Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 26
Anville Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 6:42:58 GMT
Kaló merely tilts her head the opposite way at first, letting Koseki take her time warming up to it. She purrs as the Yamask circles her- turning her head slightly to try and follow her. This new friend sure is curious- and so is it!

"I'm sure she could. The only issue is that she's very..." Sio trails off, watching Itiá almost immediately deflate back onto Tsukiko as it turns up emoty handed. "...Treat motivated. I could've sworn I'd brought some with me..."

On Quill's side, the Smeargle is far from surprised as the stick goes aflame- though he has to admit, the fire is kinda pretty. Still though, it really isn't anything new for him- but the amount of sticks still laying around give him some ideas...

Instead of immediately hopping back into Yurei's saddle, Quill grabs a few reasonably sized branches. Yipping and barking, he wags his tail excitedly and gestures to his findings; maybe they could make them into skis? It's something he's seen before, at least, and it certainly looked like fun!

But for now, the beagle clambers back onto the saddle, ready for more adventure before the Sinsitea can try and steal more hard earned sticks.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 2:39:18 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Though it takes a minute of thought for little Koseki... The Yamask soon decides that she could and would warm up to Kalo proper; making a soft whistle as she approaches properly. This Abra didn't seem too bad!

Makoto, meanwhile, takes notice of Sio's troubles. "At least that means she, well, can be motivated," They muse with a soft chuckle as they dig through their bag - pulling out a little ziploc baggie, filled with soft caramels. Opening it, they take one out to offer to Itia. "Here you go..."

It appeared that someone else was also interested in the treats, though. It started with a strange shifting in Makoto's shadow, before a little canid shape began to form in the shade - bright eyes shining in the dark. A little Hisuian Zorua - Kuro - had emerged, staying close and hiding behind Makoto's legs.

And Makoto, taking notice, would smile and crouch down to give him a caramel as well. "This is Kuro - he's very shy, but they're a sweetheart."

Indeed - it seemed that once he had his caramel, he was happy to return to hiding in Makoto's shadow - where it was safe from the obligations of social interaction.

Meanwhile, Kama would make a curious tilt of his head as Quill found the sticks. Skiing? That could be fun - it was something he'd seen before, too! But didn't that usually require going down something? It seemed kind of flat around here...

But at the very least, they'd keep going along the shore, once Quill was once more seated - Kama wondering where they could try to ski all the while...
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 3:40:20 GMT
And once Koseki fully approaches Kaló, the Abra lights up; a proper introduction, a proper friend! She purrs and whistles back, holding her hand out. Her trainer's given plenty of handshakes, and now it's her turn!

Itiá, meanwhile, immediately perks right back up at the presentation of the caramel. "Oh- thank you, you really didn't have to.." Sio remarks as Itiá floats closer to inspect. What was that thing? Why did it smell and look so sweet? The Phantump takes the treat in her little hands, and all at once it seems to disappear right into the shadows. It is...AMAZING! She rattles and chimes eagerly, circling around the new trainer friend- someone to certainly be nice to, if they had such delicacies like this. "Though, what kind are those? Maybe I could pick some up on the way home for her..." Sio trails off, giving a quiet gasp upon seeing Kuro- so small, so shifty! A shadow pokemon of sorts...? But as soon as he appears, he's gone- a strange little creature. The detective chuckles, waving to what was now just Makoto's shadow with a hidden Zorua. "Hello and goodbye, Kuro dear."

As for Quill, he's more than happy to get back to riding along the shore with Kama and Yurei- looking more closely to try and find somewhere to go skiing. All the hills seemed just a bit too small...and the ones that looked promising, while a comfortable distance for him, would probably be too far for Kama. Drats.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 7:46:05 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Koseki takes a second to process the gesture - not immediately understanding what Kalo wants of her. But it does soon click - upon which she perks up, and reaches out to shake the Abra's hand. This was how humans do it, right?

Itia's glee was infectious - and Makoto couldn't help but smile and chuckle as the little Phantump floated about. "It's fine... She'd, uhm, be sad if her performance wasn't properly appreciated, right?" They'd respond to Sio's gratitude - casting a somewhat sheepish but warm smile to it. Sweets - be they caramel, chocolate, mints, and the like... They'd make just about anyone happy.

At the question of what kind of caramels they were though, Makoto blinked a bit. "Nothing special, just... Generic brand soft caramels," They mention as they put the baggie away.

The greeting recieves no response from the shadow - Kuro being much too shy to so much as show itself again... But perhaps there'd still be that feeling of something's attention - the sensation of being watched by something unseen.

Makoto seems to appreciate the attention given, though. "I... tried to socialize him where I could, when they were still little; but I think they're just a little predisposed towards being an introvert." They mused out loud.

Yurei's treks around the shoreline would soon bring the trio up to another one of Makoto's pokemon, though. Tsume - a visibly old Zoroark, who was seemingly resting under a nearby tree. As he notices the approach of Kama and company though, he opens an eye to watch them.

Kama, cheery as ever, waves to him with a happy friendly chitter.
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 8:16:45 GMT
Kaló tilts her head side to side during that second, but perks back up with a cheerful trill as Koseki shakes her hand. That's how the humans do it; and now she's done it, too!

At Makoto's musing, Sio chuckles- shrugging before giving a little nod and her own warm smile. "I suppose so; perhaps I should look into a Contest or two to let her try out in. At the very least, she'd get some energy out." Sio replies. She gives a small nod to the mention of generic soft caramels- making a mental note to get them on its next grocery run.

The attention- or at least, the shadowy sensation of such- is neutrally received. While Sio would like to get to know the Zorua better, they understand the desire for alone time well. "They seem comfortable in there, at the very least- your shadow, I mean. I can't recall if I've seen a pokemon do that before..." she muses in turn. Perhaps she could do well to research deeper into such a phenomena...

Finally, after what feels like ages of trekking through plain white snow, Quill perks up at the sight of another new pokemon. He barks and yips excitedly at the Zoroark, waving both his paw and his tail. So many new friends!!
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 4:27:24 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto blinks a bit as Sio mused over Kuro - and for a moment, they glanced to their own shadow for a few moments, before musing in turn "I suppose it's because they're a ghost-type - they're not solely dark-type like a normal Zorua is." It wasn't unusual for ghost-types to be able to engage in shadowy shenanigans, after all; Gengar was a notable example of that, known for hiding in others' shadows.

Though it took a bit for Makoto to figure it out themself, at least in Kuro's case - he had been their first experience with Hisuian pokemon, after all. Though they had known it was different, given its fur, it had taken them time to really figure out what he could do!

But glancing back to Sio - they took a second to think; something visibly on their mind, if the way that they briefly opened their mouth before suddenly closing it was of any indication. They couldn't exactly stay out here on the ice forever - but... She seemed nice, and they wanted to talk more, at the same time.

Tsume was not the most social fox himself, though - he wasn't shy by any means... But he'd grumble a bit at the noisy excitement Quill showed - only giving a wave back out of obligation. If you asked him, he'd much rather just resume dozing off.

Kama couldn't help but make a chittering laugh with this, though. Tsume was always a bit of a grumpy old man, and the Sneasel took none of his grumping about all that seriously. Towards family, it was mostly show, anyhow.

Instead, a nearby hill had caught his attention - and he'd point to it with a squeak in Quill's direction. That didn't seem too far away - what'd the Smeargle think of it?
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 23:51:08 GMT
"Ah- I suppose that makes sense. Lord knows how many times I've torn up the house looking for Itiá only for her to be in some shadowy corner." Sio chuckles, giving the Phantump in question a pat on one of her branches.

But, the more time passes by, the more she finds herself wondering what else to do. Talking was nice on its own, sure, but they'd merely been standing on the ice for however long while everyone else glided around them. "Hmm...say, Makoto dear," she begins, giving a smirk and a mildly mischievous glance. "What do you say about trying to ice skate again? If need be, we could try and support each other for balance."

Meanwhile, the squeaking from Kama gets Quill's attention easily, and he looks in the direction he points. Yes! A big, nearby hill! This would be the perfect spot!! With a handful of enthusiastic yaps and barks, it holds a pair of sticks from the bundle out to the Sneasel, tail wagging frantically. Here! Here!!

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played by


May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 6:17:05 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto could find some comfort, in the fact that they weren't the only one that had to deal with tricky pokemon sometimes - giving a soft chuckle of their own with Sio.

But then came the invitation for them to ice skate together, and while Makoto was certainly open and interested... The confident and perhaps even cheeky expression on Sio's face, and being called 'dear', would both put a flush on their face.

"I... S-sure, yeah," Makoto agreed with a little nod and a shy half-smile - although... "How... would we support eachother?" It struck them as though if the two of them weren't careful, one of them could take a tumble and end up yanking the other with them!

Kama chittered happily as Quill began to bark - and nodding with, he was quick to hop down from Yurei's back; following it up the hill to play. He's on his way!!

Yurei, meanwhile, watched the two run off - giving an unenthusiastic blink, before returning to rooting about through the snow to graze. She supposed that she'll just stick around here until they're done. Or until Makoto called for her.

But in the meantime, as Kama reached the top of the hill, he'd tilt his head curiously as he accepted and looked at the offered sticks. How would they go about skiing with these?
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 7:16:06 GMT
Sio hums- clearly finding some slight, vague amusement in Makoto's flustering to her own confidence. Perhaps if the two got closer, she could instill some of their own in them...

But even so, in order to make this a true Christmas on ice, she'd have to figure out how they could best support one another on the ice. And thus, Sio takes to carefully wrapping an arm around Makoto's waist from behind- a sort of side embrace. "I figure something like this could work, if you hold onto me similarly,' she muses, that cheeky expression of hers softening ever so slightly. She did care about their safety, after all!

Quill yips and yaps as Kama makes it to the top of the hill with them, panting eagerly. Pulling off its beret, the Smeargle roots through it for a bit before pulling out...some random scraps of string and ribbon? Well, at least it's something to keep the makeshift skiis tied onto their feet! With his own sticks and some string, Quill ties a couple sticks to the bottoms of his feet, all the while gesturing for Kama to do the same. Surely this would work!

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 10:47:24 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto's flush only grows as Sio wraps an arm around them - and they nearly stumble in the process, even with the care she gives. For a moment, words seem like a distant dream to Makoto - but when they can find their tongue, they nod and murmur out an unsteady "A-alright..." as they, in turn, wrap an arm around Sio. "Like this..?"

(Tsukiko, looking the two up and down, would make a little foxy laugh - as if she was seeing something that Makoto didn't. But before they could think to ask, she was off and prancing across the ice - looking to see what the others may be up to.)

And indeed, the two of them holding onto one another like this does feel a bit more stable... But Makoto couldn't help but wonder - would moving around still be doable, or would them hanging onto eachother make movement even more awkward than it was to the inexperienced duo?

At the very least, Kama was certainly having fun - or at least, about to have fun. As Quill pulls out some string and ribbon, the Sneasel perks up in understanding - and he is quick to try and tie the sticks to his own feet with some pretty looking ribbons! There - trying to tie knots when you had long claws like he did was a bit awkward, but this seemed secure enough!

Though, now he couldn't help but wonder - what was the next step? Glancing to Quill, he was ready to follow its lead on how to actually _start_ skiing down the hill.
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 25, 2023 21:28:26 GMT
Sio, of course, allows Makoto to take their time- find their tongue, and wrap their arm around Sio's waist. Without another word, she hums in approval, nodding her head. She doesn't really pay much mind to Tsukiko's laughter, but she can sort of put two and two together. Not that she was even really attracted to them (at least, perhaps, not yet) anyway.

All of that aside, however, Sio seems more than ready to test this formation out. Sure, there may be some risk to it, but she figures it'll be a good way to practice together. "Now, when I say go, move your feet in time with mine. Think of it almost like...a dance of sorts. A splendid waltz." And with that, she hums again, counting down. " go. Left, and right..." She keeps chanting the lefts and rights, making sure to maintain a steady rhythm for the two to skate to.

Quill, meanwhile, watches as Kama ties the other sticks to his own feet- ready to help if need be. But seeing him get them on just fine, he stands, tail wagging faster than before. Picking up the final set of four sticks, he keeps another two and hands the others to the Sneasel, before sticking his two into the snow- like spears! He slowly nods his head a couple times to count down...before pushing off and down with an eager trailing of barks!! Down we go!!
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2023 13:10:43 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto had a distant suspicion that Sio was doing it on purpose at this point, phrasing this all like it was a waltz - which added to the heat in their cheeks that slightest bit. That, or they were just way too weak to this sort of thing, but well... They'd rather not have to try and dig into that knot of complicated feelings right now.

Instead, snapped back to reality by hearing Sio's countdown, they turned their focus to the rhythm that she set - following her instructions as closely as they could. Left, right, left, right - they'd move in time with this chant, and would even murmur it under their breath to help keep time.

And thus far, it certainly seemed to be working - they were both able to maintain balance. Turning was a good bit trickier, but... Makoto felt a bit steadier, having Sio to hang onto like this.

(But there was still the question on whether either of them could figure out how to stop, once they got going.)

Kama's own fun was much more straightforward, at the very least. Following Quill's lead, he was happy to use the sticks to push himself on down the slope - squealing and squeaking with similar joy! Sure, maybe the sticks could be a bit smoother, but he was enjoying himself! And unlike Makoto or Sio, stopping wasn't tricky for Kama; he quickly figured out that he could use the sticks to control his speed and direction.

Once at the bottom, he'd turn to chitter eagerly at Quill - he wanted to do that again! That was fun!!
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 22:43:23 GMT
On purpose or not, Sio was clearly one for theatrics; so even if there was no intention of flirting, framing it all as a waltz made it sound smoother and more fun, right? Though moving away from that, the detective keeps the count going at a hushed whisper- enough for the two of them to hear without drawing much attention from the other skaters on the lake.

It certainly helped that Makoto had taken to murmuring the chant along with her- it put a small, softer smile on her face, even! With this shared boost of confidence, she'd even dare to lead the two into making a few turns- around this way and that way, to form a little figure eight! Sure, stopping is still something of hesitant and unsure matter, but who needed that right now with the nice flow of curving movements?

As for Quill, he can't help but howl and bark eagerly along with the Sneasel's joy! He was doing great! They'd both caught onto the name of the game perfectly! Similarly, he'd yap to Kama once he'd reached the bottom of the hill, before immediately making the trek back up to the top, tail wagging all the while. There was no time to waste, not when they were already having so much fun skiing for the first time! Again, again!
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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Makoto Kurumi
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2024 23:48:41 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
As the two went along, Makoto relaxed into the rhythm - continuing to murmur in time with Sio, letting her take the lead in where and how they went across the ice. This was... This was nice, for as much as this close contact did fluster them a hair. But the warmth in their cheeks took a backseat soon to the simple enjoyment shared in this moment...

... At least, until Sio went into doing a few turns.

On the first turn, Makoto ended up having to squeeze Sio a bit for security and to keep themself from stumbling - caught off guard, so engrossed in that prior rhythm. Their cheeks lit up a bit brighter with embarassment with this - and yet, Makoto would still try to hesitantly follow Sio's lead in the next few sloping turns. "L-Like this...?"

Kama would eagerly follow Quill back to the top - although, as he did, he'd work a bit. Removing the 'skis' from his feet, he'd use his claws to carefully shave off any extra bits from the outside of the sticks; trying to make them as smooth and straight as possible without sacrificing durability. And upon reaching the top, he'd squeak and gesture with the sticks to show Quill what he did. Maybe, with the skis being smoother, the ride down would be smoother too?

The duo's antics had drawn some attention from someone else though, it appeared - Tsukiko cocking her head as she watched the Sneasel and Smeargle both playing. What were they up to?
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October 26
Anville Town
5'3 height
5'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
111 posts
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TAG WITH @siosoti
Wintertime Slip n' Slide [MISSION]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2024 21:20:44 GMT
And while Sio is rather caught off guard by Makoto's grip on her, she doesn't seem to entirely mind. It's better than either of them falling on their face, at least! When the two clear the turn- then the next, and the next, the reporter would hum happily, nodding. "Yes, just like that. Perfect!" She exclaims, letting out a cheerful laugh, warm and bright amidst the cold and snow.

Quill perks up when he and Kama reach the top of the hill, looking towards him and his skis. They're smoother! Quill yips at the Sneasel, taking off his own skis and holding them out to him. Could he do that to its too? Pleeeeease?

And so, the afternoon would continue like this- the pokemon duo pulling others into their fun wherever they could, and their trainers calmly, happily skating together over the frozen lake. Truly a day to remember, all stemming from one little slip!

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