Quench [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
Quench [M]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 3:23:04 GMT
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Oscar watched the waves crash against the outer wall of the Sootopolis crater, his eyes loosely concentrating on the flow of the sea's foam. The sky was dark, despite the time being near Noon. A storm was possibly brewing, which would explain why the waves were reaching high enough to hit Oscar with the spray. Oscar wondered if it were possible for Sootopolis to be flooded; the city was well protected by the crater but if the sea levels increased by even a little it would surely spell disaster.

Genesect Prime let out a burst of static, breaking Oscar's trance. The cyborg had finished constructing Oscar's energy extractor, a cylindrical machine about as tall as Oscar himself. Past experiments proved that the machine was completely incapable of containing Dyna Energy, but its ability to process energy before bursting into flames was useful for collecting data.

That was today's task, collecting data on one of the Power Spots that now dotted Sootopolis. Oscar's current question was if every Power Spot exerted the same amount of energy or if some were weaker than others. Oscar's partner for this endeavor was none other than , one of Rocket's head scientists. It had been a while since he had seen Mister Rose, and having heard that Amor was researching Hoenn's different energies as well Oscar figured that now was as good a time as any to meet up.

For now Oscar patiently waited, pulling a lollipop from out of a cigarette case he kept in his pocket and sliding it into his mouth. He could feel the wind picking up--hopefully it would not rain before they could complete their experiment.
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Quench [M]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 0:40:11 GMT
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Amor approached Oscar with an easy smile on his face. Dressed in his usual of a black kalosian suit tailored to fit. Though the silver haired character would have a new companion with him. In addition to the Dragonite that was always near him, there would be a creature that appeared alien in origin hovering just behind the dragon pokemon. A Deoxys that had been gifted to him from , though Amor still didn't have the faintest clue as to why. Though he rarely looked a gift horse in the mouth, he figured if he was going to be saddled with it, he would make the most use out of it that he could. Though he wasn't entirely sure how he should bond with it either, but he at least would try.

"Oscar! I'm glad to see that you're back, and not dead in a ditch somewhere." He said with a brilliant smile as he closed the gap, and looked up at the power spot. Memories came flooding back to him from a different time, another place, another dimension, and his heart ached for a moment. "They are so much bigger up close." He said with a chuckle as he looked into the distance to see even more of the power spots jutting desperately out of the cliffsides, and crater wall of the city.

The sky was cloudy, which was strange he didn't think that it called for rain today, in fact he thought it was going to be sunny. Though a little rain never hurt anyone.

"So tell me what you've learned so far while you've been waiting for me?" Amor was happy to have someone with which he could nerd out a little bit with. Of course he had the members of his Team Nebula, but it was different with Oscar, at least he felt it was different. It was hard to explain.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Quench [M]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2024 17:19:32 GMT
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Amor would not keep Oscar waiting for too long, descending on the back of his dragonite with a--deoxys in tow. Oscar eyed the deoxys warily, it had been a long time since he had seen the cosmic parasite up close. Genesect did not share its master's caution, and would wave its claws as a gesture of greeting. It at the very least recognized both Amor and deoxys as allies.

As Amor addressed him, Oscar's expression brightened up. He was indeed happy to see his old friend once more, and would slap the man on the shoulder as they examined the power spot. "It's good to see you Amor. Staying healthy as well I hope." Oscar side eyed the alien virus, hoping that it did not plan on one day infecting Oscar's friend. That worry can wait for another day though. There was work to do.

Oscar clapped his hands together and gestured toward his machine, "I've been using these energy readers to grab data from the power spots. The process always ends with them exploding, but eventually I should be able to figure out a way to hold the dynaenergy in one place for a bit. How about you, what have you been up to?"

The waves nearby began to crash a little harsher than before, but Oscar was too busy socializing to notice.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
Quench [M]
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2024 13:04:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

The slap on the back, and the smiles of his friend earned an angelic smile from Amor as well. It wasn't often that he felt he could be genuine, but Oscar was one of the few he felt he could be.

"Well a lot has happened. I spent forty years in a day, got a new companion, and well created a special team, which I'm sure you'll hear all about sooner or later." He chuckled a bit, and soaked in all the information that he was being told. "Dynergy is a bit more volatile than the other types, we're gonna need more than just the power spots to access it." He expressed to Oscar, and looked down at his wrist, the lack of a band there irked him to some degree, but he just shook it off. "In another life I learned how to create the bands to utilize it, but we need a special material. So if you can trap the energy, that would be seventy percent of the work done." He gave his friend a wink.

"Hmmm they explode, do they need more capacity, or are they just filled to suddenly?" He asked curiously observing the energy readers that Oscar had pointed to. Like his friend he wasn't paying attention to the waves, and their slowly increasing intensity. Amor wanted to do some catching with someone that he viewed as owing much to.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Quench [M]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 16:09:43 GMT
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Amor seemed to be in much higher spirits as their conversation went on. Oscar found himself becoming more cheerful, Amor's good fortune (barring the whole forty years in a day thing) manifesting an infectious joy. "I'm glad to hear things are going so well! I'm really excited to see what your next project is!"

Oscar nodded as Amor queried about his devices, "I believe that it's the capacity. The machines I'm using aren't designed to hold anything other than electricity--maybe a bit of Infinity Energy. It's mostly useful for getting data, so I know what to build in order to harness dynenergy. Shouldn't be long now, I just need a way to keep such a device cool once the energy is inside."

This did not feel like work at all, rather it felt like catching up with an old friend. Which was basically what they were doing, it was almost as if they had not been separated at all! Yet their rapport came at a dire price, as Oscar would be clueless to the massive shape emerging from the ocean--drawn to the energy of the power spot. Perhaps Amor would have better luck.



it's a long life full of long nights