[S] A Little Hired Help

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Vee, Val
July 24
Rustboro City
orthrus mechanic
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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vee loxley DOLLARS
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vee loxley
[S] A Little Hired Help
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 22:25:36 GMT
vee loxley Avatar

Another day, another afternoon of the younger mechanics in Rustboro staying busy on top of the many things she had on her daily checklist. Vee was busy in her garage, which was, in actuality, a hollowed out storage unit that she had taken over after the previous property owners went bankrupt. Something about competition in the area or something. It was one of the shitty ones that was too far back and old to really be worth anything, but big enough to store her babies in the best storage space she could afford for them. [break][break]

"Socket. Number 14." Vee slid out partially from underneath one of her bikes, covered marks of oil, gas and other various gunk that she had tried to get off of the guts. She held her hand out as a Gible carefully walked one of her tools over to her from nearby, then was rewarded with some quick scratches from her reinforced gloves. "Thanks, Thrashy." [break][break]

The rest of her Pokémon were outside of the container, all splayed out and resting during a lazy afternoon. The Dunsparce remained napping away in the sun alongside her Hydreigon. The Revavroom beside her puttered around outside as it would let out some poking chirps at its owner as she worked. [break][break]

"I told you we can ride later. I just need to finish a couple of things quick." The girl said while working on tightening the oil filter back into place. [break][break]

All this in front of a public road, where her work could be partially visible due to the container doors being somewhat open. [break][break]

TAGS – @tag



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Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
[S] A Little Hired Help
POSTED ON May 30, 2024 23:14:50 GMT
walter delmar Avatar
The captain stooped in from the busy street and gave the metallic walls a good knock. A thunderous bellow rung from the container. He hoped this was the right place. Shady business called for shady spots. You can't just ask anyone to disguise a ship. This next job was gonna be brutal. There would be no risks taken with this job. Not after the tracker incident and certainly not for this job. He had to get everything right or his freedom would be gone. He would be a wanted criminal.

Connections were easy to find in Rocket. A bit of asking around led the captain to this scrappy Rustboro garage. The scattered tools and ramshackle equipment all controlled by a single mechanic and her was exactly what Walter expected and needed. Despite its appearance, those motorcycles looked to be in excellent condition.

This was the right place. The captain walked forward into the garage with a grin.

"Ahoy there, lass. Any of these bikes you got would be the prized possession of any lucky Paldean. I have a project I need a sharp mechanic for. You any good with boats?"

The answer was most likely no but if she can put this together by herself, she could figure out how to fix a ship's motor and remodel its exterior a bit.

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Vee, Val
July 24
Rustboro City
orthrus mechanic
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
20 posts
vee loxley DOLLARS
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vee loxley
[S] A Little Hired Help
POSTED ON May 31, 2024 2:50:07 GMT
vee loxley Avatar

"Aw, fuck!" Said bellow was followed by a sudden poof of smoke directly into the face of the young mechanic. Vee let out a few coughs to clear her lungs of the excess smoke, fanning the air in front of her to be able to breath. "Ugh, should have tightened that down more..." She groaned and looked up from her bike just in time see the silhouette of a man in front of the container door. He was tall, maybe brooding, reeked of a salty scent that reminded her of the harbor a little bit. His question did get her curious though. [break][break]

"Uh, ahoy." she said, raising a well oiled glove to the man. "Sorry about the mess. I gotta work with what I've got in here." She motioned to some of her tools being splayed out on the ground next to her alongside some manuals and books tied to a page that she was reading from. In the corner was a literal mountain of empty cans of energy drinks and take out boxes galore. She probably should have taken the trash out a while ago, but she did clean them so they wouldn't stink! [break][break]

Her brows furrowed in thought, taking a moment to think to herself. The pink mess that was her hair spilled down the right shoulder. "I ain't never worked on a boat before, but we could think of it as a learning experience." she offered, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. "Whaddya need done to it? Repairs? Custom job? Something that I legally can't be held accountable for?" [break][break]




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Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
[S] A Little Hired Help
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 17:28:16 GMT
walter delmar Avatar

"No need to worry about the mess. The boat can't fit in here anyways."

This job had to be discreet, quick, and low key. A cruel grin unfurled over Walter's face.

"Legally held accountable for? Now you're speaking my language." the captain laughed even louder.

"There's nothing illegal about this job...yet. Nothing to worry about. My ship has been having some engine troubles lately on the mechanical side. In terms of her hull, I need to change it enough to where she won't be recognizable by most folk."

Not a single soul on the shores of Dewford could recognize this ship or Walter. In the best case scenario, he would have to lay low in Sootopolis for a few months, maybe even a year. At worst, he would be forced to leave Hoenn and never return, less he face the consequences for his crimes.

"Listen, matey. This job may not be your usual, but I can make it worth your while. If you sail with me to Sootopolis to fix my engine and disguise my ship, I'll give you an in with Rocket. Whatever the cost of the job is, Rocket will cover it. How does that sound?"

It was a deal any shady individual would dream about. An in with Rocket meant protection from the law. With the war going on, Rocket was your best bet at safety from the law.

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played by


Vee, Val
July 24
Rustboro City
orthrus mechanic
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
20 posts
vee loxley DOLLARS
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vee loxley
[S] A Little Hired Help
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 2:27:14 GMT
vee loxley Avatar

Huh, this was a new one. Vee had been one to be all for experimenting and inproving her skillset, but a boat? The guy definitely fit the bill for what a pirate should look like, though one would have to wonder how he came to be here. She did want to try and improve business somewhat, though it was hard making bike things when Pokémon existed. Precious few people seemed to be interested in keeping the speed dream alive. [break][break]

His laughter bounced off the walls at her final sarcasm filled remark. Vee smirked to herself. It was going to be a fun job, for sure. ”You know how to come at me with a fun job.” The girl took a moment to consider her options here. It was always nice to have an opening for future clients here. ”Count me in, but I ain't signin’ up fer the war. I'm kinda done picking sides that could give a shit less about people at the bottom. I'm just here because it beats begging for money in Mauville.” [break][break]

There was a chance at getting some more people to work on stuff not just limited to bikes and things. And who knows? Maybe Vee could learn a thing or two off this weird pirate. [break][break]

”I'm Vee, by the way. Nice to meet you. I'll get my tools ready and be ready to go in a bit. Sootopolis is pretty far away though. The hell're we getting there if yer boat ain't here?” [break][break]




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