Lost, Then Found [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 2
Dewford Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noel Parker DOLLARS
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Noel Parker
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2024 0:16:47 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]



His eyes slowly open to see the familiar color. He wakes up in a sweat, sitting up on his unfamiliar bed, glancing all around him. How many times had he seen the same set of drapes in this exact situation? It seemed as though every month he was left bandaged and out of commission from whatever terrifying foe he came across. Yet why was he in the same position every time? He reaches out to his shoulder, as soon as he does however, a pain spreads to all over his entire body. Wincing from the pain, he lets go and remembers how he got here in the first place. His encounter with the Paradox Pokemon along with Kyurem had left him in this sorry state, and now he needed to get some answers.[break][break]

Ripping the IV's from all over his body, he would jump off from his safe space, stumbling down along the way but managing to slowly get back on his feet. He holds a hand out towards the wall for leverage, finding the door out of here and escaping through. A brightly lit hallway welcomes him, with the pace he was going, it seemed almost endless. There was no telling who or what had brought him back from the brink of death, but for the time being, he wanted to find anyone. A nurse or a familiar face would go a long way right now.


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
[newclass=".mango"] --accent: #7C6678 } .mango b { color: var(--accent); font: bold 13px/12px 'Poppins'; } .mango a { font:bold 12px/9px 'Poppins'!important; } .mango { width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; } .mango .inner { background-color: #272727; border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px; font-family: roboto; color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align: justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px; padding: 30px; background: #272727; } .mango .body { border-radius:5px; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid var(--accent); background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom { background: var(--accent); min-height:25px; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom img { margin-top:-10px; margin-right:-10px; } .mango .notes { border-top:1px solid var(--accent); padding:10px 10px 0px 10px; margin:20px 30px -10px; text-align:center; [/newclass]

[newclass=".mango .milkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right: 12px; bottom: 58px; border-radius:100px; color:#ddd; opacity:0.6; } .mango .milkycredit a { transition:0.5s all } .mango .milkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2024 0:38:57 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

and unfortunately for him, freya is not a familiar face, but she might be as close as he gets. she doesn't come across him yet. she's getting herself looked at. she's getting her team looked at. she's making sure that through all of the adrenaline, she's actually okay

just some scrapes and bruises. minor burns from the cold.

the last time she'd walked away from kyurem, her mind had been twisted. warped beyond comprehension. a year of recovery is partly why she's here, refusing to shrug off her hurt. and besides, will be happy to know she's gotten through that thick skull of hers. somewhat. 

"not too many, miss morningstar, but there are a few, i'm sure, who wouldn't mind a visit."

now she happens upon him. oldale's hospital is small, its workers slightly overwhelmed by the influx of people after the silent icelands encounter, so no one sees the man stumbling down the hallway in a hospital gown. no one except her.

"nurse? can i get a nurse?" she says and picks up the pace, holding out both arms to steady him. 

"what the hell are you doing?"
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July 2
Dewford Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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Noel Parker
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2024 2:37:34 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


His vision is hazy. He's unable to see the people that are even right in front of him. As he proceeds forward, he slips and begins to fall but is luckily caught by someone before it turns for the worse. His sight begins to clear up, he's able to discern details of the person who had broken his fall. A woman, seemingly the same age as him, with a worried expression adorned across her face.[break][break]

Ragged breath escapes his mouth, his entire body trembles as his legs give way even more, causing him to be forced to lean against the wall along with the help of this stranger.[break][break]

"Where am I? I've... got to see if everyone is all right... Kyurem... Did we defeat it?"[break][break]

With almost every gasp of air he takes, a cough is violently exuded which causes his speech to slow. His eyes dart around as if trying to find an answer but to no avail. Unknowing of whether the people around him could even answer him or not, he figured he might as well try.[break][break]

"Please... Where are my Pokemon? I've got to go back and return... they might still be fighting..."[break][break]

Then it all fades to black. He grows limp in the arms of his savior. The nurses she called rush to his aid and he is promptly taken back to his hospital room. Once there, he would rest once more and after some time, reawaken, this time more calm and collected after the rush he had just experienced.


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
[newclass=".mango"] --accent: #7C6678 } .mango b { color: var(--accent); font: bold 13px/12px 'Poppins'; } .mango a { font:bold 12px/9px 'Poppins'!important; } .mango { width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; } .mango .inner { background-color: #272727; border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px; font-family: roboto; color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align: justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px; padding: 30px; background: #272727; } .mango .body { border-radius:5px; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid var(--accent); background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom { background: var(--accent); min-height:25px; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom img { margin-top:-10px; margin-right:-10px; } .mango .notes { border-top:1px solid var(--accent); padding:10px 10px 0px 10px; margin:20px 30px -10px; text-align:center; [/newclass]

[newclass=".mango .milkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right: 12px; bottom: 58px; border-radius:100px; color:#ddd; opacity:0.6; } .mango .milkycredit a { transition:0.5s all } .mango .milkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 0:25:48 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
the hard lines on her face deepen and concentration knits in her brows as his weight falls into her. a couple of aids move over to help her, but she waves them off and shoulders his weight for herself. the wounded need tended elsewhere and besides, nowadays she's more than capable. 

tired gold eyes lift to his lifeline half an hour later, listening to the steady beeps of his pulse. the nurse told her she was welcome to leave, but that he should be up shortly. wanting to save them all the trouble of dealing with a traumatized cadet, she stays. 

moxie keeps her company. the dratini glows softly in her lap, tail draping over the side of the chair. freya rubs her feathery accoutrements and dozes, blinking rapidly when the man in the bed stirs. 

"steady there, cadet," she says. "don't give the nurses more trouble - i think we'd all like to avoid putting those back in your arm." 
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July 2
Dewford Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noel Parker DOLLARS
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Noel Parker
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 14:54:05 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


He lets out a groan. Every part of his body ached tremendously, as if he was hit by a train. Sitting up from his bed, he would take a moment to take in everything all at once, and once settled down, turn his gaze towards the lady beside him, a worried look adorned on his face. He had no idea just who she was exactly, at least not by appearance. But there was one thing he knew for certain.[break][break]

"You... You were there weren't you? At the battle against Kyurem. I remember you fighting against that dragon and those Paradox Pokemon that came out. Then you must know. Did everyone make it out all right?"[break][break]

The safety of his allies was of the utmost importance to him. If he could guarantee their wellbeing then he would be in this position no matter how many times it took. He couldn't bear to think of any one of his friends becoming seriously injured or perhaps worse. The fear of the unknown was gnawing at him and he needed answers now.[break][break]

"And what of Kyurem? Did we... defeat it?"


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
[newclass=".mango"] --accent: #7C6678 } .mango b { color: var(--accent); font: bold 13px/12px 'Poppins'; } .mango a { font:bold 12px/9px 'Poppins'!important; } .mango { width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; } .mango .inner { background-color: #272727; border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px; font-family: roboto; color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align: justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px; padding: 30px; background: #272727; } .mango .body { border-radius:5px; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid var(--accent); background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom { background: var(--accent); min-height:25px; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom img { margin-top:-10px; margin-right:-10px; } .mango .notes { border-top:1px solid var(--accent); padding:10px 10px 0px 10px; margin:20px 30px -10px; text-align:center; [/newclass]

[newclass=".mango .milkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right: 12px; bottom: 58px; border-radius:100px; color:#ddd; opacity:0.6; } .mango .milkycredit a { transition:0.5s all } .mango .milkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 21:26:17 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"yes, i was there," she says, albeit gravely. there was a moment when she had a choice - continue the onslaught against kyurem or go into the caverns. and save people like him. save people who were on comms calling for help. would he be here, in this state, if she'd made a different choice? 

"we won." it's an easier way of saying we didn't, but such a beast couldn't be felled. they separated reshiram; they lost reshiram. they banished the world-devourer; they could not stop it from cleaving a chasm in the earth. 

"for now. and from what i've heard, our operatives are all accounted for - " she bites her lip, "in different conditions, but alive nonetheless."

while he's at no risk of leaping out of the bed, she finds her way back to her seat and falls back into it. exhaustion lingers in her. emotions she hasn't had time to parse gnaw at her amygdala, threatening action, but she quashes the feeling.
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July 2
Dewford Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2024 4:59:07 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


From her tone and gestures, Noel could tell that there were more than likely others who shared the same fate as him. Thankful that they were at the very least alive, he wondered just what could have happened if even one person there had not joined in that battle.[break][break]

He took a look at Freya, thinking to himself how maybe she was the one in need of a rest instead of him. If only he hadn't suffered so many wounds, then he would be the one in her position, taking care of the injured. But alas, the human body was too frail. He wanted to help the others out as much as he could but for now he was stuck in this cramped up room. He pauses for a moment to think on what to say, then gives his helper a meager smile.[break][break]

"I'm glad to see everyone is more or less all right. I can't wait to get out of here so we can chase down that dragon and stop it from ever harming anyone again... Sorry. I never got your name. I guess I should introduce myself too. I'm Noel Parker. Don't think we've had the pleasure of seeing each other other than during that fight."[break][break]


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
[newclass=".mango"] --accent: #7C6678 } .mango b { color: var(--accent); font: bold 13px/12px 'Poppins'; } .mango a { font:bold 12px/9px 'Poppins'!important; } .mango { width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; } .mango .inner { background-color: #272727; border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px; font-family: roboto; color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align: justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px; padding: 30px; background: #272727; } .mango .body { border-radius:5px; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid var(--accent); background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom { background: var(--accent); min-height:25px; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom img { margin-top:-10px; margin-right:-10px; } .mango .notes { border-top:1px solid var(--accent); padding:10px 10px 0px 10px; margin:20px 30px -10px; text-align:center; [/newclass]

[newclass=".mango .milkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right: 12px; bottom: 58px; border-radius:100px; color:#ddd; opacity:0.6; } .mango .milkycredit a { transition:0.5s all } .mango .milkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2024 5:11:03 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

you did what you could.

and was it enough?

he does not understand the actions he's promising. he does not understand the inevitably that is this creature. this beast stalked her for months. it lived in her head, in her every breath, every tremble, promising her death. 

"it's freya," she says. she tries to search her mind for more on noel, but comes up short. given his attire, he's a ranger, and she guesses not one that works directly under ollie. 

"and honestly, noel, i think that hoopa is a bigger issue. without it, kyurem's marooned on its hellscape of a plane." she tilts her head back and looks down at him through her lashes. "if it's a bother, i can be going, but sometimes it's good to talk through this stuff. help process it, you know?"
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July 2
Dewford Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 6:19:45 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


To say that he understood everything that happened there would be a clear-cut lie. All the talk of prophecies and the sudden appearance of Palkia by 's side didn't mean much when Paradox Pokemon were out trying to kill him. He was more worried about fighting for his life than whatever the whole situation meant for the future of both Hoenn and himself. [break][break]

"Oh no no please. I'm glad you stayed by my side to make sure I was safe. Most people wouldn't do that for a stranger. So... thank you for your help. My head's just a bit jumbled up from all that's happened."[break][break]

He lets out a deep sigh then stares back into Freya's eyes.[break][break]

"I... don't really know what's going on behind the scenes most of the time. Suddenly there are these giant creatures threatening to end our very lives and destroy this land. And then it's now up to us to stop it. The reasons don't really matter much to me. I see something threatening to hurt my friends and I... sort of spring into action you know? I'd do it again and again if I could save just one person."[break][break]

Slumping back into his bed, his head would lean back and lay against the cold brick wall. His gaze pivoting from Freya to the ceiling.[break][break]

"But what a whole lot of good I turned out to be. I can only hope that I was of some assistance to the League."


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
[newclass=".mango"] --accent: #7C6678 } .mango b { color: var(--accent); font: bold 13px/12px 'Poppins'; } .mango a { font:bold 12px/9px 'Poppins'!important; } .mango { width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; } .mango .inner { background-color: #272727; border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px; font-family: roboto; color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align: justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px; padding: 30px; background: #272727; } .mango .body { border-radius:5px; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid var(--accent); background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom { background: var(--accent); min-height:25px; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom img { margin-top:-10px; margin-right:-10px; } .mango .notes { border-top:1px solid var(--accent); padding:10px 10px 0px 10px; margin:20px 30px -10px; text-align:center; [/newclass]

[newclass=".mango .milkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right: 12px; bottom: 58px; border-radius:100px; color:#ddd; opacity:0.6; } .mango .milkycredit a { transition:0.5s all } .mango .milkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2024 17:19:47 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"trust me, i know. i've been there." how many hours she'd spent chasing her jumbled thoughts around in her brain, refusing to let them out from behind her teeth. she forced herself to swallow and then had the audacity to wonder why it hurt. 

"it's easy to feel powerless." she's been there too. "but you did good by being there. there could have been a lot more wounded. there could have been death. but there wasn't. and that's because of people like you, putting their lives on the line for their friends and for the region."

she commits his name to memory. and she talked about finding prospective trainers like this. she'll just need to know if he can handle himself in battle, or if he's just another waiting casualty. 
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July 2
Dewford Town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2024 3:41:12 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


"Thanks I appreciate it." He flashes a slight smile across his face.[break][break]

It was nice knowing that he was able to alleviate some of the struggle the League was facing during the battle. Next time he would be more prepared, more steadfast in keeping up with everyone else. He wouldn't want a repeat of what happened, being able to hold out on his own was something he had to learn fast. This time he was lucky. If those Salamence hadn't appeared, he would have been done for. He couldn't rely on the same thing to pull him out of the fray again.[break][break]

"I've got to get stronger. Strong enough that I won't ever be stuck like this ever again. For a moment I thought I had it, but I was quickly proven wrong. Once I'm out of here, I'll have to train even harder than before. If we're ever to go against Kyurem again, I need to be ready."[break][break]

He lets his head fall back onto his pillow. His gaze centered onto the white ceiling which then turns to face Freya.[break][break]

"Thanks again, I'd probably be in a far worse state than if you hadn't arrived. I'll have to return the favor one day."


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[newclass=".leaguechar"] --accent:#FFB546!important [/newclass]
[newclass=".mango"] --accent: #7C6678 } .mango b { color: var(--accent); font: bold 13px/12px 'Poppins'; } .mango a { font:bold 12px/9px 'Poppins'!important; } .mango { width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; position:relative; } .mango .inner { background-color: #272727; border-radius:4px 4px 0px 0px; font-family: roboto; color: #d4d4d4; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align: justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px; padding: 30px; background: #272727; } .mango .body { border-radius:5px; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid var(--accent); background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom { background: var(--accent); min-height:25px; width:400px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } .mango .bottom img { margin-top:-10px; margin-right:-10px; } .mango .notes { border-top:1px solid var(--accent); padding:10px 10px 0px 10px; margin:20px 30px -10px; text-align:center; [/newclass]

[newclass=".mango .milkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right: 12px; bottom: 58px; border-radius:100px; color:#ddd; opacity:0.6; } .mango .milkycredit a { transition:0.5s all } .mango .milkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
Lost, Then Found [m]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2024 0:58:06 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"there's always a bigger dragon," she says quietly. she leans forward, stretches out her arms, elbows on her thighs and chin propped in her palms. it's something she's said before, words that have run through her mouth in an attempt to help others, though she'd never, before recently, thought they applied to herself.

"no single one of us will be strong enough to take that thing down. what fought it back?" she slides, heel to the balls of her toes, arms languishing by her sides as she stands. 

she goes to his bedside; he turns his face towards her. 

"teamwork. you want strength? surround yourself with people you can count on." and then, with a smile - knowing, wistful - she departs. 

"and don't push yourself while you're mending. we need you out there."
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October 13
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2024 4:50:06 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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