Convalescence and Breach [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 22:24:18 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Three weeks had passed since Elaine had returned from being imprisoned. For what it was worth, those three weeks were plenty. She was fortunate to not have gotten any permanent injuries. There mere rib fracture she had gotten was trivial compared to some of the others had to deal with so she was counting her blessings.

The entire experience had left her much to think about, but the world kept on turning. Business carried on as usual and despite the one week break from work (the extra five day hiatus was nice), she finally had work again.

Stretching both her physical and mental muscles definitely staved off some of the darker thoughts that the entire affair had implanted into her.

Unfortunately, today was not one of those days when she could do that. Time had passed and the day had begun its wind down to sunset.

But, she had cleared all work for the day early on and no new cases were popping up for today.

After stretching her arms, locking the computer, and stowing the paper file she had in a nearby cabinet, she ended up deciding that was as good a time as any to just unwind.

Elaine walked towards the door of her office, but as she opened it up, she saw something or someone she had not expected.

"Oh? Hey."

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 6:05:55 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



It had been three weeks since he had been freed from his imprisonment.
And it had been one week since he had gotten out of the hospital.
All in all, the last few weeks had taken their toll on him, and they still weren’t over. Since getting his grandparents back, it has been insufferable. They had barely left him alone for even a moment, especially since he had been released from the hospital.
Though the fretting was annoying, what really made him want a bit of escape were the questions. Just like with what had happened with his father, his grandparents thought talking about what had happened to him would help. However, they didn’t seem to realize he just wasn’t ready.
Besides, he had already given them the abridged version; what else did they want?
It was all of this that led to him sneaking out after his grandparents had laid down for a nap. Sure, he was still recovering and needed to rest, but he needed a break from his grandparents constant hovering.
Releasing Rook from his pokeball, he would consider his options on where he could go.
After some thought, he urged Rook to make his way towards Lilycove. His reasoning was that to feel a bit less stifled, he needed someone who would understand why talking about what he had gone through might not be something he was ready for.
Dismounting in front of his location, he would make his way inside the building, but he was hesitant right inside the entryway.
Before he could actually consider leaving, like he had never been here, Elaine would make her appearance.
"Hey, sorry to just show up like this.”[break]

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played by


Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 18:51:46 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Though Elaine had given him the address of her office, she had never expected him to actually remember it and come back to it. They may have been cellmates and there was a certain bond forged between them during that time, but she figured he would be the type to go his own way afterwards, given how purposefully distant he presented himself.

"Hey, Ever. It's great to see you're well! Come in. Take a seat." As she held the door, she pointed to the couch that was leaning up against one of the walls across from the bookcases.

"I'm sorry I can't get you any tea on short notice, but you want anything to drink?" After guiding him to the sofa and closing the door, she walked up to the minifridge she kept by her desk.

After crouching down and opening it, she ran her finger over a variety of drinks that were sitting within. "Juice? Soda? Iced Tea? Alcohol? Water? Got any preference for drinks, Ever?"

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
290 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2024 14:37:37 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



He was actually still recovering, as evidenced by the cast around his left arm. The hospital had tried to get him to wear a sling, but he was quite adamant that would never happen. Besides, if broken ribs could heal without a sling, then why did one need one for a broken arm, even if it had to be rebroken after it had started healing wrong? So yes, he had been quite against the idea of wearing a sling.
However, though he was still recovering, at least he hadn’t somehow gotten worse. He supposed that was what Elaine meant by her comment.
“Same to you,” he said, evidently referring to her comment about doing well. As for the rest of her comment, he simply inclined his head before heading over to the couch to find a seat.
As she began to go on about drinks, he was prepared to tell her she didn’t need to go out of her way for him. After all, he did kind of drop by with no warning. He could’ve at least allowed her to know first that he was coming.
However, before he could actually tell her, she was already at the refrigerator. “I’ll drink anything but alcohol,” he said last. Basically, he wasn’t too picky about what he consumed. Though if Elaine thought back to their time imprisoned together, she would probably remember that he wasn’t big on sugary, sweet things. He hadn’t exactly gone out of his way to hide his distaste for sweet things after all.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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played by


Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 2:39:52 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Unfortunately for Ever, Elaine had a bit much of a sweet tooth. It was as strong as her cravings for the spiciest of food. She had remembered that he wasn't a fan of sweet stuff so that cut out a majority of the options. Cutting out alcohol left out a couple options too. It was not something she used often, but something that was useful for certain types of clients.

"Ah, how about this, then?"

From the fridge, she pulled out two bottles before closing its door. As she walked down to the coffee table before the couch and put one of them down. "Unsweetened green tea suit your fancy?"

After she did, she grabbed her usual chair from behind the desk and wheeled it over to face the couch on the other side of the coffee table.

After pulling the tab on the can of orange soda she had pulled out, she took a single sip before looking at Ever.

"How're you dealing with it? The fallout of that whole incident, I mean. I take it you've had some time to ruminate over it all, too?"

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
290 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 14:14:45 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



“That’s fine, thank you,” he said as he took the bottle of green tea from her. Even after four years, thanking someone was weird. It definitely wasn’t something he had really done when he had lived with his father. He was getting better at saying it, though. The first time he had said it, he always said it kind of grudgingly; now it came out easily, like he had always been the type to show gratitude. Still, he did have a pretty abrasive nature overall, so he couldn’t come off as too grateful.
Taking a sip of the tea, he relaxed minimally, which was saying a lot considering he always seemed pretty guarded. He was always alert, like he was always on the lookout for danger. Though considering everything he had been through in his life, that was to be expected.
At the question, he frowned. “It’s all I can think about since it happened among other stuff. There isn’t much I can do but think on it since I haven’t been allowed back to work yet. Something about them worried about me aggravating my injuries,” he explained, waving his cast arm for emphasis, not that he really needed to.
He hated it. I hated just sitting at home and taking it easy. It gave him too much time to think. Something he always hated since he always tended to think about stuff he shouldn’t. Like his father. Like what he had been through when he had been abducted.
“My grandparents don’t really make it better. They want me to open up about what happened. I gave them an abridged version, so it’s not like I didn’t say anything at all, but that’s not enough for them. Don’t get me wrong. I love them, but I’m just not ready to talk about it, least of all with them.”
’Arceus that made him sound like a horrible person, didn’t it?’ Especially since he was being pretty open with Elaine about it. Then again, she had experienced the same thing he had. It was different when it came to shared experiences. [break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + notes



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
Convalescence and Breach [M]
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2024 4:16:01 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
A good chunk of them had been injured. Despite Elaine having been injured herself, she did not have injuries that warranted hospitalization, luckily. Ever, on the hand, was seriously injured throughout the course of the incident to the point where at least a love one deemed it fit he be hospitalized.

Though, that seemed very much to his dismay. Between that and being grounded from being busy with what he probably loved to do, it was enough to drive him crazy.

It was a mindset she understood far too well.

She had made herself busy as soon as she had finished convalescing enough, but she had still had a ways to go at that point.

"Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about that. If you're not fit to go back yet, better to stay put rather than risk a longer recovery. It may be hard but that's probably the best way to go about it."

Elaine shrugged as she listened on.

"I mean, an abridged version is still something right?" Elaine took another sip of the soda. "Have you even come to terms or fully comprehended what you saw? I can't say I have. I've been drawn to the center of an tossed around by multiple similar incidents in my time here, so maybe it's a bit of a norm for me, but the reality is that you should just take your time processing it. Your loved ones deserve better than a half-assed explanation of the horrors you still can't comprehend."

Mission: Post Prismatic Penitentiary



it's a long life full of long nights

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