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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 7:07:48 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin smirked when Lars seemed willing, if not curious, to see what her Sygna Suit could do. This was the first time since her injury that she was going to tap into the full power of the Flygon side of her Sygna Suit. Little did Lars know about the Venusaur side of her suit, but he would find out soon. "Let's just say the noise might not be the only thing you have to worry about. Get ready for shock waves, too." She waited for Lars to don earplugs before inserting her own. Grasping the wing with all four of her limbs, she braced herself for the fastest and fiercest vibration any of her Pokémon had to offer.

"Sandy, use BOOMBURST!"

Shalin disappeared into a streak of green light above the Flygon's wing, both of them glowing from the discharge of Infinity Energy. The field of energy grew both in brightness and in intensity, perhaps mimicking a legendary Pokémon's pressure as the pitch of the buzz grew higher and higher. The grass around Captain and dragon swayed violently before being uprooted completely as the wings began to whine, then shriek. It was almost impossible to hear Shalin's intense whooping cry, the two gleaming bright as a Solar Beam. Were Lars able to discern her shout from the high-pitched sound her ride's wings were making, it would be one of pure bliss. Despite the chaotic speed, she seemed to have her balance, both physically and between her and her Sygna Pokémon, fully under control.

Shalin had Sandy hold the blistering pace of her wings for a few seconds before giving the silent command to go all-out. With a battle cry, the Flygon planted her feet into the freshly-uncovered dirt beneath her and buzzed her wings at full speed. The grating, high-pitched tone they produced could cause permanent hearing loss to unprotected ears. Shalin formed a NORMAL ZONE around herself and her partner as the wings were peaking, the sonic blast to come even more powerful than normal.

As the wingtips exceeded the speed of sound, a layer of shockwaves flew outward from the Flygon, each one a miniature sonic boom. Layered on top of one another, they sounded like an enormous drum machine kicking hundreds, perhaps even thousands of times per second. Her Sygna Suit's stone was steaming with heat from the awe-inspiring discharge of Infinity Energy comparable to a legendary Pokémon's signature move. Shalin herself saw nothing except a swirl of every color around her. Her suit prevented her from being dissolved to mush by the destructive vibration, but it could only do so much to keep her senses about her. Her entire body felt like static as the wing flicked her up and down unfathomably fast.

Sensing her partner's suit was being pushed all the way up to safety limits, Sandy gradually slowed her wings down, taking her time to ease Shalin off the Infinity Energy high. When she was at last visible again, she looked delirious, like she had overdosed on a drug that would make her high. Speechless, she never seemed happier in her life than she did after that demonstration.

{WC: 528}
{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 18:02:21 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

It was a good thing he’d found his ear plugs, because no sooner had he popped them in—the insanity started.

And unless someone had a high-speed camera that could track movement faster than the human eye, well, all he was picking up was that there was a blur of color in front of him!

And despite the loud cracking noise, he could still feel the reverberations in the air as they rippled across his skin, his body—honestly, how could she stand being swung around like that?!

He could only bite down a dismayed cringe. Truly, the way she was going she was going to definitely get back problems much earlier on in life than the rest of everyone he knew.

“Yikes,” he remarked once he shook his head and popped the ear plugs out.

“Is it always that loud?!”

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2024 19:05:50 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin didn't respond right away, the adrenaline high inhibiting her other senses. She couldn't feel a thing other than a static-like tingling. It was sickeningly fast -- ironically, the Flygon's wing may have been propelling Shalin faster than any of the Mauville Leader's Pokémon could. Though the wing was still by now, she was still reeling from the experience. She had pushed her Sygna Suit to its limits, but was it ever a thrill to, at last, do so!

"It is!"
Shalin confirmed after recovering her senses, being able to properly see and feel again. "So Flygon use Boomburst completely differently from other Pokémon. Most Pokémon that use it, like Exploud and Noivern, have a special organ that just makes a really loud noise. Flygon use it by vibrating their wings so fast that their wingtips break the sound barrier. And it's not just one time. They're creating a sonic burst with every flap of their wings. And by riding on it while in perfect sync with her, we can make it even louder and stronger."

At last, her Sync Stone was no longer steaming from the discharge of Infinity Energy. "To do that, the bond between you and your Pokémon has to be perfect. And once your bond has reached that level, you can do extraordinary things with the suit. And not just with one Pokémon, but with two." Once she had enough of her balance about her to slide off the wing and land on her own two feet, she clicked a second Poké Ball's switch. Emerging from it was a Venusaur that was quite large; even if she was on her Flygon's back, she would still have to look up to make eye contact. "And this is Saria," she introduced the grass-type, who also emitted Infinity Energy that most Venusaur did not. It was a similar wavelength to the Flygon's, were the Avatar sensitive to it.

{WC: 323}
{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 17:58:32 GMT
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He could only blink and stare as she… came down from her ‘high’, so to speak (there was nothing else to it, that was the best way he could describe it) while resisting the urge to scream.

“You know,” he began once she’d swapped Pokémon and was now looking at the single biggest Venusaur that he had seen, “…if Team Rocket figures out a way to counter your strategy, then I’ll be the first to say, ‘I told you so’ when I visit you in the recovery ward.”

Because he had an absolutely deadpan stare.

“You still remember what I told you about getting different Pokémon and branching out your ideas asides from your one-trick pony?”

He hoped that she hadn’t forgotten about their talk the last time they’d met like this.

Heck, even Alpha the Lucario had come to a stop and still had his paws over his ears due to the extremely loud noise that had come from their direction earlier.

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 19:04:39 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin remembered their discussion. That was one of the reasons she had chosen a Venusaur as her second synced Pokémon. While she would not be useful for travel, except in one creative and asinine-looking way, it gave Shalin dangerous power, both in melee and in short range. "Oh, I didn't forget! With Saria tied to my suit, I can even fight for myself now!" With a discharge of Infinity Energy, a VINE WHIP grew out of Shalin's hand, its handle stylized like the stem of her Venusaur. As she swung it around rapidly, it made a whirlwind-like sound. Having already blown Lars' eardrums out once, she remained merciful and did not snap the whip. To further demonstrate what she could do, she flung the whip skyward, POISON POWDER floating high above them, carried off by the wind and harmlessly away from the duo. "And were you to procure a suit for yourself, you can do this, too! It's like I'm Saria's Avatar!"

To further illustrate the extent of Saria's "blessing", the grass-type extended one of her enormous vines, thick enough that it looked like it could smash through almost anything. It was thick enough for the lithe girl to sit on it like she would mount any of other other Pokémon. Both her and her Venusaur glowed a faint green, radiating Infinity Energy as she sat on the vine. And not just anywhere on the vine, either. She was right on the end of it, straddling the cracker as close to the tip as she could get while still having room to hold on with all four limbs. Saria slowly waved the girl about, no signs that Shalin or her "Patron" would lose her balance any time soon.

If were to witness what she was about to do, the speed Shalin reached might even make him jealous.

{PC: 10}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Feb 3, 2024 19:26:41 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Unlike the time when they were asked to beta-test the Sygna Suits—who knew the technology had come this far?

He watched in silent incredulity, eyebrows raised as the greenette went through the motions of summoning a ‘Vine Whip’ and then releasing a ‘Poison Powder’ attack skyward…

Had the technology really come this far now?

“So that’s what they’re capable of now, these days?” he blinked.

“You can use more than one move in battle, or is it fixed to one?”

Dang it, he should really look into getting one. Or two. Or… how many, even?

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 20:53:45 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
It really looked like Shalin was Venusaur's Avatar, didn't it? Vines sprouting from the backs of her hands, whipping poison spores to be blown about by the wind... she really did seem to be one with her Pokémon. "It's incredible, really," she replied with a nod, still balancing on the cracker at the end of Saria's huge vine. "I'm still learning all the battle capabilities, but from what I understand, we can't use the same move at the same time. This is why Saria knows how to use both Vine Whip and Power Whip! When used together, it's the strongest attack we've got! I bet it would even rival a legendary Pokémon's attacks! I can show you!"

With a bellow, Saria raised her vines higher into the air, the ones sprouting from the backs of Shalin's hands waving alongside them. If it wasn't clear to Lars that she was sitting on the vine's end before, it was now. A Power Whip's crack was among the most violent motions any Pokémon was capable of. How was this even possible?

{PC: 11}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2024 17:07:50 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The logistics of Pokémon knowing six moves was a delicate balance… however there were things that existed that allowed them to learn at least one or two more moves if they were lucky enough…

This entire thing is giving me a headache! he thought as he gaped at what she was doing in silence, because crap on a cracker was she really doing this without any safety precautions?!

“What if you fall off, or get thrown off? How do you handle that?!” he exclaimed from his position on the ground. Hell, even Alpha the Lucario had come to a stop to gape at the mind-bending fuckery that was going on right now.

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2024 5:27:54 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"It's a lot of the same energy that Avatars use, just not as dense," Shalin explained with a shrug. "Think of it as a power Saria bestows upon be through the suit. As long as I don't cross that limit, I won't fall!" She was, of course, still trying to figure out what that limit was, and she was especially careful in the way she communicated with her Pokémon. It was why when Saria cracked her vine with Shalin as a passenger, she always did it sidearm-style at an upward angle if she needed distance, or purely vertical if she needed height. That way, even if the cracker's surreal momentum overloaded the Infinity Energy conduit, her other Sygna Pokémon, Sandy, could catch her.

"Alright, Saria! Use POWER WHIP!" she commanded, smaller VINE WHIPS sprouting from the backs of her hands as she held on tight with all four limbs. The Venusaur the size of a small building vigorously shook her flower, a giant pulse running down the vine that the Captain was seated on. She watched the coil of the vine race past her briefly, feeling her ride stop briefly as the two momenta neutralized one another. Then, it came. She went flying forward with surreal acceleration, the backs of her hands red and white as a deafening sonic boom burst away from her, even her very body gaining the ability to slice through wood and flesh. The VINE WHIPS lashed with smaller sonic booms, looking like they could cleave the head off of just about anything they touched.

Shalin let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement, completely drunk on her own adrenaline. The blissful cry continued even as the whip slowed down, though still whirling in circles that were so fast that she remained a blur for quite some time after the crashing trio of shockwaves. When her face looked visible, she looked like the happiest person on the planet.

, Master of Faster? Not today!

{PC: 12}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2024 19:17:34 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He continued to blink and watch the display with some—with actually, a lot of apprehension because this was Shalin and who knew what the hell she was going to get herself tanged into.

“Are you absolutely certain you’ve found the upper limits of the suit?!” he called out as his Lucario walked up beside him; the two of them now silent witness to the mcfucking insanity that was unfolding in front of them.

He quickly popped the earplugs back in as the vibrations in the air intensified; hell, even his Lucario had to cover his ears before the loud cracking noise rippled across the area where they were—

He could feel the grimace of pain on his face long before his Lucario even did as well. Oof, that was dangerous!

Either way—

He had to pop the earplugs out once he was able to discern her form again—

“How do you not go deaf with all that whip-cracking happening?!” he exclaimed once he’d stuck his fingers into his ears to clear up the ‘clogged’ feeling of phantom earplugs still being ‘stuck’ in there.

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Feb 24, 2024 17:55:42 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
When Saria's whip at last slowed to a stop, Shalin panted for a few seconds before the Infinity Energy flowing through her revitalized her to a degree. The Venusaur manipulated it to put the still-seated Ranger within conversation range, the rider still a bit woozy from being flicked at supersonic speed. It didn't take her terribly long to recover, but it was evident how much the suit's peak energy took a toll on her. It would be temporary, but it was there all the same.

"It's part of the suit, too!" Shalin replied. Infinity Energy truly was like magic, wasn't it? It let its wielders do things beyond what physics could explain, whether Pokémon or human. Avatar or pseudo-Avatar. The noise was deafening, yes. Shalin herself substantially contributed to the noise, given that she herself was going supersonic while she was a passenger on the Power Whip mid-crack.

"Like I said, imagine that the suits let their wearers be Avatars. They just don't get a legendary Pokémon to go with them," she tried to explain the relationship the best she could. From the outside, though, it still may have been nearly impossible to comprehend what she just did. Not only were Saria's whips fast, but the acceleration when they uncoiled would tear any other would-be rider to shreds.

She was likely one of only two people in Hoenn capable of such a feat.

{PC: 13}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 19:48:52 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Interesting,” he would remark.

Exactly how many trials did the suits go through, he didn’t want to know—however he remembered that he’d been part of the ‘alpha wave’ of testing where—yeah that’s classified information.

“Okay. Now that you put it in that kind of analogy, it makes sense. Only difference between a suit and being an avatar is that you can turn your suit off, while me? I’ve got this with me as long as I live.”

The Lucario sighed. Clearly the problem still hadn’t been fully resolved, but… they were trying, okay?!

“How long does it take before the suit… well, you know, ‘overloads’ and has to shut down to make sure the owner doesn’t pass out?” he would inquire afterward.

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 18:11:34 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Even so, the pure offensive might bestowed upon true Avatars is unparalleled. Even two or three of us wearing these suits would be no match for you. Especially not me." Both of her suits were of ice-weak Pokémon, after all. If he really wanted to, could freeze her without a thought. Every suit was unique, and many bestowed upon their wearer unique abilities. "Think of the bond like you and your Pokémon exchange parts of yourselves with one another. You give up part of your humanity, and your Pokémon gives up part of what makes them... a Pokémon. Does that sound like what being an Avatar is like?"

Noting the Lucario's seeming distrust, or at least dissatisfaction, Shalin answered the Ranger's other question. "It really depends on what you do with it and how fast you discharge the energy. From what little I understand of the Venusaur side of my suit, it takes... around four or five cracks of her Power Whip to make me pass out." When she first rode with Saria on only her Flygon's power, it had taken two, maybe three at most. That number would only grow as their bond grew and she practiced more. "As for the Flygon side, I haven't figured out how long I can go. Usually, I only need to go for a few seconds at a time. Sandy's wings don't have to vibrate for long to be destructive."

{PC: 14}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 15:29:43 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Aren’t you afraid of blowing your eardrums or your back out every time you do the whip-cracking thing?!” he exclaimed; the concern in his voice was evident even from here.

Even the Lucario could only look at the greenette out of concern because whatever this was, it was nuts; it was crazy; it was insane!

If anyone would get in her way, they wouldn’t stand a chance… unless they were an Avatar like himself, for one thing.

(Or what if there was a way to counter these Sygna Suits? The thought was troubling.)

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Mar 12, 2024 18:49:40 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Not at all! The Sygna Suit covers that, too!" Shalin continued to try to sell on one. "As long as your Pokémon are synced to their fullest potential, the possibilities are endless. This is just how mine manifested. Yours could be totally different!" While they weren't cosmos-altering powers like Avatars had, they could work wonders within their niche. She could wreak devastating havoc upon anything she touched while mounted, what with her very body being an extension of her Venusaur's Power Whip.

"Even so, it is important to understand your suit's limits," Shalin cautioned. "That's something that takes experimentation and an open mind. Any idea what you're going for with your own suit?" she asked. "Even if it's just a general direction."

{PC: 15}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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