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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2024 18:06:49 GMT
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Someone had foolishly scheduled the transport of poached Zangoose at the same time as the relocation of a batch of eggs. There were dozens of eggs surrounding HQ, but Ameena had centered her search in the courtyard, as she felt Zangoose would prefer natural hiding places over the more technical and inorganic spots found inside headquarters. [break][break]

"Not how you expected to spend a Tuesday morning, hm?" She picked up an egg with pink stripes and looked over to , who had been roped into this search the second Ameena saw him walking by. "Might even find a valuable pokemon for yourself... though I cannot say I have any talent in identifying pokemon by their egg." [break][break]

She felt the pink and purple tones were most likely psychics, however, so she hoped to find more within the bushes and trees and benches.

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Admin Fox
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POSTED ON Apr 27, 2024 5:45:18 GMT
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In college, Howard hadn't been able to afford eggs. His diet consisted of ramen, illegally grown Pinaps, alcohol, and cured meat. The diet had stuck like a proverbial leech for years after graduation, and he had only recently kicked the habit thanks to having money to burn.

And burn it he did, just not on food. When choosing between starvation or purchasing a statue found on the estate of a Kalosian duke, Howard picked the statue. Before that, the paintings of the dead artist. Before that, a complete Shieldon skeleton.

"It's not. I thought I'd be signing off on the shipment of poached Pokémon, then moving on with my life." Life, unfortunately, had different plans. Howard wondered who was behind this scheduling mishap. Probably . The admin likely thought of it as a joke. "Though I'll admit..."

The admin plucked a bright green egg out of a bush and stretched his back.

"'s nice to be out of the office." Howard's eye gazed up at the courtyard's dome, where a replica sky had recently been installed. "I miss doing stupid shit like this, if you can believe it. Reminds me of my grunt days."

Those days had sucked, but nostalgia was a great way to blind one's self.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2024 15:17:28 GMT
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He shared the same sentiment she had gathered from Cillian, that getting to leave the office and paperwork behind was a relief. She continued to feel gratitude that she wasn't an admin, underboss, head scientist, or other bigwig. Getting to do her research without intruding responsibilities was a pleasure, though she did find herself enjoying some of the more lowly tasks assigned to her. [break][break]

"Grunts have a better deal than the higher-ups," she proposed as she selected another purple-hazy egg. "I enjoy writing papers, but I would take a battlefield over a stack of paperwork any day." Her work, thankfully, could sit in shorthand notes until she was ready to publish a finding, and she didn't perform ethical studies with consent forms and other menial paper processes. [break][break]

She made a disapproving noise as she found a jigsaw of egg shells beneath a bench. "The Zangoose made a right mess of the place. Makes you want to hunt them for sport." She straightened from the bench and gave the area a sweeping glance. "If we have them all, we can trek back to Shipment." The cart lent out from shipment had almost a dozen eggs on it, though Ameena found herself more annoyed than impressed with the prolific stashing of the Zangoose. [break][break]

"And if you are interested in more grunt work, I would be happy to take you as a test subject for a dream study." Her smile was all teeth, though it wasn't particularly kind.

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Admin Fox
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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2024 21:33:09 GMT
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In exchange for sacrificing free time, admins burdened responsibility. The more responsibility that was accumulated, the more that people like Howard could influence policy.

"Right? Pay's nice, and I was pretty excited when I got promoted. That quickly drained away once I realized I was inheriting the seat of a traitor and a mountain of work." continued to cast his long shadow. It was rare for two admins to share the same callsign, but Howard had found it notoriously ironic. "Still, can't complain about the office space."

His large office had quickly become cramped when he filled it with the aforementioned skeletons, statues, and paintings. Now, it felt more like a museum than a place of bureaucracy.

"There should be about..." Howard puffed out his cheeks as he thought on it. "Two more. Let me see..."

He found them in the trash can. That was fine, he had done that for years anyway. One man's trash was another man's treasure, and one man's treasure helped keep the crippling student debt away. A depressing prospect, but an amusing one nonetheless.

"This is all of them. Most, anyway. Let's go." A few shattered shells would not undercut Rocket's bottom line. Their coffers would remain full of gold. "What kind of study?"

Dreams. The lifeblood of Rocket's capacity for violence. He immediately thought of and her various tests.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Apr 29, 2024 22:12:12 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She could appreciate the value of having an office of your own. While she was rarely in it, her office at AbCon was catered to her tastes. It was a great environment to read up on reports. "Well, so long as you remain loyal, you should look good comparatively," she offered, looking on the bright side. There was no one she wanted to take over for in Rocket; all of them big shoes. [break][break]

The eggs were collected on the borrowed cart from Shipment. "Good; we can get these over for their intended dispersing." She led the way to the oversized, industrial room filled with logistical nightmares she could never wrap her head around. [break][break]

His question pleased her. "Nothing crazy, of course. You sleep, and my Musharna eats. I wonder if your otherworldly experiences will reveal some unique energy trails within the dream - breadcrumbs to follow back to the originating pulse of the dream realm. Enough dreams, enough exposure, enough energy... and I may have access to the multiverse within our dreams." It was, of course, ambitious, but Hoenn was ripe with otherwordly creatures and experiences, and all her seniors in Rocket were marked by such events. Everyone she ran into had come toe to toe with multiple deities. The opportunity was tantalizing.

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Admin Fox
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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 7:59:36 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
'Loyal'. Right. If he ever defected his head would be put on a spike outside of the Cave of Origin as a warning for all to see. Given that Howard actually liked living, he decided that not committing treason was ideal. He had a good thing in Rocket, even if he hated most of his coworkers.

He wondered if Ameena would join that conga line of bad decisions masquerading as people.

"My experiences aren't particularly special, but signing papers for seven hours might be considered otherworldly, depending on who you ask." It was more hellish than otherworldly, but it was certainly an out of body experience. Nonetheless, he could respect Ameena's drive towards academic progress. "But who would say no to a free nap?"

Hell, all his colleagues did was take naps and slack off. He wondered if Ameena's experiment had been making the rounds.

With a murmured word to a grunt, the eggs were taken off the duo's hands and prepared for dispersal. Somehow, Howard suspected that the incident report for this kerfuffle would find its way onto his desk. Somehow, someway.

With the task done, that left the duo alone. Howard turned to her. Despite what many said, the admin was still an academic.

"Explain your theory to me, I'm interested. Do you think that every dream is its own universe? If so, what happens when we wake? This isn't my field of study, so humor me."

He really should've paid attention to Lulu's lectures.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 15:27:42 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She had heard nothing about Howard besides that he was an archeologist. His humor caught her off-guard, and she barked a laugh as he called his paperwork otherwordly. "Well, let us avoid an additional incident report," she mused as they finished dropping off the eggs. [break][break]

His question garnered her full attention. "I believe the multiverse is a house with endless rooms. Every dream opens the front door. Once in you are in the house, your subconscious picks a room. I think it is possible to revisit the same room, but what is more important is gaining the capacity to control your positioning in the dream realm consciously, so we can choose the room. When you wake, you return to your own reality." [break][break]

She considered her own theory thoughtfully. The actual function of the dream realm was abstract and unclear and she hadn't even figured out how to figure out what made it tick. "Using those with otherworldly experiences is my application of Locard's exchange principle: if every contact leaves a trace, there is a trace of something on people who have encountered deities and otherworldly phenomena like space distortions. I want to see if these people attract the same energy they bring into the realm. Perhaps, there is something or some force in the dream realm that is attracted to this energy, that leads them where they need to go." [break][break]

She sighed. "It is a little far-fetched. For all the developments and I have made, there are far more questions than answers." And only so many subjects she could personally test without mass abduction; which, to be totally honest, she was building towards. She just had to make sure her company and her public identity wouldn't be negatively impacted. She had be to stealthier than that.

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Admin Fox
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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 18:18:12 GMT
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The idea of there being a universe where the dream where Howard got devoured by a Pidove was real terrified the admin.

He would never admit that to Ameena, though. If he started asking her about all the random and unrelated dream he had, Howard suspected that this conversation would collapse in on itself like a house of cards. Still, the subject was interesting. If it could be applied, Ameena's theory could be used to grant Rocket access to assets they hadn't had before.

Yet still...

"I see. There's a lot of potential behind the power of dreams." The Island Cave had leaked Interdream Mist like an sieve, and that mist had been capable of manifesting delusions of reality. To dream was to delude, and to delude was to believe. "Yet hearing you describe this..."

He looked up for a moment.

"...makes me sad. Not due to your progress, but my own beliefs."

Dreams were beautiful because they were intangible, impossible to pin down, capture, and chronicle. They were life's great mystery, and hearing Ameena describe her process was like watching the veil be torn down. It was their job as scholars to answer questions, but what happened when there were no more questions left to ask?

He posed one that he still had.

"Do you think there's a difference between the dreams that drive people and the dreams you have while sleeping?

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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2024 22:31:52 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

His position was one she was unused to hearing. "Aspirations are different from the dreams our subconscious drums up." She doesn't want to dissuade him from any interest in the dream realm. "You can choose what you aim for, and some people even benefit from lucid dreaming. But those deep pits the mind falls into... I want to see how the subconscious picks a door, and how we can choose one for ourselves." [break][break]

The capacity to do so would let her see her mother. "The theory I hold would only make multiversal travel possible while sleeping - which is no small gain: we could play what-if scenarios out in real time with no consequence. We could find universes where our research is done, our battles are fought, our mistakes are made." [break][break]

She turned from him, wistful as the thought of her last words to her mum - an argument, of course - rang in her ears. A mistake she would spend her life correcting, even if it took every second. "The second half will be making the abstract real. I believe there might be a way to project our minds into those rooms and keep them there, waking up as yourself in a different universe. But those finer details... well, I admit they are messy, but it is pointless to concern myself with determining application when we have not yet confirmed theory." [break][break]

That, and she was nervous about the consequences of it. Would she be herself if she projected into another Ameena? Would her mum in any universe love her if she had possessed the woman's original daughter?

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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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POSTED ON May 6, 2024 3:22:21 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Are they different?" Howard scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Aspirations versus the subconscious, I mean. The meanings are different, but the words are the same."

Why was that?

The linguistic enthusiast in him simply chalked it up to a logical shorthand in communication. There were only so many sounds the human tongue could make, and it was simply easier for the average person to tie definitions together for the sake of convenience. Yet why? What was the point?

Why tie dream to those two words?

The romantic warred with the academic. Languages mixed and merged and words had their definitions combined with particular reasons in mind. There was a method to this madness. There was a truth if Ameena sought to look for it.

"People just have certain interest in things. Motives don't have to make sense. We just have to feel that they do. That's why dreams have power, Ameena." He put his hand on his hip and scratched his chin again. He didn't intend to hijack her theory and humanize it, but dreams were the source of humanity's power. "Instead, let me ask you this..."

He gave the scientist a glance.

"Are these other universes dangerous?"

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON May 6, 2024 20:54:13 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

He held a rather romantic view of dreams. The emotionality of people did contribute to their dreams, particularly strong negative feelings that the brain wanted to work through. Still, she wasn't sure she put so much stock in emotion. Pokemon could falsely manipulate these. Hell, so could people. They weren't good, authentic indicators of anything beyond, perhaps, the nervous system. [break][break]

Of course, his suggestion that dreams had power because of feelings... [break][break]

It wasn't supported by her current research, but it was a hell of a theory to look at later. His question was a much simpler matter. "Very dangerous. Any dream version of Hoenn will be dangerous just like this region, and it will have added abstract threats, too. Everything in reality is in the dream realm... there are just a few extras, too. I believe it access the multi-verse: endless threats and bad days." Multiple Eternatus... [break][break]

"Still interested in a sleep study?"

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[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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POSTED ON May 8, 2024 6:41:31 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Damn. Of course it ran the risk of killing him in his sleep. At least it was better than half of the other experiments ran in this madhouse. If he was going to die, Ameena could bet her ass that Howard was going to do it while taking a nap.

Hopefully it came with a comfy blanket and pillow.

"Sure. Why the hell not?" His tone implied that the idea of getting murdered by his dreams didn't sit particularly well, but there wasn't really anything else he could do. Howard had committed to this conversation and digging his own grave. Like any good archaeologist, he couldn't just throw down the shovel.

"You better have a way to pull me out, though, unless you want to explain to the upper brass why an admin died while taking a nap."

Hell, that would've been pretty funny to see. Maybe dying was worth it in that regard.

"Do I at least get to keep my Pokémon during this study?" Howard frowned thoughtfully. "If so, are they dream versions of them, or my own Pokémon sleeping alongside me?"

The questionnaire never truly ended.

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POSTED ON May 8, 2024 18:36:28 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

"Good answer," she praised with a sharkish smile. He was such an interesting specimen with his history of otherworldly events. She knew only the broad strokes of his story, but he was ideal for testing her theory. "I watch the entire time, so I can have Musharna eat the dream immediately and end it if needbe." Musharna loved them, anyways; sometimes, it was difficult to get her to wait. [break][break]

"Raw interdream mist, to my understanding, can pull the psyches of your pokemon in, but there is no reason for it for my purposes. You can manifest dream iterations of your pokemon with the same strength - or more. I have summoned Deoxys in a dream of mine. There are few limits, but we have not fully explored the boundaries to know where they end." Everyone had had power fantasy dreams before, but it was hard to know what impact those had on the dream realm itself. [break][break]

She hoped to get inside his mind sooner rather than later. "If you find yourself in Mauville, stop on by. I can always make time for you." His interest in her studies and his willingness to volunteer only chummed the waters. She hoped to get all her colleagues under Musharna at some point or another... "And if you need assistance in a ruin or with another project, I will return the favor, of course."

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[newclass=".ameena h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 13, 2024 5:11:11 GMT
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Howard was going to need to have a long talk to about his Deoxys permissions. What, he couldn't use it due to his mediocrity on the field, but Ameena could borrow it in the dreamscape? There was something malicious afoot. Was he really that untrustworthy in the Head Scientist's eyes?

His eye twitched in annoyance.

"Of course. I scratch your back, you scratch mine." Howard scratched his chin in thought. Ameena could be a valuable asset. Even though he was an admin and could likely just order her around, that was not the ideal basis for cooperation between individuals. His power was an illusion, existing as a mere rank on a hierarchy. Power tasted best when sweetened by courtesy. "I'm sure I'll think of something."

Now that he thought about it, Ameena was situated in Mauville, which was very close to New Mauville and its Power Spot. While Regieleki and its ruin were no longer there, the materials the ruin was built on were still useful.

There was potential for a very productive partnership here.

"I'll swing by. I'll pull your address from the records and we can arrange a time when I'm in Mauville." Howard pursed his lips in thought. "That should be soon, actually. I need to inspect New Mauville."

Again. In the desperate hope that he'd find something new.

"Is that agreeable, Ameena?"

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ameena abadi
egg hunt [m]
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 15:44:29 GMT
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Ameena nodded as he confirmed a positive, transactional relationship. She knew those well. "Excellent. I will make the dreaming process as easy as possible." Musharna was a huge help for putting people under gently. The psychic was well-motivated to perform well, as she rather enjoyed eating those dreams. [break][break]

"New Mauville has a lot of sights and the usual city benefits. The gambling scene for betting on races is larger than I had first imagined." Not that he seemed like the type. She did enjoy watching people get overly invested in stupid things, though. It helped her scope out easy marks for her research. [break][break]

This was one of the easier attempts at networking; Howard was far more agreeable than some of the more withdrawn admins of Rocket she had met. "I will see you when I see you," she confirmed warmly.

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