slateport sleuthing [dw]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 8
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5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 23:03:43 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena's eyebrows shoot up. Before self-preservation can stop her, surprise has her exclaiming, "Related to you?" Even Gardevoir stops from where she is holding a Pinchurin with psychic to boggle at the insinuated insult. [break][break]

"I mean," she recovers quickly, "you two really do not strike me as siblings. I suppose I can see the shared cool demeanor, but... well, I have seen Lulu's enthusiasm because of our shared interests, but I have not seen you truly in your element, so I should not compare so readily." The glint in Lulu's eye at the topic of dream research wasn't something she'd seen in Cillian, but then, Ameena had no hand in archaeological or paleontological finds, nor anything related to shadow-afflicted pokemon. [break][break]

Siblings... She had mentioned Cillian to Lulu before, and she hadn't shared. But that had been earlier in their relationship. The commonalities between the two came to Ameena all at once, and belatedly, she felt ridiculous for not putting two and two together. "You both have quite the bragging rights in each other. I feel silly for not knowing sooner." [break][break]

She did a poor job hiding her expression at the cannibalism comment. She was rather lucky Novina hadn't bitten her hand off when she'd tried to abduct the Megalopolan child in the penitentiary.

TAGS [break]

NOTES – catching pinchurin[break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 5:53:24 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

He's received a myriad of reactions from the few he's told of his relation to Lulu, but none so aghast as this. He blinks, looking affronted and a little confused.[break][break]

She recovers before he can form a negative response, backpedaling with an explanation that seeks to soothe ruffled feathers.[break][break]

To her credit, she does well.[break][break]

"You've not asked me to talk of my shadows," he says with a small smile. "I can be every bit as passionate as she can be stoic. Don't feel silly; it's not common knowledge. It was a secret back when I was operating under another name."[break][break]

He chuckles at her facial expression.[break][break]

"Most of them won't bite if they're well fed. Like dogs, really."






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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
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spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
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spiral and shiv's baby
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 22:41:19 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD KILOWATTREL APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] COMPETITIVE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]THUNDER SHOCK
[attr="class","wildtabox"]QUICK ATTACK
[attr="class","wildtabox"] WEATHER BALL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD PAWMI APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] IRON FIST
[attr="class","wildtabox"]THUNDER SHOCK
[attr="class","wildtabox"] MACH PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 23:22:58 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

It's true. He has shown more interest in her dream research than she has in his shadow pokemon. Her smile comes easy as she accepts the implicit invitation to bug him about it. "So what is going on with that shadow collection of yours? Have you divined the secrets of the universe from them yet?" Light and barely teasing. She demands those secrets from her research, but his seems more practical in every way compared to her pursuit. [break][break]

"I have yet to find one in the wild." Her gaze falls on her Gardevoir who is letting a Pawmi poke her. Ameena has to imagine it reminds her of her Ralts kin, as the Gardevoir isn't one for soft spots. [break][break]

Ameena used to be able to say the same, but getting close to the likes of Amor and Lulu over time has made it harder to think of Rocket as anything other than... exactly what she wanted, in Hoenn. Researchers without worthless ethical quandaries and countless competent people. It was easy to ignore the ugly sides of the organization. "All I know is that they can sometimes result from Nihilego poison, though I cannot devise why. My own Nihilego's poison just seems to irritate and, well, poison its targets."

TAGS [break]

NOTES – catching pawmi[break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 1:07:43 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian stops dead, backpedaling a step in surprise as a KILOWATTREL suddenly plummets from the sky to crash into their path. A quick look at Faolan's smug expression suggests the Lucario as the culprit, its eyes still glowing with the aftershocks of a FUTURE SIGHT.[break][break]

"Couldn't have downed it off to the side?"[break][break]

No. Faolan had wanted Cillian to see the beauty of his handiwork. The underboss scratches him between the ears in silent thanks as he reaches for a pokeball.[break][break]

Once they start walking anew, Cillian says, "My collection's ever-expanding. They're rare, shadows, but they seem... drawn to me." It couldn't possibly be MIASMA and malice he radiates. "I've had a few seek me out. Sadly, they've offered no insight on anything but violence."[break][break]

He laughs quietly. "You're not alone in experimenting with the poisons; I've tried countless times to replicate the Shadow Machine of old. The results have been varied in all but their disappointment." He sighs, but doesn't seem wholly discouraged. "I do intend to keep trying, however. I think I may be getting closer."




catch kilowattrel


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 6:56:26 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD DURALUDON APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] STALWART
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HONE CLAWS
[attr="class","wildtabox"]LASER FOCUS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FOCUS ENERGY
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD TINKATUFF APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] MOLD BREAKER
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SWEET KISS
[attr="class","wildtabox"]BRUTAL SWING
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 16:10:35 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Drawn to him? She wondered what that felt like. To naturally attract the most violence-inclined pokemon passively would make her question some things about herself. "Your command over shadows, is that something that came after your partnership?" Had he had a connection to shadows before Avatarship? He was the only one that seemed to function in this way. Even Zev, who was naturally terrifying, didn't seem to control shadows like Cillian. [break][break]

Gardevoir teleported around a raging Duraludon, staying just a smidge out of reach to keep it frustrated and draining of its own strength. She felt for the wild steel pokemon, for a moment, as the stress of the coming war on top of the demands of her research and the juggle of Rocket responsibilities left her feeling antagonized. [break][break]

"Are you researching the creation of shadow pokemon for a personal army?" It didn't seem like the kind of thing to study just for the pursuit of scientific discovery, though fully understanding what turned pokemon into shadow would be an incredible development. She wondered if it and illumina were just two sides of the same coin, though she'd never encountered either pokemon for more than a few minutes.

TAGS [break]

NOTES – catching duraludon[break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena a"]font:13px Roboto;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena h1"]font:16px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 8:01:23 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian shakes his head.[break][break]

"They've always intrigued me and I certainly had more of a grasp on them than some, but they were still aggressive toward me by default, before." He lifts his shirt to show off a nasty set of scars along his ribcage. "My Sandslash tried to kill me more than once before I got it under control."[break][break]

He could hardly blame it; the Sandslash had known he was responsible for its change. It had been one of the few Pokémon to come out of Rocket's Shadow Machine before they'd run out of the serum.[break][break]

Faolan growls in soft confusion as a Tinkatuff blows a SWEET KISS at him, prompting Cillian to momentarily break from conversation. He rolls his eyes.[break][break]

"Men," he sighs, as if he weren't one, before recalling his partner and sending out his Dhelmise, instead. The genderless anchor is far less impressed by the Tinkatuff, trapping it in a WHIRLPOOL until it FAINTS from lack of air.[break][break]

"Not only personal, no." His attention returns to Ameena. "I hope to outfit any capable Rocket with the same. The League has the advantage of numbers; we must match them with brutality."




catch tinkatuff


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[newclass=.twtgm .tag a] font: 12px Montserrat; font-weight: 800!important; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 0px; color: var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtgm .notes h1] font: 16px Montserrat; font-weight: 800!important; font-style: italic; letter-spacing: 0px; text-transform: uppercase; color: var(--accent); text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #1e1e1e; padding-bottom: 5px; text-align:center;[/newclass]
[newclass=.twtgm .notes a] font: 10px Montserrat; color: var(--accent); [/newclass]
[newclass=.twtgm span] display: inline-block; [/newclass]
[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn] text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; background: var(--accent); padding: 5px; width: 410px; margin-left: -40px; margin-bottom: -40px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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October 13
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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 20:07:24 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD ELECTRODE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] GENDERLESS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] AFTERMATH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SELF DESTRUCT
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]MAGNETIC FLUX
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD ORTHWORM APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] EARTH EATER
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]IRON TAIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHED TAIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 17:43:47 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She wondered if it was fated, his connection to the shadow pokemon. She had mixed feelings about the sentiment of fate, particularly because she believed in the dream multiverse where every possible variation in life was its own 'door' in the dream realm that could be accessed with proper equipment. She blanched at the sight of his scar. She would have to be extremely careful about shadow pokemon if one could nail him of all people. More reluctantly, she said, "Well, I have a prime candidate for an attempt at shadowization." [break][break]

Was that term? No matter. She laughed at the 'men' comment and felt relieved that he showed good humor. She wondered, briefly, how much of that side of him was reserved for Tempest. But it wasn't for her to know, and she didn't want to find out if any questions to their relationship resulted in punishment. Instead, she refocused on the shadow pokemon topic as she watched his Dhelmise work. "I finally got my hands on one of God's alphabet."[break][break]

She hadn't told anyone yet. They were difficult to find, and she had just been lucky enough to stumble across one. She hadn't capitalized on Rocket's resource on them, Nomi, just yet, but it seemed time to remedy that. "I would like to see if we can convert something holy to shadow." Holy was perhaps a stretch, and yet, she felt right in the assessment. [break][break]

The connection between Unown and Arceus might be overstated or outright fabricated, but regardless, there seemed to be no pokemon remotely like them. "If you have time this week, I can bring it over for a test." She would be sorry to see it perish in a failed experiment, but the reward outweighed the risk.

TAGS [break]

NOTES – skip[break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena u"]text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena a"]font:13px Roboto;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena h1"]font:16px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
slateport sleuthing [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 6:41:52 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Once, Cillian might've laughed at the idea of fate. But after hearing of 's harrowing experience in the Triad's twisted simulations, he can't dismiss it so easily.[break][break]

His own fate seemed more fluid. Flexible. Yet power was a constant; he was not a man to rest on his laurels in any universe, if glimpses into alternate timelines were to be believed. Rocket, too, seemed a nigh inevitable part of his path. He'd not liked the place they'd gone where Rocket hadn't existed, when he'd been nothing more than a bright-eyed scientist studying fossils. He'd thought he wanted nothing more, once.[break][break]

Now, the void called.[break][break]

"Do you?" His brow arches. Then, a slow and twisted smile spreads across his lips as she reveals her intentions. Oh, but Ameena was perhaps as wicked as he. "Now that would be something to see."[break][break]

He wonders what would think of subjecting her beloved Unown to such a foul process. He doesn't intend to ask her.[break][break]

"I will make time," he promises, watching his Dhelmise pull an ORTHWORM from the earth. It BREAKS it against the BRICK of a nearby building. "For now, though, I'd better head out. I hate to cut our time here short, but I've got a meeting in ten."[break][break]

And in a whisper of Dhelmise's PHANTOM FORCE, he's gone.




catch orthworm & fin


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 19:17:11 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]CILLIAN CAUGHT THE ORTHWORM!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] EARTH EATER
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]IRON TAIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHED TAIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP