wolves at bay [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 1:28:42 GMT
cassidy Avatar
it was a deal.

mint was his name; a devil with honeyed words. she had stood strong against his temptations for so long, but she was on the verge of losing everything—the measly apartment that she'd scrounged together, her belongings and her life. how much she'd fallen, from the great heights of wealth.

and so when the devil had knocked on her door a final time, she'd told him that she'd take the deal:

in return for her life, she'd survive. and in return for her loyalty, she'd live.

beggars can't be choosers, can they?

aris was the name of her contact, club owner and the person who would supposedly house her. living above of a club is no glorious prospect; cassidy was not one to party or to indulge in the sins of humankind. but it was better than nothing.

she'd gathered up the last of her belongings and stuffed them into a bag that hung off her shoulders. some clothes and personal belongings, her charger and phone.

the club was quiet during the day. icarus it read, in long golden letters, reminiscent of ancient societies. she sneaks to the back, dutifully following the directions she had been given. one quick glance around showed that nobody was watching, to her relief. she was nervous; her hands trembling as she held them to the door. would they be cruel, as cruel as women who had ruined her? or would they be apathetic, she only another cog in the machine?

regardless, there was no going back. and so she knocks in a series of codes. one that lets them know that she was one of them.

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caty, cat
any except she
june 6th
lumiose city
"starving artist", forger
5’8.5” height
5’8.5” height
to live deliciously.
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TAG WITH @cato
wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 7:02:16 GMT
cato Avatar
The girl is looking for Aris— the top dog, the owner, the silver-tongued superstar, the cream of the crop— but as the code is entered, and the door she's standing in front of creaks open, she's met with anything but.

Narrowed red eyes, that compliment her own. A glower permanently etched across their expression; a scar, thin yet prominent, carved into their cheek. There's a coldness to them, not unlike Cassidy's, albeit less scared, the stern expression of someone who knows what they're doing.

Judgemental, almost, from a first glance. A discerning eye, as if the stranger hasn't already been vetted far enough.

—It's a tension, thankfully, that breaks almost as soon as Cato opens their mouth, turning their head towards the front of the room with narrowed eyes. They yell, and it's loud, but it's not at her.

"Aris! She's here! You were supposed to have the room upstairs ready an hour ago!"

Eye twitching, they hold a hand up to their face, shaking their head.

"Knowing him, he's remade your bed five times over. He'll be here in just a second, if he doesn't want to get dragged down by the ear."

A pause, as they raise an eyebrow, finally turning their gaze back to meet the strange girl's, their newest recruit. Awkwardly, he holds out a hand to shake, albeit still glancing over his shoulder to keep watch for Aris' arrival.

"...Cato. That's my name. I do the papers."

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██ 27
April 4
████████ Mauville
Male-leaning Pansexual
Club Owner at Icarus
Undercover Grunt
perpetual slut era
6'3" height
6'3" height
Sipping Capri-Suns like a Dom Pérignon
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TAG WITH @aris
Aris van der Veld
wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 15:04:38 GMT
Aris van der Veld Avatar

[attr="class","header"]let the glimmer hide the dull


Oh, Aris had the room ready ages ago. He had just been taking advantage of the fact that Cato wouldn't touch a chore with a ten-foot pole, allowing him to remain alone and in peace for a while, or at least until the newcomer arrived.[break][break]

Which, it seems, she has.[break][break]

Aris lets out a light groan of annoyance at the shouting before he rises from his recline on the bed and pockets his phone. He pats the bed down to remove any sign of his rest and quickly runs a hand through his hair to make himself presentable. With his eevee on his heels, Aris exits the room and makes his way downstairs.[break][break]

He's met with the familiar figure of his best friend offering a very awkward handshake to the unfamiliar figure of the woman he had been told to expect, and he feels almost sorry for the first impression she must be receiving at this moment.[break][break]

With a welcoming yet playful smile now adorning his face, Aris walks to stand beside Cato and offers her his own hand.[break][break]

"You must be Cassidy. I'm Aris, but you probably know that already." He tilts his head in a friendly manner. "Now, I might be responsible for sheltering you, but you are, by no means, a guest. I expect you to help me around the bar and contribute to the chores as well."[break][break]

His eyes take in the form in front of him.[break][break]

"I hope you have some skills that we can lean on?"[break][break]

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february 5
lilycove city
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5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 22:05:48 GMT
cassidy Avatar
when the handle turns, she takes a step back, steeling herself for what comes next. and in front of her—red meets red; blood and blood, the pale white hair and sheer cold.

for a second, it was almost as if she looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of her future.

but then he suddenly turns his head and yells. the sudden noise makes her flinch, even though she knew it was not meant for her. but when they return their attention, his words are surprisingly warm. his hand, held and offered, seemed like a cautious gift.

even the thought of a bed, made and ready for her, seemed strange.

"how..." kind she thinks, though does not articulate. she shakes his hand, her touch light and delicate. she wanted to finish the thought, but it's then that her contact comes into view, an eevee at his heels.

this seemed more reminiscent of a friendly occasional rather a meeting of supposedly terrible people.

"—yes, i am cassidy." she says, switching her handshake to aris's. she has to remember though, that friendliness does not always insinuate kindness, and that she should stay cautious, in case their warmth was only a disguise for unsavory intentions. but chores were a small sacrifice to make in exchange for housing, and she could at least, do them well.

"thank you for housing me, aris and cato. i'll do my best to ease any burdens on you both." she says, ducking her head in formality.

everything was still new to her; mint had told her he saw potential. but she wonders if she truly had it in her to be a rocket after all. she used to be a model and student; what skillsets did she really possess other than being pretty?

but this wasn't about a job or a career. it was about survival. and so she looks at them with her red eyes, stubborn and persistent.

"give me your orders, and i will learn."

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caty, cat
any except she
june 6th
lumiose city
"starving artist", forger
5’8.5” height
5’8.5” height
to live deliciously.
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TAG WITH @cato
wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 8:33:55 GMT
cato Avatar
"You probably know that already," Cato repeats, parroting Aris' words with a mocking tone of voice— as important as the man thinks he is, Cato's seen him at his lowest. It's only been a minute or two, and he's already started to talk himself up to the poor girl. "—Knock it off."

Shifting their shoulder, they press their elbow into Aris's side. It's a subtle sign of affection, something that's reserved for a friend, rather than a co-worker; despite the exasperation echoing throughout their voice, it's more than clear that the two of them are close.

Aris was once his savior, too— as much as it pains Cato to admit it, he owes him plenty more than a couple chores once a week.

"—On about the chores, first-thing. He's only getting like this 'cause he's mad that I don't do the laundry every day. He can't deal with the fact that I don't wash his favorite suit first-thing in the morning."

If Cato's ever told him that to his face, he can't quite remember.

"Here, here. Can... take you on a tour, or something. We'll teach you, if you need it, so don't start panicking about what you bring to the table."

Turning halfway on their heel, they gesture towards Cassidy, in an attempt to usher her to follow him. It's not much, perhaps much less than what she's used to, but to the two of them, Icarus was home. It'd be enough.

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██ 27
April 4
████████ Mauville
Male-leaning Pansexual
Club Owner at Icarus
Undercover Grunt
perpetual slut era
6'3" height
6'3" height
Sipping Capri-Suns like a Dom Pérignon
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TAG WITH @aris
Aris van der Veld
wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 10:46:29 GMT
Aris van der Veld Avatar

[attr="class","header"]let the glimmer hide the dull


Aris pushes back into Cato's side in the same manner, a bit rougher than what his friend had done, but he doesn't comment on the topic further. Cato might be one of the few people who can call Aris out on his bullshit, but that doesn't mean Aris will stop the behaviour. Cassidy needs to know who the boss is, after all.[break][break]

"Forget the suits, I don't even have normal clothes to wear at this point. I had to go get new ones," he scoffs. Despite Cato's lack of responsibility when it comes to chores, Aris doesn't punish him too harshly for it. "So if you're not gonna do the laundry, then someone has to, right?"[break][break]

Aris flashes Cassidy a bright smile. "Unlike him, I have to make sure this place runs smoothly, so I will not be holding back on giving you jobs to do just because you're new. But yes, we'll train you." Any slip-ups or mistakes and it's Aris' head on the chopping block, so it's best to show her the ropes first.[break][break]

He lets Cato take the lead on the tour and follows behind Cassidy. The apartment isn't as grand as the club it sits above, but it's modest enough; there's a living room with an adjacent kitchen, a bathroom next to the laundry room, a balcony that overlooks the street below, and three bedrooms situated on the second floor, accessible by stairs.[break][break]

"I'd still appreciate knowing what you can do, just to know where to place you for now," Aris asks the woman. His eevee runs up to the front of the trio and pretends to lead them with prideful trots, occasionally looking back to make sure they're following.[break]

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5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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wolves at bay [m]
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 23:49:20 GMT
cassidy Avatar
they seem more like friends than coworkers, going as far as to dig their elbows into each other, and speaking with such casualness that she felt strangely out of place. cassidy could not help but be formal, the stiffness of her words had always been a part of her that she couldn't shake.

and not only that, but pride was very much an aspect that she'd retained despite her situation, and she admittedly was not keen on being bogged down with chores. she remembers when she'd paid people to do it for her; the help that would fetch her dresses from the tailor's and the maids that would cook dinner for her. but that was long behind her.

"i see." she responds, swallowing her pride the best she could. she slowly follows cato and the eevee, taking note of the modest apartment; as homely as two men could make it—plain couches and furniture, stray clothes, and the occasional misplaced object. by all means, she has seen worse. it certainly must be somewhat difficult to keep the apartment clean with a baby pokemon around.

she frowns at aris's question. mint said he saw potential in her; she doesn't know if she will be able to prove him right. she had been a former model, and that did not particularly cross over to any life skills. but his small tasks had been a warm-up she supposes, for what she'd do here. "i was told i'd fit best as poacher. perhaps for battling, given time and training."



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