Generational Conflict [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 15:32:19 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
His softened expression gave her heart a pang of hope, but dread still lingered in the bottom of her stomach, irremovable and heavy.

Even with every bit of advice he offered her, she didn’t want to admit that Grigori’s bleak outlook and interpretation of her situation scared her. She was struggling to hide the sick feeling that was rising in her throat, to hide her damning realisation of what she had gotten herself into.  

“I hope you’re right about all this, otherwise...” she trailed off, swallowing.

As she went to speak again, she stopped as his voice broke through first. Her mouth stayed partly agape as her eyes widened at his disposition.

Wait, was he crying?

She watched Grigori’s face, sadness and guilt etched into every feature, and quickly casted her eyes away to plaza once more. She couldn’t figure out the feeling she had welling up in her chest from his reaction. Embarrassment? Shame? Sympathy? All three?

“Please, don't be sorry. I only have myself to blame for what happens now. For what I do. I should be the one who is sorry.” Alison’s voice was low, her own eyes beginning to betray her and sting.

Before any tear could fall, she registered his final words. The error in his wording.

Her body froze.

“June?” her eyes flicked back to Grigori with a puzzled furrow of her brows. “Why did you just call me June?”

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
445 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 1:40:02 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
The genie’s bottle had been opened, and there wasn’t a way to shove it back inside. Alison didn’t miss a beat and challenged his fumble in earnest. All he could do now is deal with the aftermath. His lips parted, and he thought of what to say.

But what could he say? How did he explain to one who wanted to get back at the perpetrator of her own agony… that he was the cause of pain, misery, and a lifetimes worth of suffering himself? That he was on the same level as them? The truth was necessary. One day, the bandaid would have to come off the wound that bled like a river.

But not today. Not with her. With a flushed face, he suddenly pushed away from the table and rose.

I’m sorry,” he muttered. A few poke dollars flew onto the table, and he chugged the rest of his lukewarm coffee. It was placed atop the bills. The chair slammed into the table. “But I can’t tell you.

Do what you think is best, Ms. Alison, even if it might be wrong. In time, perhaps you’ll learn. But never forgive for what they took from you,” he said. “Accept they are sorry, if they even are. But do not accept their forgiveness. I-they don’t deserve it.

With that, he nodded his head. “Until next time.

He walked way and did not look back. It was impossible to hide the red underneath his eyes, or the wetness that threatened to cascade down his face, but he rubbed it away and walked. He didn’t know where, and it did not matter.

It just had to be away from here.

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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,486 posts
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spiral and shiv's baby
Generational Conflict [S]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 5:03:45 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!



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