i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2024 4:06:09 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]


[attr="class","textbody"] A hand rubbed against Tofu's stomach, as the Pikachu laid splayed in his lap, resting between battles. These battles were doing a number on them, but it was probably more that Tofu wanted to sunbathe than he had sore muscles.

[break][break] Either way, the Pikachu was happy to rest in his trainer's lap until their next contendors came through.

[break][break] Sure enough, they did. Ollie glanced up as they approached, placing his Pikachu on the floor before he offered his hand out for the other to shake.

[break][break] "Hiya! My name's Ollie. What's yours?"






[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","icon-league"] GIGANTAMAX GIMMICK (inactive) [break]
Dynamax and Gigantamax users have 4 HP instead of 3 HP.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".sweetwater"] --accent: #d7d0f2; --url:url(; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie"] --accent:#FFB546!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background: #222; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; border:1px solid ##2d2d2d; } .sweetwater .top { background-image:var(--url); opacity:0.9; height: 220px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 35%; background-color: #c4bce2; background-blend-mode: hard-light;; transition:1s all; } .sweetwater .lyrics b { color: var(--accent); font-size: 50px; letter-spacing: -1px; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #323232, 1px -1px 0 #323232, 2px 1px 0 #323232, -1px 1px 0 #373639; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:100; letter-spacing:5px;} .sweetwater .lyrics { font: 12px/15px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #eee; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 150px; width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; } .sweetwater .textbody b { font: bold 14px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent); } .sweetwater a { font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important;} .sweetwater .textbody i { color: var(--accent); font-family:Poppins; } .sweetwater .textbody u { font: 11px/15px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration:none; } .sweetwater .textbody { font: 12px/16px 'Roboto'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: #ffffffde; border:1px solid #18181899; text-align: justify; margin: 20px; padding: 40px 50px 30px 50px; border-radius: 5px; } .sweetwater .notes { background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.15); font: 10px 'Poppins'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin: 10px 20px 0px; padding:20px 50px; color: #fff; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; } .sweetwater .notes b { font:bold 15px 'Quicksand'; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:var(--accent); padding:2px 5px; } .sweetwater .bottom { text-align:center; background:#272727; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; opacity:0.9; } .sweetwater .bottom img { filter:grayscale(1); [/newclass]
[newclass=".sweetwater .credits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; bottom:9px; right:13px; color:#ccc;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a"]font:bold 9px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; opacity:0.3; transition:0.7s all;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a:hover"]opacity:1; font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .ooc"] margin-top:15px; } .sweetwater .ooc b { font-size:11px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .hpbar"] width:200px; height:7px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#39db24; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/newclass]
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played by


January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 18:27:25 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]Not wanting to be late for his next bout, Scotti and his Incineroar pushed their way across the tournament space. “Sorry!” He shouted to a balloon vendor. “Excuse me, err, us!” This particular apology ended up directed at a statue—one he patted on the shoulder. Finally, he came to the next battle location. His chest huffed and puffed as his VR set highlighted his next opponent.

“Dude.” This guy seemed cool. Just the way he chilled there with that Pikachu. No nerves and a super-friendly look. Immediately, Biscotti’s face split into an awkward grin. My name! He asked for my name! He gestured to the cat behind him. “She’s Biscotti, and I’m Jangle.” Scotti blinked. His fingers made a backward motion. “Uh, reverse that.” Not that it sounded much better the other way around. He had a dog’s name. Or, in this case, a cat’s.

Biscotti grabbed the hand and shook it. “I’m jealous of your Pikachu, mean.” He sighed. “That looks like the life.” Not because he was in this dude’s lap, of course. Just because he was, uh, relaxing, or whatever. Jangle, not as prone to nerves, crossed her arm across her chest. She aimed to put her Intimidation to the best use.


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2024 2:44:02 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]


[attr="class","textbody"] Ollie blinked.

[break][break] This guy was funny. He liked him already.

[break][break] "Biscotti and Jangle, huh? Nice names."

[break][break] Slowly, Ollie removed Tofu from his lap and set him beside. The Pikachu shook the sleep from his eyes, rubbing his fuzzed up fur with his paws. When he was ready, he leapt off the bench and onto the battlefield to focus his own against the other's intimidation.

[break][break] "Jealous?" He laughed. "Nah, nothing to be jealous over. We can be buds too!" He grinned, nudging the other playfully with an elbow.

[break][break] The battle begins by Tofu darting forward on quick paws, releasing a DISCHARGE.



izTYLWHp [break]




[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","icon-league"] GIGANTAMAX GIMMICK (inactive) [break]
Dynamax and Gigantamax users have 4 HP instead of 3 HP.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".sweetwater"] --accent: #d7d0f2; --url:url(; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie"] --accent:#FFB546!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background: #222; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; border:1px solid ##2d2d2d; } .sweetwater .top { background-image:var(--url); opacity:0.9; height: 220px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 35%; background-color: #c4bce2; background-blend-mode: hard-light;; transition:1s all; } .sweetwater .lyrics b { color: var(--accent); font-size: 50px; letter-spacing: -1px; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #323232, 1px -1px 0 #323232, 2px 1px 0 #323232, -1px 1px 0 #373639; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:100; letter-spacing:5px;} .sweetwater .lyrics { font: 12px/15px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #eee; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 150px; width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; } .sweetwater .textbody b { font: bold 14px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent); } .sweetwater a { font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important;} .sweetwater .textbody i { color: var(--accent); font-family:Poppins; } .sweetwater .textbody u { font: 11px/15px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration:none; } .sweetwater .textbody { font: 12px/16px 'Roboto'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: #ffffffde; border:1px solid #18181899; text-align: justify; margin: 20px; padding: 40px 50px 30px 50px; border-radius: 5px; } .sweetwater .notes { background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.15); font: 10px 'Poppins'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin: 10px 20px 0px; padding:20px 50px; color: #fff; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; } .sweetwater .notes b { font:bold 15px 'Quicksand'; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:var(--accent); padding:2px 5px; } .sweetwater .bottom { text-align:center; background:#272727; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; opacity:0.9; } .sweetwater .bottom img { filter:grayscale(1); [/newclass]
[newclass=".sweetwater .credits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; bottom:9px; right:13px; color:#ccc;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a"]font:bold 9px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; opacity:0.3; transition:0.7s all;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a:hover"]opacity:1; font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .ooc"] margin-top:15px; } .sweetwater .ooc b { font-size:11px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .hpbar"] width:200px; height:7px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#39db24; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/newclass]
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played by


January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2024 2:10:29 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The brunette flushed. “I’m glad someone thinks so!” The cat—judging by her face—disagreed. Nobody had ever said his name was cool before. They just called him Biscuit Head and Pastry Boy. Jangle’s name, meanwhile, was just a stupid joke. He’d been obsessed with comic books as a kid. And, that meant he enjoyed onomatopoeia. So, when he got a kitty with a bell with Christmas, Jingle-Jangle stuck.”Yours too.”

With a deep breath, Biscotti straightened up. The last thing he wanted to do was embarrass himself in front of the Head Ranger. So, all he had to do was not give stupid orders, stammer, or fall over. “We definitely can, uh, pal! Win or lose, you get a doughnut!” He chuckled awkwardly. l I’m doomed. The Incineroar, however, seemed more confident. She raced toward the charging Pikachu.

As she drew near—static lifted her fur into a mess. It rippled across her muscles. Fangs gritted as her nerves started to feel the burn. When she got as close as she could bear, Jangle unleashed a Cross Chop.



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 2:22:05 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]


[attr="class","textbody"] Ollie grins as the other appreciates his compliment, nodding back at him. Sure enough, the battle begins when the announcer directs them to the opposite sides of the arena.

[break][break] "Woah! A donut sounds tasty. What's your favorite flavor?"

[break][break] The Head Ranger smiles easily at the other, as if they're just having a simple conversation, not in the middle of a battle.

[break][break] Hands slammed into him as the CROSS CHOP cut into the Pikachu. Tofu was tossed across the battle field, thrown like a ragdoll. Gritting his teeth, he turned on his heel as he glared at his opponent. A DISARMING VOICE filled the air as bubbling pink notes floated between them both.



fSsqqC39 [break]




[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","icon-league"] GIGANTAMAX GIMMICK (inactive) [break]
Dynamax and Gigantamax users have 4 HP instead of 3 HP.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".sweetwater"] --accent: #d7d0f2; --url:url(; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie"] --accent:#FFB546!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background: #222; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; border:1px solid ##2d2d2d; } .sweetwater .top { background-image:var(--url); opacity:0.9; height: 220px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 35%; background-color: #c4bce2; background-blend-mode: hard-light;; transition:1s all; } .sweetwater .lyrics b { color: var(--accent); font-size: 50px; letter-spacing: -1px; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #323232, 1px -1px 0 #323232, 2px 1px 0 #323232, -1px 1px 0 #373639; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:100; letter-spacing:5px;} .sweetwater .lyrics { font: 12px/15px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #eee; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 150px; width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; } .sweetwater .textbody b { font: bold 14px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent); } .sweetwater a { font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important;} .sweetwater .textbody i { color: var(--accent); font-family:Poppins; } .sweetwater .textbody u { font: 11px/15px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration:none; } .sweetwater .textbody { font: 12px/16px 'Roboto'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: #ffffffde; border:1px solid #18181899; text-align: justify; margin: 20px; padding: 40px 50px 30px 50px; border-radius: 5px; } .sweetwater .notes { background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.15); font: 10px 'Poppins'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin: 10px 20px 0px; padding:20px 50px; color: #fff; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; } .sweetwater .notes b { font:bold 15px 'Quicksand'; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:var(--accent); padding:2px 5px; } .sweetwater .bottom { text-align:center; background:#272727; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; opacity:0.9; } .sweetwater .bottom img { filter:grayscale(1); [/newclass]
[newclass=".sweetwater .credits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; bottom:9px; right:13px; color:#ccc;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a"]font:bold 9px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; opacity:0.3; transition:0.7s all;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a:hover"]opacity:1; font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .ooc"] margin-top:15px; } .sweetwater .ooc b { font-size:11px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .hpbar"] width:200px; height:7px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#39db24; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/newclass]
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played by


January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 3:22:51 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The question draws an awkward grin. “You might as well ask me my favorite kid!” But he does know one thing: he hates jam and custard in his pastries. He wanted sweet not a surprise. Then, of course, there was the fact that Neopolitan convinced him strawberry jam was Pokemon offal. And, no matter how much time passed, that idea wouldn’t leave. Which meant he was kind of a basic bitch. “But I have to go with Tiger Tails!” It was one of the classics but way longer.

But, uh, now he wasn’t sure if glaze counted as a flavor. Too occupied by that, Biscotti didn't notice as Jangle's tail shrunk from him.

After getting trounced by a pint-sized Pokemon earlier, the Incineroar is glad to see the attack hit. Her whiskers raise in smug satisfaction as Tofu flips through the air. Jangle claps her paws to her ears as the high-pitched squeal intensifies. “Shake it off!” Biscotti is more confident than earlier. His shy cheerleading is now audible. “Get in range!”

No shit, Sherlock. The cat thinks as smoke pours from her nostrils. Her belt explodes with light as she rushes toward Tofu with a powerful Flare Blitz.



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 22:29:55 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]


[attr="class","textbody"] "Wait, you have kids? Aren't ya a kid yourself?" Ollie bolsters out a laugh at his own joke, lips twisted into a smirk. Though he could agree with the young man — it was hard to pick your favorite donut. Some might say even impossible.

[break][break] "Tiger tails? I don't think I've ever had 'em before! I'll try anything once though. Where can I get 'em?"

[break][break] Distracted by the talk of desserts, Ollie too is almost distracted until he hears the other call out for his pokemon. Oop. Flare Blitz. That didn't sound good.

[break][break] "Don't let 'em!" he shouts, watching as his Tofu leaps into a TRAILBLAZE attack to increase his speed. In a burst of light, the Pikachu leaps across the arena until he is just blips of bright, emerald light. At the last minute, he crashes through the incoming FLARE BLITZ with a well-placed IRON TAIL.



7mYM|vvb [break]




[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","icon-league"] GIGANTAMAX GIMMICK (inactive) [break]
Dynamax and Gigantamax users have 4 HP instead of 3 HP.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".sweetwater"] --accent: #d7d0f2; --url:url(; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie"] --accent:#FFB546!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background: #222; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; border:1px solid ##2d2d2d; } .sweetwater .top { background-image:var(--url); opacity:0.9; height: 220px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 35%; background-color: #c4bce2; background-blend-mode: hard-light;; transition:1s all; } .sweetwater .lyrics b { color: var(--accent); font-size: 50px; letter-spacing: -1px; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #323232, 1px -1px 0 #323232, 2px 1px 0 #323232, -1px 1px 0 #373639; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:100; letter-spacing:5px;} .sweetwater .lyrics { font: 12px/15px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #eee; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 150px; width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; } .sweetwater .textbody b { font: bold 14px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent); } .sweetwater a { font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important;} .sweetwater .textbody i { color: var(--accent); font-family:Poppins; } .sweetwater .textbody u { font: 11px/15px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration:none; } .sweetwater .textbody { font: 12px/16px 'Roboto'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: #ffffffde; border:1px solid #18181899; text-align: justify; margin: 20px; padding: 40px 50px 30px 50px; border-radius: 5px; } .sweetwater .notes { background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.15); font: 10px 'Poppins'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin: 10px 20px 0px; padding:20px 50px; color: #fff; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; } .sweetwater .notes b { font:bold 15px 'Quicksand'; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:var(--accent); padding:2px 5px; } .sweetwater .bottom { text-align:center; background:#272727; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; opacity:0.9; } .sweetwater .bottom img { filter:grayscale(1); [/newclass]
[newclass=".sweetwater .credits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; bottom:9px; right:13px; color:#ccc;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a"]font:bold 9px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; opacity:0.3; transition:0.7s all;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a:hover"]opacity:1; font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .ooc"] margin-top:15px; } .sweetwater .ooc b { font-size:11px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .hpbar"] width:200px; height:7px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#39db24; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/newclass]
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played by


January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 19:18:49 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]Even in the alternate universe, this was one question he could answer pretty confidently. “No way It’s just a—uh—phrase.” Which the guy knew since he asked about it. “I’d be fired in a week.” And, even though he’d thought it’d be cool, he didn’t want to pass his crappy genes down. It’d been hard enough for him to survive it. He doubted he’d be able to watch someone else do the same.

The young man lifted scarred hands. First, he held his hands up about a hot dog’s length apart. “They’re like this ling.” Then, he twirled his hands in his best attempt at a braid. “And they’re swirled into like a DNA strand. Sometimes one’s cinnamon. Usually, they’re glazed.” It was like having three doughnuts in one. The different flavors made it way more fun. As to the other question?

“Kingsley's Confections is past the contestant’s tent!” He grinned. “Cannolli’s a whiz.” She was like magic with dough. It felt like she just stared at it and it did whatever she wanted. Kind of irritated by the shouting confectionary conversation, Jangle threw her trainer a glare. Biscotti stiffened like a scolded kid. He murmured something under his breath.

The fire flares high as the two crash into one another. Uh, isn’t that what I wanted? The Incineroar snarls as the Pikachu’s tail slams into her crossed arms. “Hsss!” But instead of breaking the attack, the cat just turns up the heat. As the heat eats at her fur, the recoil begins to spread. Metals melted, right?



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 0:24:20 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]


[attr="class","textbody"] "Oh phew. That sure would be awkward!"

[break][break] As if the current situation wasn't awkward in itself.

[break][break] Not that the Head Ranger seemed to notice, though, as their pokemon clashed fiercely on the battlefield in front of them. Fire and flame encased the Pikachu as Incineroar increased the heat.

[break][break] "That sounds so good, I can't wait - oi! Tofu!" Distracted by the temptation of sweets, he got too distracted and almost forgot that he was in a battle. Ollie quickly grasped his Dynamax band and triggered it, consuming the small Pikachu in light that quickly tripled it in size. The tail that the Incineroar had in it's hands grew too, to a catastrophic amount, just a violent DISCHARGE broke across the earth.



OsP_t9c0 [break]




[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","icon-league"] GIGANTAMAX GIMMICK (inactive) [break]
Dynamax and Gigantamax users have 4 HP instead of 3 HP.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".sweetwater"] --accent: #d7d0f2; --url:url(; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie"] --accent:#FFB546!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background: #222; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; border:1px solid ##2d2d2d; } .sweetwater .top { background-image:var(--url); opacity:0.9; height: 220px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 35%; background-color: #c4bce2; background-blend-mode: hard-light;; transition:1s all; } .sweetwater .lyrics b { color: var(--accent); font-size: 50px; letter-spacing: -1px; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #323232, 1px -1px 0 #323232, 2px 1px 0 #323232, -1px 1px 0 #373639; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:100; letter-spacing:5px;} .sweetwater .lyrics { font: 12px/15px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #eee; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 150px; width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; } .sweetwater .textbody b { font: bold 14px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent); } .sweetwater a { font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important;} .sweetwater .textbody i { color: var(--accent); font-family:Poppins; } .sweetwater .textbody u { font: 11px/15px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration:none; } .sweetwater .textbody { font: 12px/16px 'Roboto'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: #ffffffde; border:1px solid #18181899; text-align: justify; margin: 20px; padding: 40px 50px 30px 50px; border-radius: 5px; } .sweetwater .notes { background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.15); font: 10px 'Poppins'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin: 10px 20px 0px; padding:20px 50px; color: #fff; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; } .sweetwater .notes b { font:bold 15px 'Quicksand'; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:var(--accent); padding:2px 5px; } .sweetwater .bottom { text-align:center; background:#272727; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; opacity:0.9; } .sweetwater .bottom img { filter:grayscale(1); [/newclass]
[newclass=".sweetwater .credits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; bottom:9px; right:13px; color:#ccc;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a"]font:bold 9px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; opacity:0.3; transition:0.7s all;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a:hover"]opacity:1; font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .ooc"] margin-top:15px; } .sweetwater .ooc b { font-size:11px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .hpbar"] width:200px; height:7px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#39db24; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/newclass]
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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 11:10:03 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The brunette smiled in response. If he did have a kid, he probably wouldn't be here, huh? Probably working two jobs trying to feed a screaming, pooping potato. “Yeah. Super, mega awkward.” Pretty much every conversation with him ended up sandwiched between cringe and offputting. It was a talent, just not a useful one. “Heh.” And, unlike his lack of pain, he couldn’t blame it on CIP.

A grin spread across his face. Food was something he could talk about especially when he made so much of it. “Hopefully, you don’t change your mind!” With all the sweets on display—even at the tournament cart—it was hard to choose just one. His lower-than-average sense of smell was a real lifesaver. It kept him from being as round as a G-Max Pikachu. Though, even as he patted his belly, Scotti was pondering his next doughnut.

“!?” Though he’d noticed the band, Biscotti hadn’t paid it much thought. Which now, well, seemed like a really bad idea.”Whoooa! That’s cool!” Biscotti tried to whistle his admiration, the sound coming out more like a spittoon shot. “JJ! Let him go!” Stunned by the sudden role reversal, the cat hesitated a second. The tail burst free of her hands, only its tip now resting in her palm.

This was enough to send the Discharge rebounding through her body with the force of a lightning bolt. Even as her limbs stiffened, the very ground beneath her feet lit up with sparks. “Uh use—try a—” She fell to her knees. What could he do in a situation like this? “Blast Burn?” The student finished lamely.

Smoke poured from the cat’s nostrils as she tried to coax out her inner inferno.



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 7:31:58 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","sweetwater ollie"]


[attr="class","textbody"] Scalding fire billowed from the cat's maw and it was Tofu's ending fate. Burned to a crisp, the Pikachu retreated into it's normal size as he fell back and knocked himself out on the pavement.

[break][break] Ollie was the first to run onto the field and catch him, returning him to his pokeball in a heartbeat.

[break][break] "You did good bud," he murmured, before walking over to and offering his knuckles to bump fists with. "You guys too! It was a great battle."

[break][break] Then he looked a little overeager, lips tipped into a grin.

[break][break] "So.... how about those tiger tails as my consolation prize?"



WINS! [break][break]



[attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","icon-league"] GIGANTAMAX GIMMICK (inactive) [break]
Dynamax and Gigantamax users have 4 HP instead of 3 HP.


[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".sweetwater"] --accent: #d7d0f2; --url:url(; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie"] --accent:#FFB546!important; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater"]width: 450px; margin: 0px auto; background: #222; position: relative; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; border:1px solid ##2d2d2d; } .sweetwater .top { background-image:var(--url); opacity:0.9; height: 220px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 35%; background-color: #c4bce2; background-blend-mode: hard-light;; transition:1s all; } .sweetwater .lyrics b { color: var(--accent); font-size: 50px; letter-spacing: -1px; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #323232, 1px -1px 0 #323232, 2px 1px 0 #323232, -1px 1px 0 #373639; text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:100; letter-spacing:5px;} .sweetwater .lyrics { font: 12px/15px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing: 5px; color: #eee; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 150px; width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; } .sweetwater .textbody b { font: bold 14px/11px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent); } .sweetwater a { font:bold 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important;} .sweetwater .textbody i { color: var(--accent); font-family:Poppins; } .sweetwater .textbody u { font: 11px/15px 'Poppins'; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration:none; } .sweetwater .textbody { font: 12px/16px 'Roboto'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: #ffffffde; border:1px solid #18181899; text-align: justify; margin: 20px; padding: 40px 50px 30px 50px; border-radius: 5px; } .sweetwater .notes { background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.15); font: 10px 'Poppins'; border-radius: 10px; letter-spacing: 0.3px; margin: 10px 20px 0px; padding:20px 50px; color: #fff; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; } .sweetwater .notes b { font:bold 15px 'Quicksand'; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:-0.5px; color:var(--accent); padding:2px 5px; } .sweetwater .bottom { text-align:center; background:#272727; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; border-radius:0px 0px 5px 5px; opacity:0.9; } .sweetwater .bottom img { filter:grayscale(1); [/newclass]
[newclass=".sweetwater .credits"]position:absolute; text-transform:uppercase; bottom:9px; right:13px; color:#ccc;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a"]font:bold 9px 'Poppins'; text-decoration:none; color:inherit; opacity:0.3; transition:0.7s all;[/newclass][newclass=".sweetwater .credits a:hover"]opacity:1; font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; transition:0.7s all; color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .ooc"] margin-top:15px; } .sweetwater .ooc b { font-size:11px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sweetwater .hpbar"] width:200px; height:7px; border-radius:3px; background-color:#39db24; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/newclass]
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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
316 posts
part of
TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 17:41:12 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The brunette watches in shock as the kaiju-chu hits the ground. The smell of burnt air whiffs through the air around them. Biscotti doesn’t smell it, but the Incineroar does. This is one of the few times CPI proves useful. There’s a hint of confusion as his cat’s nose wrinkles. One of her paws batted idly at the air in an attempt to dissipate the smell.

Scotti, meanwhile, was too stunned to notice any of this. Had they just beat a ranger? By themselves? Big labrador eyes blinked a few times. For a moment, his mind was consumed by images of victory—laurels, medals, and applause. Then, the older guy was in his face with his fist frozen. It took the baker a second to realize time hadn’t stopped and Ollie wasn’t trying to punch him.

Thanks!” He butted scarred knuckles against the man’s larger ones. “You too!” The teenager winced. “Except for the, you know, losing part.” These words spilled out in an avalanche. One that buried his cheeks in a sea of red. Now, it sounds like you’re rubbing his nose in it. Geeze. Luckily, the doughnut talk gave him a life raft.

Digging in his jacket pocket, he first pulls up a crumpled receipt. “Sure, man! Of course!” Just as he goes to pass it to Ollie, the brunette freezes. In a flurry of movements, he swaps that paper for a glossy little coupon. “This thing is good for one baked good.” And, even if his sister hadn’t given them to him, Biscotti didn’t think she’d mind a visit from the Head Ranger.

Besides, it made him feel way less guilty when he won.



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,479 posts
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spiral and shiv's baby
POSTED ON Feb 1, 2024 0:21:12 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]VCT COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing