turtle rescue squad [misision]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 18:02:41 GMT
sometimes nature needs to take its course, but not today.

sterling's out here in board shorts, prepared to take a dive in the water if necessary to protect the baby tirtouga slithering down the sands. they don't want to get wet, but tirtouga aren't exactly the most common pokemon. having been resurrected from fossils, they're considered rather endangered, and so it's necessary to protect their spawning grounds when the eggs hatch.

granted, being in a new era they seemed confused as to when they're supposed to be laying their eggs, meaning "hatching season" can be all year round. once a new nest is discovered, the nearest ranger is sent a message letting them know when it's time to move out. sterling is well adapted to the cold, thankfully, being from galar, but they're still shivering and watching. nothing's hatched yet, but they can tell it'll be soon, as the eggs wobble.

they hear the crunch of footsteps approaching them. sterling whirls around, suddenly on the defensive. "d-don't come any closer!"
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november 7th
lavender town
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i follow you into the dark
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Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2023 18:44:28 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar



Hoenn was a weird place.[break][break]

Victor found that he'd developed a bad habit for getting woefully sidetracked whenever he had a specific destination in mind. He had begun to suspect that, between this fact and the wide variety of weird stuff that happened to occur in the region, it was some kind of bizarre liminal space (though hey, if that was the case, it could make for good content for the blog or for a magazine overseas). He certainly hadn't expected to find himself trekking along the path to Route 104, hot coffee in a dingy old thermos in his hands, when he had originally set his sights on Mt. Pyre. He had realized, oh hell, Mt. Pyre is on the other side of the damn region, but there wasn't much that he could do about it now except try to course-correct and make his way over. [break][break]

Speaking of oddities, Victor also hadn't expected to see a teenager? Child? Crouched on the beach wearing board shorts when it was cold enough for Victor to be wearing a thick jacket and scarf over the rest of his clothes. Maybe there was something wrong? He cautiously approached, sand crunching under his shoes, and nearly jumped out of his skin when the figure whirled around to face him, [break][break]

“Woah, hey!” Victor exclaimed, nearly flinging his coffee into the air. Making sure he held the thermos as tightly as he could manage in his left hand, he raised both arms in what he hoped looked like as much of a peace offering as he intended it to be, [break][break]

“Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I, uhh, just wanted to make sure you were okay? Just didn't expect to see a kid in shorts in temps like these.”




* shows up 15 minutes late w/ coffee *


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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 17:58:27 GMT
after a moment, sterling relaxes. if somebody wanted to attack, they'd probably have done so while their back was turned... so this really is just some older guy concerned for the well being of their poor, frozen legs.

they crouch back down. "these eggs are about to hatch," they explain, though they're mumbling under their breath, embarrassed at how they reacted. "wh-when they do, uh... i need to protect them." once the hatching starts, the beach will swarm with predators intent on picking off their prey. sterling doesn't have to save every single tirtouga, as morbid as that is, but they do have to ensure the majority make it to the deeper waters where they'll be more mobile. from that point on, it's up to the turtles to save themselves.

already they've noted some wingull lingering nearby. they put one hand on their kirlia's pokeball in case the bird pokemon decide they're tired of waiting. "i'm... er... a pokemon ranger. kinda." just a rookie, which is why something this simple is being left to them. maybe one day they'll have enough street cred to tackle the more difficult cases. "so. yeah." they shove their hands into their pockets, still holding onto that pokeball, while refusing to make eye contact with victor.
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november 7th
lavender town
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i follow you into the dark
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Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 11:12:30 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar



Victor strained his ears so he could listen to Sterling's soft-spoken explanation, and the older man nodded thoughtfully in response. It made sense; the eggs in question were probably buried unseen in the sands of the beach, and Victor wondered what it would be like to watch the occupants' exodus to the sea. [break][break]

He also noted the Wingull that had begun to congregate nearby and frowned. Before arriving in Hoenn he hadn't thought it possible for any individual Pokemon to be evil per se, but Wingull edged dangerously close to that territory. [break][break]

They were callous in how they operated, and despite the vacant stares of their slow-blinking, pitch black eyes, Victor had experienced their ruthlessness firsthand. They'd watch, greedily, waiting for the first sign of weakness, and then strike. Victor silently lamented every hot dog he'd ever lost to the ravenous birds during his times spent on Slateport's beach, and dismally recalled how a Wingull had swiped what had been his last cigarette, still burning in his hand, during a week he found himself stranded in Dewford. He leered at one in particular that he was certain was trying to make eye contact with him, and sipped his scalding hot coffee deliberately as he stared back at the bird. Victor's mind was made up; he couldn't leave this kid to face these winged devils alone. [break][break]

“You need a hand?” Victor offered, “I'm not much of a Trainer, but I've got a couple of Pokemon with me. Should be enough to keep the birds at bay.”






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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 1:47:29 GMT
sterling blinks slowly. it's not like hoenn has any shortage of people who aspire to do good, but... somehow, they still don't expect to get much help in something so small from the civilian populace. civilian populace, sterling scolds themself. you're talking like you're already some big shot ranger... this is only their second mission, and their first solo mission at that.

well, not solo anymore. "...sure?" why the heck not? "just try to avoid damaging the beach... we don't know what other pokemon are living here, after a--"

the time for talk is abruptly over. a babny tirtouga, tiny and fragile, bursts out from under the sand. and just as abruptly, one of the wingull launches itself as the poor thing. sterling fumbles their pokeball, and realizing they'll be too late to intercept with their kirlia, dives right for the wingull themself, blocking off its route. the bird squawks and slams into their chest. sterling lets out a cry of pain and falls backward, still shielding the tirtouga with their body.
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november 7th
lavender town
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i follow you into the dark
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Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2023 12:00:14 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar



Oh hell no.[break][break]

Victor immediately cursed himself for not reacting more quickly as he watched Sterling get tackled by one of those stupid, evil devil-birds. Something about Sterling's cry of pain immediately set off a fury that felt a little alien to the normally level-headed Victor; he wanted to rip that Wingull in half for hurting this poor kid, [break][break]

“HEY!” he yelled at the bird, throwing his Espeon's Pokeball in it's direction, “Fuck off! [break][break]

Solomon emerged in a dazzling burst of red light, large eyes blinking a little blearily. He'd probably been napping before being so aggressively called upon.[break][break]

“Solomon, use Psychic on that stupid fucking bird!” [break][break] Victor barked. The feline Pokemon responded immediately, sensing the urgency and anger that punctuated his Trainer's voice. Purple waves of psychic energy radiated outward from the jewel embedded in the Espeon's forehead, and immediately surged towards the Wingull in an attempt to knock it out in one strike. Meanwhile, Victor dashed towards Sterling, his shoes struggling to find purchase in the sand, [break][break]

“Hey!! Are you okay?”






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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 18:28:11 GMT
they don't respond right away, still doubled over from the pain. underneath them, another baby tirtouga bursts out of the sand... and then another, and another. it seems the hatching is well underway now, as they struggle out from underneath the safety of sterling's soft, squishy body and towards the ocean, unaware of the danger.

the wingull that assaulted sterling changes focus just as sterling regroups. "i-i'm fine!" they manage to grunt. they maintain their grip on their pokeball and send out their kirlia, who pirouettes as it comes to rest on the beach. the wingull has turned its evil eye away, and that makes it a prime target... "use hypnosis!" lancelot faces the bird and leaps, coming to stand directly in front of it. as the two eye each other, the wingull starts to feel sleepy... and then it passes out then and there.

but it's not enough. there's more wingull coming, hungry and vicious. the first tirtouga reaches the shoreline in the meantime, and dives in. that's one down... many, many more to go.
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november 7th
lavender town
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Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 12:57:11 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar

Victor let out a sigh of relief when his brain finally registered that, yes, this kid is in fact okay, as he watched Sterling release and command their Kirlia. But Victor had to get his bearings, and fast. More Wingull were beginning to descend upon the beach as he watched the newly-hatched turtle Pokemon emerge from the sand. Man, they were really cute, the way they dragged themselves along with their little flipper-hands, tiny babies sliding along the sands towards the safety of the sea. All the more incentive to protect them, Victor resolved. [break][break]

Another Wingull swooped down, trying to snatch a baby Tirtouga practically out from under Victor's feet, [break][break]

“Solomon, use Psybeam!” Victor commanded, though this time without the fury and desperation of before. The Espeon, standing a little further down the beach, made a leaping turn towards Victor. He fixed his eerie, feline gaze on the bird and fired a radiating, pulsing beam of psychic energy from the jewel in his forehead. It made contact with the Wingull, knocking it out of the sky, and the bird came down in a rather ungraceful, tumbling fall onto the sand. But there's so many more flanking their every side; Victor wondered how he was supposed to keep up with all of them.






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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 17:09:48 GMT
this is bad. they hadn't expected so many wingull. it's not like they have to save every single tirtouga, but letting even one go is something they're not sure they can emotionally handle. and they're the ranger in this situation, despite the age difference, so this is their responsibility. they have to handle it, even if it's just to prove to themself and the ever-doubting voice in their head that they can handle it.

think, sterling. you don't have to beat them all in battle. you just have to stop them.

a lightbulb goes off.

they grab another pokeball and release their charjabug. the bug type remains motionless, not giving any indication it even recognizes it's been freed. but that changes when sterling gives their command. "use sticky web on the wingull!" immediately, joan shifts, and from her mouth comes a shot of sticky webbing that ensnares the nearest wingull. the bird type struggles, but can't free itself.

yes! this will work! they grab the charjabug and aim it like a weapon. we can do this!
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november 7th
lavender town
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Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2023 18:00:13 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar

Victor heard Sterling command their Pokemon, but he wasn't entirely aware of what was happening until he turned to see the teen holding the rectangular bug like some kind of insectoid cannon. He blinked, a little stupefied. Maybe this was some kind of Ranger technique? At least, that was his initial internal explanation, until he heard the shrill cry of a writhing Wingull trapped in a layer of sticky webbing. Victor looked at the Wingull, back to the teen, and back to the Wingull once more. He wasn't sure what exactly what their comrade was planning, but Victor knew the name of the game; crowd control. [break][break]

Victor took a deep breath to ground himself, determined to help as much as he could without getting in the Ranger's way. He looked around and faced the direction opposite from where Sterling was aiming their Charjabug, noting a new swarm of Wingull beginning to descend upon more and more little Tirtouga as they emerged from the sand. [break][break]

“Solomon, use Swift on that flock of Wingull over there!” Victor commanded, pointing forward. The Espeon hastily complied, loosing a dazzling barrage of stars towards the group. The goal wasn't to knock out every single one of these rotten birds – if he could just keep them away from the sands long enough for the newborn turtles to make it to the water, that would be enough. Victor silently hoped that the attack would distract enough of the birds to make a difference.






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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
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TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 18:57:28 GMT
sterling wields their charjabug with a vengeance, shooting sticky webs out at each wingull that dares to pass the threshold. it's not unlike a fixed shooter arcade game, as the wingull fly through and sterling shoots them down. their wings get tangled up in the web and they can no longer fly, even if they can still walk, and that gives them a severe disadvantage.

meanwhile, their kirlia uses psychic on the ones that sterling and victor aren't able to hit. it's a good thing the birds are too focused on their potential meal to realize it would all be over if they just focused their attacks on the two humans and their pokemon. instead they continue to frantically rush forward only to get shot down every time.

it feels like forever, but the whole process only takes a few minutes to knock down all the wingull. once they've taken one hit, they slow considerably, making them an even easier target even if they manage to break free.

the last of the tirtouga reaches the waves. from here on out, it'll be up to them to survive. at least they've been given a chance at life they wouldn't have had without the two standing guard on the beach here.
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november 7th
lavender town
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i follow you into the dark
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Victor Haas DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @victorh
Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2023 17:42:19 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar

Victor wiped the sweat from his brow and heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the last set of dark blue flippers sink beneath the surf. Oh thank Arceus it was finally over. Solomon, unhurt but weary from his efforts, padded over to Victor and rubbed his cheek insistently against his Trainer's leg, [break][break]

“You did such a good job Sully,” Victor murmured fondly as he rubbed the Espeon's head, “Time for you to get some rest; you earned it.” In a red flash, Victor recalled the feline Pokemon to his Pokeball. Victor turned to Sterling and beamed, [break][break]

“You Rangers are something else! That was really impressive,” he remarked cheerily. But in that moment, something occurred to him; the two of them had fought together and stood toe-to-toe against a great and malignant evil, and Victor didn't even know the kid's name. Chuckling bashfully at the realization, he stepped over a still-netted Wingull and offered an extended hand, [break][break]

“I'm Victor, by the way.”






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june 11
petalburg city
i'm glad you're evil too.
5'4 height
5'4 height
being a shut-in is certainly the path of justice!
33 posts
part of
TAG WITH @warden
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 17:25:11 GMT
sterling feels heat rush to their cheeks, and ducks their head in embarrassment. they return both their pokemon to their balls and bashfully run a hand through their hair. "...sterling," they mumble. in the heat of the moment, they'd kind of forgotten their helper here was... what, twice their age almost? awkward. "it... wasn't that big a deal... i-i'm only a rookie, after all..." they're extremely new to this whole 'ranger' thing. if this were a proper battle, they'd probably have lost. but thankfully, the wingull turned out to be pretty bird-brained.

they scuff a croc on the sand. "thanks for all the help... i probably wouldn't have been able to manage it on my own." and that's a fact! they really ought to consider asking for help with their ranger duty stuff more often, instead of being desperate to prove themself.

"i better report back to hq though," they say. "...and then report to my dad. he's probably worried sick." as usual.
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november 7th
lavender town
freelance author
i follow you into the dark
105 posts
Victor Haas DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @victorh
Victor Haas
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 18:05:04 GMT
Victor Haas Avatar

Victor nodded in acknowledgement. He felt a warmth blossom in his chest; he wasn't the most courageous guy, but Victor was almost giddy that he, of all people, could provide some assistance for someone who needed it. But the kid, Sterling, wasn't giving themself enough credit, [break][break]

"I don't know about that, but I'm happy to have been able to help," he beamed, "I gotta hit the road, but hey, I hope you have a safe trip back to your headquarters. Tell your boss that you're due for a raise!" [break][break]

With that, Victor parted from Sterling's company, ambling off in the direction of Petalburg Woods. As he walked down the path, he took a sip from his long-forgotten thermos... and hastily spat the mouthful of coffee onto the ground. Blegh, he'd somehow gotten some sand in there during the scuffle with the Wingull. He really hoped that Sterling hadn't seen that as he passed into the woods and disappeared from view.





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[newclass=.rigidpokes img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,250 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
turtle rescue squad [misision]
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2023 1:38:01 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


