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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 6
Nimbasa City (Unova)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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coal doe DOLLARS
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coal doe
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2024 17:42:35 GMT
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"And you better not tell my real name to anyone else," Lights stuck a finger in Caleb's direction as they walked out of the main ranger HQ. Slateport wasn't his mug of beer, but not like he had a real say in the matter right now. Even if he was officially a part of the defector program, he was still, by definition, a wanted criminal. A felon.

Just meant he got community service instead of jail time. Oh, and a pair of eyes on his back wherever he went. That's why he kept his mask on, which his fingers wormed under to scratch his chin. "Or I'll..."

He stopped abruptly, and his duffle bag nearly crumpled his back knee. Fuck. What could he even do? Rocket, despite being very evil and obviously bad, let you thraten your fellow grunt without so much as a second glance from higher ups (if you could justify it). Gave them a certain weight. Nice when you dished 'em out to the young ones and terrifying when they got sent your way.

Yet another tool taken from his toolbox. "I'll... come up with something."

"Something perfectly legal and not at all physically violent," he said with a slightly raised head. As if he wanted someone else to hear it. Because he did. Because he didn't want to get pulled from the program for even a single half-thought out threat. Everyone so far had made that perfectly clear, to a point where he wanted to gouge their eyes out for how often they repeated it.

Arceus, just let him pull some Glameow's out of a tree, or pick up trash in the park, or whatever. None of this paperwork bullshit. Lame as hell.

"So, where's the place I'm stayin' again?" He swung his bag up and over his shoulder, careful not to dome himself with the wooden bat that jutted awkwardly out. One of the few things he managed to salvage before he went rogue. "Do I got to share a room with someone?"

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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Caleb Harcourt
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POSTED ON May 1, 2024 16:17:01 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

"If you think I'm the only person in the League who's going to learn your legal name, you're delusional, buddy."[break][break]
Caleb rolled his eyes as "Lights" threatened him, leading him along the streets of Slateport like he was a lost Yamper and Caleb his only chance at a bowl of kibble. The man was harmless, Caleb knew. Well, okay, not in general, but harmless to him. Caleb had saved his life, and he'd done so with flourish. He was confident the Rocket defector would do just about everything he told him to do - within reason.[break][break]
And Caleb was reasonable. He'd been in Coal's exact shoes a few years ago.[break][break]
They rounded a corner, and the familiar sight of the Slateport Ranger headquarters came into view. Caleb let out a sigh of relief he hadn't realized he'd been holding - glad to finally make it to a truly safe haven - and moved to hold the door open for his new companion.[break][break]
"You'll need to stay in Slateport for a week or so," Caleb told him. "While your paperwork processes. Then we'll get you set up in some League-sponsored Amnesty housing in Ever Grande."[break][break]
He turned to face Coal, a devious grin spreading across his face.[break][break]
"I volunteered to take you in. So you won't be rid of me just yet."[break][break]
Defection was a tricky thing: one wrong move - one broken promise - and a man like Coal would go crawling back to Rocket, groveling for forgiveness. It was easy to be a criminal, once a person got a taste of the lifestyle; much harder to commit to being a better person, beholden to the law...harder to protect instead of harm. But if there was one thing Caleb knew better than most, it was how worth it the process of re-integration could feel.[break][break]
Redemption was a mercy very few were ever afforded. He'd prove that to Coal, one way or another.





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July 6
Nimbasa City (Unova)
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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coal doe
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POSTED ON May 1, 2024 17:03:59 GMT
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Lights rolled his hidden eyes and cursed underneath the safety of his mask. Not fucking Mr. Hotknife. One half of him berated himself for expecting literally anything else. Of course this guy was gonna offer to house him. Fellow defectors, shared a moment, the whole nine yards. There wasn’t any other feasible outcome.

The other half knew it was for the best, as much as it made him want to bash his own skull in with a rock. “Gee, wonder why a fellow defector would want to house a current defector. Surely there are no ulterior motives here. Keep me honest, hey Mr. Hotknife?

Not gonna go back. Not now, not never,” he said with a fire in his voice, as he entered the proper Ranger HQ, “Even if I wanted to. You know how we first met, when I was running for my damn life? Didn’t happen cause I stole someone’s sandwich from the fridge, and their friends got pissed.

Killed four of my group,” he whispered. Not out of desire to keep that hidden, but to not alarm the staff. “Cold blood. I go back, they’ll do everyone a favor and send me on a deep dive with concrete shoes.

A lose-lose situation for him. Submit, or forfeit his life. Only this time, submitting didn’t mean he lost moral or ethical obligations. It was better this way. Meant he had no choice, he had to stay honest like a good little noodle. Roll over, play fetch, don’t piss on the carpet, whatever the League, and Caleb, asked.

Didn’t mean he had to like it. That’s why he shoved a fist into his pocket and let Caleb show the way again, further into the building. At least the ranger couldn’t see Lights’ scowl.

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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Caleb Harcourt
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POSTED ON May 1, 2024 17:54:46 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Four. He killed four.[break][break]
Caleb zipped right past reception, stopping only briefly to wink at the secretary (Lydia? Was her name Lydia? Or maybe it was Laura...shit, he was the worst), then continued herding Coal down the main hallway. As they passed 's door, he felt a pang of guilt; it had been quite a while since he'd spent any quality time with his friend and colleague...and yet, Orion wasn't exactly keen on welcoming new Rocket defectors, so it was probably for the best that he wasn't in that day.[break][break]
Finally, they reached Caleb's office. He ushered Coal inside and closed the door with a decisive click.[break][break]
"Sit," he pointed at the chair facing his desk. Yikes, there was a lot of paperwork on there. When was the last time he'd actually worked from his office? He could barely remember.[break][break]
Caleb unceremoniously shoved the neglected stacks of reports aside, clearing the desk, and then took the seat across from Coal.[break][break]
"Story time!" he declared, with mock enthusiasm. "Before I make you sign anything, I want to hear exactly what happened. Don't worry about incriminating yourself. This part's just between you and me."[break][break]
He paused, then softened his tone, blue eyes reflecting the sort of compassion that could only be felt by a co-conspirator, someone who truly understood who they were talking to.[break][break]
"You made a very brave, and very difficult, choice. I want to know why."[break][break]
The "why" is what matters, not the "how".




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July 6
Nimbasa City (Unova)
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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coal doe DOLLARS
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coal doe
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POSTED ON May 3, 2024 18:17:44 GMT
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What’s there to say?” Lights entered the room behind Caleb, and half-dropped-half-threw his meager bag of belongings next to the chair. He flopped down into the comfy seat and threw his feet up and around, to rest on the lip of the desk. At least his high-tops looked clean, like he’d just polished them after a basketball game at the gym.

Knew I couldn’t just run off. Figured I’d do some good for the League by takin’ out the trash. They were scum, probably ten times worse than I ever was,” he explained. “Should’ve been five, if anything, but I fucked up my priorities.

And for why… y’know can’t put my finger on it,” he leaned back and rested his head on his arms, “if I had to say, probably the women. A lot hotter on the yellow side. Beer’s better too. Though, Rocket did have some damn good baseball players, so that held me back for quite a while...

His voice reeked of sarcasm, yet despite the clown mask, it felt anything but comedic. Lights chuckled at the thought, “Say, scale of one to ten, how much does the clown mask improve my answers?

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played by


Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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Caleb Harcourt
New Game+ [M]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 2:16:53 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

"Is zero an option?" Caleb sighed, rolling his eyes.[break][break]
The clown mask would need to go, but he could fight that battle later. "One step at a time" was practically the Amnesty Program's motto.[break][break]
Despite the sarcasm and the shoes on his furniture, Caleb appreciated Coal's honesty. He'd have choked on his own spit if the man had tried to sell him some sappy heroic nonsense. This was gritty and messy and real.[break][break]
"Here's the thing, Coal," Caleb leaned in, taking on a more serious tone, palms flat against the surface of the desk. "This isn't a game. Anti-Rocket sentiments alone won't be enough to convince the League that you've got what it takes to reintegrate successfully into society. Actions will speak louder than words."[break][break]
Caleb had nearly succumbed to an alcoholic and drug-induced self-loathing stupor rather than accept what he was telling the new defector. Years of being free of Kanto had passed before he'd finally scraped himself off the floor of his apartment and dragged himself into the Slateport Ranger headquarters. It was at that moment, that his defection had truly begun.[break][break]
"So what I'm saying is," he leaned back again, opening a filing cabinet below the desk. He rummaged around for a moment before pulling out an application. He held it up to the light like some kind of trophy. "When I offer you this job, you ought to take it."




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July 6
Nimbasa City (Unova)
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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coal doe DOLLARS
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coal doe
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POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 6:41:45 GMT
coal doe Avatar
Sorry, my… me literally killing four other Rockets and putting a target on my fucking back doesn’t speak loud enough?

Some part of Lights begged to drop the matter. It was just a figure of speech, nothing more. Something to build into the next thing. Mr. Hotknife had a weird way of saying things, no reason to pick it apart. Tear into the meat until nothing but bones and marrow were left. Until every stone was unturned.

But two things stood in the way of that: his temper, and the– well, meat of the matter.

That’s why he slammed his feet back onto the carpet, shot forward, and slammed his fist into the desk. “I ain’t askin’ for a medal or a ceremony, I’m askin’ for a damn chance– you think I’ll go turncoat twice?!

Of course I’m takin’ the fuckin’ job– but don’t think for a god damn second that I’m glazin’ past what the fuck you just said,” he yelled. Of fucking course. Even the one guy who offered to guide him in the right direction still had the gun to his head. Ready to pull the trigger the second things got bad.

The second he thought Lights was a ‘liability’. A bad example. Whatever the fuck he wanted to call it. Even if he meant in the eyes of the League, he was a part of the League. This wasn’t a hardware store, where the cashier told you the warranty the store offered was a scam.

Like Caleb even said: this wasn’t a game. This was life and death. Literally. He should know that.

Don’t pitch this like a fuckin’ option,” Lights said as he leaned back in the chair. He followed it with a scoff. “Sell it to me straight. Tell me how fucked I am.

"And don't call me by my name. I don't like it."

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played by


Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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Caleb Harcourt
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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 19:08:58 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Caleb didn't flinch when threw his little tantrum. He calmly set the Ranger Cadet application on the desk, face-up. Then it was his turn to lean over the desk, palms flat against the wood.[break][break]
"You will always have a choice," he calmly explained. His voice was even - without any hint of suppressed rage - but his eyes burned with the intensity of a thousand suns. "You are not a prisoner."[break][break]
But you'll be left for dead if you become one, he thought bitterly. Which was why it was so important for Coal to take this seriously: getting captured by Rocket would be a death sentence for the other man. Caleb would know: he'd been through it. The League did not come for him, did not prioritize him, and though had convinced him that he ought not view it so personally, in his heart, he knew those unrelenting in their hatred of Rocket outnumbered those that believed in Amnesty.[break][break]
But had trusted Caleb to run this part of the program, and Caleb would make a difference, even if nobody else would.[break][break]
"You aren't fucked as long as I'm looking out for you," he promised. "I won't abandon you to the whims of the League's judgement or Rocket's revenge." His glare was a determined one. A don't-take-me-lightly one. An I'll-die-trying one.[break][break]
"I'll personally oversee your enrollment, I'll mentor you through the Buddy Program, and I'll take you out on missions. I'll help clear your name. But the rest? That's up to you - " He paused. "Lights."




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July 6
Nimbasa City (Unova)
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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coal doe DOLLARS
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coal doe
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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 6:07:23 GMT
coal doe Avatar
No the fuck I don’t, and no the fuck I’m not.

Just not in the traditional sense, but he’d have eyes on him everywhere. All the defectors would. Lights not being in cuffs was a formality, nothing more. It didn’t take a genius to know that. He’d have a curfew. Limited purchasing power. Frequent check-ups. Wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to wipe his ass.

And for options… yea, he wanted to rot in a cell. Totally. Throw it all away to get assassinated in prison or forgotten to a cruel system. Cause that was an option, and the only other one.

A very fucking stupid one.

But, at the end of the day, he had to listen. See the semblance of reason. Determination in Caleb’s eyes, even as he tried to feed him more bullshit. He had no right to make the promises he did– but what was he going to do about it? Disagree? Say he was going to be forgotten or taken care of?

Almost as stupid as foregoing clemency. That’s why, finally, he sighed and nodded his head. Slightly, but definitively. “Okay.

Alright then.” Fuck, did he really need to throw in that sappy shit? It sounded stupid as hell. Thank Arceus the mask hid his violent cringe, or else things would’ve gotten more awkward. Instead, he grabbed a pen and clicked it open. "Give it here. Let's get this over with, Caleb."

"Surprised we don't have to slit our palms open and do a handshake, though."

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
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POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 0:50:44 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

"If that's what you're into," Caleb shrugged. A blood pact sounded better than dealing with this man's defeatist whining. If there was one thing Caleb hated, it was the stubborn sort of denial that had kept him fucked up for years. Arceus, he must have been a real pain in the ass to deal with, too.[break][break]
Amnesty wouldn't mean shit if all you did with your second chance was wallow in self-pity. He'd learned that lesson the hard way.[break][break]
He handed over the form, watched Lights sign. It was a start, at least. Het let out a small sigh of relief as pen met paper.[break][break]
"Here," he replaced the form with a pamphlet. "Read this when you get a chance. It's a guide to the League Amnesty Program. There's a curfew, required community service work, and regularly scheduled interviews throughout your first year with Head Ranger and a rep from the HBIC."[break][break]
He paused.[break][break]
"The whole "buddy" thing is kind of cringe, I know. But it's also a requirement. But that's why I'm volunteering to be yours. I don't care about all the fluff. You don't have to be my best friend, you just have to trust me. Okay?"




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July 6
Nimbasa City (Unova)
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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coal doe
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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 0:06:35 GMT
coal doe Avatar
If Caleb thought this was self-pity and whining, then the man was still as drunk as the day he thought he quit. Coins had two sides, and Lights preferred to see both sides so that he couldn’t get fucked over by some hidden clause or condition. One-half of it was the chance of ‘redemption’ via amnesty

The other was the cost of attempting, and the price he’d pay if he dared step out of line. Nothing more. Caleb’s determination and hope couldn’t dare hope to hide it from him. Likewise, Lights wouldn’t ignore it either.

He would earn his chance one way or another. But he wouldn’t pretend there were any second chances.

The pamphlet disappeared into his hands, given a brief glance, then shoved into his duffle bag. Things like that were best read on the shitter. “Damn. I was gonna to go out into the early hours of dawn, litter and jaywalk, and ignore all my emails. But don’t worry, I trust you. You won’t lie to me.

And I won’t lie to you either: won’t even be acquaintances at this rate.

Within the depths of the mask were two blue eyes, and they stared at Caleb with some hidden emotion. Frustration? Anger? Defiance? Or perhaps some other negative emotion altogether. Regardless, he only met the ranger's gaze for a second before he disappeared below the desk.

He grabbed his bag and rose.

What next, Hot Knife?

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played by


Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 18:54:31 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Caleb rose to meet the other man's cryptic gaze. Ironic that his eyes should be the same shade as Caleb's. It really was like looking in a mirror. [break][break]
This would not be easy. It wouldn't be fun. They weren't going to be friends, not at first - and maybe not ever. But Caleb found that he was looking forward to the challenge of being this man's mentor. Lights might call him a glorified babysitter, but there was more to it than holding the defector accountable. Caleb wanted to prove to and everyone who doubted the integrity of defection, the necessity of amnesty, that they were wrong.[break][break]
It felt good to have a purpose driving him, something that actually felt attainable, unlike the seemingly insurmountable issue of neutralizing his brother's strange new powers.[break][break]
"Next, I buy you lunch."




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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 21:50:28 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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