A Little Extra Help [S]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 3:15:28 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

It had been a pretty quiet day at Mauville, with Gwen spending most of the day shopping around for supplies and restocking her fridge. Gishath waddled beside her, carrying a bag of groceries on his head while busy teething on a block of ice to keep him cool in the hot sun here.

"Ugh, it's so hoooooot." Gwen wiped some sweat from her brow. "I thought Hoenn was supposed to be spring weather all the time."

Their little walk took them across the community board of Mauville, which held several flyers and such for events happening around the region that the League and more were handling for the season. They had passed by it time and time again through the days, but it wasn't until Gwen noticed a fresh paper flyer that she stopped to read it.

And her jaw hit the floor.

"A Personal Assistant to...Freya Morningstar?!"

Gwen tore the flier off of the board, just in case she was seeing things correctly. She studied the paper up close before letting out a squeal of excitement.

"Gishath, do you know what this means?"

A muffled hissing noise came from the toothless Gabite chewing on ice.

"What? No, I mean...Maybe. But this is exactly the kind of break I was waiting for! This will be the best little step to becoming a Pokémon Professor!"

With starry, hopeful eyes, the ranger took off into the streets while forming a plan in her mind. She just had to ace this interview! Especially if it would give her an advantage in the eyes of the League! It would be a bit moving around appointments and the like, but she could totally do it! Her phone flickered open as she went to put her name in the running.

The big day came quickly afterwards, as Gwen entered the office dressed in a fairly business ready attire. A kind of nice blouse with business pants, heels and a belt. Her feet hurt and she struggled in these foot traps, but as long as it would make her look presentable!

When the time came to come in, Gwen gave it her best professional stride and walked into the office of the Councilwoman. She looked different from their last tearful meeting, lacking the thick glasses she had broken to show off her cheerful expression while waving at Freya.

"Good morning, Ms. Morningstar!"

She took one step into the room and nearly fell as her legs wobbled and tried to balance herself. If needed, her bag was on her person, which had all of her usual clothing. Gishath waddled in after his trainer, eyes gleaming up upon seeing Freya as the Gabite chirped in greeting her once more.

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 4:51:03 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she told herself she would hire the next person to walk through the door and that was ten odd interviews ago. no one can replace . without her, her life has gotten astronomically more stressful.

stuttering memories no longer plague the forefront of her mind, but a new slew of problems and frustrations have taken root in their stead. she stares at her screen, the whites of her eyes strained and tinged pink from lack of sleep and lack of food and lack of water.

blearily, she looks up when gwen walks in, confused at first to see her, until she glances at her calendar to see several missed alarms and blocked time for her interview. 

did i fall asleep at my desk?

she runs her tongue over her teeth and slightly stands, gesturing to the chair opposite her desk. the tired line that makes up her lips twinges upward when she spies gishath.

"he's looking good, gwen," she says as she takes her seat again. "excuse me if i'm a bit out of sorts. i've...had my hands full."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Gwendolyn Conway
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 6:20:27 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

The stark contrast in what Gwendolyn saw Freya in most of the situations she had seen her in. The once proud and powerful woman was...disheveled almost. She looked surprised to see the councilwoman like this. Gishath, on the other hand, jumped at the smile Freya had given him.

"Yeah, we've been training pretty hard since we last met. Gishath and I have been through a lot, and I think we're getting stronger!"

Her hand fell down to his head, scratching along his scales as the smaller dragon-type looked content and happy, though his stoic face didn't appear to move in the same way.

"B-But you don't look so hot. Are you sure you wanna do this? Have you...eaten anything? Or anything?"

Gwen leaned in to peek over at the state of Freya's desk. It was a pretty sorrowful one, though it reminded her a lot of the one she had back in her childhood home. While a tad pitiful, Gwen jumped into action upon recognizing a lot of the little details that Freya displayed.

"Scratch that last part. I can tell. I used to have a NEET phase after high school. Just try and relax, Ms. Morningstar. Here, do you like coffee or something? I can go out and get you food as well."

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 5:21:08 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"you're definitely getting stronger." his scales are a deeper blue, shining with health. even if his lips are scarred, teeth gone, that hasn't stopped the two of them at all. pride swells in her for the young woman and she looks back at her gratefully. 

then her smile falls flat, as quickly as it had come, and she leans back in her leather chair with a sigh, draping her fingers over her temples and her brow. 

"i'm fine. really." she's not going to admit that tsubaki packed most of her lunches, for arceus' sake. "you'll have more important things to do than fetch coffee and food for me. let's talk about that." she leans forward, blinking her drowsiness away, forcing herself to sharp on an inhale. "are you up for the stress of a job like this?"
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2024 21:10:07 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwendolyn shot Freya a look. A look that questioned everything of this woman's judgement. She was clearly unfit for the interview but going ahead anyway, even refusing food or, Arceus, a nap. She pouted at Freya and remained silent as Gishath seemed to mirror her sentiment. The Gabite hissed out similar thoughts. He even moved to Freya's chair and tried to nudge her to rest.

"You're saying that now..." Gwen said to herself.

Freya still wanted to proceed, so she sat down in the chair against her better judgement. Her hands laid on the armrest, a faint trace of warmth present. How many people had even come here before her? Did they see the same worn down Freya as they had? How long had these gone on for?

"I'm comfortable with handling stressful situations. My time in the Rangers has me attending extremely dangerous situations, like rescuing Pokemon stranded in the Blizzard with Noah Faber, tending to Pokemon habitats damaged by the Megapolan ship with Ollie, and countless others. I've slowly learned how to handle these kind of situations."

The orange haired job seeker lacked the thick rimmed glasses from before, now fully wearing contacts as she saw what her Pokemon was doing. It wasn't anything that she could scold him over. They were both in the same boat.

"What sort of job duties would it entail?"

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 21:48:35 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

the dragon sees clearly through her bullshit, but she tickles him under his jaw to get him to stop harassing her. once pliant, eyes narrowed to slits, she thumbs him away and urges him to curl up on the small down bed wedged in the corner of her office - it's where moxie usually sleeps, but the illumina dratini is currently on the bookshelf above them right now, peering down with dark purple eyes. 

"you've worked alongside gym leaders, too? good." some of the rangers have a narrow scope of experience; knowing she's even on a first name basis with some of the people she'll inevitably need to interact with is helpful.

she really has come a long way

a long way from the scared, skittish girl sitting at the desk across from her, wondering after dragons. 

"less fieldwork. you'll have to cut down on some ranger hours to keep up. lots of paperwork, setting meetings, keeping things - namely me - on task. managing deadlines and correspondence. i might have you chat with , see if she can train you a bit in between some of her new gym duties."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 23:51:30 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gishath accepted the chin tickling, the Gabite closing his eyes with such pleasured snorts and noises coming from his small body. The offer of comfort was well received and as she guided him along, he found residence in the after-mentioned bed. His nose sniffed at the faint trace of another dragon-type inside and huffed. One rotation around and down Gishath went, coiled up tight and decided to take a little nap.

It did make sense. Her Ranger work would no doubt have to be railed in if she was going to take the job as her assistant. It was also less time out in the field, as expected. All of it wasn't a dealbreaker yet, although Gwen might have wanted to treasure more of her time out in the field now.

"I understand. All of it seems straightforward enough. I've been through a couple of remote desk jobs back home, anyway. This all sounds similar so far."

Gwendolyn nodded, then paused at the mention of a certain somebody that she had recalled seeing on the news about a recent promotion.

"? That new gym leader that was just appointed replacing... ? I didn't know she used to be your assistant before. But I think she could teach me a lot and get me up to speed...assuming I get the position."

Gwen smiled faintly. Maybe still worried about the health of the councilwoman.

"Is there anything that you're worried about the job that I won't be able to do?"

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 1:31:00 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

"working for the league is like working any other job," she says, "despite what some might say." it's easy to slander the people who fail you time and time again; she'd been one of those very same until she looked down the barrel at the alternative. the league makes necessary sacrifices when it must, and holds fast to its tenets when it can't. 

"you'll keep your hours at the draciary, but they'll no longer be volunteer. i'll put you on salary to compensate for your loss of ranger work."

ifs become whens and so she blinks when gwen adds a caveat after mentioning tsubaki and navidson. 

"namely, handle the stress, but i worried about tsubaki too and now i have egg on my face," she says dryly. and then she leans forward, adds, "and i need you to trust me and let me trust you. there's too little of that these days.

"if you can promise me that, then the job's yours, if you want it."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 2:47:26 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwen's face lit up at the mention of pay at the Draciary. The Ranger pay was pretty stagnant due to the ongoing war efforts, but the mention of a livable wage seemed like quite the little bonus in tandem with the job. She didn't just take it solely because of the bump in pay. This entire thing had been to pay back Freya for her singular chance she had given her. A nameless, aimless girl in the crowd she had given her time to.

She did have to wonder about the previous part Freya had mentioned. No doubt being in such a high position brought with it an entire boatload of responsibility and stress.

Like any public office, every little interaction could be tens or hundreds of people would want your head on a pike. It wasn't entirely all firm handshakes and a love for a cozy office job as Gwen had expected.

"I know, I can prepare for this for as long as you've been in office and still be blindsided by the stress. But I promise you, I'll work through it with you."

She believed in her abilities that had taken her to places that she could have dreamed long while stuck inside of her room back home. All the nights of yearning for more out of life than the hum of a computer and the window of a chat room.

It was so hard to believe it was so long ago since those days.

Her excitement was visible in those eyes of hers. The heartbeat racing of a job that one had been dreaming of so long! It was all within her hands! She wanted to scream, shout, happily accept the job...

"I trust you, Freya."

Gwen extended her hand to Freya with a curt nod.

"But I don't want this to be one sided. We both trust each other, and we both help one another."

"I'm just some naive kid who got lucky by meeting you. At least, that's what every other Ranger says about me. But I keep my promises and want to help. I figure that's worth something in Hoenn."

She smiled at the councilwoman.

"If you ever need anything, call on me. Food, coffee, blankets, a place to sleep, anything at all."

"And if you show up like this again, I'm going to have to make Gishath drag you to a bed. Deal?"

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 1:53:02 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

gwen has a lot of growing to do. freya knows this, and she knows it won't be the same. without tsubaki, her life is going to be more hectic than ever and with war on the horizon, she can't afford distraction. all she can do, though, is roll with the punches, and she'd rather have someone she can trust by her side than no one at all.

and besides, she knows gwen will step up when she needs to. she wouldn't be a dragon tamer otherwise. 

"it's worth a lot more than you realize," she says. and words are just words, she knows that - fernando reminds her of it often. frowning, she disbands the sour thoughts and opens up her desk drawer. 

after a bit of thumbing around in file folders, she finds what she's looking for. she slides the paper out, fishes a pen from the drawer too, and lays it out for gwen. 

"you drive a hard bargain, ranger," she teases with a small smile, "but i promise - i'll let you know if i need anything."
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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 6:28:39 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Gwendolyn watched Freya dig into her drawer for a bit until then producing a sheet of paper, an employment form that would just need for information on it. The ginger could feel her heart race at the thought of a short-term dream manifesting itself before her. SHe took a moment for her lips to form an excited grin. In a mere flash of the wrist, Gwen's initials and signatures were applied to the paper as well as any other pertinent information.

"Thank you, thank you so much for this opportunity, Freya! I promise I'll make the most of this!"

She looked around for Gishath some, only to find a little guy currently taking a nap inside of the small sized bed on the other side of the desk. Gwen reached inside of her bag and pulled out of phone, snapped a picture and then turned back to her future boss.

"Likewise! I'm excited to help you out here to make Hoenn a better place!~"

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A Little Extra Help [S]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 15:52:16 GMT
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