Generational Conflict [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grigori Sokolov
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POSTED ON May 19, 2024 19:47:57 GMT
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"Let's rest here," Grigori motioned to the nearby table. Quite a perfect spot, all things considered. It rested on the outskirts of a plaza, where dozens of food vendors peddled their wares to everyone out and about. Furthermore, it caught that uncommon sunlight that'd been absent the last few months, and a gentle breeze tempered its power. Quiet, but not so much to be stiffling.

They could also make a break for it, in the very, very rare circumstance that any League Officers thought them from Team Rocket. Odds were next to none, but never zero. Grigori scoped the scene as he took a seat, his very sugary coffee nursed in his hands. Its warmth radiated into his hands, and its comedic amount of whipped cream stained his nose with every drink.

Nothing stood out. Good. Now, they could talk. "Ms... Alison. I appreciate you meeting me out here. Sometimes a break can be just the thing one needs to regain their strength. Especially with the... harsher than normal training."

Brutal. Abhorrent at times. He'd seen perfectly average grunts pass out from the strain, their bodies pushed to the limits. Not him, though. And as one of the senior grunts, it was his 'job' to ensure that none of them died in the training. War was on the horizon, but an army could not win if their soldiers were injured from the preparations.

"How have you been acclimating to the new job?"

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Alison Everly
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POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:33:28 GMT
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Alison loved the spotlight. They way golden, artificial lights would flicker and dance over her skin. She’d grin widely as the audience cheered and screamed, bowing a perfectly low bow, and blowing kisses to the fans who would swoon in admiration. She was an experience, an innate entertainer, a star. Charismatic and charming.

But behind the curtain was when you would realise it was all an act. Her truth, one-on-one, could be a lot quieter.

She had been following silently for a few minutes before he motioned to a small table to sit. Alison had been caught off guard when she received the invitation to meet with . Despite her years of media training, and interviews after interviews, more intimate conversations always made her nervous. She didn’t always like people seeing behind the façade she had perfectly constructed. She didn't like not having a preconceived script to read from.

She tried to grab any thread of courage to present the persona so many people would recognise. A semblance of confidence; a guise that could hide the reality of her exponential sadness. She had to ensure he knew she could do this. That, even despite the bruises she had so far acquired, she was strong enough to be a part of Team Rocket.

But in the aftermath of the incident, the mask felt cracked.

“That’s okay,” she responded breezily, her lips tugging up ever so slightly as his frothy coffee marked his nose, “You saved me from going on an extravagant shopping spree, anyway.”

She watched him; his carefree posture, his tall figure, the neat dress-suit, searching for a sign of a motive. Perhaps she had nothing to be afraid of with him, but her guard stayed sturdy.

“I can’t say that battling is my forte with a background like mine, but it’s been – good,” she said, coating her uneasiness and obvious lie with a bright smile, “Even with its difficulty, I’m not one to keep myself from a reward to cheer myself up.” She paused briefly to take a sip of her un-sugared latte. “It will all be worth it in the end, anyway, I’m sure…”
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Grigori Sokolov
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POSTED ON May 21, 2024 20:02:09 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
I’m happy to hear,” Grigori commented. It was only a bit of a surprise to hear her not dive into a deluge of complaints and transgressions, but perhaps she was more restrained than he predicted. Wouldn’t be the first one to put up walls to hide. did it too, in her classically stubborn fashion.

But it also meant that he could spot their outlines if the circumstances were right.

But please, if you ever feel overwhelmed or like you’re about to break, let me know, and I can speak with someone,” he wiped away the cream and tapped the table with all his fingers. Emphasis. “Give you a break or an exemption from the more rigorous training– If only for a day.

Thank goodness his strange relationship with was working out the way it was. He could get those truly in need of rest into a bed with little repercussion. Most of the time.

And speaking of end goals, I was curious as to what you did before this position,” he leaned back in the warm metal chair. “I’m not privy to your file, but if I’m not mistaken, you were… in pageantry, yes? I think I remember your face from a newspaper.

That’s as far as his knowledge went, for better or worse. He can only imagine the cutthroat world that was the beauty world. Despite the warm weather, he shuddered in his chair. “If you'll allow me an answer: why the change in field?

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Alison Everly
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 17:24:28 GMT
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“Thank you, I appreciate that,” she said sincerely, watching him under her lashes as she tried to hide the shock. Since joining Rocket, she had begun to believe the camaraderie shown to her had been a fallacy. A foy to get her in their clutches. Even though she was here for her own personal reasons, regardless of any kindness shown by others, she had hoped there would be good people here. Someone who cared. Looking at Grigori, albeit sceptical, she was a comforted to know he might be one of them. “I’ll be sure to inform you if I break a nail.”

A ghost of a smile came over her face, both in amusement and unease at his question.

“Pageantry is definitely a word for it”, she mused, leaning back in her chair as she glanced at the sky. “But yes, I compete – I used to compete in the Pokémon Showcases in Kalos. I have done since I was young – my mother used to do it. I’ve won everything you can think of.” Alison ran her fingers through her hair in thought, moving it over her shoulder with a swish. Her smile faltered as quickly as it came. “Well, everything but Kalos Queen.”

Her demeanour darkened considerably as she paused, her gaze transfixed on the latte in front of her. Furious. Memories of years of failure despite her regional success flooded her vision, the silver instead of the gold, the bitter talks in the cemetery over her mother’s grave, the fire that engulfed the theatre…

Taking a breath, she moved her eyes back to Grigori, able to escape the flashback that had begun to shroud her vision. Evident sadness clouded her eyes, a thousand unspoken words swimming within them. Then she smiled, a perfectly perfected façade, as if nothing had happened.

“I changed field because the Pokémon Contest scene can be hard, let’s put it that way. Plus, I’m getting older. People won’t want to see me in the scene for much longer. The young will always be the most dazzling, after all.” Alison picked up her latte, taking a long drink before continuing. She settled the mug down with a clink. “So, I switched things up. I saw Rocket was – hiring and joined. That’s it. Her lie felt obvious. “I thought someone might as well make use of my theatrical skills while I still have them.”

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Grigori Sokolov
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POSTED ON May 23, 2024 18:39:51 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori listened with intent, sure to not miss a single detail. That included the deep, dark stare into the latte and the obvious lie that attempted to cover it up. Pretend everything was okay, despite the complete opposite.

Where had he seen this before?

Grigori mimicked the drink motion, and ‘ahhh’ed’ as he once more wiped away the whipped cream. A few more sips, and he’d be free of the nose blemishes.

What happened?

His demeanor grew as serious as the situation, and he leaned forward. Bluntness was the only way forward, in these situations– he knew first hand.

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Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 22:04:05 GMT
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And just like that, she turned cold, unable to stop her reaction.

“Like I just said,” Alison bit back, subtle but venomous, “I was a performer. I never got to where I wanted to, so I joined Team Rocket. There’s nothing else to it. I don’t think I need to go through every one of my short comings. Why do you need to know the gruesome details of my life?”

Her push back was controlled, but her mask wavered, her soft features beginning to slowly morph into a scowl. Had this all been a ruse?

“Did you only meet me here to interrogate me?” she wondered aloud callously.

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Grigori Sokolov
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 5:28:09 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
If it were truly about the desire to make use of your ‘theatrical skills’, then there are plenty of options that don’t involve crime,” Grigori explained. Rocket did hire just about anyone interested, but the interest had to come from the person applying. Money was a common one. His mind strayed to .

Another was power. fit that bill relatively well, and his assumption of power was all too perfect for the man.

The third notable type was those who wanted revenge. His type. To get back at those that had wronged him oh so long ago. “But your long pause and thousand-yard-stare into your drink told me all I needed to know.

I did not invite you here to be interrogated,” he pulled his own coffee into his lap and let the warmth spread to his aching bones. “Truth be told, I was simply trying to make small talk, and I apologize it’s taken this turn. Dredged up things you might not like to discuss. Make you uncomfortable.

I only ask for the truth. It need not involve the details, if you desire,” he said. He scratched his left arm and waited patiently for Alison to either explain or just straight up leave. For better or worse, he hoped he appeared as genuine as possible. Show that he didn’t mean harm.

If it helps, I can share my reason for joining as well,” he offered. “I suspect it's akin to yours.

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Alison Everly
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 22:09:46 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison bit the inside of her cheek – hard. She should have held her tongue, should have controlled herself better. Looking at Grigori, his serious but kind expression seeking her cooperation, she looked away in shame. Her reaction had only made this worse for herself.

“I’m sorry,” She spoke quietly, ringing her hands in her lap. Her guarded demeanour began to shrink as her nerves set in. “I didn’t mean to respond so – abruptly. I don’t like to talk about it. It’s not something I want to willingly remember.”

Staring at her hands, she listened to him in silence. She knew at this table she would have to tell him one way or another, details or not; but having never discussed it with anyone before, she wondered where to begin.

How do you explain to someone your deepest trauma simply over a cup of coffee?

She looked up at his offer, her interest peaked. If it was akin to hers, maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to explain her experience after his. If he was so keen to know, he could start the formalities with his own story. That seemed more fitting.

“Yes, I would appreciate that,” Alison responded, readjusting herself in her seat. Her attention was now solely focused on Grigori. “If you could state yours first, I will follow...”
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Grigori Sokolov
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 19:48:52 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Alison reminded him a lot more of June than he first surmised. Except she would’ve been a lot more combative with her deep desire to not remember. Alison, for better or worse, approached it much more timidly. Cautiously. A hot pan, ready to burn her again if she wasn’t careful. But burns could be healed, and scars remembered fondly.

The pan still sizzled, a constant reminder of what was to come. No one could walk away from its tantalizing heat.

Of course,” Grigori agreed. Much smarter than June as well: let him set the tone for what was ‘expected’. Do no more than expected, as to not out herself as the odd one out. No wonder she was in the vicious world of beauty.

I’ll keep it brief, then: when I was sixteen, I left Hoenn on the run. I had murdered my alcoholic of a father after he had done the same to my mother. Messy stuff, and complicated,” he said quietly. So casually, like he read it off a page of a newspaper. “So, I joined this organization.

I felt as though the people of my hometown had abandoned me when I needed them most. Or, perhaps, I was angry with the world at large. ‘Why me’, I constantly wondered,” he returned the coffee to the table. “I took it out on the people of Kanto. I felt powerful. In control.

And there isn’t much else to say, as anti-climactic as it is,” he tapped the metal once more. Maybe June was rubbing off on him as well. “Revenge is a hell of a meal, but it does not age well. Like milk, or an infection. It's memory even less.

It was impossible to expect a young lass like Alison to meet any expectations if he told her about the twenty-four-year-old infection that was Gabe. And it would send a bad message. “How much of that sounded familiar?

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Alison Everly
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POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 17:12:25 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison’s eyebrows rose with each sentence he uttered. First disbelief. Then shock. Then… Understanding?

She diverted her eyes away when Grigori finished, watching the food vendors potter around them as she mulled over his words. At first, she struggled to believe him. He seemed too gentle. Too kind. Since they had sat down, Alison had thought of him as a man of patience. One with eyes curved with compassion and understanding; and he had killed his father? It seemed ridiculous.

But as she looked back at him, her eyes ran along the muscles that pushed against his well-polished attire, his height that made her own tall physique feel small, the rough hands that cradled the sweet coffee, the slight sadness that tinged his disposition. As much as it scared her to think, she knew he wasn’t lying.

“I can’t say all of that was familiar,” she responded honestly, the edges of her lips pulling up with a smile that didn’t meet her eyes. “Only some of it.”

While the murder certainly did not resonate with Alison, the rest of his tale struck a chord. The loss of support in the people you had once trusted, the bitterness one begins to feel towards the world, an overwhelming and building affinity for revenge… It echoed within Alison’s bones in a way that made her body turn cold.

“I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. To your mother. I know it wasn’t easy,” She paused, remembering her own mother. Her Dragonite. Her life. Her face hardened with a sudden seriousness.

“I know you speak from your own experiences, but how can you be so sure it will be the same for everyone? Revenge. What is so wrong with seeking retribution? Why must one suffer, forgive, let go, while those that caused harm remain unscathed? What’s so wrong with the taste of spoiled milk if they get to taste it, too?”
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Grigori Sokolov
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POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 21:36:14 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Don’t be,” he said swiftly. “I appreciate the thought, but I’ve moved on since then.

Time healed all wounds. Subtly, like the gentle river of time. One day, it stopped hurting and didn’t have the battery of emotions that accompanied it the first time. It was something ‘that happened’ and little else. Strange, but a good kind.

How long for his most recent wound to heal, he wondered. Where was ?

The issue with revenge isn’t necessarily the mere idea of it,” Grigori started, as he leaned further back. “Of course, people who do bad should be punished. No one reasonable will disagree. There exist legal means to try and obtain justice– the other side of the coin.

It’s the cost.

Its weight hung heavy in the air, left to dissolve into the tension accrued from the last minute.

You’ve already started to accumulate interest, or debt, for your desire, Miss Alison. You’ve left the only place you’ve ever known and joined an organization that only wants the anger from your past, not your motives. Rocket gave you bad company, and took everything else,” he explained.

And for better or worse, Rocket will not help you. Not yet. Your best hopes are to gain friends in high places or join them yourself. I never paid, so I can’t tell you how much it costs. But if you are curious, I can get you a receipt from someone who has.

And for that, he was grateful. A nonspecific desire for revenge only ran him thirty years of service and all the crimes that came with it. was making good progress to rival him, and in one-thirtieth of the time.

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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 18:47:00 GMT
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She allows the tension to mount between them. At first, she says nothing, anticipating his next words as she continues to listen. Yet with every sentence he utters, Alison’s face contorts, eyes narrowing, lips puckering with frustration. She begins to wonder if he understood the cost she was willing to pay. To so many, she was just a young a girl. Silly, reactive, innocent. A victim of an unfortunate accident.

It seemed no one was able to see the bitterness that was freezing her heart.

“Rocket–” she begins through gritted teeth, her eyes on the table, “–haven’t taken anything from me. They’ve so far given me the best company I’ve had in years. No one has taken the time to understand me like they have. I’ve had no one. No one to talk to, no one since–”

Alison cuts herself off, looking up at the sky to stop any tears from forming. She blinks them away before they can fall. Taking a ragged breath, she continues.

“Why do you talk so confidently like you know my motives, my story? I lost everything in Kalos. My career, my friends, my partner, almost my life. I have nothing. Everyone seems to see me as some passion project, a problem they want the honour to say they fixed. I’m not some puppy you can nurse back to health. I’m not some kid that wants a plaster.

"All people see is a tragic story that will be rerun by the media every few years. They'll forget what I went through. But Rocket will help me change that. People will realise soon enough. They'll help me…”

Her eyes dart up to meet Grigori’s, but her eyes are vacant. Despite the eye contact, her eyes look right through him.

“I know who it was and they won’t get away with it. I won’t let them. I’ll do anything, befriend anyone, no matter the cost. It doesn’t matter what is paid – I don't need a receipt. As long as I get a result, I'll do it.

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Grigori Sokolov
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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 5:51:35 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
As soon as their eyes met, Grigori’s lips pressed together. “Apologies if I seemed like I wanted to help ‘fix’ you, so to speak. It wasn’t my intention.

Alison was already down the path, too far to realize the dangers that lay ahead. The pain, the misery. Ten times that which caused her to even glance down the trail. Even if she thought the company good and the end goal just, only time could tell the truth for her.

There was no chance to redeem this sorry soul. Doomed down the fated path well worn, one that Grigori now stood in front of. But try as he might, some sought revenge despite it all. And there could be no stopping them.

But… I speak from experience. Revenge can be a tale told in parts, with fresh motives for each act of the play,” Grigori said. “Mine holds two itself. One which has no end, and another that ended three years ago.

For better or worse, I do know your story. Your motives. And I know it can only end one way. And it is not one you want.

But I am unable to stop you, should you choose to press on,” he said. His shoulders sagged and he pushed the coffee forward. Its warmth would no longer be helpful. “And I have no advice to give to those who decide on it. It is a solitary road, with only your eyes to guide the way.

Ones blinded by rage, fury. All he could hope is that her tale did not end with the death of all involved parties.

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Alison Everly
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 17:40:50 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison bit the ends of her acrylic nails, staring at Grigori with unblinking eyes. Even with her continuous outbursts of confidence, every sentence he uttered made her doubt herself. Was this truly what she needed? She wanted comeuppance – yes – to hunt down the culprits of her trauma and string them up in the name of justice. Yet, with every scenario he alluded to, her reasoning sounded misconstrued – delusional.

An inner conflict roared behind her eyes, fear and grief consuming her. She felt like two separate people, fighting back and forth between right and wrong, good and bad. For a moment she felt bitter and self-assured, confident in the vengeance she sought; but in the next, her breathing wavered and she had to try not to curl into a ball.

Grigori was right to question her. Did she even understand what revenge meant?

Alison watched his body hunch in defeat, a wave of uncertainty settling in her stomach at the motion. She suddenly felt alone, her big words and spiteful persona diminishing to the unbridled terror of a little girl. The man before her had given up, and Alison realised she was to him what she had never wanted to be – a lost cause.

But even if Grigori’s words sang true, she felt she had thrown herself in too deep to be able to get out of the water now.

Somehow, she felt like she was letting him down.

“What other choice do I have?” she spoke quietly, smiling through her words with a humourless laugh. While a question, her tone was hopeless, metaphorical hands tied and tugged down a path she believed she wanted to take – that she had to take.

“I am in so much pain and I am scared. I need to know the truth and I was promised help. I have to do this – it is only way I can finally have peace. I don’t know how else to let go until I have answers.”
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Grigori Sokolov
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 19:31:15 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Everything clicked into place, and Grigori’s expression softened. Comedically so, as Alison revealed the ugliest side of the problem. The secret, best left buried so that no one will know. No one could ever possibly find out.

Fear of the unknown. A conversation he had with another young woman after a traumatic event.

Then…” Grigori sighed. What had he told June, all those months ago? “Be prepared.

I do not know your struggle there, and perhaps, I never will,” he said, eyes focused on his coffee cup. “But I know someone who does. And… she had to do something. Like you. The path is different, but the motives are the same. Loss is a painful thing, and there is no right answer for how to grieve.

All you can do, and I can offer, is to be ready for whatever happens. In due time, you’ll find the answer– and it’s one that can only be revealed by the river of time and your traversal of her waters.

It would be that no matter what they did, no matter how much they struggled, that death was finality. There was no return past its point, and nothing they could ever hope to do would bring their loved ones back. It was hell, but one they could escape. As soon as they learned to let go, then things would work out well.

Guilt flooded him. Painfully so. Grigori sighed, then wiped his eyes. “I’m sorry. Deeply, deeply sorry, June.

June? “Alison.

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