but she doesn't comment on it; instead, she tilts her head to see the pages from her book displaying on the tablet. pride flushes the back of her neck, straightening her spine, and for a moment she forgets how exhausted she is. 

the thin line of her lips draw up in a small smile. she reaches for the water bottle on her desk and pours a cap full of water into the palm of her hand, turning it gently so the droplets can patter on top of the chirping goomy's head. 

setting the bottle down and with that hand free, she points to the taming tips section of garchomp. "novice tamers should not engage with wild garchomp," she reads. "and though works with them in more capacity than i do, i think he'd be inclined to agree."

she wriggles still-damp fingers above the goomy in an effort to make it squirm happily. 

"your little one is healthy and sweet. what attracts you to the garchomp?"
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2023 22:45:06 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Her eyes went down at the familiar chirping of her Goomy. At spotting the slimy mucus Pokémon, Gwendolyn could feel her panic skyrocket all the way to the ceiling. Why now?! You couldn't just stay in the ball like a good little Goomy? She opened her mouth to apologize profusely to Freya but her reaction wasn't what gwen was expecting. She smiled and took some water into a cap and splashed it on the girl. At the hydration, it let out a pleased cry and helped it spread around its form.

Gwen could see it clearly. The posture adjustment and everything at showing her work to her followed by this display with her Goomy. This woman was the real deal, no somebody who wrote about books from a spectator's view. The respect Gwen had for her was only rising more and more. "Sorry about her. She's got a tendency to break out of her ball every now and again." Should she tell the councilwoman that she had found the Goomy stuck inside one of her fast food cups that had been left out in her room for a month back before she left Sinnoh? Probably best kept to herself.

But Freya did mirror the sentiment that Gwen had gotten time and time again. Her frustration was visible. She drummed her fingers on the bag as she plotted a defense against being told to not go through with this option. Gwen took a moment to collect her thoughts before a rebuttal. "Isn't there some other advice that you could give me?" she asked. A free hand pushed her thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose as they came dangerously close to falling off completely. "I know it's dangerous, but I need something strong quickly, and I don't think I could catch a Gible without getting close to a nest."

Her Goomy remained happy to receive the gift of water as it let out a purr like sound. Its horns traced against the tips of Freya's fingers as it tried to retain as much hydration as it could. It squirmed around while Gwen's eyes kept on top of the most fragile of her team. The councilwoman's next question did cause Gwen to sit down and let out a sigh. "It's complicated." The ranger began.

"There's somebody in the Rangers that I've known since childhood." Gwen thought back to that first orientation with and how the two had been together ever since childhood. She always seemed to stick around the daughter of famous psychic. "They...mean a lot to me, and recently, they got back from a patrol with a broken nose and barely escaped with their life. So I need to step out of the lab and get a team that can protect her."

Of course, she left out the part where she wanted to find whoever was responsible for breaking Robin's nose.

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2023 23:37:08 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

gwendolyn yearns to be another statistic, it seems, but freya can understand feeling powerless. more than most.

the goomy wiggles its gelatinous little body, swaying to the slow fanning wave of freya's wrist. she chuckles and gives gwen time to explain herself, all while distracting the goomy well enough that it turns circles while trying to follow the pattern her fingers are making. 

"your goomy escapes its ball because it does not respect you," she says cheerily and finally withdraws her hand. "not to say it doesn't love you. or that it wouldn't stand in front of an enemy for you. but there will come a time when it needs to trust you over its own instincts." she tilts her head. 

"dragons are not a 'get strong quick' scheme." her voice is steady and forceful, professional and void of any irritation. gwen sits and freya crosses her arms. "if you lose control of a dragon on the field, it only makes any situation all the more dangerous."

she hums. "such are the sacrifices we make working on the frontlines." you won't be able to protect everyone, she wants to say, but she bites back the words. instead, she sighs and stands, grabbing her keys. 

"come with me."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 1:51:58 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

"She doesn't respect me?" Gwendolyn asked Freya as she set forth on the voyage of tearing her down, piece by piece. The news had come as a surprise to her especially after the time the two of them had spent together. The Goomy, meanwhile, had been busy playing along with Freya during its trainer's explanation for why she wanted the Garchomp in general. She wondered what she had meant by that. Goomy had never battled since she had heard about how fragile they were and wanted to keep her safe. Was that the reason why? "But I try and keep her safe. I don't want her to get hurt if she doesn't need to."

The second pin launched at her was more direct. Gwen did see this coming a mile away though. "I'm not trying to say I was wanting to catch one expecting it to listen. I'll put in the time and if it takes me a lifetime I'll give it two. I'll read my ass off on what they like and don't like. I'll get scars, lose a finger, anything if it means that I can protect somebody I l-" She caught herself and cleared her throat. Her emotions must have gotten the best of her, but Gwen did mean all of it. "I'm sorry if it came out that way. It's just your work just inspired me. Made me feel like I knew what I could do to help others."

Her response was to pick up her keys and order Gwen to follow her. Was she going to be thrown out of the building? Taken to the police for trying something suicidal? Or worse, she was calling the Head Ranger and told to be placed under arrest! "Y-Yes, Miss Morningstar!" Gwen walked beside her. Some small part would be honored to walk alongside somebody of such high importance but her thoughts were detrimental to her socialization. Some employees passed by with a wave from the budding ranger before she looked over to Freya.

"Where are we going, if I can ask?"

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 5:38:35 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

well, at least there's that. she doesn't think it's going to be all sunshine and daisies. it helps, too, to hear that she's an inspiration. dragons, after all, aren known for their pride. 

they have to cross the expanse of ever grande's property to get to where they're going. at gwendolyn's question, freya simply smiles and readjusts the plaits of her braids as they walk. 

"in a controlled environment, with proper trainers and trusted dragons, learning the basics of taming is easier. not to say it's easy. you may very well still lose a finger and get scars." her own are littered over her body in pale silver and blushes of red. 

across the grass they walk. onto a trail out back; one that leads down, down, down into a tunnel. sunlight wanes and is replaced with electric sconces, which buzz to life as they walk. and then comes more light. 

they step out into freya's current work in progress. " originally built this as a sanctuary for rayquaza while they were healing," she says. traces of the dragon lord still remain; shed skin has been repurposed into nests; foot-long scales serve as fencing.

"and now it has another use."

most impressive though, are the hordes of dragons nesting and training and flying about the area. they're under the careful watch of handlers. freya tears her gaze away from the area and looks down at gwen with one brow raised. 

"would you like to meet the garchomp then?"
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 18:51:21 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

They walked along uninterrupted on their journey to wherever it was that Freya was taking her. Gwendolyn carried her Goomy with her, pushing the thing back inside of her back as it wobbled along inside. The youth's bangs wafted back and forth with each step she took. They moved across the way while leaving the council building behind. The further it seemed to grow in the distance, the more Gwen began to grow more nosy. Freya did entertain her some and fill her in some some details. She was happy to have the chance at trying her hand at taming. Even if it turned out she failed, it was still going to be quite the privilege.

The sidewalk gave way to a dirt path eventually. She was back out into the wild yonder, far away from the respite of her computer and enough electronic tools to open a repair shop. Gwen willed herself to continue forward. There was some anxiety over what could happen but she had grown tired of relying on others to do things for her.

"I appreciate taking time out of your day for this, Ms. Morningstar." Gwen began. Her fingers reached to press her glasses back up her nose. "And I'd rather lose something and know a limit than to never know. I'm kind of too stubborn that way. That's what the recruiter said, anyway."

Freya and Gwen soon came into a tunnel as the sunlight was vanquished. In its place is a facsimile, a placebo made of electric currents to simulate something close to its properties. The hum of watts running in the wires overhead remind Gwen of her father's server room back home. How the hum was audible from their bedroom. It's not until they continue farther in that Gwen's eyes widen at the sight shown before her. A cave meant for a recovering legendary turned into a miniature sanctuary for dragons. Brief silhouettes bounce around the air above them as Gwen spun around to see every detail here.

"I...didn't know this was even back here." Gwen looked to their left to see a small pack of Noibats who had been nesting upside in a special mode roost for them. Surrounding it was a large and alert Noivern whose eyes locked onto the two entering. The biggest smile was on her face. Even if it wasn't just being with dragons, there was a certain air here that just seemed to be one of intrigue.

"I can't imagine how big Rayquaza was to fit in here. But being so close to the scales of an actual legendary... This is amazing. But why keep these dragons here and not in the wild? Are they being observed?"

Freya then asked the question that Gwen was hoping for. The point of no return. She had a chance to back out now and maybe escape with her life. She considered shaking her head and asking Freya about every detail here. That much was plain as day to see in her eyes. But no, Gwen had come too far.

"I'd love to meet them."

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 19:41:53 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"it's important you feel heard," she replies to gwen's thanks. her council duties keep her busy and the ever-present threat of cataclysm has its demands. but for too long, the council has forgotten about the people

one soldier can turn the tide of war and if this one wants to learn how to tame dragons, freya would be a fool to deny her. the jury is still out on whether or not the mild-mannered ranger can handle it, but she wants to protect others. she wants to protect someone. and that's a good enough reason as any in her book.

she smiles amusedly and raises a hand at one of the noivern looking down at them. "nevy." at her name, the noivern's ears swivel and she unclasps her toes, dropping down with a flutter beside them. freya's outstretched hand meets her white, fluffy mane. 

"they're not in the wild because they're all mine," she says with a laugh. and then goes on, "the morningstars tamed and lent dragons to the league in sootopolis. eva and i thought this sanctuary would be most useful if turned into a similar facility, as it had almost all the infrastructure we needed."

nevy cocks her head and observes her mistress' companion and with a soft hiss from freya, takes her leave.

"alice, have the garchomp been fed yet today?" she asks a worker in passing. the brunette flips through her clipboard and nods. "wonderful. can you pull ghishath and minos out for me please?" she gives freya and gwen a sideways glance at she goes, but moves off to fulfill the request. 

as they stray from the entryway tunnel, the area brightens considerably. above is the clear blue sky. a few fluffy clouds drift through the open-air dome. "she didn't want rayquaza feeling trapped when it woke. of course, there are mesh guards at the top now in case any of the dragons act up, but they appreciate the fresh air."

she leads them to an outcropping of rocks. the greenery becomes sparse and as they near, low hisses and the snapping of jaws can be heard. that same brunette has a slab of meat in a gloved hand and is leading one of the garchomp out of its tunnel. 

basking in the sun is a gabite who spies them, hisses in warning, and ducks his head back down. 

"minos is still mostly feral. we've been working extensively with him the past couple of weeks. ghishath, oddly enough, is higher on the social hierarchy. he's the only one of the garchomp minos listens to."

she crouches down next to a bin and scoops up a couple of painted crystals, holding out a couple to gwen. "we'll approach ghishath first. follow my lead, alright? and no sudden movements."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 21:48:22 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

The Noivern from above had caught Gwendolyn off guard. Its piercing eyes followed her every move until Freya had called to it. She had only seen descriptions inside of the publications that she had put out. Up close an personal like this? It was a whole other story.

"Your words don't do it enough justice, Ms. Morningstar. Seeing even a Noivern like this up close..." The circular ears that moved at any little step, the white scruff around its neck. It was closer than any aspiring novice Ranger had any right to be. Her genuine awe at seeing such a beautiful Pokémon like this up close was just as visible as the light sources above.

The answer of what they were doing down here made snese, though it was shocking how many Pokemon one person could keep, let alone an entire family. "I've never seen so many different species in one place before. Aren't some of them territorial? What keeps them from fighting with one another? Does your family go out and find your dragon types or were they all hand raised here?"

The cave structure made a bit more sense now, with this being most of the Pokemon's preferred nesting locations. Her head was swimming with questions, but her mortal coil could only allow so many out without standing here for days.

Nevy's distrust of her aside, she wasn't being attacked just yet. That was as good as a sign as any that she was on the right track. Not that Freya would allow that to happen anyway. She asked one of the workers about the Garchomps here, two more names to the pile that there likely were inside of this sanctuary. The hesitation was noted, but not something that Gwen hadn't been anticipating. She must have looked like a Snorlax inside of a fine china shop. Somebody who had no business being here. But being so close to her goal was what pushing her further and further.

Freya led Gwen outside out of the entrance to an open air dome that held some Pokémon flying around or others that remained on the ground, being tended to by the workers here. It was refreshing to see them able to get some fresh air every now and again. Across the view were two Goodra who were busy amongst themselves. Goomy picked up on them while they passed by. The gooey creature wiggled its ears at the two and let out a series of chirps in greeting.

Their journey led them away from the grassy portion of the field and into a more rocky and mountain-like area of the open space. The sounds coming from nearby had been a little disconcerting for poor Gwen. Whatever was making these noises was not in the best of moods. She waited alongside the councilwoman for the Pokemon being brought out to face them. Much like before, Gwen was staring directly in front of one of the most well known and feared types of dragon types.

An additional hiss by the Gabite sunning on the rocks started to make her body tense up. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. The body's reaction to seeing something beyond its scope. Gwen wanted to jump for joy at seeing something up close like this, but wanted to take no chances on whether or not she could be deemed a threat to the Garchomp.

"Hi, Minos..." She greeted the Garchamp as calm as she could manage. Freya explained a bit about the two that were currently taken out for them. Gwen did find the Gabite rather cute, in its own way. It looked like a smaller version of its final evolution. It was humorous, even for Pokémon standards.

"How long have you had Minos and Ghishath for? Are they both new here?" Gwen asked her guide before watching her reach into a nearby container and pull out...crystals of some kind. She graciously took a few in her hand and looked at them in curiosity. The councilwoman's words did connect the dots in her head and made Gwen a little bit more confused. "R-Right. So we're feeding Ghishath these crystals?"

She moved beside Freya and held her hands out in a similar fashion for the Garchomp to feed from. She was a maelstrom of emotion. Excited, terrified, upset, and a billion other ones. But if this is what it took, she'd remain as still as possible.

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 17:44:06 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she's asking all the right questions. her appreciation for her deepens at her pondering. it's been a long while since she's had the chance to speak to someone at length about her work - her real work. and so gwendolyn is afforded a rare instance where freya morningstar has a smile on her face, her griefs and her losses forgotten, for this moment, as she is wholly absorbed in sharing her passions. 

"some of them are, yes, but almost all of them are tamed. and we keep the easily aggravated species away from each other. without resources to fight over, they're more amiable."

she rolls the tumbled stones around in the palm of her hand and laughs. "no, they're not going to eat them."

when gwendolyn holds her hands out, a ruby catches the light, sending pink and red hues onto the rocky ground. ghishath turns his head quizzically and uncurls from his perch, stepping down with a hissing click in the back of his throat. 

"they like to collect shiny things. he'll see it as an offering from you." she reaches slowly into her back pocket and offers a glove to gwen. ghishath's reptilian gaze follows freya's movements and then shifts back to the ruby. 

he bobs his head. "ah, there you go. keep at it. entice him closer. no sudden movements. and if you can get the glove on - sorry, i should have asked you to do that before - you can try to reach out and touch him. slowly."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
289 posts
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 23:55:54 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

It did make sense about separating the Pokemon so that they wouldn't fight. And based on the scenery of this little sanctuary here, it could accommodate most types of dragons without issue. That little dumb question about eating the crystals had made the cadet fumble as her cheeks flushed a red color. "O-Oh. I, uh, knew that."

A brilliant ruby rested in her palm. The biggest that Gwendolyn had ever laid her eyes on. The light bounced off of its surface and traveled across the way it had caught the eye of Ghishath. The Gabite looked up at the quarry that she had held on her person with a keen interest. He made his way to her with a cautious hiss at her, as if he had warned her from doing anything while he came closer. Gwen's emotion dam was already nearing its limit. The hiss had only really pushed her into viewing the adorable little guy with as much reverence as possible.

"It's alright." she said in a hushed tone, supportive of the little guy. "It's all yours, Ghishath." He slowly came closer while Freya observed the scene before her. A hand reached into her pockets which caught Ghishath's eye and made him stop on a dime. No wonder she was told to remain still while doing this. These things could pick up on any little fidget. To regain his attention, she wiggled the ruby around in her arms a bit. Something to make it irresistible to him.

The Gabite had continued its approach and was soon up close to Gwen. She did her absolute best to not move and entice the little guy to collect his prize. Her hands clammed up and waited patiently for the dragon to take one. Once Ghishath had taken the ruby from her she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. "He's taken it. Now comes the second scary part." Her free hand raised slowly into the air to take the glove offered to her by Freya. It took a little troubleshooting but it was put on and then lowered back down to the Gabite.

Very carefully. Gwen took her time and tried to calm her shaking hands from appearing threatening. All she had to do was get a little bit lucky and have a still hand...

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,186 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 23:53:24 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

ghishath continues his approach. freya looks over their heads to view the garchomp behind them. minos is still happily tearing into the flank of meat he'd been given. satisfied with the amount of time they have to establish a connection, freya drops her gaze back to the two. 

ghishath teases the ruby into his mouth and cocks his head, considering the woman in front of him. his yellow iris follows her movements. some of his weight shifts to his left side as she pulls the glove on. 


he does not lean into the touch. but she's able to place the pads of her fingers onto the rough skin of his hide. he makes another sound in his throat and then backs away, snorting and then turning his back on her. 

"mm, well he doesn't see you as a threat. otherwise, he'd have gutted you for the ruby in your hand." her eyes twinkle mischievously. "but that sound he made? that's basically dragon-speech for contentment. it's as close to a thank you as you'll get. and minos heard it too, so he won't bother you now either. you'll just need to be respectful of their space."

she nears her and clasps a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly. "you want to work with them with me? over the next couple of weeks?"
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played by


Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
289 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Meeting That Won't Dragon
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2023 3:49:52 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

That guttural noise he had made! Gwendolyn wanted to gasp at the noise but her intense concentration had warranted her to limit the amount of noise that came from the otherwise jumpy girl. His skin felt so strange, like the skin of a Sharpedo or something. It did kind of figure given the Garchomp line's rough skin but to touch it up close like this was amazing. Ghishath turned his back to her with jewel in hand while she slowly recalled her hand and waited until he was a good distance away. Then all of her emotions just came flowing out of her in one kinetic burst.

"D-Did you see that?! He just took it from me so slowly! And that little noise her made!! EEEEEEE!" The ranger showcase her level of maturity by fawning over the Gabite and his companion. She was beyond thrilled to see that the two had at least agreed to put up with her in the future as opposed to the opposite. It made it all the more enticing as Freya approached her again with a new offer. One that was incredibly enticing for the younger ranger!

"I'd love to! It would be a huge honor to work with these two and you, Ms. Morningstar!" Gwen answered back about as fast as her mouth could manage. She was giddy with excitement. A chance to really study and get to know the dragons that were shown to her. Her glasses were down the bridge of her nose again while bouncing all around. After taking a minute to plant them square on her face again, Gwen continued on. "I'd love be willing to help you out with anything else! I know it's not much, but I'm kind of good with my hands. I'm not technically an electrician or anything since I don't have the money for it, but I'm a quick learner and can learn how things work."

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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