velmos saga [ss:g]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 15, 2024 2:58:41 GMT
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this was not in the plans, but priam knows that the highers ups wouldn't mind if they give them a gift.

what was once thought as an unnecessarily reckless and spontaneous move would be priam's inner thoughts conflicting with the outer facade, coming to a compromise with a daredevil move to end conflict.

oscar, however, was someone who always had his back. it, in turn, rewarded him with a promotion within the ranks of rocket once their gambit has concluded.

with his dragapult opening a portal back to home base, the two safely transport the commander out of league's reaches.

it wouldn't be the other side that gains the opportunity to interrogate and work with the megalopolan general this time, but rocket.

at that point, priam never thought much of how big the scope of knowledge they could have learned from someone within the gaps of ultra space. he was only aware that anything from velmos can be groundbreaking in terms of research and development.

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POSTED ON Jun 16, 2024 18:18:00 GMT
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Oscar has replayed this moment in his head many times, mostly before bed during times of great difficulty. Would he have been better off if he did not bother to capture Velmos? Impossible to tell, though Oscar often fantasized what it would have been like if he had not gotten a promotion within Rocket. His debt would have never been paid off, and his fortune would not have been reclaimed. His life would have been so much simpler.

Hindsight's 20/20 though. Oscar made the decisions he made, and likely he would have made the same choices a thousand times over if given the chance. He had to keep reminding himself that what he was witnessing was a mirage, an echo of the past shared between him and . Right, this was when the two of them solidified their friendship. Would they have still become friends if Oscar had opted to not involve himself with capturing Velmos?

Oscar watched his dragapult chomp down on the alien general and spirit him away, scratching his head as he stood beside Priam. "I'm surprised we ended up at his capture first. All of the good bits happened beforehand, do you remember?"

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 22:21:58 GMT
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The deafening roar of combat, for only a moment, erupts behind you. If you look, there is nothing out of place. Regardless, the scene around you fills with the softer noises of a Rocket outpost.

Amidst the orchestra of inventory, stocking, and dropped potions in the distance, an echo of Oscar's statement finds your ear: "And if things do go South, you're the best person to go down with."

Hypotheticals intrigue the conscious mind which feeds on reason, but the subconscious mind prefers emotion. It craves feelings. The budding friendship here leads to something easier, something deeper, something greater.

Though Priam visibly does not speak, you hear his commentary from another time: "we just need to think of world domination, then everything just falls into place, i think."

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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 6:39:09 GMT
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"r-remember?" he echoes, suddenly unsure of what oscar was trying to remind him of. "o-of course i remember!"

priam isn't privy of what was happening outside the dream, and everything was natural as it can be. in dreams, people either play it out or attempt to shape the whims of their subconscious. he was the latter.

"we-we're not goin' down!" he shouts. "this is a good idea, i promise you!"

he flags for medics within the submarine to tend to their prisoner, knowing full well that his affiliation would matter in discussions and taking him in, despite the dangers he pose, would lead to divided opinions.

priam starts to sweat in nervousness, suddenly unsure of his actions. he's dialed in now, however. there's no turning back, and so he needs to keep the smile up and show the confidence in his decision.

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March 18
Heahea City
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 6:46:43 GMT
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Oscar's loose awareness of the dream faded as he looked upon his friend. Priam had always tried to hide his anxiety, but this time he could barely veil it behind a smile. Oscar melted at the man's tenacious attempt to remain confident, and he could not help but smile softly as well.

He grasped Priam by the shoulders, jostling lightly as he locked into eye contact. "Hey, it's like you always say: Everything's gonna fall into place. We did our part, it's out of our hands now. Let's enjoy the victory while it lasts."

He smoothly slid one of his arms across Priam's shoulders, dragging him along further away from the doctors and Velmos. "Let's get some breakfast or somethin', I'm fuckin' starving."

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 20:16:02 GMT
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The world around you fades softly, so softly you almost don't realize anything is changing until it is changed. You are sitting at the breakroom in HQ.

And when you turn your head towards Oscar, you see Xerneas and no Oscar.

The world around you fades softly, so softly you almost don't realize anything is changing until it is changed. You are sitting at the breakroom in HQ.

And when you turn your head, you see Razz Kingsman, and no Priam.
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POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 17:26:14 GMT
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sitting at one of the break room's seats, priam blinks as the scene seamlessly transitions to pairing him up with yet another individual he has always felt strongly towards.


any lightheartedness from priam's disposition seemingly fades, slowly being taken over by the anxiety that always plagued it. oscar's words easily gets skipped over for words that priam has always wanted to say to the legend.

"what is there to enjoy when things i do get overlooked anyways?"

subconscious thoughts trickle out. the weary, but cheerful, expression remains on his face, plastered all over his expression for eternity to cope from his delusions.

to do the nearly the same things as his peers, yet never reaching a status worthy of a god's attention-- no matter his effort, he felt like he will always be doomed to be average, never surpassing the line that makes one worthy.

"ah, don't mind that!" he nonchalantly corrects himself in his dream, "i'm sure you have your reasons!"

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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 10:58:37 GMT
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Oscar's dream seamlessly shifted, and he would barely even notice. At first he found his location strange, until he set his eyes upon what was undeniably a young . His fellow Rocket grunt was--was--

That bastard.

He was eating Oscar's sandwich! Oscar had spent 10.99 on that beauty, and even labeled it before putting it in the fridge. Had this man gone insane? Who just eats another man's sandwich? Oscar even thought they were getting along too, but now? No friend would ever eat a friend's sandwich without permission.

Oscar wanted to throttle him, but he just watched. He would probably be kicked out for attacking another grunt, especially over something as petty as food. Ugh, what a disaster. would never eat his sandwich without permission, he was a true friend.

Wait where was he?
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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 17:34:29 GMT
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Your mind is deeply involved in the dream.

You feel an unnatural jolt, almost like hypnic jerk. You are standing beside Oscar in a submarine. Your heart is racing. Why is your heart racing? Everything looks right. Hell, the dream hasn't seemed that weird as far as dreams go.

Your mind is deeply involved in the dream.

You feel an unnatural jolt, almost like hypnic jerk. You are standing beside Priam in a submarine. You feel sick. You find the nausea is building uncontrollably, and somehow, it has nothing to do with your sandwich or lack thereof. A sweet bile rises in your throat; if you are unable to fight it, you will find that dozens of miniature Vivillions expel from your mouth.

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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 3:20:37 GMT
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Oscar blinked, suddenly appearing somewhere within the sub. He could not precisely tell where, but it seemed vaguely familiar. Priam was back, and Razz was gone. Oscar's anger was unresolved, leaving him feeling a mix of disappointment and dread. Yet surely his spirits would rise again simply by being close to Priam. It was always better when Priam was around.

Yet Oscar could not shake the feeling of dread within him. No, not dread. Anxiety? It was an intense nausea, like getting off a rollercoaster right after eating a cheeseburger. Oscar looked to Priam, which somehow only made the rumbling discomfort in his stomach worse.

Every time he tried to say something, Oscar would dry heave as his body tried not to throw up. Yet he knew he could not hold back the tide for long, looking in every direction for a trashcan. There were none in sight, and as his eyes kept landing on Priam Oscar would find himself unable to control whatever was fighting its way out.

Oscar opened his mouth, "vomiting" a swarm of small vilvillions that began fluttering across the room. Oscar's expulsion lasted several prolonged seconds, until finally he felt emptied out. He coughed a few times, briefly watching as the beautiful insects glided in every direction. Oscar then looked to Priam, chuckling nervously as if this was a minor incursion.

"Sorry, I guess I was nervous."

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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 3:56:27 GMT
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priam, who knew little about how things work within the facade that everyone wears to interact with each other, feels a sensation that can only be described as what someone feels with intimacy.

the transition from bryan's previous patron to someone he was close with seemed natural, and given that it was a dream, priam is keen to believe that it has meaning.

"i-i'm nervous too..."

redness fills in the color of his cheeks. the brain fills in the blanks, and priam assumes what seemed to be the actual meaning of his heartbeat.

maybe being flustered was the right reaction.

"i... i think we..."

he turns away, covering his face with an arm. he can't bring himself to continue his words just like oscar, though his reasons differ. underneath the cover, his mouth stutters as he tries to find the right words.

romance shouldn't be an option for him.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 16:27:19 GMT
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The dream is in alignment.

You feel a phantom sensation if sand slipping through your fingertips, though it passes just as soon as it arrives. You become aware of a ticking clock in the room, though its echoing sound seems to only impact you. You feel compelled to make the most of the time you have left.

The dream is in alignment

Your mind is influenced by Priam's. His feelings echo in your heart, his words on the tip of your tongue. You almost know exactly what he's going to do and say before he does it.
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 16:14:48 GMT
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hands quickly grab oscar's wrists, pulling him close. what was once composed (relatively) was now a flushing mess, influenced by a mind that can easily convince itself with lies and live in that same world.

"oscar! i...!"

fingers tremble, and slowly, the grip weakens and lets go.

the timing was right, but a contradiction stops himself from following the impulse.

he feels the need to do it now-- the window to make this decision was closing off. part of him knows that there will be no other second chances, nor will there be any going back whether he goes through it or not.

"i... i-i think we can go light some fireworks! i have a bit of 'em left at home since thing's been busy and stuff!"

priam errs on safety and caution rather than pushing through.

oscar will know that hesitance is deep-seated, and that maybe the only reason he has had a relationship before was because he wasn't the one that initiated it. his transition was smooth though.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 1:09:06 GMT
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Oscar's blissful ignorance rapidly dissolves as Priam grabbed his wrists. All at once he would feel what Priam felt, his eyes growing wider as the dots began to connect. How could he have been so blind? How long had Priam felt this way? More importantly, how did Oscar feel about it?

It was difficult to process such things so quickly, but time within the dream was a dilated mess. As Priam wracked for the right words to say, Oscar reflected on their time together. As Oscar shifted through his memories, he could only find positive interactions with Priam. Oscar had always considered him his closest friend, pretty much the only person in Rocket--no, all of Hoenn that got him. Their--connection seemed so obvious, and yet Oscar had not even considered it until this very moment.

As he looked into Priam's eyes, Oscar truly understood what Priam was going through. Oscar had always been scared to forge intimate relationships, because he did not think he deserved to love or be loved. Oscar could not say he loved Priam, but as he absorbed the very same anxiety that had plagued his past--for the first time Oscar felt he could actually be with someone.

Priam had dropped Oscar's wrists by now, but before answering his request Oscar would grab Priam by the hands. Oscar's face shifted between joy and anxiety, though most of all he wanted Priam to know that it was alright. Oscar saw him at last.

"I would really enjoy that."

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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velmos saga [ss:g]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 16:11:26 GMT
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The dream is in alignment.

Fully invested in the dream, you have the capacity do anything as if lucid dreaming. Perhaps, extremely deep in your subconscious, your mind realizes you are going to have to make a choice soon, one that will change things for your waking mind. But for now, your mind dictates this reality. You are the narrator. What is it that you desire most? You can make it true, here.

The dream is in alignment

Fully invested in the dream, you... feel safe? Safer than ever. Perhaps, extremely deep in your subconscious, your mind realizes that someone you can actually trust has the reigns in some way, is able to protect you or hurt you more deeply than anyone else in your life and despite any training or experience or life lessons, you find yourself trusting this person. You are safe. Do you choose to believe this is true?
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