Orangutan Work [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 22:34:49 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

A…crying young boy?

When he heard crying, Percy looked around for where said sound was coming from. It didn’t take him long; up ahead on the beach was a crying child! As a League cadet, he had to do something. For all he knew, that kid could be lost!

Percy went up to the kid, trying his best to not look weird. “Hi there, youngster. Are you lost?” he said. He put his best smile on; it was his job to put on a brave face in these sorts of situations. “I’m with the League. We can get you help if you need it!”


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June 18
Snowbelle City
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Fill Me Up Buttercup
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This vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity
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TAG WITH @calpurnia
Calpurnia Kubrick
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 23:37:27 GMT
Calpurnia Kubrick Avatar


“Waaaaah!” The little boy looked to be between seven and nine years old. His hair came from his father’s side of the family. It was a curly mess. Behind a pair of glasses, his big violet eyes looked three times their normal size. At Percival’s entrance, the kid gasped. That wide-eyed gaze leaped to the ranger’s face with a gasp.

He didn't like to be caught crying. It wasn't manly.

Mother said we shouldn’t talk to strangers. That’s what Alexander wanted to say. But, instead, he made a stangled noise and turned pointedly back to the water. He took a deep breath and screwed his face into something fierce.

A little way up the beach, his mother lay stretched out on a lounge chair. Dark sunglasses kept her eyes hidden from view. There was a novel in her hand—obviously something romantic. Around her, a little girl splashes in the shallow surf. A slightly older kid—who’s meant to be watching them—is mooncalfing over a girl up the beach.

He reached up to brush sand off his fossil Pokemon t-shirt. His voice emerged, its forced bravado sounding weedy and desperate. “N-no! I’m not lost. I'm at the beach. Duh.” If someone looked carefully, they’d see evidence of his play. A sandcastle half destroyed and strange footprints. “Me and Coby were play battling and some—some stupid monkey challenged us!” Alexander’s hands curled into fists.

Up the beach, the tiger mom turned in her seat. Sunglasses slipped down her nose as she peered at Percy and her son.



Coby is a shiny tyrunt[break]

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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 4:51:37 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“A stupid monkey…challenged…”

Percival cocked his head. What the heck was a monkey Pokémon doing, going around challenging other people with Pokémon of its own? This was the first he’d ever heard of something that unusual happening. In any case, though, he couldn’t just do nothing – he had to act, and fast.

“Well, could you point me to where it is?” Percy blinked, still trying to comprehend the situation despite how weird it was. “And anyway, where are your parents right now? Maybe they could help us sort this whole thing out.”


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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June 18
Snowbelle City
Rocket Scientist
Fill Me Up Buttercup
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This vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity
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TAG WITH @calpurnia
Calpurnia Kubrick
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 0:21:26 GMT
Calpurnia Kubrick Avatar


The little boy sniffed. A hand rose to rub at his sandy nose. Tears drew lines down sandy skin. At the question, he shook his head. But, then, he paused. “I—uh—I don’t know where it is, but it went that way.”

Purple eyes upward. His quivering lips twisted. Alex’s face lit up as his hands shot to his head. A noise of realization bubbled out. “Oh! It was wearing a hat! It was super floppy.” At the question about his parents, Alexander paused. There was a brief look of debate. Tellingly, his eyes back up the beach to where his mother was staring daggers at the ranger.

“Uhhh…” The boy toys with the strings of his swim trunks. “I’m not really supposed to be talking to you.” But he was desperate. And he wanted his friend back. Before he could dig himself into a deeper hole, a woman’s shadow fell over them. Protectiveness defined every line of Calpurnia’s body.

Her arms crossed across her bikini top.

“And just what am I to ‘sort out’?” Her Purrugly glares at Percival over a pair of hot pink sunglasses. His tail lashes viciously back and forth.



Coby is a shiny tyrunt[break]

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May 23
Floccesy Town
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I'll stand with my friends until the day I die!
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 0:24:10 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“Hey, don’t worry – I’ve got no bad intentions. I’m with the League, remember?” said Percival, with a small laugh. Then he heard an apprehensive voice address him, and turned to the voice’s source and – whoa, he was not expecting all that.

Upon seeing the woman, Percival felt heat rise to his face. Wow, he knew he was on a beach, but he wasn’t prepared to see so many pretty women! But as soon as said blush appeared on his face, Percival bit it down. Good gentlemen didn’t make overtures like that, especially towards women that were probably older than them! “Oh, miss, I was just…”

“Oh, wait, you must be this little guy's older sister. We’re looking for your parents, if that’s okay?” Percival scratched his head. “They’re the ones we want to sort things out. I thought that was clear, but sorry for the mix-up in any case.”


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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June 18
Snowbelle City
Rocket Scientist
Fill Me Up Buttercup
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This vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity
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TAG WITH @calpurnia
Calpurnia Kubrick
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2024 3:32:26 GMT
Calpurnia Kubrick Avatar


Xander didn’t seem too convinced. “The League?” His teeth pulled at his bottom lip as he forced himself straight. “Yeah! Well, uh—” He thinks back to political conversations he didn’t understand. The way his mom and dad laugh at the League and mock its insufficiencies. Then, he remembered the time he snuck in his brother’s room to watch The Departed. “Cops can be crooked too.”

She wasn’t a patient woman, especially where her children were concerned. Just a few months early, some perverted Hypno had kidnapped her youngest. Then, some alien madmen and some trio of stooges transported her daughter to space. So, that Momma Bear had evolved into a Momma Ursaluna. “Just what?” Her voice is clipped.

To call her vain was a mistake. Not because she was not vain but because she was. And implying the truth was quite irritating. Fortunately, that weakness made her hungry for compliments like Sableye gemstones. “Oh my~!” The sour expression softens as does the woman’s words. Her lips perk slightly up. When she speaks again, there’s a hint of a purr to her voice. “What a lovely friend you’ve made, Xander.”

The boy smiles awkwardly. He doesn’t get why mommy’s grabbing his shoulder and this guy’s Flamigo colored. “He’s not my friend, Mom. He’s just some weirdo who started—.” Her nails dig lightly into the boy’s bare shoulder. “Be nice, Xander. You know what we should do if we don’t have anything nice to say.” The kid’s incredulous expression shows he doesn’t.


“Let’s try this again, hm?.” She offers a hand. “You can call me Momma.” A name with more than a few layers.


There’s a noticeable pause as she debates on banishing the boy up the beach. “What can I help you with?” Her son mutters something but she dismisses it with an airy wave.



Coby is a shiny tyrunt[break]

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May 23
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I'll stand with my friends until the day I die!
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 22:20:25 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

“You’re the – excuse me?”

Percy’s jaw dropped. He could scarcely believe what he’d just heard; this woman wasn’t the kid’s older sister, but the kid’s mom? That was impossible; she looked so pretty! Or at least it seemed to be, but the kid confirmed that it was true immediately. “I’m sorry, miss. I had no idea…I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“I…well, okay, then.” Percy cleared his throat, then shook the pretty mom’s hand. “I think your son just had some sort of monkey Pokémon steal his own. I’m looking for wherever said monkey Pokémon is, and if you could give me some pointers…”


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[newclass=.pizzabox .milkcredit a]font-weight:bold; color:var(--accent)!important;[/newclass]
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June 18
Snowbelle City
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Fill Me Up Buttercup
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This vessel is a lie, a shapeshifting beast, a lesson in fluidity
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TAG WITH @calpurnia
Calpurnia Kubrick
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 2:12:34 GMT
Calpurnia Kubrick Avatar


Awww! He was blushing! Look at that little cutie patootie? “Offend me?” The woman smiles; her laugh is indulgent. Quite the opposite.” Last she checked, most women enjoyed being mistaken for someone younger. Though the fact that she’d stolen one of her daughter’s swimsuits—and was hiding her crow’s feet behind her glasses—had likely made the mistake easier.
A manicured brow jerked upward as Percy grabbed her hand. But she squeezed it without further comment. Her lips press into a frown as her gaze shifts to Alexander. “Is that right?” Though the day is hot and humid, the child shivers. Big eyes skirt away from both Percy and his mother. The sand at his feet—and the little shells—are suddenly irresistible. “Well, I suppose that’s what naughty boys get for running off.”

If they’d been alone, she might have ignored her son’s plight. Pokemon were a responsibility, and he’d shown it was not one he could manage. But the idea of disappointing this silly little knight gave her the tiniest hint of discomfort. And, somehow, she doubted this silly thing would like her abandoning the mouthy little lizard.

Well, I heard him say something about a floppy hat.” She lifted her eyes to the assembled beachgoers. This young man seemed to be lacking some grey matter. A ranger who didn’t even know basic interview techniques? “And I assume he knows something about what the monkey looked like. The color, what kind of tail it has--”

Xander thought back to the theft. It’d been quick. He hadn’t stood a chance. Mostly because he was a boy who thought everything non-physical was worthless. “Well, uh, it didn’t have a tail. And it was mostly white. Oh! Itt was kind of short with a really fat head.” A sigh pushed past his mother’s lips. So, they were looking for some ugly, squat, hairy knuckle-dragger.

“Then it’s not a monkey.” Her son blinked slowly as he turned to his mother. He opens his mouth to protest but is summoned by a Kubrick stare. “It’s an ape.” Honestly, why did she pay all that private school tuition if they couldn’t teach basic biology!?



Coby is a shiny tyrunt[break]

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[newclass=".calpurnia .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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May 23
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I'll stand with my friends until the day I die!
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TAG WITH @percy
Percival Berlitz
Orangutan Work [M]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 3:49:21 GMT
Percival Berlitz Avatar

Once again, Percy blanched. He didn’t like how stern this mother was getting with the boy, but he didn’t want to intervene in this family’s affairs – heavens knew he had family trouble of his own. So instead, he decided that a change in subject was in order.

“What you described sounds like an Oranguru, little buddy,” he said, as he looked down kindly on the young boy. “I think that you’ve just given us our first clue. Now all we’ve got to do is find wherever it is on this beach!”


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it's a long life full of long nights

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