The Border: March of Shadows (redo)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 15:10:49 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Their direction was set as they soon got ready to go. After his Kadabra being an utter pain in the head, Zachary recalled Tarot for now, leaving Dizzy and Prophet out. It was a bit better. While Dizzy covered them on the ground, the Xatu could fly and glided overhead of them keeping an eye out for them. [break][break] They approached the rickety bridge. Zachary wasn't too worried, though Dizzy was tender with his steps as the Fox gently stepped one at a time, keeping careful to not cause any damage to the bridge. Zachary let the fox go a bit, then soon began to follow suit with Arron too. [break][break] Slowly Zachary crossed the bridge, not too concerned about what was below but he was glad his Xatu was overhead. He proceeded step by step with both hands on the rope railing to keep there. [break][break] As they soon crossed the bridge-- Zachary heard it. A sound of drums, perhaps a marching among the misty sections of the mysterious woods they were in. . [break][break] "Do you hear that?" Zachary asked, listening for the source of the odd drumming. Dizzy's ears too perked up at the sound. [break][break]




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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 0:31:44 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The first thing that caught Aaron's interest was the bridges. They weren't the normal ones that he'd seen before. Before they were transluscent and difficult to see in the bright area. Just what section did they end up in? The mist wasn't helping either, and they easily got lost. Not that you could tell from Aaron's expression and take the lead mentality. As soon as they crossed that bridge, Aaron also heard it. Drums. And...a cool beat at that. But Aaron couldn't pinpoint it. Looking at his Jelliscent, the blue chip mascot shook his head, indicating that he too couldn't pinpoint the location. "I can't pinpoint it. Neither can Jelliscent. I thought something was odd seeing as that bridge wasn't the normal ones around here..."

Taking a few steps forward, he saw the edge of the platform. And the type of bridge he was used to seeing. Jelliscent didn't catch it at first either, but now that he knew it was there, marked the edges with Ice Beam. The drumming could still be heard. Looking at the Delphox, he wondered if he could pinpoint the origin of the noise. "Let's continue. Unless Dizzy can pinpoint a direction for us." Advanced hearing can both be a blessing and a curse. The blonde didn't want to assume anything about the fox. Maybe the echo made trying to pinpoint the direction ten times harder...who knew. So he let Zach and Dizzy make that decision.

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist. Check
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 3:38:09 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Lucky Arron. Dizzy DID have exceptional hearing, and more than that as most Psychic types, they had a keen sense of Six Sense. [break][break] Despite the alien world they were now in, Dizzy could navigate a bit to sense the 'disturbance' in the area, as well as the sound of gentle , marching drumming. "Bruk!" Dizzy said and sprinted forward through the trees, leading the way. [break][break]
"Hey, you said it, not me," Zachary replied to Arron. [break][break] They soon pushed through some of the trees-- to find it. A 'parade' of ghostly souls. They were all transparent, simple blue energy shilloetes. Some looked human, and others were unique shaped creatures--- pokemon, likely. Or something else completely deformed. They marched forward, coming closer and closer to them. [break][break]
Being a 'priestly' Pokemon of sorts, Dizzy moved forward to try and intercept the parade. [break][break] "Dizzy, wait! You don't know what they will do!" Zachary warned his Delphox. [break][break] However, Dizzy got ahead of the parade and took out his stick. He soon brought it to a blaze, shining rainbow colored fire. Like a festival prayer, or priest at a shrine, Dizzy slowly waved his fiery stick in a welcoming, calm method. He was trying to pacify the vengeful or lost spirits of the parade, hoping to see them calm down and pass on in peace. [break][break] Zachary stood on pins and needles, scared to what might happen to his Delphox while Prophet looked on from above...[break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 1:45:30 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The Delphox barked and sprinted through the trees. The blonde merely nodded at the quip. He did, and he got what he asked for. Anything was worth checking out at this point. Ace and Zach followed the fire pokemon through the trees to find...a parade of souls. Soft drumming sounds from the drums, people and not so distinguished shapes. All soldiers. They may not have had any feet, but the rythmic movement was still obvious. Aaron wanted to stay at the sidelines. But the blasted Delphox didn't stay with them for long.

Zach warned the Delphox, but the Pokemon still went on ahead and waved his stick around, creating a rainbow of flames. Ace took out a Pokeball, just in case. The Parade had stopped to witness the intruders. When Dizzy's show ended...they took up battle stances! Ace threw out the Pokeball, revealing a shiny Annhilape. The specters fired off blue energy balls at the Dizzy, and Annhilape took them all via diving in the way. "Bulk Up." The cloud from the explosion revealed a barely scratched ghost glowing orangey brown, bulking up his defense and offense. Unknown by the two boys, they were being watched...

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist. Check
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground. Check

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2024 2:21:18 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Dizzy had tried to use his shrine fox divine nature to try and pacify these lost souls, like any kitsune-like figure....[break][break] That failed spectacularly at the attack of blue fire balls. Dizzy gave a loud bark and ducked, hiding from the fireballs. He gave a series of angry barks, showing how pissed he was after he tried to help the lost souls. [break][break] Zachary sighed. "Ugh... well, Dizzy, not everyone appreciates your astetics like you," Zachary said, trying to console his foxy companion. [break][break] Dizzy, wasn't going to accept defeat however as the Delphox growled and his eyes glowed. His rainbow flames glowed brighter once again, no longer in the mindset of purification, but offense. [break][break] Waiting for a chance when the Annalipe was out of the way-- Dizzy waved his flaming stick into a circle, preparing an attack. If he couldn't save the lost souls, he would put them out of their suffering. [break][break] "BRAAAAAAHH!!" Dizzy cried, and blew out a blast of fire from the ring-- casting Mystical Fire and into the array of lost souls. If the flames wouldn't save them, they would no doubt put them to rest. [break][break]
Zachary braced himself from the heat of the magical blaze, hoping he wasn't going overboard. "Well, you can't say my Delphox lacks energy to burn," Zachary mentioned to Arron, hoping it would do some effect on the ghosts. .[break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 0:26:01 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Dizzy was not happy based on the barks they were giving. Thankfully, Dizzy wasn't terribly much taller than Annihilape, and the said ghosty was wide too, so hiding behind him wasn't an issue. The bulky fighter side stepped to get out of the Delphox's way for Mystical Fire. The attack took down three of them, but the other three moved with raised swords. The Shiny Annhilape again took the hits, using Bulk Up once again. But then started to get very angry. And thus started using Rage Fist at the three, breaking their weapons and then pummelling them. It was quick and decisive. But the burned souls extinguished themselves. Even the newly pummeled ones got up, and all six booked it back the way they came.

Well...that was a bit anti-climactic. Until they heard a very loud roar and a gust of wind hitting the four of them. Blinking twice, Aaron turned to Zach. "I think it's time to go. The first battle was difficult enough, I don't think we should test fate further. Ready to run?" Or teleport...whatever works. As battle hungry as he was, even Aaron didn't want a second tough fight like against the Victini. Battles weren't just tough on the Pokemon, but also on the trainers too. Sometimes, you just have to know when to stop and come again another day.

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist. Check
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground. Check

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
part of
TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 13:47:52 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



Zachary had to admit, Arron's dark ape was indeed impressive. Between Dizzy and him, they were able to fend off the ghosts and made them disperce, or rather flee. At first, Zachary thought they did their part and proved they were stronger until...[break][break] "Okay... I seen enough 'Dinosaur Pokemon parks gone wrong' parks to know that is not a good sign," Zachary commented as he heard the great big roar. Dizzy's fur was too on end from it. Zachary knew they had to be smart about this too, so retreat in this unknown place was probably the best option. [break][break] Zachary looked to see his Xatu above. "Prophet! Do you see anything? " he cried out, but the Xatu was already coming in-- seemingly startled by something. If the prophet bird had a problem, you knew it was bad. [break][break] Zachary quickly recalled Prophet, and took out the Pokeball belonging to his Kadabra again. [break][break] "Tarot, we need you!" Zachary cried tossing the ball up into the air. The light of the Pokeball released the pokemon... [break][break] TO reveal the Kadabra laid on its arm, as if to laze around. [break][break] Zachary felt the unpleasant urge to fall down from sheer dumbfounding. They had an emergency, the Kadabra knew they were in a tough spot-- and now was so lax? Zachary rushed up to Tarot, urgency in his tone. "Tarot, please! Now is not the time to take a nap. This is an emergency!" Zachary encouraged. [break][break] Tarot cracked open an eye, seeing the trainers worried about their danger. However, the Kadabra only answered with an apathetic yawn. [break][break] "TAROT!!" Zachary shouted. Dizzy too, annoyed by the Kadabra's selfishness, barked angrily at him, waving his flaming stick. [break][break] BRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!!![break][break] The sound of the distant, unknown creature certainly snapped the Kadabra out of its funk, its eyes now wide with alarm. It soon got back up, realizing the danger. "Will you PLEASE Teleport us all to safety." Zachary emphasized, trying to reason with the difficult Kadabra. [break][break] With a sigh, the Kadabra agreed, able to tell an emergency when he heard it. [break][break] Zachary urged Arron to join beside him. Dizzy took a hold of Tarot's tail, while Zachary held on to his shoulder. They all had to be in contact or someone would be left behind. As everyone was holding on, the Kadabra's eyes glowed with focus and psychic power! [break][break] Their forms, and their vision began to flicker with light, as they soon saw a lumbering shadow through the trees. It was coming! [break][break] Tarot saw the creature, and soon-- they were all gone, teleporting elsewhere to safety... hopefully. [break][break]




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[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
The Border: March of Shadows (redo)
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 19:03:52 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Zach had the same idea. Even the boy's Xatu looked worried. Well, when that Pokemon had a problem, things were definitely about to go down that no one probably wanted to be a part of. Zach returned it, and brought back his Kadabra. Who was...treating this far too lightly for his liking. Aaron watched half in horror and half in amusement as Zach berated his psychic Pokemon. Even Dizzy barked angrily at him. The oddly colored Annihilape picked up Ace and walked towards them just as another roar cried out, and they could hear stomping.

Getting close to the crew, with his ape even putting a hand on Zach's shoulder, just to be sure that they were teleported, off they went. Back to the original platform that they landed on when they floated down. That...was not pleasant. Aaron jumped down and barfed off the side of the platform while his Annihilape went down on one knee. But they were safe. With a bit of drool on the side of his mouth, Aaron couldn't help but comment. "Remind me that using your Kadabra to teleport is a last resort only...that was awful." He gave the psychic type a withering glare before returning his ape back into his pokeball. Releasing his Driftblim, Ace did invite Zach to go back up to the portal that they could see above them. Upon doing so, Ace expressed interest in leaving this portal a secret, and to come back in two days. And much more ready for a fight. With that, their second journey together was set. Now it was just going to get some rest and maybe contemplate a team to come in with.

14 engage in battle with the vengeful and vestigial spirit of moltres or victini. Check
15 become lost in the mist. Check
19 involve a waterfall in some way (e.g. training, obstacle). Check
21 encounter soulmarchers, marching parades of warrior spirits (pokemon or human) with feet that do not grace the ground. Check

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