The Border: March of Shadows (redo)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2024 20:46:18 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar

Aaron was annoyed to say the least. He got rejected from the League outpost keeping an eye on the portal to the Border. Even though he'd been there once before, even though he'd shown them his gym badges, they weren't having any of it! He was so pissed. The blonde had all the supplies, even had a Cleanse and Spell Tags, for the entire trip! But he wouldn't let this get him down. These imbeciles always underestimating kids. When they need all the help they can get taking down Team Rocket and handling the many other threats that plagues this region. So instead of going through the proper channels, he decided to sneak around. Or find some other way in.

Scouring around, they had the place locked up tight. Going around, he felt a strange sensation. Despite all instincts telling him to run away, he stepped forward. Soon finding a shining waterfall. The blonde was about to go through until he heard a noise behind him. Turning around with a pokeball in hand, he waited to see who or what it was. Hopefully not a League official...

Jellicent, Drifblim 2, Cursola, Annihilape, Dusknoir, Dragapult

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini.

15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2024 3:05:40 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary wasn't there to explore some Boarder-- and in fact, he didn't even know about it. He was just a new trainer, working through his paces to garner experience. And it led him here. Mt Prye was his go-to spot for finding and making connections with new Psychic Pokemon. It was his first place to visit since he started. He met some amazing ones here, including Haunter, Umbreon, Calypso, Kirlia and Karma-- all Pokemon he considered valuable friends. [break][break] Unlike others, he had the means to teleport in. In the midsts of the forest in Mt. Pyre-- light formed and out appeared three figures. One was Kadabra, one of Zachary's strongest pokemon. With him, also appeared Delphox, also known as Dizzy-- and last but not least was Zachary himself. By teleporting, they bypassed every checkpoint that had blocked off Mt. Pyre. Sadly, Zachary was clueless about the events leading up to here. [break][break] Normally such a teleport would tire out a pokemon, but Tarot, the Kadabra, was resillant and uniquely strong. So strong, it rarely did listen to Zachary's orders and gave him a headache wrangling. [break][break] "Thanks for the Teleport, Tarot," Zachary thanked his Kadabra. To which the Kadabra just gave a grunt as they pressed on. Dizzy just grumbled the same, disliking Tarot's attitude to their trainer. [break][break] The entire area was foggy, a thick mist hanging around the place. Mt. Pyre was no stranger for gloomy weather but once Zachary wished it would be sunny or clear at night more often. IT was so thick, no one could see. Even Dizzy wouldn't light a torch in the fog, being so damp. As they heard the roar of water, they approached a pond of some sort-- and saw a figure on the other end. [break][break] And the figure could see three figures too. All odd shapes. [break][break] "Hello? Someone there? " Zachary called out. [break][break] Being an aggressive Pokemon, Tarot didn't hesitate as he released a telekinetic wave-- blasting water about and likely soaking whomever was there. [break][break] By the time the water, both the splash and the fog was pushed back-- Zachary saw him. [break][break] "A-Arron? Arron Torval? What are you doing here?" Zachary gasped, surprised. [break][break] All the while, Tarot didn't even flinch with an apology. [break][break]




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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
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Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2024 2:17:36 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron...was drenched. That was the only reason he didn't respond. "It's Toral (tor-el). I was hoping to explore the Border a bit on my own, but the League is being...snippy. Won't let me through without an escort. So figured I'd try to sneak in." He was also pretty familiar with Mt. Pyre for the ghost types. He stared expectantly at the Kadabra. But nothing in terms of an apology. "Your Kadabra is an asshole." Thankfully, very unlike his trainer. Looking back at the waterfall with the very hostile aura, at least if someone was going to catch him, it was someone he knew was strong. And creative. "A partner might not be a bad idea. Care to join me through that portal? Seemed the League missed one..."

He pointed at the glowing behind the waterfall. With Aaron already wet, it didn't matter much to him if he had a method of getting through there dry. Luckily, he kept his stuff in a waterproof backpack. So everything there was fine. "It could be a bit rough, and a tad dangerious. But it shouldn't be anything that we can't handle." With Aaron himself being experienced, and Zach having proved his strength to Aaron in their Battle Hut fight, this should be easy. So long as they didn't run into the spirit of Moltres again...

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini.
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2024 4:37:12 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary's expression was wide-eyed and embarrassed to know Kadabra attacked his recent acquaintance he met in the arena. The battle was exciting from when they left it and had a mutual respect for one another. Though that respect probably died now that Arron was drenched by Kadabra. At least he didn't telekinetic dribble him-- yet. [break][break] A hand covered his mouth, both for his error and Tarot's. "Yeah... very, very sorry about that..." Zachary turned to his Kadabra, casting a grumpy look at the neutral-looking Kadabra. "My Kadabra, Tarot, has a BIT of an attitude problem!" Next to him, Dizzy also nodded, giving a barking scold at the Kadabra. [break][break] As if trying to say something, Kadabra used its free hand to use a finger to beckon Zachary closer. Zachary slowly approached, expecting to hear Kadabra make an apology. Perhaps shy. He got up close and... [break][break] WHACK!! Zachary felt the smack of Kadabra's spoon as the Psychic Pokemon hit him with it on his head. [break][break] Zachary shook his head away, and just gave a disapproving glare at his Kadabra. He turned to Arron, even more embarrassed. "Well, I'd like to see you raise a Psychic Pokemon with a superiority complex, as most Kadabras can be..." he replied to him, and rubbed his head. "But what's going on? Why would the league prevent people from coming here?" Zachary was clueless for the reason, as he did just bypass all the security by having Tarot teleport them in. [break][break] With him determine to explore this cave and go with a partner-- who was Zachary to say no. "Well of course. The more, the merrier. I'd be happy to watch your back here. " With that, Tarot decided to be somewhat helpful. Using his Psychic, the waterfall almost parted like a curtain. Dizzy flinched at the sight, revealing the cave inside. Perhaps that was the closest thing to an apology Tarot could do... but Dizzy doubted it. [break][break] Zachary wasn't 100% sure what the goal of Arron's mission here was, but he was all for exploring into the unown, especially when the psychic and supernatural was involved. If there was one thing he was sure of, this place held plenty of mystery to discover and Arron had the intent to discover it too. [break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2024 15:27:41 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
No one was perfect. And who knows, maybe Kadabra was a newer addition. A theory he further supported by the next happenings. Closest to his own troublemakers was his Magnezone and Banette, but their's was more just their wondering than anything. Zach never heard of the Border though...or probably the other areas too. "It's not the entire mountain, just parts of it, due to portals that have popped up here and there. Ultra Wormholes, that leads the the Ultra Wilds. Each area is very unique, and are called by their features. This one here is the Border. As in the border between life and death. Because of the dangers, the League limits who can enter and who can't. Kids and civilians need escorts if they're going to dive in. But I'm stubborn, stronger than most, and I trust you to watch my back. You in?" That was high praise considering the two just met.

Zach quickly agreed. Awesome. A little fellow daredevil to go traveling with. With the Kadabra actually being helpful this time, and parting the waterfall. And the aura hit him full blast. Something was waiting for them. With some caution, he led the way to the portal, just walking right on in. Then immediatly falling, since the portal was literally in the middle of the freaking sky a good thirty yards away from a mountain. With a tick as he started to fall, he released Drifblim to catch him. And Zachary and his Pokemon.

A scream sounded throughout though, and not just the boys' if Zach did as he fell. A malevolent spirit curved around a different mountain and started straight towards them. Oh was this Moltres or just a different spirit?

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini.
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2024 1:51:51 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



"Ultra Holes? HERE?!" Zachary asked. He did know a bit about those boundaries, but he didn't know they were here in Mt. Pyre. Clearly drawn to the desire to see these other places and worlds-- Zachary didn't hesitate. With their agreement, they entered the water fall entrance. Everyone was able to get in-- till Kadabra ended the control with dizzy behind them. The waterfall returned-- drenching Dizzy behind them. [break][break] As they entered the cave, they got a good look to see that Dizzy was the only one drenched, looking like a soaked rat-- whom started daggers at the Kadabra. Tarot, however, snickered to himself behind his long mustashe. Dizzy growled and soon stiffened up. [break][break] "Dizzy--wait don't---!!" [break][break] Too late as the Delphox shook, shaking his fur and the spray of water going everywhere. Everyone got a bit of water on them now as the fox speedily dried himself with his fur and fire, only adding to the flames of frustration with Kadabra's antics. [break][break] Arron clearly wouldn't be happy by that too... but the time for humor passed as both Pokemon sensed the unease of mystery in this place. [break][break] However it was then the portal appeared-- and soon they all were falling. A scream came from Zachary as did his other Pokemon. However-- Tarot was pretty Zen as he fell. Dizzy was freaking out, now barking loud as he failed his limbs. With no other choice, Tarot took action to save his 'annoying' comrades. [break][break] Tarot crossed his legs and glowed as he closed his eyes. An aura glowed around him-- and soon too did on Zachary and Dizzy. Their fall slowed, now going into a soft hover by a mysterious energy. It slowed their descent. "Well that was close..." Zachary commented, but soon saw it. Among the other wordly elements,they saw a flame and it took shape-- becoming a small, pointy eared creature. A Victini! Zachary's eyes widened with amazement, seeing the powerful psychic/fire type, just like Dizzy. "Oh my Mew-- a Victini! I never thought I'd see one!" Zachary said, wishing he could befriend it. But sadly it was not willing to be friendly as black flames mixed with its red. Something was wrong! [break][break] Black and red flames came shooting out, attempting to hit them all with its corrupting fire. [break][break] Seeing the incoming attack while they descended, Dizzy took action and took out his stick. He quickly drew a circle of fire in the air, quickly becoming a rainbow of colored flames. With a cry, he threw a Mystical Fire too! The two flames collided, one fighting to fend off the other and overpower them. Dizzy was defending them... but it wouldn't last long. [break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2024 2:17:44 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The extra wetness didn't bother Aaron...since he was already wet from getting drenched earlier. As expected, Zach did scream until his Kadabra decided to do something about it. Thankfully sparing his Drifblim from having to carry at least two more passengers. Again, the other teenager spouted something about the malevelant spirit. "Don't be fooled! That one's out for blood, a vengeful and very pissed off spirit of one!" There was no calming down the spirit...they were already on the attack. Zach countered with a Mystical Fire attack, while Drifblim unleashed Air Slash to cut the flames to pieces or making them explode well before them.

Taking out another pokeball, he released Dragapult. Who immediatly fired little Dreepy at the spirit via Dragon Dart. They were still a good distance from the ground, but at least Driblim could provide some covering fire. Kadabra likely needed to concentrate so they could get to the ground safely. This wasn't Dragapult's first rodeo, he helped take on the Moltres last time, this one was just a tad more manuverable, but was being defensive from all the ranged attacks being sent its way. At least, for now anyways...

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2024 4:10:10 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The falling into another place-- and the attacking psychic spirit was making things difficult. Dizzy was fending off as best as he could, but Tarot was indisposed due to using his power to keep them in the air and safely descend. Tarot clearly had an irritated look of focus, keeping them descending while being attacked. The Victini was highly powerful, and fast as Dragapult did its think-- and luckily the ghost attacks were helping. [break][break] If Kadabra could, it would of used Shadow Ball to finish it in one shot-- but Zachary had another idea to help as he took out another Pokeball. [break][break] "We need your help-- PROPHET!!" Zachary shouted as he tossed up another Pokeball.[break][break] Lighth poored out and out came the flapping wings of the Xatu that Zachary had raised. The Xatu, Prophet let out a soft coo as it flew agove them. "Quick-- attack with Nightshade!" Xatu flapped its wings, and as it flew, its eyes glowed with an eerie presence. Dark, distorted energies shimmered around the Victini-- but oddly the ghostly power was not enough to quell the fires of hate that it was radiating. [break][break] "Well, that was a bust!!" Zachary shouted, alarmed by how strong the little psychic Pokemon was. [break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 1:40:21 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
"Dragon Dance, then use Phantom Force!" Dragapult danced around a flame attack and dived into a portal. The Delphox tried to keep the Victini busy, along with Drifblim. Taking out another Pokeball to throw into the fray, Zach already did so, releasing a Xatu. Who used Nightshade, that just pissed off the Victini. Giving the other boy a deadpan look, Aaron unleashed his Dusknoir. "Shadow Punch." The Dusknoir started slinging ghostly fists in various formations. But it would still take time for Dragapult to pummel the little creature.

So time to float some ideas. "Remember our match? Try Magic Room to help cover us, and then Future Sight. If that Xatu knows Future Sight, do that too." He hoped that the Future Sights would come much sooner than during their match. And maybe the various impacts would then stun it enough for just complete obliteration. Or enough to make it think twice about dealing with the two of them.

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 3:00:12 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary could of sworn using Prophet's Ghost attack would put some dent into the Victini, but it only made things worse. Even worse-- Arron gave Zachary an annoyed glance as if to say 'are you kidding me?' He just answered back, "Hey, I'm working with what I have here!" he argued back. All the while the Xatu gave a neutral, blank stare at the two, unconcerned by their bickering. [break][break] Arron least gave some constructive criticism, which seemed out of place. "Not sure what you're going for but fine!" Zachary urged and looked for Dizzy! "Dizzy-- Magic Room!" Dizzy answered and quickly glowed. Suddenly the air around them took on a violet hue-- and several cubes of magical boxes appeared-- all of them floating in the air around them. That actually was a clever idea, providing cover, but also giving them a terrain to stand on as Tarot hovered down onto one of the boxes. Same did Dizzy. Zachary too landed on a box, while Prophet still hovered in the air. [break][break] Zachary looked up to Prophet overhead. "Prophet, Future Sight!" [break][break] The totem-pole bird spread his wings out wide, as orbs of psychic power took shape around him. Its eyes glowed, casting them into the future. With a small flash, the orbs vanished from sight. [break][break] Not about to wait around Tarot decided to take advantage, now not using Psychic to keep them airborne. [break][break] "Ka-daaabraa!!" Kadabra took action and aimed at Victini, now gathering fire. An orb of darkness formed before Tarot, becoming larger by the second. With his cry, he followed the ball forward--shooting a Shadow Ball at his target. [break][break]




[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zachary1 h1"]font:800 18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 h2"]font:800 16px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .text b"]font:bold 12px Montserrat;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2024 22:28:38 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The comment didn't deter Aaron at all. The good thing was that Zach followed his advice, and had Dizzy use Magic Room. It allowed everyone to get a solid foothold, and helped cover them. First the bird used Future Sight, and hopefully Dizzy will do the same in quick succession. The Kadabra fired a Shadow Ball at the little legend, only for it to be met with a fire ball. Drifblim stayed close by, but unleashed it's own Shadow ball, though the Victini dodged it. Just a little bit longer...

Dusknoir kept the pressure with Shadow Punch, keeping it from attacking too often, or if it did, in defensive measures. Soon enough, the opening came. From behind the Victini, a portal opened up, and his Dragapult came zooming out, smacking the creature hard in the back, making it slam into one of the boxes over the two boys. "Now! Give it everything you got!" Hopefully Zach's Pokemon would join the blonde's in a devastating array of ranged attacks. Dragapult using a boosted Dragon Dart attack, Dusknoir sending more Shadow Punches, and Drifblim using Air Slash. With any luck, at least one Future Sight would be incoming as well.

Aaron could only hope that this will be enough to send it packing...and maybe get himself dried off too...

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2024 1:45:35 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The fight was a flurry of attacks. Even with them outnumbering the little legendary pokemon, it was still strong against them. No matter what they did, it wasn't going down easily. [break][break] From his perch on the Magic Room's Boxes-- Zachary observed it, but he had nothing he could do more than put his trust in his Pokemon. Kadabra had done well resorting to his Shadow Ball that Zachary helped him learned-- but it seemed Ghost-type attacks were not getting through. It was now or never as Arron gave his shout. [break][break] Zachary gritted his teeth and turned to Dizzy. "Dizzy-- Give it all you got! Psychic now!" Zachary cried. [break][break] FOregoing his fire attacks-- Dizzy used his own Psychic Power. At the same time, so did Psychic. A double-psychic attack, now driven as Victini suddenly released a V-flare attack of its own. However-- an invisible force stopped it. Now aglow in the two's unique aura of psychic control, it was pushing the fire back. Though Zachary gave no order, their connection and the urgency they had to protect their friends-- made them cooperate. [break][break] Victini saw the massive V-shaped fireball start to recede as more of Arrons attacks start to converge...[break][break] And then it happened. [break][break] Prophet the Xatu kicked in, spreading his wings wide in mid air-- as a swirling cloud appeared above Victini. Future Sight went off-- and in the form of a multi-colored, several strikes of lightning that rained down on Victini-- delivering a powerful blow enough to weaken its control-- and its fire backfiring on it. [break][break]




[newclass=.zachary1]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2024 3:21:39 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zachary had his Pokemon add on to the little guy's misery via Kadabra's Shadow Ball. When the Victini tried to counter with a V-Flare, two of his Pokemon used Psychic to send it right back. The Future Sight came and distracted it enough for everyone else's attacks to connect, including the backwards V-Flare. Another round of attacks, and the little fella dropped. Only to fling itself away from them, to the next mountain. Well...that was exciting. "Nice job, everyone. Rest now. Except you, Drifblim...I still have one more job for you before you can rest." The monotone teenager returned his Dragapult and Dusknoir. Turning towards Zach, he gave a suggestion. "Let's finish getting down...and if it's not too much trouble, burrow Dizzy to help me dry off...I see the faint outline of a tree, there's likely a platform there for us to land on."

The blonde had Drifblim to help him glide down there. Looked it wasn't just a single tree, but a few. And enough wood/twigs for a small fire. Delphox seemed like it had a lot of control, if the use of Magic Room was any indication. So hopefully he can set a pile on fire without burning it all to ash in milliseconds. Getting set down gently on a stone platform, he returned the Drifblim and started to gather wood for the small fire. Hopefully Zach would help. Upon a fire being made, Aaron would strip off his shirt, revealing an odd, inky black kanji marking that he had gotten mysteriously while cleaning up a church. And falling into a hole. And discovering weird ass things. Putting in near the fire, but not so close that it'll burn, Aaron didn't go much further, just doing the same with his shoes and socks. "Last time, it was a Moltres, after we used a spell tag of some sort. I have the same one in my pack, but it wasn't activated. There's another one that does the opposite, that was how we drove it off the first time. That, and I learned about something called Avatars when one of my group members grew ice wings and threw some ice at its face.

Long story short, this place is a bit hazardous. Between wrathful spirits like that one to the barely visible bridges that connect these platforms. If you wanna leave, now's the time. Otherwise, I'm going forward for now. Once I dry off at least."
It was an out for the other teenager. Ace knew what he was doing. While he would appreciate the help, he wouldn't blame the guy if he backed out now. But considering his enthusiasm earlier...he sort of doubted Zach would back out this early in the game.

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2024 13:33:26 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Their attacks were successful-- to drive off the vengeful Victini. Zachary frowned as it flew away, sad he couldn't permanently help the little guy. But with it being so violent, there was no other option. Zachary's train of thought was interrupted with Arron's request. The battle was over and they could try to descend to the ground. [break][break] Dizzy gave Arron a dirty look that said 'Do I look like a dry-cleaner? [break][break] With clever use of his Magic Room, Dizzy began to descend the blocks down to the ground via his Psychic Power. Prophet glided down, and Tarot simply teleported like he liked to do. Eventually, they reached the ground-- but for Zachary, he looked completely lost as he looked up to the 'sky'. It was a totally different color, different look-- even the forest seemed alien to them. They were in another different realm. A pit of worry brewed in Zachary's stomach, wondering how they would get home. [break][break]Arron explained a few things. Especally the avatars. That made Zachary wonder-- as he remembered the members of the Dark Triad had mention that. "Avatars? Well... my biggest question is, you been here before? I trust there is a way back to our world, I hope?" he asked. [break][break] If Zachary wanted to leave-- now was the time. But Zachary sighed, realizing he wanted to explore this place. He just hoped that there was a way out. But there had to be-- otherwise Arron had not returned the first time. Zachary shook his head and looked to him with resolve. "Well, I'm certainly not leaving you here alone. That's for sure," Zachary said with determination. A show of the confidence Zachary had within. [break][break] BONK! Zachary felt the 'swift punishment' of his Kadabra as the pokemon sneak-teleported behind him and gave him a wack of his spoon upside his head. "TAROT!!" Zachary shouted, the moment ruined. [break][break] Dizzy had finished 'toasting' Arron's clothing a little, only to bark at Kadabra for being such a troll. [break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 3:16:38 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron scratched the back of his neck at the dirty look. "I mean, only if it's not too much trouble." Besides, it was Zach's fault that he was drenched. So...he wasn't entirely sure the dirty look was warranted, it was the least he could do. Anyways, they descended. And Zach seemed on board. Mostly. "The one I came through was surrounded by League. Worse comes to worse, I'm sure we could find one controlled by them if you don't mind a scolding. Otherwise we could also use the one we just used." The thought of Team Rocket didn't really occur to him right away. But did just a minute afterwards. Still, Zach wasn't going to leave him alone. Nodding, he put back on his shirt.

The blonde then released his blue ball that was Jelliscent. "In that case, shall we? Assuming you're ready to go. Just watch your step on the bridges, they can be difficult to see." With that, he hefted up his backpack and awaited confirmation. His watery ghost floated past him to be a guide of sorts. The mist was thick, so they did have to stick together. Hopefully they wouldn't get too lost...Ace just picked a direction and went, with Jelliscent marking the edges of the platform and the first bridge they crossed...

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist.
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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