a concrete solution [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


He / Him / They
November 2nd
Virbank City, Unova
Skater Boy
5'8'' / 177 cms height
5'8'' / 177 cms height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
11 posts
Blake Wright DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @blake
Blake Wright
a concrete solution [m]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 20:47:44 GMT
Blake Wright Avatar

The sweet, sweet taste of nicotine graces a pair of lips outside the Lilycove Department Store, a puff of smoke blown upwards after the drag, leaving one face quietly relishing that high. The smoke always felt better than the sobriety by the end of it.[break][break]

Story for another time. Job today.[break][break]

Cigarette butt dropped, squished under his nice shoe, he turns towards his mentor today. "Got the deets. Here boss," he chimes with an accent suiting the Unovan cities, passing a small paper, drawn on it a exuberant diagram of the store layout in full. On it were three X's with a blue pen, one for each stone that had an cost, all in a convenient little box. A door for the breakroom, and a trio of cams.[break][break]

Oreo pops out from a drawstring bag sitting on Blake's back.[break][break]

He points further to the paper, to the three X's. "It's glass, so nothin' a little baseball bat can't handle. But if we wanna stealth it, Oreo and I got some ideas." Oreo cackles from behind, the little trash panda ready to work its pins out of its fur.[break][break]

"However you want to take it, boss." Blake pulls his facemask up.



- MISSION: A Diamond In the RoughOUTFIT[break]
- After finishing a cigarette, Blake hands Cillian the diagram of the store, he had already cased it. Not bad at drawing.[break]
- Door to the breakroom, three stones that are pretty expensive marked in a display with xs, and three cameras.[break]
- Blake asks if this is a gonna be loud or quiet. His Zigzagoon Oreo has some tricks if its a quiet hit. But a baseball bat if its loud.



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played by


the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,186 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
a concrete solution [m]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 11:05:14 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian's own cigarette smoke wreathes him in a smoky haze, absent today of its usual MIASMA hues. Zorua's ILLUSION offers him the benefit of disguise, that he might stand outside of the department store without having Lilycove PD swarming the area.
He takes the paper and gives it a cursory glance. To an outsider looking in, it could be someone showing him a receipt. Nothing to spare a second look.
"Much as I love to cause a scene," says the underboss with arid humour, "it will go smoother if we don't get caught."
Cillian stubs his cigarette out on the side of a metal trash bin before tossing the butt inside.
"Do keep the bat handy, though. Just in case."
He gestures, silently suggesting Blake ought to take the lead. He was the one with a budding plan, after all.



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played by


He / Him / They
November 2nd
Virbank City, Unova
Skater Boy
5'8'' / 177 cms height
5'8'' / 177 cms height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
11 posts
Blake Wright DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @blake
Blake Wright
a concrete solution [m]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 1:32:33 GMT
Blake Wright Avatar

Ah, smooth like Santana, now that's talk Blake likes. Much as he'd love to test his batting average, a red home-run sounded like not his type. Too messy, and no guarantee he'd make it to home plate. So, when the Underboss gives the real shit, he leans back against the wall.[break][break]

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about," his Unovan accent thick with a particularly cocky look in his eyes, he peers back to his bag-coon, and finger-guns upwards to the sky. "Triple-decker me, Oreo." In moments, three PIN MISSILE pins fire out, digging into the wall, and Blake snatching them quickly between his gloved fingers.[break][break]

Budding plan was right, and as he hoists both pins up his sleeve, he shoots a playful wink, as he bounds around to the door, opening it with a chime, as he tosses his bag by the door, undone. "Trust the process." He's in in just a second, and leads right to the front clerk, beginning to mindlessly flirt.[break][break]

The moment Cillian opens the door, so long as he did, Oreo would sneak in, and just as the chime happened, he would drop the pins onto the ground.[break][break]

Where Oreo snatched them up in his mouth, and eyed the special little stones, staying underneath the cameras, and in the shadows as they moved.[break][break]




- MISSION: A Diamond In the RoughOUTFIT[break]
- MASKED UP, Blake understands the stealth approach, and has Oreo fire three PIN MISSILE pins from behind him.[break]
- Grabbing the pins, and leaving the bag outside, Blake asks Cillian to trust the process, and goes to flirt cutely with the clerk.[break]
- Soon as the door opens next, Oreo runs in, hugging the counter, before snatching the dropped pins. Blake keeps the distraction up.



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played by


the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,186 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
a concrete solution [m]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 4:30:49 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Trust the process.

Rather than comforting, these words send up alarm bells in Cillian's mind. He's heard it all before, usually before something goes terribly wrong.

Well, it wouldn't be on his head, this time. Let the grunt prove himself, if he could.

He follows into the store with a casual gait, paying no mind to the Obstagoon that he knows is sneaking about underfoot. Any who'd seen him lingering outside might've assumed he was simply having a last cigarette before indulging in a shopping trip, and that wasn't strictly untrue.

He just wasn't going to pay for the goods.



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it's a long life full of long nights

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