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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 28, 2024 22:09:20 GMT
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into that end. into the deep. off the deep end? blood moon over the water and spilled over the surf, running down her arms. the sea is so quiet when there's nothing around you but water and your lungs are thin slivers of nothing; the hurt can't even hurt anymore.

there are always bruises on her knuckles, always bloodied with someone else's red, and it's even been his before, but not like this. never like this. 

it's an almost-empty waiting room, with a man in the corner, here before she was (was he?), caught in the euphoria of 4 am and some news parker should have been able to catch a snippet of, but words are all gibberish to her now. 

everything stopped working when she asked, "is he gonna make it?" and they said, "we'll do our best."
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
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POSTED ON May 28, 2024 22:30:17 GMT
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The hospital again, which makes sense, because time is looping and looping and looping: everything a carousel of the same tragedies played out over and over, bit by agonizing bit.[break][break]
She tries to do it the right way, she really does, but she's confused when they're confused - no Jones here, sorry - and so she is forced to turn to Kallistatus in desperation. A flash of blue light when their backs are turned - catching only a snippet of their conversation (she looks like she's the one who needs a doctor, should we -) - and then she's in the room with Parker but it's not Parker in the hospital bed, it's a young man she doesn't recognize: mostly because his face is so battered and bruised she can hardly make out his features.[break][break]
And she knows. She knows because of the still-bloody knuckles. She knows because she saw it. She knows because Parker's way of handling grief has always been an ugly thing.[break][break]
A question hangs in the balance, because she isn't sure anymore what's real and what's not, and that's terrifying when you have been charged with always, always knowing the difference.




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POSTED ON May 28, 2024 22:44:39 GMT
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hours creep forward, each minute an eternity in its own right. there is a smear on her phone screen, making it glitch as she tries to swipe it away, but it doesn't matter. no new messages. no new callbacks. no word. no nothing. just voices in her head, vying for dominance against the swell.

she's in his room now. had to go outside, get away from that sniveling little man, but when she stepped out and hit asphalt and a parking lot, she got stuck there. and then promptly unstuck, swearing as she traipsed through bushes.

found his room, jimmied the latch, nearly fell in. 

there for a couple hours more, thinking slateport fuckin' general right here. all they can, yeah. doing all they can. hooking him up 'n leaving him. 

her head's in her hands when the air crackles with psychic energy and her fingers flex on impulse. exhausted eyes peer through the cracks. then she jolts upright and crashes into nomi with little regard if she breaks her. arms become iron bars, the shaking palm a lock on the back of her neck, pained snarl made the sneer of a warden.

anything to make it permanent. anything to make it so she can't leave again. 

"two fucking days, nomes," she growls. 63 hours, to be exact. 
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
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5'2" / 157 cm height
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POSTED ON May 28, 2024 23:05:56 GMT
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"Only two?"[break][break]
She's squirming, uncomfortable. The hug is too tight, and she can't breath right, the burn marks from the chain a festering splotch of purpled skin. Her hands claw to make space - it's not right, but, she loves her, but - all she can see are the bars, all she can hear is the crunching of bones.[break][break]
She pushes Parker away, chest rising and falling too rapidly, the walls of the sterile room closing in from all sides. She feels dizzy and is - is there a - there should be a -[break][break]
She falls into the corner chair (hard like the cot), crumples like a bag of autumn leaves (weak just like they said), and tries to find words because words explain things and she needs to explain. She owes Parker an explanation.[break][break]
But all she can do is stare down at her hands, wondering if they will ever stop shaking.




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POSTED ON May 28, 2024 23:20:09 GMT
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and inevitably, as will always be the case, nomi eludes her grasp. no amount of wanting can keep the woman in her arms and the space she leaves behind is a jagged, empty hole. frustration makes her face pinch, makes her fingers clench up into knuckles, but with nomi gone she's left to stare straight at the man she put in the bed.

one by one, finger by finger, she relaxes. 

only two?

two agonizingly long days of not knowing whether the drk triad finally got her. or if that bitch councilwoman got her. or if any of their other fucking enemies got her. not knowing if her body was rotting in a ditch or if her ashes were made part of mt chimney as some backwards retribution for the life their side took. 

she collapsed in a chair like that once, leg flayed open from , and nomi had pulled out a medkit. fixed her right up. parker kneels down too, wants to take her hands to stop their shaking, but she removed herself with such violence before. 

she kisses her knees, brow creasing at her too-pale flesh, the way her veins look in the light (lavender?). she touches her calves, ghosts her ankles, and says, trying not to let it sound as hollow as she feels: "i'm here."
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Nomi; The Visionary
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Ecruteak, Johto
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POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:13:50 GMT
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Each and every tender gesture - warm mouth against cold flesh, familiar callouses tracing patterns across too-thin ankles - brings her back to herself. Trembling hands reach for Parker, and pull her head closer, until the other woman is resting against her lap. Delicate fingers form fists in mussed scarlet hair, and she holds on tight to quell the quaking tremors.[break][break]
This renewed intimacy is an apology, because she cannot abide another cage, even a well-meaning one. Not now. Not yet.[break][break]
"It felt like weeks," she fumbles, throat hoarse and brain foggy. "I thought Underboss Fiorelli killed Celebi but it was there, so that's probably why." She pauses. "Why time was all messed up, I mean."[break][break]
Which is so unfair. It already feels like she's lost twenty years.[break][break]
A sob escapes her lips unbidden, but if she shuts her eyes, she's back there again - in the vast expanse of ultra space, trapped in the endless dark - so she stares across the room at the boy in the bed. He's breathing, just barely. The life support ticks softly, a constant reminder of his (their) mortality.[break][break]
"I love you," she whispers with a sudden fervor, wrapping the words around Parker like a protective amulet.




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POSTED ON May 29, 2024 2:34:56 GMT
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it felt like weeks to her too, but she doesn't say that. how can you say that? how can she sit here and feel so sorry for herself? and just as quickly feel nothing with nomi quivering like a bird in front of her? warmth sifts through her hair, trying to draw her back.

she noses closer, cheek on her knee, and looks up at nomi as she looks out, over her, to the bed. to the aftermath of a monstrosity parker's tried for so long to keep choked down.

i love you.

there's no flinch, no wolfish grin, just a deep inhale and a slow, slow exhale. 

"i saw the unown after. the one you make watch me. you know what i did." it's not a confirmation. she knows the truth. which means nomi knows too. nomi saw it all. she says, "i love you," and "i think i would've killed 'im, nomes. i think i would 've killed him to get you back.

"and i don't know what to do, knowin' that."
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
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5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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POSTED ON May 30, 2024 1:06:39 GMT
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It is Parker's forlorn confession that, at long last, steadies her hands. Fingers curl through rough-shorn locks, and she meets the stormy grey gaze of her lover with a lifetime's worth of forgiving grace.[break][break]
Because this is who they are. This is what the world has forced them to become: in its madness, in its unraveling.[break][break]
"And I would have killed the Councilwoman," she answers, with finality. With absolutely certainty. "If she had succeeded in taking you from me."[break][break]
You can either ignore her or kill her. But you certainly won't be able to get her to feel differently.[break][break]
's words echo in her mind, cold and unfeeling, like the white linens draped across the almost-corpse of someone's son. She might not have been capable of taking 's life, in the end, but she would have tried. Oh, how she would have tried.[break][break]
Part of her thinks (remembers?) that she did try. But all of her memories of that awful day are still burned in blue.[break][break]
"So we are not so different, you and I."[break][break]




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POSTED ON May 30, 2024 2:49:20 GMT
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that's it, then. that's the truth of it. the cold revulsion she felt looking in the glass doors outside the hospital is going to be a constant now. that haunted, tired light in the back of her eyes. that's gonna be there too. she does not deign to question if it's worth it. 

that's not how these things work. life's shit and then you die, except sometimes life is brilliant. sometimes someone like nomi walks into your life and makes wading through all that shit worth living. 

and in their line of work, makes it worth killing too.

but - "i can't. i can't let us do that, nomes. can't let us be 's bad as that bitch council-lady thinks we are." i can't let you become a monster.
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
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POSTED ON May 31, 2024 18:27:05 GMT
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"We aren't like that," Nomi soothes. "Violence is her opening move, but for us? Only a last resort."[break][break]
The prison had driven her to near-madness, a fact she clings to as she remembers the smashed gore of the Okidogi, remembers the way her heart had coldly turned aside as Kallistatus had attacked Cyllora and the Pecharunt. They were to blame for Parker's associate's sorry state, too. If they hadn't snatched Nomi out of bed in the middle of the night without warning, Parker would never have reached such a frenzied, frantic state.[break][break]
"I tried, Parker. I tried diplomacy."[break][break]
The dejection returns, the weight of a thousand failed persuasion attempts. The promise of true rebirth had not been enough to convince the Megalopolians that they ought not doom themselves to the loneliness of the void.[break][break]
This time, when she glances at the body in the hospital bed, she sees Velmos and his dead, sightless eyes, staring at nothing. Not even an afterlife.[break][break]




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POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 19:15:42 GMT
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"like hell we aren't," she snaps. the body in the bed says otherwise. or, would, if she hadn't mangled his jaw to all hell. they'd struggled getting him fucking intubated because of the mess she made. he's never gonna look the same. he's never gonna be okay again.

and the two of them? her soul blackens with each passing calamity. she's long past turning back, but what do you do when you can do nothing but walk forward into that darkness? when turning your back would mean losing all that's made you you

she turns her head, hides her face in nomi's lap, bunches her fingers in her shorts, and holds her tight because she doesn't know what to do. or how to help. she tried to tell her that it wouldn't work. they'll always be the enemy, burned in shades of purple and blue.

parker had always known this was inevitable.

she shifts her arm, shrugging away the phantom pain of her flesh sloughing off, and says, "but you're doin' this all to save everyone. save the world. so if violence is what y'need, nomes," she says and lifts her head, gathers herself, takes her beloved's face in her hands and stoops low, "then let's give 'em hell."
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 3:26:25 GMT
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Inevitability was what drew Nomi to Parker, one might say. A broken thing will always need mending. So here she is now, cradling the architect of her desire, the keeper of her heart, each fracture in her soul welded together not with gold, but a galaxy-studded obsidian. Beautiful and dark and twisted through with too many stars to count.[break][break]
She doesn't know who the enemy is anymore.[break][break]
Sometimes, it's Nisa Holo, sneering at her from within the RKS machine, the simulated universe a pixelated plethora of possibilities: too many, far too many, and never enough time. Sometimes it's Father Winter, holding up a mirror and showing her a reflection of who she could have been: DRK Triad instead of Rocket, trading one flavor of shadow for another. More recently, it is , fiery eyes ablaze with ruination as the world burns around them.[break][break]
It is Okidogi. It is the Never-rot. It is Cyllora.[break][break]
It's me.[break][break]
"Even if we fight," she mutters - starts and stops - swallows. "There's only the two of us. You're tough as nails, and I have the Unown, but it might might not be enough."[break][break]
That had been the whole point of her peace talks. The setting aside of an inner conflict to shoulder the weight of an external conflict, together.[break][break]
"We need an army, Parker."




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POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 1:26:51 GMT
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she's kinda used to that. to not being enough. to being told she's not enough. she tries her best to get by - always has - but there are days when she still has to stoop to cover her debts. people she's gotta bruise. good people who don't deserve it. 

but the wheels need to keep turning and she's destined to remain the grease. 

she wants to say, you have others, but those others are mr nightmare one () and mr nightmare two () and all the varying degrees of crazy in between. why this side, nomes? why'd ya pick this side?

at least with their side, you know what you're getting. nothing like the councilwoman and her goddamn burning hands trying to burn down the world, one person at a time. 

she might be too close to the situation.

"then, cupcake, we're fucked." she kisses her. hard. rough. sloppy. and when she pulls away, she says, "but we'll give 'em hell before that anyway."
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 15:03:50 GMT
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The kiss zaps her heart, coaxing the dead battery awake as a sharp-toothed pleasure floods her damaged nerves, the engine of prophetic destiny roaring to life once more: one end, our end, our choice.[break][break]
A helpless moan escapes her lips, and she clutches onto the front of Parker's jacket as if begging the other woman to damage her in a good way, in the best way: to be ripped apart by her lust and sewn back together again with her love.[break][break]
Parker's spit on her tongue, she nuzzles the other woman's cheek, inhaling the scent of her and exhaling any lingering panic. The toxic chain had stolen her agency, had rooted her in place; here, now, she consents to a different sort of binding, one of her own making, forged in memory and dancing to the tune of 'til death do us part.[break][break]
"I want to go home. Can we go home?"[break][break]
Nomi tilts her head, chin framed in blue, selfishly ignoring the labored breathing of the boy in the bed. A hospital is no place for a proper reunion.




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[newclass=".nomitest9 .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 17:21:26 GMT
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does it make her a bad person, forgetting bax so easily when nomi is kissing her back like this? the intermittent beeps fade away to background noise, far, far behind the sounds that accompany tongue on tongue and rumblings of want. 

she wants her. she wants her so badly. because none of this matters without her. her sanity, her humanity, all of it's wrapped up in this fragile, beautiful woman, and by ravaging her, by stripping her, she can feel closer to the parts of herself she's given away. 

one hand settles on nomi's hips and the other moves roughly between her legs. she drapes a wet kiss against the side of her neck and says, "yeah. yeah, tell alphabet soup to take us home."
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