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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jul 5, 2024 17:21:17 GMT
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Where had it gone?

The city streets were bustling. Mauville was slammed with people shopping before the heat got to be too much. People were stockpiling for the coming battles, so a lot of stores were selling out quick. Tensions were high enough, and she could sense a lot of frustration and fear among the crowd, which made her feel even worse about losing her pokmemon. She came across a man and asked, "Excuse me, mister, have you seen a blue blob, like yea high?" She gestured with her hands the size of her ditto.

Then - "Oop, he's right here." At the man's feet was her blue ditto, globbing around with little coordination. "Sorry about that," she said she scooped him up and held him at her hip like a baby. "He gravitates towards the elderly. Er, the older. Um. Folks."

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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2024 6:50:46 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


For once he actually has a little bit of a break from everything. From the training, to the lab work, to the mundane he was tasked to do to keep him busy as promised. The Lab and some of the mundane was fine, he enjoys some of it even if he's a tad worn out because of it. So now he's just here taking a nice relaxing walk and holy hell his luck to find a shiny ditto just come across him. "Well aren't you just adorable," he chuckles, "Zippy ball me," he says as he moves his hand out to expect a pokeball until a kid comes up to him asking about said ditto. [break][break]


At the mention of being old Yuan, forever the drama queen, puts his hand over his hear in mock offense, "OLD, ELDERLY oh how could this beeee!?" he jokes as the rotom drone pats him[break]

=There there sir...=




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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2024 15:21:45 GMT
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Robin flushed at his response. "Er, I'm sorry..." Then, she got a better look at him and his... Rotom? Why'd it look like that. "You're not that old. But, um, why does your pokemon look like that?" She didn't hear how terrible it sounded until it was already out of her mouth. She would never be a liaison between the League and civilians. Though, with the League notice posted, she had to imagine that the League would benefit from some kind face of the operation. Currently, it seemed so big and impersonal and faceless and, if she dared think it, tyrannical.

"I mean," she tried, belatedly, to fix herself, "your pokemon looks rather unusual for a Rotom. It looks, um, rare?" That was a compliment. Yes, better than unusual. Good job.

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August 22
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POSTED ON Jul 11, 2024 23:37:35 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


"You can't just ASK someone why their pokemon looks weird," Yuan shoots back at the kid looking serious for just a moment before he laughs and gives her a friendly slap on the shoulder, "I'm fucking with you, I know I'm getting up there, someday too you'll no longer be in denial of that either," he continues his jokes before the young lady seems to gesture to his Rotom drone. [break][break]

Though it seems the kiddo learns her lesson as she tries to correct herself he ponders for just a moment. "Probably because its a drone I specifically built for it, sturdy as heck, a custom shape..." he would continue on with details that were probably way to advance for the teen to understand as they're too advance for the writer to properly bs in a fake conversation so we write these snip bits.[break][break]

"Its rather simple really," he talks like some redstone minecraft youtuber.




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[newclass=.leprowright1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 15:44:00 GMT
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She huffed a sigh of relief as he revealed he was just playing. But his explanation made her eyes glaze over a little bit. The technical stuff was more Gwen's thing than hers. She didn't even like to think about how capture capsules worked and she used them every day to catch new pokemon for herself and for the League. "So... you're a scientist?" Who else would know all that junk about drones? But he didn't look science-y. No lab coat, no glasses. He didn't look like a nerd. He kind of looked like he was suited for a stage, maybe a comedian or announcer. He looked a little bit like those old timey radio reporters.

She held her blue ditto up to the Rotom. "Turn into that," she challenged it, but the blue ditto just morphed a little bit and then went back to its own form. She pouted. "I think its too hard for my little fella. But that's still really cool. Do you collect Rotom to turn them into those other forms?"

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August 22
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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 4:06:15 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


"Engineer is probably the better term of what I do, but you're definitely not far off," he corrects the young lady as he sits back and watches her ditto under perform. He tilts his head at that because that shouldn't have been the case and he can't help but pull at it's slime like body as if testing something. [break][break]

"It could be because it was trying to copy it's innards too, not too many ditto are capable of copying things more man made from my experience, as their need to imitate goes to a deeper than normal level, it should be able to copy it just fine if it focuses only on the shell and pokemon inside," he suspects though unless the ditto actually test it he can't be completely sure about it. [break][break]

"I would if I HAD others, but they're not as easy to make as Porygon are," those were mostly time consuming and required a lot of coding knowledge.




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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2024 15:02:09 GMT
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Robin was thrilled with his explanations. He was still a bit of a nerd but his Rotom was super cool, so it balanced out. "I totally want one like that." She liked weird pokemon, though her heart would always lie with ghosts. She held her ditto up closer to it and made an awed sound as it transformed into one like his, with a few imperfections. "That is so sick." She released her ditto and let it levitate between them.

"Are you, like, a Rotom dealer?" She was curious about his creation of Porygons also, but her taste for manmade creations was soured after seeing the cruel and torturous result of the experiment that produces Type: Null. She had rescued it, but she still felt a pang of guilt when she looked at it. "I don't see a lot of my colleagues with Rotoms since they're kinda hard to find in nature," she said as she tugged on her Ranger armband self-consciously, "but if you ever have a spare, I would totally trade you!" Did he like ghosts? He was hard to read.

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August 22
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 4:54:05 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


Wright just laughs aloud at the mention of mentioning wanting a rotom like his own. "Even if you had a rotom kiddo getting one like mine would require you to build a drone of your own, even then if it would be a proper vessel for it, but who knows you'll find them to be very adaptable to them," he offers his wisdom again laughing when asked about being a dealer. Sadly he empties his pockets as he shakes his head, "Nope those things can be pesky buuuuuuuut," he does lift a finger as he grabs his drone typing in something into the screen as if pondering things over. [break][break]

Yuan smirks as he finds what he is looking for, "Come with me if you're interested," he offers before he would take off, it wouldn't take long for them to come across an empty construction site. One that had been put on hold due to all the current events going on in Hoenn. He would turn to the kid with a simple 'watch this' kind of look, "Alright Zippy, the thing!" he calls to his rotom who floats in before using DISCHARGE on the site bringing to life some of it's machinery. [break][break]

Though more importantly chuckles could be heard, chuckles from others like the drone that were just drawn to the live machinery. "See kiddo they're hard to find in nature, but you need to look for more anthropogenic sources"




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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 15:19:16 GMT
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You weren't supposed to follow strangers to a second location, but she couldn't help her curiosity. She followed him over to the construction site, wondering all the way if she could convince to construct a drone for a Rotom if she could get her hands on one. She really did think his pokemon was cool. As it used discharge to lift machinery, her high opinion of the pokemon only grew. "This is so freaking cool. I bet you could pull killer pranks with this guy."

It slowly occurred to her what she'd just said. "Erm, not that I would! As a, uh, Ranger and all. I respect strangers and, um, only help." Her prankster life had come to an end after she enrolled in the Ranger program, but the Rotom opened up so many possibilities...

Her pager beeped, and she suddenly remembered herself. "Aw, I'm totally late! I gotta go Mister but the next time we meet, I'm gonna have an awesome Rotom just like you. Bet on it!" She offered a grin as she clutched her gelatinous pokemon close so she could bail.

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August 22
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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 5:13:53 GMT
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[attr="class","leprowright1"] -----


Wow a leaguer finding something new and shiny and rather than use it for helping they want to abuse it. How on the nose, but honestly it makes him laugh more than anything else, it would always benefit them to tickle the trouble making ones. "Kid I don't care what you do with it, bring the house down for all I care, they're meant for fun after all" [break][break]

The pager beeps and he waves her off, part of him curious as to what 'ranger' thing she had to go to. For now that he's going to spend his free time seeing if he can't get himself an extra one.




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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 6:21:48 GMT
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