The Hunt for Blue October

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 21:16:48 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

"Listen all I'm saying is that I just don't see what the big fucking deal is with these things. It's a big fucking whale, what we should be doing is killing it and digging out its guts to use as fucking fuel for our submarines or something. "Legendary" is just a word we use when something is strong and we're too fucking stupid to try and comprehend why it's so strong, legends are fucking dumb." She had been on one for the past hour now, something that the poor Admin in charge of this expedition just had to live with until they could get back to dry land and off of this dinky little ferry they had commandeered for the journey. And why exactly did he have to just live with her idle complaints and incessant yammering? Well, she's just recently been promoted to Executive despite her many many eccentricities. She's damn good at her job and she knows it, so she's taking full advantage of this new status and abusing it to its absolute fullest.
But that's enough idle character chatter eh? Might as well get onto the actual point of what this mission even is, the hunt for Blue October as it were. Kyogre, the Legendary avatar of the seas, eternal enemy of Groudon, blah blah blah. Xenon didn't care about any of that crap, she thought the whole thing was stupid as everyone on the ship knew very well by now. But she had been put in charge of this particular area due to her unnaturally focused assault on the region, she knew these waters better than anyone else in Rocket right now, so she's hunting for this fucking whale and Howard had been put in charge of keeping her focused instead of just drifting off to go attack some poor fishing boat. Something she had almost done a few times by now if it weren't for a very stern glance, followed by another long bout of complaints about how Kyogre was- you really get the point by now, we don't need to get into it further. What's more important than that is...
There's a storm brewing.



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Admin Fox
May 9th
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Rocket Admin
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 8:37:30 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Arceus above. Maybe Howard would push this grunt off the side of the ship and save everyone the trouble. They had been at this for hours, now, and Xenon's complaining had only gotten more and more robust.

"It's a historical piece connected to the founding of this region. It's a big whale, but it's a big whale with a lot of eyes on it. I am confident in your abilities." Howard's voice rang out from behind his bodysuit and helmet. It was the same one designed by for use during wartime. To signify Howard's promotion, it a cape had been added to its clasp.

Many of the individuals operating the ship didn't know what to think of the new Admin, given his rise had come out of nowhere. They avoided talking to him, for the most part. Besides Xenon herself, though Howard wasn't sure if she even knew who he was.

Howard was fine with that. This outfit was itchy as hell.

"Show some respect to it, nonetheless. This Pokémon has hamstrung us while bonded with the Pokémon League. I'd rather not be punted across the region by a wave the size of Sootopolis." Howard got a notification on his monitor, and he tilted his head as he received a communication.

"Something is approaching. Heads up!"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2023 15:42:57 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was happening again.

Another person decided to leave and because of it a hole was left that was too big to be replaced. Even the raging seas that were left because of them leaving weren't enough to fill it. It wouldn't hurt as much if it was just one person but no, it was actually two. Two people he considered good friends had gone off and left to hunt for their own happiness. The question was why.

It was a question that would be left unanswered for now, despite the fact that Kazimir was going to miss his two free-loving couple there were important matters to deal with. Namely 's whale wife raging about in Hoenn's ocean. From personal experience Kaz knew that thing could cause some real havoc if it wasn't contained, so that's what he set out to do.

"C'mon Stella, think we got a trail on...hold on is that a?" As he clung to the Celesteela, another left behind reminder of an old friend, he patted its neck and pointed at something in the water heading in the same direction they were going. Was that a...boat? The large Ultra Beast hovered over the seas and made its way towards the vessel, cutting it off as it stopped in front of it and held out one of its large arms, splaying its "fingers" to make a halting gesture as Kaz took a deep breath to give out his warning to them.


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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 7:33:54 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

Wow, absolutely incredible argument from Howard there. Not in how convincing he was, but rather in how he knew exactly what to say to piss Xenon off even more than she already was. "Historical pieces are stupid pieces of garbage worth less than the fucking gum stuck to the bottom of my boot, at least the gum can stick to something. People who obsess over history are pedantic assholes who don't know how to walk forwards without stumbling over every fucking pebble in their way, so they instead choose to stand in one place and look backwards while making up some asinine bullshit about 'historical pieces' and 'the importance of our past.'"
Xenon knew exactly who the new Admin was, but the fact of the matter was that she truly just could not give less of a shit about the man's status or importance within the organization. The only thing she respected in this world was strength, and for now Howard hadn't given her any reason to believe he might be any stronger than her like the other admins had so far. So she would continue whining, complaining, and otherwise just being a pain in the ass until either something interesting happened or he tried to push her over the edge of the boat. She would probably enjoy that, she'd take it as an opportunity to see if her punch was strong enough to break through both the mask and his teeth.
"The day I respect some old ass whale-" Interruption! Xenon's bad mood seems to utterly dissipate as she spots the Celesteela flying in their direction, the sight of an Ultra Beast bringing a smile to her face as she hits the railing and leans over, whipping a pair of binoculars from around her neck and zooming in on the steel princess and her rider. And would you look at fucking that, it's... well she didn't know the guy's name, but she's pretty sure she kicked his ass a few times! The League ranger and his mount fly up in front of the boat, and by god Xenon is the first to run to the bow of the ship and wave up at the guy with a crazed smile plastered all over her features. "Hey there Caterpie guy!!! You here to get your ass kicked again?!" The way she asks doesn't even sound like a taunt, it's a genuine question. She can't really think of any other reason the guy would seek her out in the middle of one of the worst storms in Hoenn history. Unless it was love. But god, that would be fucked up even by her standards, imagine falling in love with someone who tried to chop your testicles off. Fucked up.



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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 8:38:05 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Man." The masked admin turned towards Xenon. "You're kind of a bitch, aren't you?"

Unfortunately for Howard, and fortunate for Xenon, Howard couldn't walk the walk or talk the talk. He could, like, vaguely stumble the stumble. The wonderful thing about being a Team Rocket Admin was that Howard got to sit on his ass and bring more capable people to fight for him. Despite her terrible attitude, fashion sense, attitude, personality, attitude, and glasses, she was a perfectly capable fighter.

Even if she had the worst takes known to man. Seriously. How could one person's takes be this terrible? Someone had flunked history class in middle school and never got over it. Whatever. There was a reason his paycheck had an extra set of digits on it.

"Caterpie Guy? Seriously?" Howard turned to look at Kazimir, soul dying as he did so. Great, it was the guy from the island! The guy who could punt him from Dewford to Ever Grande. Sighing, Howard reached for his belt and tossed out a Brambleghast. The tumbleweed flew through the air through the storm. "Hey. Long time, no see. Sorry for this in advance."

The Brambleghast flew through the wind towards Kazimir's Celesteela.

"Leech Seed!"

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 7:58:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Oh you gotta be kidding me."

Did he really trade two old friends for two new...could he even call them rivals. Rivals sounded too kind for them. One of them tried to cut off his boys and the other he tried to convince to never return to the battlefield. Yeah Rivals sounded too kind for them.

"Y'know what. You guys really just-" The tumble weed came out and planted seeds around Celesteela as it let out a whine and aimed its arms at the Brambleghast and fired off a fire blast to roast this annoying weed. Kazimir then jumped off of the Ultra Beast to land on the ship's deck and just glare at the two before him. Taking an odd looking ball from his belt he threw it over his shoulder and out came a Naganadel who flew up to drench the tumble weed in a sludge wave to take it out of the picture.

"First off, I got a bone to pick with you girlie after last time. And you Mr. Mask, pretty sure I told you to never let me catch ya around doing Rocket stuff didn't I? I got a job to do here and you two are one of the last few people I want to deal with." He was almost growling those words out. Today was really just a day where he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and things just kept getting worse the longer the day went on.

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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 8:20:48 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

"Hey whoa, rude. I am a total bitch, I don't appreciate this "kind of" shit. I work hard on this shit, I'm not gonna have anyone talking like I'm halfassing this." If one didn't know better, they would almost believe she had that response prepared just for this occasion, she seemed way too proud of just how much of a bitch she was.
Anyways, Caterpie guy. "Yeah he's the Caterpie guy. I think he's mad cause I kicked his Caterpie over a fence or something. Or he's in love with me. Which is honestly kind of embarrassing, imagine falling in love with someone who kicked your Caterpie over the fence. Can't imagine admitting to something that pathetic." Xenon rambles on as Howard sends out his Pokemon, both of them doing some dumb Leech Seed shit that would ultimately have no effect in the grand scheme of things. "You have absolutely zero taste huh? Fuck me man, I gotta do all the fucking work around here huh." The woman grumbles as she unclips her own Pokeball and releases her Iron Jugulis, the mechanical dragon letting out a tinny roar as it charges in between the Celesteela and the Brambleghast to clash with the fire blast with triplet gouts of fire erupting forth from its maw.
Annnnnnnd Caterpie guy is on deck now. Awesome, wonderful. "Is anyone gonna shoot this guy? We have guns guys, I know you're grunts but you can obviously tell something bad is going on now right?" Xenon shouts as she looks from left to right at the various assembled grunts who were... okay they're working on keeping the boat afloat in the storm, that's fine. She might be irredeemably insane but even she can respect the fact that these low level grunts were probably the only thing in between her and the cold, dark, and stormy ocean. "Ok first off, don't need to hear about your weird bone for me, if you wanna get off to me kicking your ass then that's your business, not mine. Second off, get the fuck off my ship, you came here and decided to start a problem, not me." She caps this off as she unclips another Pokeball from her belt and throws it in front of the Brambleghast once more, a Glimmora flopping onto the deck and drinking up every ounce of that Sludge Wave it could with disturbing glee. Not even a second afterwards a set of rocks materialize into the air as Bismuth fires off that Ancient Power at the Nagandel to knock it out of the sky, the battle well and truly on even in the midst of this insane storm.



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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 9:00:53 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I think if he was in love with you, he'd kill himself." Mr. Mask cocked his head at Xenon, before shrugging. "Maybe he already has, and we're dealing with his ghost. Spooky shit."

The more Xenon spoke, the more Mr. Mask wanted to kick her overboard. Forget the constant stream of paperwork that went over his desk, dealing with Xenon Antheil was only slightly more preferable to performing brain surgery on a loved one. He simply shook his head at her and sighed. It was the sigh of a manager moments before slashing their employee's pay.

Envisioning slashing Xenon's pay by a zero calmed the Admin. Slashing it by two relaxed him further.

"Hey, Caterpie Guy." Mr. Mask raised a hand in greeting. His shiny cape made him look slightly more important than he did back on the island north of Dewford. The cape flapped in the rain and wind as several grunts raised firearms to point at Kazimir. They looked at Xenon, then at Mr. Mask.

"No. Do not fire. Attend to the ship, before we sink." Mr. Mask pointed towards the cabin. "Go!"

The Celesteela's Fire Blast was dowsed slightly by the Kyogre's Drizzle, even as Xenon's Iron Jugulis moved to intercept. Dancing between Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon, the tumbleweed spread Leech Seeds towards the Naganadel as well. It was just being a general nuisance, much like Diablo's owner himself. Mr. Mask waved helpfully.

"You're chasing the Kyogre as well?" Mr. Mask asked Kazimir, hand on his waist. "Good to know you're doing well. I've been promoted, if you can believe it."


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2023 5:18:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"What? No ew I'm not-" in love with her? Was this girl completely nuts or something? Considering his last encounter with her that suggestion was starting to become more and more likely. At least the masked guy was more sensible. Though seeing him spare Kazimir of the guns that were pulled out on him did raise some questions on who he could be even as Kaz eyed them, doing his best to not show the concern that he would probably die out at sea here. Not just anyone in Rocket had that kind of pull and last he remember Kaz was certain he didn't even want to fight last time.

Behind him his Ultra Beasts were dealing with the woman's Pokemon. As the Brambleghast substitute faded away it let them gang up on the Glimmora and Iron Jugulis, the Celesteela slammed the robotic dragon with a heavy slam swinging its large arm at the thing even as it spewed flames that burned its metallic skin. The ancient rocks thrown at the Naganadel did indeed knock it out of the sky for a moment as it screeched and its stinger was aimed at the little purple rock. With a smart strike it thrust at the Glimmora with a roar to try and pierce the rock type.

"Well first off you aren't my type. More into muscles than bitchiness," He points, no jabs, a finger at , "Second congrats I guess dude. At least one of us is moving up in their work, but that also means I can't let ya go this time." Taking in a high ranking Rocket was probably something that they could use if taking back Kyogre didn't work out. Which speaking off... "And yeah this problem could go away if you just turn around. Not letting Rocket take Kyogre just cause its running around free now. Can't let you guys hold that kind of power in your back pocket."


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Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2023 23:44:55 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

"This seems like a pretty effective form of suicide." A beat passes as she considers the possibility of a human ghost haunting her for her love. "If you're a ghost, please don't stalk me in the afterlife or some lame shit like that."
As for slashing Xenon's pay, unfortunately for Howard she was one of those kinds of people who loved their job more than they loved getting paid, though in this case her job was annoying the shit out of her boss and killing people in the name of scientific research. "I got promoted too! I think kicking your ass last time had something to do with it, the big bosses have been pretty impressed by the shit I've gotten up to these past few months~" The pride in her voice, that satisfaction she felt, it would almost be adorable if it weren't for the fact that this pride was in how good she was at killing people.
As for her Pokemon, they were doing a pretty solid job of handling Kazimir's squad on their own as they worked in tandem. Rhodium takes the brunt of the Celesteela's Heavy Slam with the bulk of its iron body, wavering just slightly off course before righting itself and blasting the Ultra Beast with more blasts of its Flamethrowers, steam hissing and clouding around it as the storm intensifies further. Bismuth takes his hit just a little worse as the steel tip of the Naganadel's stinger pierces his rocky shell, a dull cry of pain escaping the cracks of its curled up body followed by a loud POP as the Glimmora unfurls and sprays harsh Toxic acid all over the Ultra Beast in a fit of rage. And in the dirtiest trick of all, even the Poison aspected alien wouldn't find itself safe as Bismuth's Corrosive toxins seeped into its skin, the beginning of the end as he folds his body back up and tries to defend himself from any further attacks from the now poisoned Ultra Beast.
"Well as much as I'd like to handwrap this useless sack of shit and hand him off to you myself, I am unfortunately in charge of defending this guy as he is technically my boss. For now." Xenon steps between Howard and Kazimir to block his line of sight as she says this, staring the League man coolly in the eye... before tilting her head and looking over his shoulder behind him. "Buuuuuut, I think you've got bigger problems to worry about today."
If Kazimir was smart enough to turn around, or even just look over his shoulder, he would see exactly what everyone had been fearing breaking the surface of the ocean and letting out a cataclysmic cry of fury, a great and mighty mass of blue illuminated by a flash of lightning as it locks its gaze upon the teeny tiny vessel that dared to enter its waters. A hateful yellow eye narrows and the storm intensifies a magnitude further, the boat rocks and shakes as the ocean itself tries to drag it under, the grunts discard their guns and scream as they run to their stations and do their damndest to keep from sinking to the bottom of Davy Jones's locker.
"Looks like we found your stupid whale boss! You sure you don't want me to just kill it?"



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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2023 7:42:00 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I don't want it for its power. I want it for what it's seen."

Mr. Mask took a step to the side as Xenon stood to protect him, his loyal knight. Even if she wasn't particularly 'loyal', 'knightly' or even 'protecting' him. Xenon was aware of his position as Rocket Admin, and that was enough. Loyalty could not be bought in a day, even if he would never have hers.

That was fine. The two Rockets were fundamentally incompatible, anyway. Mr. Mask could not accept someone who looked only forward, instead of back. He was the same, even if that was because he was scared of what lie beyond. History was a cycle, so why study the future? Study the past to predict what was coming.

"It's sinking my supply lines. You know how expensive it is to build new ships? Obscenely. I'm saving Team Rocket money. I cannot accept that, but I want to see Kyogre."

"Now I have."

The Kyogre raged. This too, had happened before. A cycle that never ended. Howard stared at its pale yellow eye as it passed. He allowed himself a wry smile. Couldn't they see it? History, manifested here and now. No theorizing, no hypothesis. Simple, glorious history was here.

Mr. Mask watched on. Howard Slayte wanted to scream.

"Why would I stop you from doing what you want to do?" Mr. Mask cocked his head towards Xenon, his cape flapping in the wind. "Try your hardest against a god."

That meant he'd be no help. Wonderful.

Xenon would fail, of course, but it was a lesson she'd need to learn eventually. Diablo fluttered around in the wind, sharing the damage that Xenon's Pokémon took with Pain Split. The grunt's Pokémon remained healthy, even as the tumbleweed flew around, sapping health. Much like Mr. Mask, it was an annoying nuisance.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 0:06:57 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Oooooo." He makes a soft moan as the topic of ghosts come up. If he was a ghost he'd probably be walking with the Soulmarchers of warriors from the past that live in the Border. Maybe that was what his future held. Him dying here and joining them them in their ever lasting search for a worth opponent. Oh what was he thinking? No way he was just going to let that happen here.

Behind them the rain began to pick up but as they doused the flames of the flame thrower the Celesteela suddenly crashed into the waters, sending waves that rocked the boat as its screech told Kaz more than what he needed to know. It was hurt and probably wasn't going to be flying him back anytime soon. So he returned the large alien ship back into its ball as the Naganadel roared at the two others for hurting its ally. It will have its revenge and would take that in the form of blasting the Iron Jugulus with a dragon pulse to prove which of them was a real dragon.

With each passing second the storm around them grew until it became too great to be considered a natural phenomenon. Of course some would call it that as this was the doing of the ruler of the sea as it appeared in the distance watching the boat and battle before it. Looking back towards he Kaz could swear that he met the Pokemon's gaze and had to wonder a silent question.

Would it still fight with him and the League?

"Alright!" He turns his attention back to the two Rocket higher ups with a hand on his belt ready to toss out more and more Pokemon to make sure he survived this, "Well now ya saw it! So ya can turn this ship around and get outta here! Otherwise we're all gonna be swimming with the Seakings here, and I ain't into sea food!" As much as he was willing to fight them and put them in their place survival was way more important with dealing with a Legendary.

It was Groudon's equal after all.


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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2023 7:56:56 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

The two Rockets could not like each other, hell they could barely even tolerate each other, they certainly weren't pining for one another. But they could most certainly work together in this moment, Xenon showing an adaptability that was befitting of a woman of the future.
The legend of the sea rages and roars, some call it a god, others a force of nature, Howard would call it history in the making.
Xenon saw it only as another challenge to be overcome.
She didn't need his permission, but with it freely given she could only smile as she steps forwards and raises her hand aloft in the air. Metal claws clack against one another as she snaps her fingers, all her Pokemon's eyes now firmly on her even as Rhodium takes a direct hit from a draconic pulse from the Nagandel. It was time to face down a god.
"You can leave if you want Caterpie boy! Run away again, live to see another day! But you won't stop me from killing this overgrown worm and bringing the world a step closer to the future!" Xenon roars as she points at the Kyogre. Four more Pokemon burst from her belt and dive into action, a team of Gengar, Veluza, Iron Jugulis, Glimmora, Malamar, and a Carnivine all flying out to the ocean to fight off a god.



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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,136 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2023 7:42:49 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The stars could not be seen over the ceaseless rage of Kyogre. A god that had helped shape Hoenn, when the world was young.

It did not care about Xenon's beliefs about the future. It did not care about Howard's obsession with the past. It did not care about Kazimir, nor did it care about the Pokémon League or Team Rocket. It was simply a god that had decided that humanity meant nothing, and that it would do as it pleased.

"Fight your war. Keep fighting it." He told her as he stepped past. "I have faith."

That was its right. Yet it knew more about Hoenn's conception than almost any entity in existence. It was a trove of information. The knowledge it had...

They needed to tap into it.

Xenon would fail to defeat a god. Howard knew that from how the storm raged. Kazimir knew that. It was the experience of a former Elite Four member that allowed him to know that this was a battle not worth winning.

Step. Step. Step.

Howard's boots clacked against the deck, muffled by the storm. He pointed towards Kazimir, before returning his Brambleghast to its Pokeball. The Rocket Admin pointed towards Kazimir, before chuckling to himself. This man had potential. He reminded the archaeologist of , an honorable warrior.

"You're strong." Mr. Mask's voice blared out as the Kyogre raged in the distance, and as Xenon raged with it. "We could team up, you know. If we all work together, we might be able to capture Kyogre."

Why was he saying this? This wasn't right. Howard Slayte was not a recruiter. This man had honor, he deserved to be with the Pokémon League. Howard wanted this asset.

"Whaddya say? Seems like a pretty good deal to me! You know a lot about Kyogre, it seems. You can work under me in Team Rocket! Otherwise..." Howard picked up a Pokeball from his belt and held it tight. The entire Pokeball was covered in a thin layer of ice. "Otherwise I'd be pretty sad."

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 6:27:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


As 's Pokemon flew off to fight against the sea god it simply roared at them meeting their challenge with a taunt of its own. On Kazimir's end he was almost convinced what this masked man was saying was a taunt itself. Was he being serious? Teaming up they might have a chance to beat back Kyogre sure but...but what he was asking him-

"Are you for real? Like, for real." That last statement wasn't a question. Was this guy actually crazy to ask him to join up with Team Rocket? "Why would I ever join you guys?" He was almost certain it would be the complete opposite, that Rocket would try to kill him on site if they ever come across him, or he shows up on their doorstep, so why was this guy different?

The sea god stirred up a large surf on the waters and pushed it towards Xenon's team as the humongous wave looked to swallow them up whole. Its sound reached Kazimir's ears as he turned around and quickly reached out to his two Ultra Beasts, "Hey! Give us some cover!" The Celesteela simple moves to in front of the boat and hugs its two arms close to each other to form a wall that the waters bash against instead of the boat. The Naganandel doing its best to act as support as it pushed against the Celesteela lest the waves capsize the large Ultra Beast somehow. With Kyogre that was almost possible.

"Look! I'll take your help in stopping this thing but you guys aren't getting it, not on my watch!" That was probably the best compromise on the spot Kaz could give while he was trying to keep them all alive.

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