Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 18:10:29 GMT
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"I'm telling you, Parker. This is getting absurd." Howard took a bite of 's sandwich that he found sitting in the Team Rocket breakroom. "Like, I don't even know how to broach the topic with him."

The Team Rocket breakroom was a place of sanctity and paradise for the average rank and file grunt, unmarred by the wealthy elites that made up the organization's high command. While they got 'luxury bathrooms', 'dental', and 'reasonable pay', the average Rocket grunt could occasionally find frozen food from Pikahut sitting in the breakroom's freezer.

If they were lucky, the microwave might even work.

This was all to say that Howard had forgotten his lunch, and Temp's sandwich raised no objections. Besides, the Rocket Beast got most of his sandwiches from a Paldean place on his way to headquarters, and it was too delicious not to plunder.

"I think he's trying to woo her with a mug now, or something."

'He' being , and his 'unfortunate victim' being .

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 3:23:38 GMT
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most of the food in the fridge is moldy. she stares enviously at whatever sorry sap lost their sandwich to the rocket admin's sticky fingers. admin fox (she does not know his real name, even though people have said it in passing to him probably like five times now and this is absolutely not the first fucking time he's talked to her) has been talking to her for probably a solid ten minutes now and still, no obvious escape route has made itself known.

parker's mental schedule today:
1. kiss nomi.
2. work out.
3. kiss nomi.
4. go to work.
5. get money.
6. repeat.
7. drop off money at hq.

and here's where it gets dicey. 8 is supposed to be 'kiss nomi' again, but the minx is out somewhere on an errand. blah, blah, world-saving stuff. so parker's stupid, lovey-dovey lunch plans? gone. hence the kitchen, hence the uh-oh small talk, hence fox (horace? horatio?), hence - 

hey, wait, yeah we're talkin' about shred.

"he asked if i wanted to see his nut. i'm surprised lulu hasn't shot 'im yet."
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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 3:47:59 GMT
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showed Parker his nut? The admin looked at his sandwich for a long moment, as if wondering if he could choke on it and kill himself with minimal hassle. Eventually, he looked back up at Parker.

"His nut? Huh." Horace frowned in confusion. "I thought that got blown off. Is doing prosthetic third legs now?"

The fact that Horatio was the reason that Shred's nut had been atomized was a constant nagging thought in the admin's mind, like a bill two months past due that someone kept forgetting to pay. It nagged at him whenever he worked, ate, slept, or existed. The thought never left his mind.

One could even call it Herbert's 'normal', as clinically insane as it was.

"What's Lulu gonna do? Throw hot coffee at him? What's another burn or soiled bandage?" Heisenberg took a bite of Temp's sandwich, chewing thoughtfully. After swallowing, he continued. "Doubt he can feel it. If he can, what's one more scream in the choir?"

This line of thought was dangerous. The admin stopped it quickly.

"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Probably him, in this case."

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 3:58:17 GMT
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"fuck." stupid rubs off on her. she blames low blood sugar (FUCK, SHE'S SO HUNGRY) but quickly rights herself. "no, ew, fuck, gross. the little eyeball guy. goopy metal guy. y'think he'd still be standing if he tried 'n show me his prick?"

parker would have punched his lights out right then and there, but nomi probably could have flung him into the unown dimension to let the unown eat him. or whatever they'd do. 

do unown eat?

do they have mouths?

and if they eat, do they shit?

"i just said shot. bang, bang, kiss, kiss 'n all that 'cept probs minus the kissin' hhhh-h-man." halsin? no, that's from the weird bear fucking tiktok. "'cept minus the kissin' in his case. hell hath no fury like a woman who - who's gotta hear his pick-up lines with her own two ears."

kind of begs the question anyway - "so why's a guy like 'im want a guy like 'er? i mean, i get it, fuckin' look at me, but at least i'm hot. and what's goin' on anyway? don't we got like super tech cyborg shit now that'll make all 'is troubles go away? or at least an arm."

her eyes light up. "'m sure he could find an arm with a vibrate function."
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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:10:35 GMT
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Unown didn't shit, but they were the shit according to . That didn't pertain to this conversation, though. It wasn't like the Head Scientist knew this woman.

"What, do you think anything you could do to him would even compare to what he's been through?" Harry laughed to hide the pain. Better to laugh and hide than to accept the truth of Shred's condition. Better to focus on the nut in the room. "Oh shit, Meltan! I know that guy! He's a cutie."

Shred's nut was pretty cute, Harvey had to admit. If he and Parker could agree on anything, it was definitely that. Meltan was everything good and holy in the world. Shred was a wretched beast in comparison, but Meltan's bastion of purity made it all worthwhile.

Hugo's head thumped into the table as Parker kept talking. He ignored the vibrating arm statement.

"Lulu's hot, he's desperate, she's probably insane enough to ignore the fact that he lost a fight with a lithium fire." He shrugged. "It's not Rocket science."

Considering where they were and who they were, maybe it was.

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:23:48 GMT
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some mustard drips out of the corner of his mouth. the meat looks so tender and juicy. fresh pork roast, pink little slices of ham, a more than generous amount of pickles. her stomach grumbles. she does not know all that shred's been through. she does not care what shred's been through.

he's in rocket. they're in rocket. they've all been in some shit, one way or another. 

"yeah, meltan. that's 'is name." the sandwich is riddled with bites missing, but it's face up and his head is on the table now. there's a stray pickle to the right of his pinkie. 

no, don't do that. don't eat his food. that's weird. that's so weird, parker. don't take the pickle.

"should be rocket science. gods know that's what they love talkin' 'bout. that's what i told 'im too."

silence lapses. she thinks about how hungry she is. and how she could go for - 

"did you know unown feel like hot dogs?"
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 4:45:15 GMT
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There was an awkward silence that lasted into eternity.

"Yes, Parker." Henry said sweetly in his 'I am going to thwack you with the stupid stick' voice. "I did. Like, the cold ones that haven't been microwaved yet. A bit like rubber, even."

Hubert was not going to go into detail regarding Unown and their vague similarities to heavily processed meat. He had spent way too many years getting his postgrad. A few of those had been dedicated to studying Unown, though he hadn't taken Visionary Science 100 back at Rustboro University. Professor Sato hadn't gotten her degree from the Unown by that point.

The pickle in question fell from the sandwich as Harcourt took a bite.

'Parker! I'm so lonely!' The pickle slice whispered in her ear. 'Return me to the sandwich, and save my soul!'

"Do you think Unown taste like hot dogs?"

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:08:59 GMT
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her palm slams against the table, no doubt rattling his cheek, but if it does, she certainly doesn't notice. "yeah!" she starts, completely oblivious to the condescension, "like i know nomes says they're god's little angels or whatever, but sometimes i'm like, you guys are just a bunch of hot dogs stuck together with skewers, aren't you?"

the pickle pleads for mercy. parker pleads for an out. neither of them get what they want.

"oh, nah, they don't," she says, with all the confidence of someone who has tasted an unown before. her mouth waters. not because they taste particularly good or like pickles, but because it's just sitting there and it's going to get thrown away if she doesn't eat it.

"you ever put orange juice in a metal container and drink it? they taste like that."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 5:29:03 GMT
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Who the fuck was Nomes? Were there small garden ornaments somewhere in the submarine giving lectures on Unown? After a moment of introspection, Hank decided that it didn't matter. He'd find this 'Gnomes' and ask them about Unown whenever he got the chance.

Hopefully Gnomes didn't find a way to send Hank to the Unown Dimension. Being there was fun, but the trip? Awful.

"Interesting. I was hoping they'd taste like mint toothpaste and orange juice. If I was a creator god, I'd make my agents taste like shit. Gives them a higher chance of survival." Hancock seemed disappointed as he picked at his sandwich like a Mandibuzz picking after a cadaver. "Why did you taste an Unown? Is the breakroom fridge that empty?"

It was, but mostly because people kept sniping the lunches of others.

Behind Hindenberg, an Unown shaped like the letter H blinked slowly at Parker, its pupil flicking to the pickle on the table.

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 21:27:26 GMT
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maybe the sandwich isn't that good, if that's what h-man wants them to taste like, except oh, she needs to learn how to listen. mint and orange juice tastes bad. good. he's a mostly normal person, probably. any normal person with a good stomach would have demolished such a beautiful-looking sandwich at this point though.

"salt rock lamp," she says bluntly and then explains, "y'know how you get one and you look at it and you're like 'i know you're just gonna taste like salt if i lick ya' but then ya do it anyway 'cause ya got it and no one's there to watch y'anyway? to be fair, i'd had a few drinks."

she's not a drunk. she doesn't want her boss thinking she's a drunk. "but y'know, drunk actions 're sober thoughts 'n all that.

"also yes, breakroom fridge's empty.

"empty as fuck."

an unown h appears. things phasing in and out of rooms barely bothers parker nowadays, which is actually insane, so she doesn't even bat an eye when it floats above the admin's head. she sucks on her teeth when its pupil flicks at the pickle. 

no way

experimentally, with one brow raised at it, she waits for him to look the other way and then she opens her mouth like a fish.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 1:05:03 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The sandwich's taste did not matter. It was the conquest of 's property that made it all worthwhile. When the greatest warlords wept, it had been because there was no more world to conquer. Luckily for Hefley Salami, the refrigerator was always chock full of new food for the admin to pilfer.

"Damn. You're lucky that Unown didn't sue for harassment. They have a really good lawyer, I've heard." Hadn't gone to school in Johto or something? There was at least a thirty percent chance that she had gone to law school.

No, forty percent.

"Is the fridge that empty? Shit." Harring grunted as he stood up, leaving Parker and the 'H' Unown together as he opened the fridge door. As he looked around, he saw a 'P' Unown peering at him from the back of the fridge. "Huh."

Harvard slammed the fridge door in its face.

Meanwhile, the pickle began to levitate through a Hidden Power.

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 4:48:02 GMT
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the unown have a lawyer? does nomi know about that? unless he means nomi, but as far as nomi's list of avatar powers went, parker's pretty sure she's never heard her say 'they brain blasted the knowledge of a 4-year degree in law to me and helped me pass the bar.'

there is a 30% chance that it is possible and she explained as much to parker, and more than likely it happened when parker was in her boxers, lazing out the couch eating cereal and watching sonic boom.

admin fox (dumbass, call him that if you don't know his name!!!) stands up and parker smacks her lips impatiently, fingers curling on the table. at this point, with his back turned, it'd probably be faster to just reach for the damn thing herself, so she does that, only the pickle slips right out from under her and tumbles right into the air. 

you silly bastard. she swears it's squinting in laughter at her. the pickle is floating out of reach now. up, up, and away. she half-stands, shoves her arm up to try and grab it. the fridge door slams. 

she has her hand up so high and she looks like she's trying to maybe-leave-her-seat-maybe-also-take-a-shit? he turns around. she angles her hand, says too loudly, very convincingly because this is obviously what she wanted all long: 

"HIGH FIVE! put 'er THERE! my MAN!"
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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 19:27:10 GMT
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There are unspoken laws in Rocket, and there are unspoken laws in the genetic code of society as a whole. When smokes two cigarettes at once, you run away. When tells you to go clean a bathroom, you open the Rocket submarine's window and swim out before it's too late.

If someone offers you a high five, you don't think about it.

You take it.

"Hell yeah, my sister from another miste-"

"Don't do that, Howard."

"The Letter H...?"

"She is not your 'sister from another mister'. Your mother was not an infidel. You should respect women more, Howard."

"What're you talking about? Is Nomi digging through my files or something?"

"This conversation is causing ripples in the Unown Dimension. We're trying to stop this woman from kicking your ass back to grad school."

"Thanks, I guess... Alright, what about my homosexual homi-"


"My Parallel Parke-"


"My Unown U-"

"Please stop."

Howard shouted as he gave Parker a high-five that echoed across space and time. ""HELL YEAH!"

"Oh my god."

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Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 23:32:24 GMT
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waiting for a reciprocated high five is one of the worst things to happen to a human being. because you don't want to put your hand down and accept rejection - that's fucking embarrassing. it's one thing if, y'know, maybe the other person didn't realize you were going for a high-five. 

still awkward, but salvageable. 


her already-forced smile looks damn near porcelain, something off a creepy doll podcast, and what's worse is the pickle is slowly drifting into her peripheral vision. taunting her. haunting her. 

and admin fox's brain consequently breaks.

what the hell is it about the men in rocket who talk to themselves in incomplete sentences whilst leaving poor parker to stand there none the wiser to the true nature of their not-one-but-two-sided conversation? is she really that bad a conversationalist? is she Too Gay? do her lesbian vibes interrupt the wavelengths of the Male Mind?

whatever it is, he finally snaps out of it and leaves her hand stinging. the satisfaction of a complete high-five ritual is a high that escapes no one, so her smile breaks into something easier, but then, right with fox still looking at her, the unown flicks the floating pickle right at parker's forehead. 

it hits with a wet splat and peels off into her waiting palm. 

she blinks and says, "anyway, good talk, houston, seeya 'round, byeeee!!!!!" and consequently lopes away and off to find some proper food. 
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
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howard slayte
Howard and Parker Talk About Something [S]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 1:24:05 GMT
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Pride month has ended by the time Parker realizes what the admin has said. If there had ever been a case of unfortunate timing as bad as the time where Nomi had run through the RKS Simulation before throwing hands with the DRK Triad, this was it. Unfortunately, Howard was neither a member of the DRK Triad nor was he . Otherwise, he would've found a way out of this utter train wreck.

From behind the microwave, another Unown pokes its rubber hotdog body out, staring at the resulting exchange. Another emerges from an electrical outlet, and another emerges from the ventilation shaft.

"Parker." The admin's voice is a rasp as he looks at the pickle dangling from her forehead. "Parker... the pickle..."

It falls into her palm in slow motion. It's like reality itself is lagging. With the amount of Unown present, it might be. Whatever takes notice when Nomi uses her powers is probably watching right now, wondering why Hoenn-820 hasn't been turned into a smoking pile of glass.

The Origin Point and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

"Parker, you have a pickle in your hand." He pointed at it with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. "Right there, a pickle."

Silence follows as Parker runs off.

More Unown appear.

They surround him.

"Uh oh."

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