AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tavish rose
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2024 6:48:13 GMT
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Careful… steady hands...” Tavish cautiously directed Bloke as he extracted the precious minerals from the earth. Hell if he knew the exact dangers of these bright crystals. People gave these to their Pokémon here, supposedly. Fat chance in hell he ever did something like that– better off eating Lead or drinking Sulfuric Acid

At least he knew those would kill them all. How they’d break down their cells and cause total organ failure. Or just melt the flesh entirely. This, though? Entirely new ballpark. He didn’t even want to humor the stuff.

But Obstagoon held out the bag as the Toxicroak deposited the meager ‘ore’ with steady hands. She was right in her logic: they needed money, and this sold for enough. Furthermore, as much as he distrusted the League and its science, they had yet to show evidence that this stuff was necessarily bad for you. And if it didn’t hurt any Pokémon…

He’d have to trust his companion on the matter. She drew the drawstring on the satchel and hefted it over her shoulder. Bloke pointed to his Poke Ball, and Tavish reluctantly withdrew the poisonous frog. “Good work, Bloke. Obstagoon. Let’s hope we don’t find out after the fact that this stuff causes cancer.

Obstagoon rolled her eyes but signed reassurances as they began their trek back to the surface. They had to delve pretty far into the earth to find this stuff, and with any luck, they wouldn’t run into any trouble on the way back.

And Rocket would suddenly become a charity for stray Yamper. “Stay on guard.

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january 25
ballonlea, galar
one flesh, one end
6'1 height
6'1 height
It's a horrible thing to fall out of sight.
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nikkari hect DOLLARS
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nikkari hect
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2024 6:57:47 GMT
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nikkari considers himself, rightfully or wrongfully, a self-made man. despite the warnings, despite the dangers, he's come here on his own to unearth for himself the secrets that this place has been hiding. 

or, at the very least, he's by himself at the moment. he'd procured some help getting down through the chasm and had worked to set up a research station nearby, but with his dues paid, he wandered off on his own. 

and now he has the fortune of stumbling across someone doing much the same. 

crown and ianthe trot at his heels, sitting when he stops, and he thinks of tailing the person for a bit before calling in a drop on him, but then he notices the apparition. 

the feathery wings of this misdreavus' head materialize first, reaching forward to clutch at the unsuspecting traveler, and nikkari hollers, "GET DOWN!"

ianthe, with a yowl, expels an ice beam at the ghastly creature. 
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March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
71 posts
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tavish rose
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2024 2:40:43 GMT
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One did not need to be a paranoid criminal to know when to heed the word of a stranger, but it sure did mean that Tavish reacted faster than any chump ever could. He put one step forward and turned around the next instant, his knife drawn and ready to… cut…

His heart was rather conflicted here. If that Fluttermane had gotten hold of him, then that would’ve been that. He’d see them do absolutely nasty things to other Pokémon. Other people. Thus, he didn’t exactly mind the call out, nor the way it was blasted back with a frosty Ice Beam.

But his conviction didn’t hold the same reservations: the move was vile. Evil. Whoever gave the command should be gutted like a Magikarp and left to be scavenged by the wild Pokémon. Cut down where they stand like the sinner they were.

Easy, easy!” Tavish called out. Obstagoon held onto the sack of dangerous crystals with a tight grip, unable to fight back. “No need to get so–

Fuck,” he dodged to the side as the Fluttermane went for a second attempt. Its hair barely missed his skull, and he felt the icy chill of death leave a trail on his skin. Pinpricks erupted everywhere the connected as if an omen of what could’ve been. “Obstagoon, help!”

Obstagoon!” She pulled one leg back and swiftly raised it into the bottom of the Paradox Pokémon. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an actual move that could hit it, and she instead fell backwards from the sudden change in balance.

Okay, nevermind,” Tavish dashed over to Obstagoon and tried to pull her back, “distract the Fluttermane!

It got ever closer, and its smile got only wider…

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january 25
ballonlea, galar
one flesh, one end
6'1 height
6'1 height
It's a horrible thing to fall out of sight.
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nikkari hect DOLLARS
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nikkari hect
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2024 3:02:19 GMT
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before climbing down into the chasms, as he is want to do, nikkari studied. the paradox pokemon, by all rights, are incredibly ferocious creatures. strong and aggressive. he imagines most of them don't appreciate intrepid plunderers invading their home and messing about the place. 

at first, he thinks he must have mistaken a tamed fluttermane for a wild one, by the man's reaction, but when it goes down for another swipe, his brows raise. 

the obstagoon's fist sails clear through the incorporeal body. it's too close to the man and his pokemon for nikkari to get a clear shot in so he spreads a hand out to crown. 

"hold it," he says and she fluffs up her tail, cocks her head, and a ripple pulses out from the paradox pokemon. those searching ghostly ribbons halt in their tracks; that malicious smile stops stretching and twitches. the rest of its body spasms as though fighting to move. 

"back away!" he calls. "she won't be able to hold it for long."
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played by


March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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tavish rose
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2024 3:13:46 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
It… stopped?

Tavish momentarily ignored the order and peered around the Fluttermane. He can see how much it struggles against the temporary paralysis. Even in this limited state, its desire to attack them is still powerful. The twitches do not get less sporadic, and maybe even stronger of the slowed course of time.

But he quickly backed off, towards the stranger. It was weird to be helped rather than attacked on sight. If the roles had been reversed, this man would’ve been left to die without a second’s hesitation.

Most of the people in Hoenn deserved it.

Just as he and Obstagoon reached the person, he heard the flutter of the ghost’s hair strands in the wind. He spared a glance backward, only to see it chuckle softly and fade from view.

Looks like we’re haunted,” he said as he continued to stride forward in earnest. “Forget harmin’ it– we’re better off running.



She’d stopped. Even if she couldn’t harm the ghost, she’d at least try to help the stranger who helped them. It was only right. One way or another, she’d help them out until they were free of this simple yet powerful menace. Her head swung around and her nose twitched.

Obsta!” She pointed towards the thin air on their left. It did not remain that way for long, and the Fluttermane rematerialized as soon as its location was pointed out. It lunged forward, straight for the small group.

Obstagoon!” Tavish cried out. He retraced his steps, but intuition told him he’d never make it in time. If the Fluttermane went for her… she’d be ruined. “Drive it back! Today!

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played by


january 25
ballonlea, galar
one flesh, one end
6'1 height
6'1 height
It's a horrible thing to fall out of sight.
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nikkari hect DOLLARS
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nikkari hect
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2024 23:25:00 GMT
nikkari hect Avatar

such is the way of the world, this stranger has become more hindrance than help. he'd rather not put his neck on the line, but one of the fluttermane's eyes has already turned to him, yellow iris a brilliant shade against its burgundy sclera. 

crown huffs and like an elastic band, she crumples at the same moment the paradox pokemon fades into invisibility. ianthe nudges her sister back to standing while nikkari looks out towards the obstagoon and its trainer. 

"ianthe," he says, snapping her back to attention.

the obstagoon stands its ground, despite the leering reappearance of the paradox. nikkari scoops crown into his arms and jogs to the side, ianthe striding beside him and looking for an opening. 

"back it under those crystals! we might be able to bury it. ianthe, ready a shot."
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played by


March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
71 posts
tavish rose DOLLARS
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tavish rose
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 20:27:44 GMT
tavish rose Avatar

Tavish examined the fight scene. He wasn’t going to contribute anything, and neither was Obstagoon. Bloke wouldn’t be much use either, and Sonny wouldn’t be fast enough to fight back. There was indeed a glowing rocky outcrop high above, and the odds of it being just bad enough for the Fluttermane to incapacitate it were… good.

But it hurt his heart. The mere thought of it put a tear in his eye, and he shared a look with Obstagoon. She nodded swiftly and grunted. He followed suit.

The odds of this creature causing more pain and suffering were too high. How many other Pokémon would it hurt if they let it roam free? It’d shown malicious intent not even a minute prior. Unfortunately, he had to take the matter of life or death in a numerical sense. And the numbers agreed with Nikkari.

... Fine. Follow me, ya relic of the past!” Tavish waved his arms and locked eyes with the Fluttermane. He uselessly swiped at it as he ran towards the invisible X on the floor. Obstagoon followed suit as she once again sent her leg through the body of the creature.

It wasted no time and followed suit. Why wouldn’t it? They ran further into the cave, and that was its home turf. If they wanted to die tired, they were more than welcome to. The Fluttermane giggled insanely as it floated towards its unknown doom.

Don’t hesitate, ya only got the one shot!

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played by


january 25
ballonlea, galar
one flesh, one end
6'1 height
6'1 height
It's a horrible thing to fall out of sight.
178 posts
nikkari hect DOLLARS
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nikkari hect
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 22:24:14 GMT
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"oh, come off it, crown. you're not out of commission yet," he says to the weakened vulpix in his arms. she sniffs petulantly at being called out for her play-acting and as nikkari runs behind the other man and the pursuing fluttermane, she leaps from his arms. 

she and ianthe flank him. his obstagoon keeps it hot on its tail; nikkari looks for any fissures, calculating distance and velocity and thinking this better work. at the end of the day, though, it's not his hide they'll find out here. he could just as easily turn around and leave the man to his fate. 

but people are typically more useful alive than dead, especially when they owe you said lives. 

"i don't hesitate," he says, though there's no way he's heart with this much distance. ianthe and crown follow his hand as he orders an attack from both of them. ice meets fire in a combustible display and the tera crystals above the fluttermane rain like meteorites. 
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played by


March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
71 posts
tavish rose DOLLARS
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tavish rose
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 6:26:29 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
The combination of elements rumbled the cavern up above. It started with a sprinkle of dust, which caught all involved parties off guard. Tavish and Obstagoon glanced up at the cracks in the crystals. They flickered in the relative darkness of the cave and started to crumble in their place. Looked like the attack worked.

Maybe a little too well. While the Fluttermane was still almost entirely focused on its prey, said prey had much bigger concerns. The first few rocked tell down and smashed into the ground. One nearly brained Tavish, who held his hands above his head. “Obstagoon, we need to scatter, fast!

Obsta!” She said. Fluttermane extended its feelers straight for the Galarian Pokémon, but she dodged to the side just as the first proper chunk of crystal fell. It smacked it straight down, and the Paradoxical Pokémon gasped in both surprise and pain. Another large piece followed, and then another. Soon enough, the Fluttermane was buried.

But they weren’t in the clear yet. The main crystalline structure had broken into two massive pieces. One of them had taken out their problem; the other broke much more audibly. Tavish looked up to see it start to fall straight down.

Go, go!” He pushed Obstagoon forward, Even with their swift action and even swifter dive out out of the way, the impact of the main structure rattled his teeth thoroughly. The impact was deafening. Dust billowed out from the point of impact and filled his lungs. He coughed violently as he stood up and the debris settled.

Is- do you see any movement?” He asked Nikkari.

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played by


january 25
ballonlea, galar
one flesh, one end
6'1 height
6'1 height
It's a horrible thing to fall out of sight.
178 posts
nikkari hect DOLLARS
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nikkari hect
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 6:54:50 GMT
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and it all comes crashing down. a shower of crystal sprays out, debris and shrapnel spraying. a dust cloud swirls outward from the blow and he raises a hand to his mouth, coughing and squinting. 

"you okay in there?" he calls, blinking rapidly. ianthe and crown fuss over their dirtied coats while nikkari searches the dissipating cloud. 

and then he blunders through, his obstagoon wholly intact. he would have felt somewhat bad, crushing him like that after attempting to save his life, but more for miscalculating the situation than the actual loss of life from his negligence. 

he shakes his head. 

"no, we got it. sorry about dropping a couple tons of rocks on you."
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played by


March 17
Circhester (Galar)
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
71 posts
tavish rose DOLLARS
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tavish rose
AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 18:40:44 GMT
tavish rose Avatar
Don’t be. It’s for the best,” Tavish craned his head backward. Even if it was for the best, it didn’t mean he had to be happy with it. A sigh escaped his lips, and he bowed his head. “Arceus, please grant this one safe passage into your domain.

Obstagoon nodded, but otherwise kept her posture the same. After all, there was still some good to be had here. She jingled the bag still slung behind her, which sounded off rather normally. A big ol’ bag of crystals, all of which sounded intact. Enough to still make a pretty penny off of.

After a few moments of silence, Tavish returned to the land of the living and got off the dusted cavern floor. “Thanks for yer help, stranger. Perhaps, if we meet again… I could return the favor.

Safe travels,” he waved Obstagoon forward, and together they returned to their original purpose: to get out of these blasted tunnels. But now they had a few nice mouthfuls of tera-crystal dust in their lungs.

He REALLY hoped this stuff wasn’t just asbestos two. That’d be mighty detrimental to the cause.

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October 13
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AZ Excursion A: Explore (Trouble in Area Zero-Town)
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2024 6:54:50 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]EXCURSION COMPLETE!



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