Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bullet Valentine
Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 16:20:04 GMT
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Smiling Sitters™. On one hand, it was the lowest rated Pokemon daycare in Mauville City, so dire that it was ranked within the bottom ten in all of Hoenn. On the other hand, it was also the quickest, the cheapest, and it asked the least questions. That made it very popular amongst two types of people: Common criminals, and those with no other choice.

And as it happened, one of those two was arriving to the run-down building right now.

"Hey, Antonio!" Bullet beamed as she kicked the door open, strutting up to the front desk as though she owned the place. And, considering how much money she was laundering through here? She practically did own the place! But this time, she wasn't here to clean her dirty dimes. No, this visit was much more mundane. "Me and the boys got big business to attend to out in Slateport, see? So be a doll and watch my darling little angels for me!"

"You got it, ma'am--"

THUMP! Before the daycare attendant could even finish his sentence, an important-looking briefcase was slammed down onto the table. The man didn't even have the chance to open it before the woman had turned around and left, happily humming to herself as she went. Still, that was hardly surprising. After all, it wasn't the first time she had done this, and it likely wouldn't be the last. So, opening the case, Antonio would take out to six Pokeballs within, and enter deeper into the building...

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 4:37:45 GMT
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Hey there, I’m here for the daycare drop off! Got a Ralts for you,” Maoja dropped a Poke ball onto the desk. The rest of her creatures were either government-mandated or already in her PC. In all honesty, she just wanted the little guy to make friends more than the need to hold a Pokémon at a place like this.

Not that she knew exactly where she entered. She had intended to go to the better daycares, but a wrong turn took her here on accident. Even worse: she hadn’t the slightest clue of her folly.

“Yea… uh, sure, I guess,” the attendant said as they took the ball. “We’ll keep an eye on it for you–”

Oh, and before I go,” she knocked on the desk, “this one has a little trouble hearing! So, if you need anything, you’ll need to tap him on the shoulder.

“Right, right,” they said. Who cared? Fucker was going to be dropped in a glorified playpen while one of them watched the cameras as they did their thing. “Okay, bye!

Maoja left, satisfied that Big Man was in safe hands. Time to go to the annual DMV meeting held for all the government employees-- which basically boiled down to an opportunity to hit on some cute, hot men. Just needed to figure out where it was...

“Who the fuck was that?”

Inside the playpen, Big Man was hard at work doing… something. It sort of stood there, on the edge, unsure of what or who to approach. All these other Pokémon looked scary, their jaws or mouths moving but no sound coming out. What was a little guy like him supposed to do?

But… that’s why he was here! To make friends, and bonds! So, he gathered the courage and approached the closest one to him. He gave an eager wave and looked at whatever it was that they were doing eagerly. Were they playing with blocks, shapes, or a puzzle perhaps?

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July 6
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bullet Valentine
Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 11:19:34 GMT
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Long claws scratched and tore at a blanket, reducing the previously comfortable quilt into a tattered rag in a matter of seconds. And yet, even that was not enough to quell the destructive desire of the offending hands. They kept on scratching, scratching and scratching and scratching until there was nothing left to scratch, leaving nothing but a ruined heap of fabric behind.

And then, it was tossed away like the trash it was. Such was the whimsy of Lizzie the Claw, who wanted everything, got what she wanted, got bored quickly, and got rid of things she didn't want anymore. Having just finished her fifteen minute beauty nap, and having savaged the duvet she had slept in, now she was off to find her next amusement. And, as soon as she turned around and laid eyes on the little Ralts in front of her, her gaze settled on his stupid little head.

"Hey, dork! That's a dumb helmet. Give it to me!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2023 2:49:12 GMT
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Oh joy, a new Pokémon! A cute Sneasle, but they looked different from normal. All… purplely, and with long claws. Were they always that long? And why were they tearing up that perfectly good blanket? Maybe this wasn’t the best one to approach. Big Man took a few steps back, away from the odd Sneasle.

As soon as they locked eyes, though, he knew things were not going to get better. He took a few more steps back, unaware of the building blocks scattered all over the ground behind him. Her lips moved, but it was hard to tell what they said. “Uh, hello! Do you want to play?

And then, his foot slid out from underneath him. A red, wooden cylinder flew out and right into the face of the Sneasle while he fell down. He hit the ground, his head colliding with another block. Tears sprouted from underneath his hair as he rubbed the back of his skull. “Ouchie… that hurt…

Yet all he needed to do was look back up to forget that slight pain. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to– It was an accident–

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July 6
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bullet Valentine
Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2023 19:10:31 GMT
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As the rogue cylinder richocheted off of the Sneasel's forehead and bounced into the distance, Lizzie could only stand there, stunned. Her claw slowly reached up, gingerly touching the raw lump forming on top of her face. Had this little twerp just attacked her? They had DARED to lay a finger on her?! Didn't they know who they were dealing with?!?!?!

She was Lizzie the Claw! Queen of the criminal underworld, assassin of curtains and carpets, and Bullet's cutest and best and most favorite Pokemon! And she wasn't about to let this little idiot disrespect her like that and get away with it!

"That's it!" She snarled, grabbing onto the Ralts' stupid head as hard as she could, and beginning to pull with all of her might and even more of her spite. "GIVE ME THAT HAT!"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 23:13:05 GMT
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Big Man grabbed onto the claws of the Sneasel, desperate to free himself from the painful grasp of his bully. She did not relent, as she tried to pull off his ‘helmet’. He screamed,“P-please let me go! It doesn’t come off, that’s just my hair!

But the gloves were off now. It looked like this one would only accept absolute victory in this fight. Do or die, win or lose. Even though her victory would, quite literally, end in his gruesome death. He quite liked having a head on his shoulder! So, he needed to fight back.

But how?

Something wiggled inside Big Man. Something hot, something rather tangible. A feeling built up inside his chest. White light filled its body, a visible projection different from its natural color. Like a spotlight on inside its heart that filled the area and even room around it. Limbs elongated, hair grew. It also grew taller, until it stood on equal height with the Sneasel.

Big Man was no longer a Ralts. He was now a Kirlia!

And he was still not strong enough to push his bully away.

Aaaa, it hurts! Seriously, I’m sorry!” He used Life Dew, hopeful that it would numb the pain until its bully relented. It did a piss-poor job of it.

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July 6
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bullet Valentine
Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 14:37:26 GMT
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She blinked. What the hell? When did this runt get so tall? And what happened to that cool helmet she just trying to take? All of a sudden, it had been replaced by gross green hair. She looked around her surroundings, but saw no sign of it anywhere. But then, where the hell had it gone? What was going on here?!

"HEY!" Lizzie snapped. The good news was, she finally stopped trying to pull Big Man's head off. The bad news was, she instead grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and began to furiously shake him back and forth. "Where'd you put that hat? And why'd you get so big all of a sudden, huh? You better tell me, or else...!"

Or else... Or else she'd... Darn, what the hell was she supposed to do? She didn't know, but she was sure it'd be bad news for this little twerp, so he'd better answer!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 19:47:35 GMT
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Once more, Big Man found himself on the end of Lizzie’s awful attacks. Even with the increased height and longer arms, the Sneasel had some sort of chip on its shoulder. At least he could read her lips without all that hair in the way.

Hat? That wasn’t a hat, that was my hair! Let me go,” he tried to wriggle his way out of her grasp. Tiny arms swung backward, and his legs kicked hard. His trainer had always told him to never let a bully get the better of him, and now was the time to make her proud! If he swung enough times, surely one of his hits would–

Hit, bingo! With one lucky blow, he managed to hit both Lizzie’s nose AND eye. The moment of confusion allowed him to break her grasp and shoot forward. While the back of his neck stung, he was free from her grasp.

However, all he had to do was look back to feel that sense of terror once again. Her face was… oh Arceus, he was going to die!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA–” Big Man threw his hands up and ran towards the edge of the pen. Any hints of courage burrowed back into his heart, now taken over by absolute fear. “HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP–

“-LIA KIRLIA KIRLIA KIRLIA!” A voice called. One of the daycare attendants looked up from their latest volume of ‘Hoenn’s Gossip Digest’, annoyed but obligated to pay attention. All they say was a Kirlia about to shit itself and a Hisuian Sneasel with the most violent look on its face. Yea, that was a Bullet Valentine Pokémon alright.

Hey, knock it off over there! I’m a little busy right now!

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July 6
Mauville City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bullet Valentine
Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2023 1:07:05 GMT
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Big Man hit a big blow right in Lizzie's face, sending her reeling back and falling to the ground. What the heck? Why had this dork gotten so strong all of a sudden? Wait... No, they couldn't! They had EVOLVED?! The Sneasel's eyes went wide with shock. Then, once the surprise wore off, the emotion that rushed to replace it was anger.

"Why, you...! You think you're better than me, huh? HUH?!" Lizzie screamed, so furious that her eyes were tearing up. But she wasn't crying! It was just because that jerk had poked her eyes and now they were watering! And she was allergic to stupidity, so being around that Kirlia was making it worse! "W-w-well you're not! I'm the best, you hear me? I'M THE BEST! I'M THE BEST I'M THE BEST I'M THE BEST I'M THE BEST I'M THE BEST I'M--"

And thus, Lizzie proceeded to throw what could only be called the least justified temper tantrum of all time. She proceeded to drop down to the ground and thrash wildly about, all the while screeching about how she was, in fact, the best. It was a new, innovative type of attack, one that targeted the ears instead of the hair! Truly, a devastatingly attack...

...Hang on, were her arms and legs getting longer, or...?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2023 21:38:44 GMT
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We got a code… three? I think it’s three,” The daycare employee grumbled. They set down the magazine onto the black, rickety coffee table, reached down to their side, and picked up a gun. Not a gun-gun, but a tranquilizer gun.

They pointed it right at the now-evolved Sneasel, Sneasler, Lizzie, whatever– and shot without a moment’s hesitation. It did not take long for the sedatives to kick in, and Lizzie was firmly knocked out on the ground. All the other children Pokémon merely spared her a glance before they returned to whatever kiddie stuff they were doing previously.

Code three? More like Code… pee! Yea, hehe,” they chuckled to themselves. Good one. Their magazine was picked up, and they quickly ruffled the pages back to wherever they left off. If they concentrated hard enough, they could ignore the Kirlia who was sobbing against the daycare playpen wall.


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Arceus Forbid Women Do Anything [M]
POSTED ON Dec 31, 2023 5:32:35 GMT
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