20 questions with a god [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 3:48:42 GMT
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"Alright so this might be a big ask, but you gotta wear this if you want to enter the Perch."

Oscar pulled off a chunky orange outfit from a hanger and pushed it toward . The two Rockets were in Oscar's office, preparing to seek an audience with the legendary pokemon that lived just a few stories above their heads. The fashion disaster that Oscar was pushing toward his compatriot was an insulation suit; kind of like a hazmat suit but a lot more gaudy for no reason.

Oscar pulled another insulation suit from within his office's closet and began putting it on over his dress clothes. "It's ugly but it will protect us from all the lightning Zapdos emits--like constantly. Better getting electrified." Truth be told, Oscar was a little nervous. He had not seen Zapdos since the two parted ways so that Oscar could recover from his sickness. He was unsure how the great bird would react to seeing Oscar again, but given how they departed on pleasant terms Oscar was optimistic.

Oscar zipped up his suit, hopping a little to get it to settle correctly. "Have you thought about what you wanted to ask it? Remember it can only answer yes or no questions."
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peppermint, micha
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 23:58:38 GMT
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“You're fucking with me, Oscar!” Mint said, eyes widening as his friend pulled out the hideous, bulbous rubber suit. He knew he could be gullible but…this was a step too far. He sucks his teeth at the explanation. “Likely story…” he muttered as he took the suit off his friends hands and stripped some of his layers to better fit into it. [break][break]

“Yeah, I've got a few things in mind.” He said. Even if the bird was friendly to Rocket personnel, and hiding out here, he wanted to make sure it was either Rocket aligned or at the very least, not at all interested in meddling with League affairs. “If Zapdos can stay away from the League and its siblings, I'll be happy. It's minding its business for now which I think is a net positive.” He buttons on the rubber suit and tries to keep his arms down and not waddle. But there isn't anything graceful about this suit. [break][break]

“Ugh…did the designer never hear about function AND form?” He sighed, resigned to his fate. He then glares at Oscar before pointing accusatory at the man. “No. Photos. Got it?”

tagged ▸ ooc | leggo [break]




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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 2:29:39 GMT
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Oscar let out a chuckle, amused by Mint's apparent discomfort. "I promise to turn off the on-ride photo in the elevator." Once his suit was properly zipped and his covered hood was secure, Oscar would toddle his way toward the door to his office. He checked the unassuming red light directly next to it, which was luckily still brightly shining. Good, that meant Zapdos was still in.

When Mint was ready, Oscar would lead him through the door and down the hall to the elevator. "You know, I wanted to have the elevator come directly to my office but apparently that's a security issue. I don't see why, you need a key card anyway." Upon entering the elevator, Oscar would push the following floor buttons in a specific order: 7, 1, 8, 4, 7 again, and 3. He then swiped his card, which caused all of the floor buttons to light up.

"The password is new." Oscar said as he put his keycard into the chest pocket of the suit. "I don't want anyone surprising Zapdos while he's chillin'." Or was Oscar just becoming possessive of the bird? It was hard to tell, he did not really know. What he did know was that Zapdos needed to be protected while it was staying on his property, lest the wrong people find their way to its perch.

The elevator rose for a long time, which made since; The Perch was the highest point within Mauville's power plant. When they finally arrived, the doors would open to a cascade of electricity. They probably would have been thoroughly zapped if not for their suits. Oscar stepped through the wave of voltage, out into the bowl shaped home of Zapdos. The legendary bird was indeed standing upon its perch, absorbing an unending stream of electric power that came from the countless pylons dotted across the sides of the 'bowl'. The ceiling was open, revealing the blackened sky that followed Zapdos wherever it travels--bursts of lightning rolling through the churning clouds.

The mighty Zapdos looked to the elevator, at first raising itself to look especially threatening. It did not enjoy unannounced company, and while their suits would protect his visitors from stray electric shocks they would do little to save them from the great bird's wrath. After a moment of examination however, Zapdos would recognize the face of Oscar Clayton and relax slightly. He was not an unwelcome sight, even if he had brought a plus one. Oscar gave Zapdos a small bow, low enough to show respect but short enough to not show reverence. Believe it or not, it was what the mighty bird preferred.

"Hey there, long time no see." Zapdos nodded slowly, a sign of welcome. They were officially its guest within this Perch. Oscar pointed to Mint, "This is my friend Mint, and he had some questions for you. Is that alright?" Zapdos was still for a moment, as if considering if it had the patience to be interviewed. Eventually it would nod. Oscar gave the bird a thumbs up and looked to Mint. "Alright you start."

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peppermint, micha
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2023 23:13:48 GMT
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Mint huffed but kept his snippy comments to himself, waddling after his friend and trying to be patient about the suit. After all, better than this than get super fried by a giant bird. "Direct line to the big boss? Ballsy of you." he said with a snort, pointedly looking away when he inserted the password.

"You should add, like, chip tune elevator music. Or go the other way completely and make it super ominous." he said, breaking the silence before settling back down. Mint would let Oscar go first at the sight and sheer size of the bird. He didn't have a lot of experience around the mythical beasts. Just vague awareness of their avatars, if they had one. And Zapdos is threatening as he is intimidating, he hides behind his friend and lets him take the lead.

Mint does his best to copy Oscar's manners, and dipped low as far as his suit would let him before he squeaked back to upright. He would step to the side and wave when introduced before awkwardly taking out a paper notepad with questions already on it. Yes or no of course.

"Thanks Oscar." he smiled before looking back at the electrical menace. "I'm sure you're tired of Oscar's guests interviewing you. But I'm very curious about such a powerful pokemon." he said, starting with the fluff.

"Can you sense your siblings, Moltres and Articuno?" he said before pausing. "And to add to that can you sense the others- the Galarian Trio as well?" He wondered if there was something closer they had between them or if it was possible, just sensing massive spikes of infinity energy around them.

tagged ▸ ooc | leggo [break]




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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2023 21:36:18 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Zapdos stared at Mint, waiting patiently for his questions. True it had grown weary of questions, but at the same time it broke up the monotony of its day. It would answer whatever the humans needed--until it got bored anyway. It helped that Mint gave out compliments, Zapdos was a sucker for a solid boost to its ego.

Mint's first question was simple, and it allowed for a simple answer. Zapdos nodded sagely, only once to indicate an answer to both of parts of Mint's inquiry. Oscar looked excitedly to Mint, the idea that the other birds were within arm's reach was wonderful news. Oscar decided to take a turn with a question of his own. "Would you be willing to help us track down the ones in hiding?"

Zapdos shook its head, it was not a compass and it would not be used as some sort of 'detector' for its brethren. Oscar's face slacked a bit, this was unwelcome news. After a moment he would provide a follow up question. "Is there a way you could be convinced to help us?" Zapdos thought for a moment, genuinely thinking of what it would take make the effort worth it.

Eventually it would shrug its shoulders and nod. There was hope yet.

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peppermint, micha
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2023 23:15:21 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint nodded, carefully taking notes of the information Zapdos would part with. He looked to Oscar before back at the bird legendary before it shook its head. He held back a sigh despite his disappointment. "Mmm...we could broker a trade deal." he said as Zapdos seemed inclined to an offer. Major concessions would be brought up with of course. [break][break]

"Oscar, Zapdos already has free reign of this plant right for rest and recharging, right?" What would a god want from humans? If it was something so easy to define it would've contracted an avatar already. "Maybe it's waiting for something that hasn't shown up yet." he added to his companion. [break][break]

To Zapdos he asked, "Do you like Lugia? Even after its shadow poisoning?" he asked. If the myths were to be believed, Lugia and the bird trio got on better much like Ho Oh and the dogs. Though only Suicune had been seen.

tagged ▸ ooc | leggo [break]




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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2024 17:33:42 GMT
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Zapdos leered at Mint at the mention of Lugia before looking upward. Oscar awkwardly chuckled, "Uh, it's already reunited with Lugia. Its reaction was decisively indifferent." It was a little frustrating actually, Zapdos reacted very rarely to anything in general. The only thing that seem to make it happy is consuming energy, the fucker was a glutton if ever one existed.

Mint brought up a good point though, perhaps Zapdos was indeed waiting for something. It gave Oscar an idea, "Hmmm, if I can get you a more powerful kind of energy to feed on would you give us more information about your relatives?" Zapdos looked to Oscar, leaning in slowly as if deciding if it should eat him or not. While maintaining intense eye contact, the legendary bird would nod.

Oscar, trying not to get nervous from the bird's intensity, chuckled at the compromise. "Sounds um--easy enough. Uh, any more questions on your end Mint?"

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peppermint, micha
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2024 3:38:18 GMT
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Mint tried not to hide behind Oscar, trying to have more confidence in himself. He was representing Rocket as a Beast after all. "Mmm, guess that's out." Though he doubted anybody would be really fond of Lugia in her current state. [break][break]

He nodded along as Oscar offered a suggestion. "Good one!" he whispered, even if they didn't know where said energy would be coming from. Then again, they were hearing about new locations for League mega stone mineral veins. Maybe...? But maybe not. Raw energy huh? [break][break]

Mint perked up as he tried to rack his brain for possibilities. "I'll ask the science corps, I'm sure they're cooking up something new. Probably isn't a far stretch to get new energy type batteries for Zapdos." he said with a shrug before looking back at Zapdos. "I want to know if I can come back with some equipment just to uh- gauge you. Non invasive or anything, I'm just gathering measurements." he said looking at the bird and then up at Oscar.

tagged ▸ ooc | leggo [break]




[newclass=".minty"]width:500px; margin:0px auto; border:20px solid #141414; background:#141414; border-radius:50px 50px;[/newclass]
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2024 19:54:37 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar was fine with Mint coming and going because he trusted him. Zapdos though? Oscar was not certain, Zapdos did not seem to really trust anyone. Even its bond with Oscar seemed tolerated at best, no doubt because Oscar provided it with continual sustenance. It did not outright refuse though, instead looking to the sky and then back down upon the two humans. It tilted its head with a sort of resigned leer, which Oscar would translate.

"Uh, looks like it's cool with it as long as it's in the mood on the days you come. Naturally I'm cool with it too just let me know when you want to." After Oscar spoke Zapdos would nod before hopping into the air. It turned in place, causing a wide wave of sparks to cover the duo as the great bird turned its back on them. It would seem that Zapdos was done conversing for now.

Oscar nodded gratefully, even though Zapdos would be unable to see him. "Thank you Zapdos, rest up. I'll get you some new energy to absorb when I can." Zapdos rolled its shoulders, its final acknowledgement before it would attempt to nap.

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peppermint, micha
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20 questions with a god [C]
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2024 1:48:16 GMT
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"Sure, I'll be sure to check in before I bother them." he said, turning his head and raising his arms defensively as Zapdos turned around, ending their conversation. He doesn't want to test his luck with the bird so he's happy to put distance between them. [break][break]

"Better reply to my texts quickly or I'll just force my way into your office." he added, jostling the taller man as he began heading back carefully to the elevator. He waited for Oscar to get in with him and the door close before looking up at him and adding, "Is every conversation with Zapdos that nerve wracking? That electricity- crazy it puts out so much but wants way more." he said with a laugh. [break][break]

"Anyway, appreciate you bringing me around. This will help our research, I'm sure of it."

tagged ▸ ooc | leggo [break]




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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2024 17:22:51 GMT
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