The Hunt for Blue October

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 9:00:52 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



His words are hollow and without weight, his eyes are set upon something beyond her as he walks by and faces the second man. She doesn't care, she doesn't need the validation of someone who could only look to the past for guidance. The god of the sea's body undulates as the marks across it glow a violent crimson, the waves pick up and threaten to swallow her team whole as she throws them into the drink.
But she is not one to sacrifice her partners in such a shallow manner. Not without purpose, not unless it would bring her a step closer to the future. "ARSENIC INDIUM PSYCHO CUT, RHODIUM FLASH CANNON, ARGON FOCUS BLAST, CREATE AN OPENING!" All those that can fly through the storm unleash a torrent of elemental energy, clashing against the gargantuan wave and blasting open a hole through which they can fit. But this still leaves the boat vulnerable, they would capsize completely if nobody else could stop this monster of an attack.
The man of the League was a hero at his core, he would not run away and save himself, he would save those in need. Even the most vile of villains was still someone he would stretch a hand out too, this was the kind of man he was. Xenon knew this well, so it is no surprise when his alien beasts shield the boat with their bodies and take the hit for them. Her eyes flicker to Howard and Kazimir, a growl builds in her throat as they speak of such inconsequential things. "NOBODY IS CAPTURING ANYBODY TODAY! NOW EITHER SHUT UP AND GO HIDE IN THE FUCKING HOLD, OR MAKE AN OPENING FOR ME! BISMUTH, DAZZLING GLEAM! BERYLLIUM, SEED BOMB!" The Glimmora shines with crystal energy as it channels fairy magic, blasting through the pouring rain and landing the first hit on the roaring Kyogre, but it is her Carnivine that truly enrages the god of the sea as he soars up high and fires a barrage of hard shelled seeds on the whale, its roar climbing an octave in volume as the waves push up harder against the Celesteela and Nagandel bracing the ship.



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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 0:35:42 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Because you're strong."

The voice blares out, confident. It's an openly given compliment, yet it is not demeaning despite coming from a foe. As Xenon went to war against Kyogre, Howard looked on towards a more attainable prize: Kazimir Wynter. The archaeologist did not recruit new soldiers for Rocket. When he did, it was typically for smuggling purposes. Soldiers tended to fall into the Rocket Beasts' purview.

"An Elite Four member, working for Rocket? Think about the waves that would make? That's history in the making, my friend! Besides, I need someone else to bring out on missions other than her." Howard jerked his head towards Kyogre and Xenon, before rolling his eyes towards the heavens from behind his mask. "She's strong, but she's also nuts. When she gets like this, what am I left with? A nutcase."

This wasn't right. Recruiting people to be warriors in the machine that was Rocket wasn't right. Howard didn't do that. Yet Kyogre was a god. The information they could gleam from it. It blinded him, and got him lost in the moment.

"This is a new era, Kazimir!" Howard recognized the man, both from his time in the Elite Four and from his time wrestling. "With you within Team Rocket, we could..."

As Kazimir rebuffed him, Howard sighed.

"I see. That's disappointing. If you ever change your mind, let me know. We're sure to meet again."

Few people in Hoenn were strong enough to warrant using the Pokémon in Howard's palm against. It didn't seem fair. Yet Kazimir had been an Elite Four member. He deserved this honor. Howard dropped the Pokeball. It shook once as the layer of ice covering it cracked. Then it opened.

And a god emerged.


Immediately, a wall of cold descended on everyone present. It was a cruel, harsh freeze that did not discriminate between friend or foe. The water around the ship began to crystallize as the ocean reached its freezing point. Rain became snow, then hail, clattering against the deck.

The resurfaced treasure from the island north of Dewford belonged to Team Rocket.

"With a construct built by humanity, we shall fight a god." Howard extended his hands. "Fire."

The braille on Regice's face beeped in several patterns, before firing a Hyper Beam. Not towards Kazimir or his Pokemon, but towards the Kyogre.

"Help, please? I'm not good at fighting!" Howard shouted over the storm.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 9:34:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

What was it about the masked man's words that seemed to resonate with Kaz. The year was coming to a close and what did he have to show for it?


Maybe it was time for a change for him. Joining Rocket however? Was that really the choice he wanted to make because of it? He couldn't lie that they did have ways of making their goals a reality and he...

Did he really have any goals himself?

Well one he did have right now was to fight off Kyogre with their help and seeing the man bring out a titan of ice did give Kaz a bit of confidence. It also made him do a double take as he looked over at the masked man and then to the Regice. Rocket did have a way of attracting strong Pokemon to their side, Kaz had to admit that at the very least.

Seeing the guy beg for help despite the Hyper Beam finding its mark on the leviathan and 's assault chipping away at it did leave the Ex-Elite Four with some feelings he couldn't sort out. "Alright alright. Right now I'll help ya out." And maybe in the future he'll do the same again. "Stella! Tox! Let's send this big whale back to the depths!"

He wasn't one to try and actually kill a Legendary. He's seen so many up close and he didn't quite buy into the grandiose praise many gave them. Even he himself never practiced it much with his Urshifu. So as the two Ultra Bursts fired off a seed bomb and a shock wave at the sea beast Kaz only hoped that it would see how determined they all were to fight against it and send it fleeing back into the depths. There were always more days in the future to fight.

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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2024 6:54:20 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar



It's strange. Xenon felt nothing for Howard, if anything she felt something akin to active disdain for the man who looked to the past with starry eyes. But his words for her as he walks by, the simple statement that he believes in her... It's an unfamiliar sentiment for the girl who's done nothing but push away those around her, leaving everyone behind to chase the future. They're hollow words, nobody truly believed they could kill a God, not even Xenon held any true drive to break Kyogre.
But even so she disdained its existence, all of these "Legends" that people worshiped so readily, they annoyed her beyond compare. Nobody believed they could beat them, not unless they banded together like roaches to swarm them. It was a failure to dream, to believe in pushing beyond predetermined limits and do the impossible. They accepted so readily that "I can't beat that, it's a god." Kazimir too, maybe not to the same extent as Howard, but she knew that his heart wasn't in it either. He would help to drive the whale away, but to truly defeat it? To kill the beast of the sea and make the world just a little safer? No, he didn't believe in himself either.
Howard had approached this battle with that mindset from the very beginning, even with his own Legend under control he still refused to even conceive of the possibility that he might have a shot. He had lost from the very first move, approaching this entire situation with the goal of "recruit Kazimir" rather than "capture Kyogre." At least, that's what Xenon thought as she pelts the killer whale with an endless barrage of shining gems and pulsing seeds, the storm roaring around her as she holds tight to the rail, so tight that it feels like her fingers are going to meld with the metal and she's going to become one with the boat.
Perhaps there's some truth to that thought as she feels the skin of her right hand freezing to the cold metal, the release of Regice dropping the temperature of the area another few dozen degrees as it blasts the avatar of the sea with a freezing cold Hyper Beam. Miniature pellets of hail pelt her from every side and cut into her face, but the Ultramodernist doesn't even flinch as she keeps her focus squared solely on Kyogre. At the end of the day all they could do was manage to drive the whale back as it dives under the surface of the waves, the combination of the Regice's furious attack, Xenon's coordinated assault, and Kazimir's last minute contributions enough for Kyogre to determine this prey just wasn't worth it.
"Annoying. You're all so annoying." Xenon mumbles with a dark look on her face as she peels away from the railing of the ship and stalks off towards the main hold, all of her Pokemon returning to her side and surrounding her as the storm continues to rage on. She had so much she could say, but her mood was well and truly ruined after this annoying little spat with the whale they had come to hunt for. Ultraprimitives like these people just annoyed her beyond all belief, idiots who lacked the capacity to dream. That's all Kazimir and Howard were to her, just two fools stuck in their ways. "Find me when you feel like evolving into a Butterfree, Caterpie guy. Until then, continue writhing in the dirt."



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[newclass=".xenon .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2024 10:07:28 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
It fled. Kyogre fled. That was expected, though. Skyler's bonded legendary was as awe-inspiring as the legends said.

It was strange. This was a Pokémon he had written book reports about in high school. His classmates had laughed at him, calling him an idiot for believing that such a thing really existed. A Pokémon singlehandedly capable of expanding the seas? What was he, an idiot? This was a Pokemon that had once shaped Howard's identity growing up.

It was part of the reason he became an archaeologist. By extension, it was part of the reason that he was in Team Rocket.

Yet it sank beneath the waves, all the same.

Xenon Antheil was a fool, focused too far ahead to even consider looking back to learn from her mistakes. She was a strong fighter, yes, but she was reckless. She disobeyed the chain of command in favor of her own ego and hatred for a confined system. She only respected strength, and Howard was not strong. That made him worthless in her eyes. Perhaps she was right, and his inability to face the future made him was meaningless.

Yet there was a reason he held his current seat.

Kazimir Wynter was a warrior. A foolish warrior who fought. The more he fought, the more he warred, the more he raged. A seed had been planted, and one day it would bloom into a toxic rose that poisoned his current perception. Xenon had shown him power. Howard had shown him potential.

All Xenon and Howard had to do was wait for Caterpie to evolve into a Butterfree.

Kyogre would be chained one day. It had happened once, so it would happen again. History was a wheel, after all.

"She's right, I'm afraid we're pretty infuriating. She's also right on that front, as well." Howard sighed and wiped his visor. She was a storm, like Kyogre. As soon as the fight stopped, she went to sulk. "You're welcome to return with us to Sootopolis as one of us, but alas..."

The Galarian bowed his head and sighed theatrically. He looked back up at the former member of the Elite Four.

"Alas, you chose to forsake us. Get off of our ship, and think about what I said. If you don't, Regice will defeat you. I'm not strong, but it is."

With a shrug, Howard followed Xenon, cape flapping in the wind.

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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2024 17:10:07 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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