what the city saw

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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october 11
lavender town
5'7" (170.18 cm) height
5'7" (170.18 cm) height
if grief is an amputation, then hope is an incurable hemophilia
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adele veronesi
what the city saw
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 21:29:13 GMT
adele veronesi Avatar
lilycove sleeps.

for a city, it's awfully quiet this time of night. adele half-wonders if it is more tourist than it is resident. the streetlamps guide the way back to their hotel. most of the businesses turned out their lights before they'd ever reached this street corner, though they spy the distant, but inviting lights of the department store just over the hill. when they blink, the windows blink back too as if in greeting. if they're lucky, they'll find a bar. if they're luckier, they'll find someone who can buy them a drink.

adele isn't lucky by a long shot.

instead, they hear a loud, strangled cry of something that sounds halfway to human but isn't as they walk. ignore it, because they can't do anything about it either way. not their job. not their circus. not their mankeys.

not their problem to deal with.

their steps fall a little faster. there it goes again, the wailing louder. not human. probably a pokemon. not any pokemon that they know. home was always full of those. little odd and quiet pleas. sometimes, it was people mourning. most of the time, it was pokemon realizing that they weren't what they thought they were.

adele walks a little faster.

it cries again, louder, and their tired mind works ahead.

were there pokemon that mimicked crying? pretended to be? break room trivia doesn't serve their memory well. their fault for thinking the reading out of dex entries was inane. it screams, louder, and their pace slows to a stop at the mouth of an alleyway and their gaze falls on the retreated back of a stranger and asks outloud unconsciously: "is everything alright?"

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february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
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cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
what the city saw
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 23:11:03 GMT
cassidy Avatar
when she had met elisabeth, she had thought cassidy's talents were wasted on the likes of poaching. poaching was a quick job, only meant for the lowest of grunts to make easy money. but it was still a crime, and to cassidy: an art form, to some degree. and she would do it skillfully, as she had always done.

lilycove's abundant tourists made for easy targets, especially if they had already had some alcohol to drink. lowered inhibitions and guard, she found her chance at a stray bar. her target was a patron that was particularly lively, and while they were arguing with the bartender over the tab, she'd filched the pokeball on a pass by, using the distraction to flip the smooth ball into her bag. her practiced hands and confidence made it a quick job, unnoticed and untraceable.

she leaves the scene of the crime quickly. now outside, shrouded in darkness and under the cover of the moon, she sneaks through the streets and alleyways until she's in a rather isolated part of the city. alone, cassidy taps the button of a ball, letting the pokemon materialize in front of her with a bright flash of red light.

it's a cubone.

she looks down on it with a blank face, though it was obvious that she was not happy. it wasn't a valuable nor strong pokemon, so it wouldn't fetch much money in the black market. what a shame. the cubone looks around with anxious eyes at a place so unfamiliar, its trainer not in sight. and then it begins to cry, looking frantically for an out. but cassidy had settled them in a dead end, with her and her ninetails as the guard, and she wouldn't let it run away so easily. she clicks her tongue when it cries, thinking to send it back into its pokeball.

but just as she was ready to recall it, there's a voice behind her.

she turns slowly, her eyes slowly drawing away from the pokemon to the person. a civilian it seemed—civilians usually weren't around this time at night. and they didn't usually interfere with her matters either. the last thing she needed was someone prying into her business.

"everything is fine. this pokemon is only weak and cowardly, is all." she responds, monotone. her gaze draws to the cubone. under her eyes, it flinches away, backing itself into a corner. it was a pathetic thing, not even having bothered to try fighting her before it gave up. but she, ever polite, still turns back to the person at hand. her soft voice had always been a stark contrast to the way she had treated pokemon, hers or not.

"is there a problem?"

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played by


october 11
lavender town
5'7" (170.18 cm) height
5'7" (170.18 cm) height
if grief is an amputation, then hope is an incurable hemophilia
36 posts
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TAG WITH @adele
adele veronesi
what the city saw
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 5:40:20 GMT
adele veronesi Avatar
the moment splinters, and adele sees all the horrible ways that this interaction could go.

all of it ends the same way: adele exits stage left and leaves. there's no good reason to find a person in an alley. even less with a pokemon that cries as pitifully as this. they don't really stop to think on the why, but the how it is that they've unwittingly placed themself in this situation and the what it was that they were supposed to say to depart without drawing unwanted attention.

hoenn is full of infinite troubles and they decided a while ago that they need not invite more of it.


but. but.

their attention flicks briefly to the creature hidden behind the stranger. they can't really pick it out. but, it's small. probably a young one, or at least something that wasn't evolved. not someone's kid, they have to assume, and so their conscience absolves itself of responsibility to intervene. they've never had much luck with pokemon. they had three of their own, but those were kind of things that they just ended up with.

calming them down was—well, they had a psyduck.

they got flung across the room often.

their acupuncturist could confirm it.

the pause becomes a protracted silence. their lips seal together and they steady themself before pointing behind the stranger with a weak gesture. "you draw more attention by letting it out here," adele sounds certain, at least, even as they hastily construct their sentences one word after another. "might want to do it somewhere crowded." another brief quiet. they inhale.

"if you're going to abandon it, i mean. pokemon control, or—someone will pick him up. don't have to leave it here. it'll just cry louder." they mumble.

"someone might get the wrong idea."

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played by


february 5
lilycove city
demi bisexual
5'4'' height
5'4'' height
why didn't you stop me?
49 posts
cassidy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cassidy
what the city saw
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 7:00:25 GMT
cassidy Avatar
cassidy is nothing if not patient. she bides her time. she waits and she listens. she is blank faced as the person before her stutters and gathers their words.

"somewhere crowded." she repeats, as if to evaluate the words. at first it seemed a silly thought. more people assumed more attention; and cassidy was not one to bask. but it would make more sense if she had assumed the role of a trainer, and not a poacher; if the cubone had just been colicky and not traumatized.

if this stranger's words assumed what cassidy had thought it did, then the wrong idea was the right idea, at least in an objective sense. but she thinks, that this person had chosen their words carefully, and rightfully so.

the cubone's crying had ebbed to quiet sobs, fatigued from its crying. the stranger looked kinder than the girl who had taken it to this scary place, and it gave the pokemon enough courage to make a run for it. cassidy does not bother to catch it, nor does she motion for her ninetails to.

she lets the weak pokemon go as it runs to the stranger and clings onto their legs. it was so scared, but it had already determined the worse out of its choices, between an unknown and a known danger. she holds the ball in her hands, rubbing its smooth surface with the flat of her thumb. wasn't it fascinating, holding this power over such a helpless creature?

"tell me, stranger. if you had a choice between being destitute or being abandoned, which would you choose?"



it's a long life full of long nights

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