i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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january 19th
nimbasa city, unova
HBIC special agent
that sly come-hiter stare that strips my conscience bare
23 posts
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TAG WITH @niola
Niola Winchester
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 8:26:43 GMT
Niola Winchester Avatar









Chaos erupts in the command center. The employees there are forced to undergo this impromptu pressure test as the two women leading them handle the situation. Some of them fumble. Others take charge. And a few hide underneath their desks, reciting prayers in hushed mutters.[BREAK][BREAK]

War was upon them all, and some people simply weren't built for it. Niola, on the other hand, felt like she had readied herself for this her entire professional life. UNOVA had always seemed like it was on the brink anyway. Perhaps, ultimately, it was this that had led her here to HOENN.[BREAK][BREAK]

Nevertheless, she knows the job won't get done soon enough unless she brings forth a Pokémon of her own. So she does just so, swiftly casting her ball to summon a PYROAR. Lithe, precise, and deadly, the huntress was the perfect choice to avoid collateral damage. So long as she kept her flame in check, anyway.[break][break]

"Aunte, get that ZORUA! Takisha, FIRE FANG!" The HBIC agent commands afterward, pointing at the ALOLAN NINETALES that had so valiantly saved its trainer from being shot earlier. The female Pyroar leaps from desk to desk to close the distance before descending upon the fox with flaming jaws.[BREAK][BREAK]

The Frigibax, on the other hand, chases the HISUIAN ZORUA to try and land a CRUNCH.[BREAK][BREAK]

Niola places both hands on her pistol as this ensues, aims it at 's shoulder, and SHOOTS a single shot to try and catch them off guard.[BREAK][BREAK]

TLDR 📝[break][break]


[attr="class","niola-lb-bannerbottom"]SCENARIO B-11 ♦︎


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[newclass=.niola-lb-w-1]font:11.7px Poppins;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;padding: 10px 25px 10px 15px;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
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played by


May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
755 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 9:23:01 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
The knife is wrenched from Makoto's hands - and Yujin's words are like white noise to them. They are acting mostly on instinct and reflex, to survive, which didn't necessarily mean the decision that they made here would be smart. But all the same, they act - advancing to slam their forehead against hers in a headbutt, and reaching for her holstered gun!

But, as pain lances up their other arm, they shout - though the Aurora Veil softens the blow, the bullet nonetheless hits into their upper arm.

And Kuro reacts, snarling with rage. Through Detect, it is able to avoid danger thus far - jumping from Tsukiko's shadow to Matsu's, though maintaining its Illusion thus far. As it emerges from the first, however, ghostly flames of Bitter Malice come Niola's way!

However, even if Kuro is safe, Tsukiko isn't. The Zap Cannon that was meant for Kuro strikes her instead - drawing a yelp. Though she attempts to use the snow as cover to get away, the resulting paralysis renders her unable to avoid the followup Fire Fang from the Pyroar. Though the Aurora Veil softens both strikes, they hurt all the same.

Finally amongst the incoking attacks, there is Matsu; and when the Mega Glalie Crunches down on them, the shell creaks and groans underneath the pressure. In an attempt to force it back, they begin to Rapid Spin - trying to send the ice-type flying!

Makoto stumbles, bleeding, heart hammering hard. They have to fight back - and against so many foes... They pull out a Tera Orb with their injured arm. "Springtide!"

In a flash of pink and crystals, Tsukiko becomes pure Fairy-type, as she unleashes a howling storm of pink frosted petals in a Springtide Storm; hoping to strike as many enemies at once, and give her trainer some breathing room!
TLDR: Makoto goes a bit monkey brain; attempts to headbutt Yujin in the face, whilst reaching for her holstered gun. Opposite arm is shot by Niola - which pisses Kuro off. Kuro - from the prior Detect - avoids damage and changes from Tsukiko's shadow to Matsu's, but fires off a Bitter Malice at Niola as it moves between them. Tsukiko is caught in Zap Cannon's crossfire, which paralyzes her and leaves her vulnerable to Pyroar's Fire Fang, ow! Tsukiko teras into pure-Fairy and uses Springtide Storm on enemies present, partly to force everyone away from Makoto. Matsu's defense is being lowered by Crunch, uses Rapid Spin to try and fling Glalie off of it.

MP Log:
- Posted x6 (60 MP)
- Showcase Strengths (50 MP)
- Showcase other's strengths (50 MP)
- Past Thread (50 MP)
- Antagonistic dialogue (50 MP)
- Experience Relief (50 MP)
- Experience Fear (50 MP)
- Gimmick (10 MP)

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played by


june 04
mt. silver, johto
interpol engineer
critical mass of hearts and minds
5'2", 158cm height
5'2", 158cm height
there's a pretty big twist at the end. i doubt you'll like it.
295 posts
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TAG WITH @yujin
Yujin Ha
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 2:45:33 GMT
Yujin Ha Avatar

She braces for the impact against her skull—an unexpected move to say the least. They trade blows by her slashing with the blade in return, warding off the grab attempt lest the intruder want to lose their fingers.[break][break]

Yujin dives behind a desk next to another staff member as a blossom storm bursts throughout the chamber. Electronics are wrenched into the air, stacks of papers go flying, cabinets rattle, shelves topple over, and people cry in pain for a myriad of reasons.[break][break]

It was as if the intruder’s only goal was to come in here, stall, and do as much collateral damage as possible.[break][break]

The glalie’s teeth crack and erode against the rapid spin, so it releases the forretress. It combats the springtide storm with a BLIZZARD that blows across half the room, still aided by the snow to give Niola’s pokemon some space as well.[break][break]

The porygon, meanwhile, warbles in stress in its corner, still trying to keep its computing going through the gauntlet of effects in the area. Focusing itself, it unleashes a HYPERBEAM towards the ninetales.[break][break]

Yujin keeps low with a bitter smile, stalking past a few rows and using the desks as cover as she does so. She fades in and out of the white frost, occasionally visible in the pinkish gusts, rarely leaving a fleck of blood behind, before darting in for the final stretch to thrust with the knife.


[attr="class","bottom"] [break]
tl;dr glalie releases crunch and uses blizzard vs springtime storm. porygon uses hyperbeam on ninetales. yujin takes cover and then goes in for knifey again.[break]
60 MP Post x6[break]
50 MP Recall Past Thread[break]
50 MP confidence grows[break]
50 MP strength[break]
50 MP antagonistic exchange[break]
10 MP mega

[newclass=".yujin"]--accent:#366bcb; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".yujin .top"]background-color:var(--accent); background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 370px; height: 68px; text-align: center; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: -50px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px; border-radius: 25px 25px 0px 0px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".yujin .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 310px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 35px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 25px 25px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".yujin .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 15:42:46 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
And here, things begin to become tricky.

In the resulting slash, Makoto feels the knife cut into their side, drawing a yelp from them. But, they have no time to assess it before they have to duck behind a computer desk to try and shelter themself from the Blizzard that howls around them. But, that doesn't fully protect them - ice shards biting into their skin.

Tsukiko and Matsu do not have the luxury of any cover, on the other hand, as they're battered by the icy winds. The terastallized fox's new pure Fairy typing is doing her no favors here.

And though Tsukiko is able to use the snow as a cover with Snow Cloak to avoid the Hyper Beam that shoots across the room - that only means that it strikes Matsu instead! And with the one-two punch of powerful moves and a weakened shell, is it of any surprise when the Forretress is knocked out, when it slams into some computer equipment?

Makoto curses. Of course. One pokemon down, and the other on her last legs, they can't risk having Tsukiko out of commission too. They recall both pokemon - quickly feeling along their belt for their other options.

Kuro wasn't meant to fight. It could, sure, but it was trained more for its illusions and being another pair of eyes to watch their back.

Ryuu could feasibly fight; but when they were on an island, that felt like a good way to get stranded if Kuro and a certain someone else ended up KO'd as well.

And Tamamo... They were reluctant to. That was just asking for her to kill someone just for the hell of it - the last thing they wanted.

But they had to choose someone, and--


-- Their choice would, ultimately, be made for them.

Erebus emerges on its own, as Yujin begins to near. The alien virus's cloudy core glows as it moves to seize her with Psychic, so as to throw her into her own pokemon - a powerful desire to protect being communicated to all who hear.

Quick to follow up though, it would aim a Thunderbolt towards Niola's Pyroar, electricity lancing up the lengths of its tentacles.
TLDR: Makoto is a bit stabbied after headbutting Yujin, and though they take cover a lil cut up by Glalie's Blizzard as well. Ninetales and Forretress take damage from the Blizzard - and though Ninetales can dodge the Hyper Beam w/ Snow Cloak, it strikes Forretress instead as a result, KO-ing them. Ninetales is standing, but is recalled along Forretress to avoid being KO'd. Makoto has decision paralysis at the worst time ever on who to replace them with.

However, as Yujin comes close to stab Makoto again, Deoxys emerges expressing protective intent - attempting to throw her back into her own pokemon with Psychic. It follows up by aiming a Thunderbolt at Niola's Pyroar.

MP Log:
- Posted x7 (70 MP)
- Showcase Strengths (50 MP)
- Showcase other's strengths (50 MP)
- Past Thread (50 MP)
- Antagonistic dialogue (50 MP)
- Experience Relief (50 MP)
- Experience Fear (50 MP)
- Gimmick (10 MP)
- Injured by pokemon (50 MP)
- Own Pokemon KO'd (50 MP)

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played by


january 19th
nimbasa city, unova
HBIC special agent
that sly come-hiter stare that strips my conscience bare
23 posts
part of
TAG WITH @niola
Niola Winchester
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 11:51:07 GMT
Niola Winchester Avatar









Chaos continues to ensue.[BREAK][BREAK]

Given the close quarters and the lockdown, the only way Niola could ensure the safety of these employees and her partner was to fight. She does her best to suppress a sigh at the thought. It seemed all this violence had followed her here from UNOVA. Why did she think HOENN would be any different? Any more interesting?[BREAK][BREAK]

But, then, of course, things get considerably more interesting.[BREAK][BREAK]

Though she's forced to leap behind the cover of a nearby counter to avoid the BITTER MALICE launched her way, Niola is sure to land on her side and aim her gun at the new AVATAR of DEOXYS. She shoots off another shot at the individual to grant a chance to strike.[BREAK][BREAK]

"We need to finish this! NOW!"

In the meantime, her PYROAR fends off a THUNDERBOLT with a roaring FLAMETHROWER. Under the cover of the roaring flames, AUNTEANNA attempts to sneak up on the DEOXYS and take a CRUNCH off its arm.[BREAK][BREAK]

TLDR 📝[break][break]

  • dives behind a counter to avoid BITTER MALICE and fires at again to grant COVER/AN OPENING
  • PYROAR fends DEOXYS' attack off with a FLAMETHROWER
  • FRIGIBAX attempts to strike DEOXYS with a CRUNCH

[attr="class","niola-lb-bannerbottom"]SCENARIO B-11 ♦︎


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[newclass=.niola-lb-w-1]font:11.7px Poppins;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;padding: 10px 25px 10px 15px;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
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played by


june 04
mt. silver, johto
interpol engineer
critical mass of hearts and minds
5'2", 158cm height
5'2", 158cm height
there's a pretty big twist at the end. i doubt you'll like it.
295 posts
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TAG WITH @yujin
Yujin Ha
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 0:05:31 GMT
Yujin Ha Avatar

'Death at Ten Paces'.[break][break]

She remembers that legend from her silent, anachronistic village. She remembers re-enacting the scene with her brother, tip-toeing in the snow with the geom they stole from their father.[break][break]

So she counts down. Ten paces. Eight. Five…![break][break]

But just as she gets within swiping distance of the intruder, she’s lifted off her feet—only to crash against her glalie, the two of them folding behind another set of desks. [break][break]

After a few dazed moments, Yujin slams her arm onto a nearby workstation and heaves herself to her feet. She hurts in a dozen places and her mind whirls in confusion. The unknown is daunting. It changes all her strategies. She's read enough about Rocket's hidden weapons to feel deep trepidation now.[break][break]

“...Niola, who the hell is this? An Avatar? That a classified species?”[break][break]

She has access to most, but not all, of League intel; but she’s also not spent much time in the region. And though the creature has a distinct appearance, she’s only seen it in fuzzy photographs.[break][break]

And that's how she ends up all but shoving the nearby employees out the nearest exit as her worn-down glalie careens forward to take another CRUNCH, dog-piling the target alongside the frigibax.


[attr="class","bottom"] [break]
tl;dr glalie crunch. porygon rest. yujin is trying to get ppl to evacuate.[break]
70 MP Post x7[break]
50 MP Recall Past Thread[break]
50 MP confidence grows[break]
50 MP strength[break]
50 MP antagonistic exchange[break]
10 MP mega[break]
25 MP KO a mon[break]
50 MP experience fear[break]
50 MP injury[break]
50 MP spotlight strength

[newclass=".yujin"]--accent:#366bcb; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

[newclass=".yujin blockquote"]width:320px; height:auto; background-color: #292929; text-align: justify; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 30px; padding-bottom: 40px; padding-top: 25px; border-left: 5px #252525 solid; border-right: 5px #252525 solid;border-top: 5px #252525 solid; line-height: 15.5px; letter-spacing: .7px; font-size:12px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".yujin .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 310px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 35px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 25px 25px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".yujin .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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played by


May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
755 posts
part of
TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 6:12:03 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Erebus sees only enemies. The pokemon, enemies. Their two trainers, enemies. Even the employees here - unknown and unfamiliar - are potential enemies. Anything that it cannot recognize as a Rocket is an enemy.

However, the Deoxys understands priorities. There are some enemies more threatening than others. As Niola fires upon Makoto, the bullets suddenly halt in place inches from their intended target - seized by Erebus' Psychic. It affixes the agent with a stare - before flinging the bullets back in her direction.

But this distraction serves its purpose; as dragon and snowball alike sink their teeth into Erebus, it lets out a telepathic shriek - was it pained? Surprised? Angry? It was hard to say, in the moment. But, it lashes out in response - tentacles lighting aflame in a Fire Punch as it seizes the Glalie with them, to scorch him and fling him into Aunteanna and Takisha both!

Makoto can only take a step back from all the chaos - clutching to the gunshot wound and the gash in
TLDR: Deoxys catches the bullets and throws them back at Niola with Psychic. After getting double-Crunch'd, it lashes out - using Fire Punch and grabbing Glalie to both scorch it and throw it into Frigibax and Pyroar.

MP Log:
- Posted x7 (70 MP)
- Showcase Strengths (50 MP)
- Showcase other's strengths (50 MP)
- Past Thread (50 MP)
- Antagonistic dialogue (50 MP)
- Experience Relief (50 MP)
- Experience Fear (50 MP)
- Gimmick (10 MP)
- Injured by pokemon (50 MP)
- Own Pokemon KO'd (50 MP)

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played by


june 04
mt. silver, johto
interpol engineer
critical mass of hearts and minds
5'2", 158cm height
5'2", 158cm height
there's a pretty big twist at the end. i doubt you'll like it.
295 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yujin
Yujin Ha
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 1:02:47 GMT
Yujin Ha Avatar

The glalie becomes a fiery meteorite, careening across the room. When it lands it clearly can no longer move, so it is called back into its ball with a mournful arc of light.[break][break]

Yujin steps atop a desk to scan the area with a vantage. All the civilians have finally evacuated from the control room, so she raises one more pokeball.[break][break]

"It’s time to be rid of you—even if this place needs to be blown apart.[break][break]

Whoever this person was, they were dangerous. But they didn’t fight like they were at full potential. Too soft. Too uncertain. A bud, then, one that should be snipped before it can pose a greater threat.[break][break]

All guns. All at once. The command center was lost, but so long as the other pieces on the board could succeed, Yujin could still remotely fix that southern artillery. [break][break]

They just had to survive this catastrophe first.[break][break]

Her archaludon crashes into the room. It crouches low on all four legs, its spines and joints crystallizing into golden spires as it undergoes ELECTRIC TERA.[break][break]

“Charge up, you two. Niola, keep it busy.”[break][break]

Tendrils of lightning bend and crackle from the walls and electronics, lancing towards the steel dragon as its spines glowed blindingly bright. Even the porygon, from where it sat, hummed as it calculated Erebus' trajectories to LOCK-ON.


[attr="class","bottom"] [break]

tl;dr glalie ko'd. archaludon electric tera + charges electro shot. porygon uses lock-on.[break]
70 MP Post x7[break]
50 MP Recall Past Thread[break]
50 MP confidence grows[break]
50 MP strength[break]
50 MP antagonistic exchange[break]
10 MP mega[break]
25 MP KO a mon[break]
50 MP experience fear[break]
50 MP injury[break]
50 MP spotlight strength[break]
50 MP mon is KO'd

[newclass=".yujin"]--accent:#366bcb; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".yujin .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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january 19th
nimbasa city, unova
HBIC special agent
that sly come-hiter stare that strips my conscience bare
23 posts
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TAG WITH @niola
Niola Winchester
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 9:04:27 GMT
Niola Winchester Avatar









"That's DEOXYS!" Niola calls out in response. "A symbiote being with unprecedented power! It must have bonded with a new host, but it's too early to tell if they're an AVATAR or not!"[BREAK][BREAK]

As their workforce begins to evacuate the command center, one of them stumbles and falls directly in DEOXYS' line of sight. And, despite the alien seizing her bullets with its psychic power, Niola rushes to help lift the employee onto both feet as she urges them to escape. In the time it takes her to do so, however, she is shot in the arm and forced to take cover again as she seethes with pain.[BREAK][BREAK]

Meanwhile, Aunteanna and Takisha must contend with the large Glalie that was thrown their way. The former leaps to intercept the thrown creature, but greatly underestimates its weight. In the wake of its landing, the Frigibax is rendered UNCONSCIOUS. The Pyroar, on the other hand, takes advantage of the Frigibax's heroics to swiftly close the gap between it and DEOXYS. It seeks to land a CRUNCH upon the alien's arm and buy as much time as it can.[BREAK][BREAK]

After tearing her sleeve off and using it as a tourniquet to slow the bleeding, their trainer blindly reaches up to swipe a laptop down from the desk. Single-handedly (literally), she sends out a DISTRESS SIGNAL to nearby LEAGUE PERSONNEL before accessing the building's security systems with her admin clearance. With this, she has control over the security cameras in each room and is sure to record the actions of the DEOXYS and its mysterious host.[BREAK][BREAK]

TLDR 📝[break][break]

  • is STRUCK and takes cover
  • FRIGIBAX faints!
  • PYROAR leaps toward DEOXYS with a CRUNCH
  • reaches for a LAPTOP to send out a distress signal and train their SECURITY CAMERAS on DEOXYS and

[attr="class","niola-lb-bannerbottom"]SCENARIO B-11 ♦︎


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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
755 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 16:22:41 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Makoto has half the mind to call for them to leave. What could they gain from staying here, after all? Whilst most other League personnel were locked in combat elsewhere, all it took was someone else joining in for things to quickly go more awry than it already was.

But, at the same time, it was hard to find an opening to call Erebus back for that quick getaway...

Initially, Erebus' attention turns to PorygonZ and Duraludon both - recognizing the threat inherent in the both of them. It turns to face them, prepared to deal with them now... But amidst the distraction, the Pyroar's teeth sink into the Deoxys - which draws forth a hiss, this one not quite as loud but no less a reaction.

Danger. It's in danger. It is outnumbered - the Crunches wearing away at its ability to protect itself. It has to recover - and to do so, it attempts to absorb the lion by striking at it with a Drain Punch..!

As soon as it's able to free itself from the Pyroar's grip, it turns to face the Archaludon and PorygonZ again - but it's too late. Dual electrical strikes slam into it, causing it to shriek once more. Too much. Too much all at once. It cannot handle this much, like this.

Makoto pulls out Erebus' pokeball - seeing the hole blown into the wall, and the opportunity inherent to it. They're prepared to recall it - to prepare a quick getaway to tend to their bleeding injuries, but--


-- Erebus is not done. It desires to survive - for Makoto to survive - and it desires to remain, to learn. It has another option, that it can take - both to remove these enemies, and ensure the duo's survival. It turns its gaze to Makoto - and something in its eyes freezes them in place - which is perfect.

It advances on them - reaches forward...


... And losing its shape, it begins to envelop them..!

Makoto barely has any time to shout out. Before they know it, their mouth is full of Erebus. Their nostrils are full of Erebus. Their tear ducts, their ears, their throat, their very pores were full of Erebus. They cannot breathe past it, as it forces its way in. They want to scream - it hurts, it feels wrong, they can feel something crawling underneath their skin, a second heart beating in their chest...

... They are scared.

Kuro is, too - the Zorua emerging. He wants to do something about it - to stop this process - but how does he do it, without hurting Makoto in the process?

From an outside perspective, it passes in but a few seconds. For Makoto, it feels like an excruciating eternity. But all the same, it isn't long before Erebus is - for all intents and purposes - no longer visible. Makoto coughs - gags and heaves, bent over themself - as they are suddenly able to breathe again, a hand pressed to their chest. Two hearts pump blood and ichor through their body - blood and ichor that no longer is being spilt, as the bullet and knife wound both begin to Recover.

A bullet - pushed out from the wound - clatters onto the ground.

Makoto looks at themself briefly - and from the surface, they still look like themself... For but a moment. But suddenly, their muscles seize - gaze forcefully turned towards the Archaludon.

Defeat. Learn more.

Erebus looks through Makoto's eyes - and as an arm is enveloped in teal and crimson, it forces them to rush forth. To reel back a fist, and attempt to strike at the steely dragon with another Drain Punch..!
TLDR: Deoxys is distracted from Pyroar by seeing Archaludon + PorygonZ charging up - but is Crunch'd before it can interfere. It attempts to (flavor) absorb the Pyroar with a Drain Punch and manages to pull away from it... But gets zap'd by PorygonZ + Archaludon before it can do anything about the two.

Having taken heavy damage, but not wanting to fall back quite yet, Deoxys proceeds to symbiosis w/ Makoto in a disturbing/horrifying process. Zorua is scared for its trainer but doesn't know what it can do to stop Deoxys w/o hurting Makoto.

Once the process finishes, Makoto's left feeling sick + spooked, but their wounds visibly regenerate with Recover. Deoxys puppets them a little to charge Archaludon w/ Drain Punch.

MP Log:
- Posted x9 (90 MP)
- Showcase Strengths (50 MP)
- Showcase other's strengths (50 MP)
- Past Thread (50 MP)
- Antagonistic dialogue (50 MP)
- Experience Relief (50 MP)
- Experience Fear (50 MP)
- Gimmick (10 MP)
- Injured by pokemon (50 MP)
- Own Pokemon KO'd (50 MP)
- x2 Enemy KO (50 MP)
- Meaningful Moment w/ Pokemon (50 MP) meaningful doesn't mean wholesome /obliterated

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june 04
mt. silver, johto
interpol engineer
critical mass of hearts and minds
5'2", 158cm height
5'2", 158cm height
there's a pretty big twist at the end. i doubt you'll like it.
295 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yujin
Yujin Ha
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 2:30:03 GMT
Yujin Ha Avatar

Concentric waves of electricity pulse and then explode, bathing the room in light.[break][break]


And then, seconds later, as the dust clears and natural sunlight streams forth from the jagged hole in the side of the building, they see the still-merging amalgamation of Makoto and the Deoxys.[break][break]

“...Why. Don’t. They. Just. DIE?!” Yujin screams in disbelief.[break][break]

They’ve already been fighting for so long and this not-avatar just refuses to budge. Why are they even here? Why are she and Niola so weak? Why is she failing?[break][break]

Makoto was a wall. Yujin can’t stop the tremble of laughter rolling through her, nervous, frustrated, enraged all in one. She’s never felt so powerless, so played with in her life. She doesn’t want to feel this way again.[break][break]

She wants to be able to point at something and have it removed from this world.[break][break]

‘God of the Mountain,' she vows to the tyrant of her childhood. ‘If you can do that much, maybe I’ll even forgive you.’[break][break]

Maybe her hand slips. Maybe it was just meant to be. Countless more flashes fill the room, the pointed ears of a noivern appearing above the smoke, the jingle of a klefki’s keys through the din, the two-toned eyes of a masquerain catching the sun just right.[break][break]

All her pokemon glance at the scene, at their master—her face cradled in her hands, still muttering to herself—and move. She gives them no orders; they have tasted this chaos before. The archaludon rears up with a roar, throwing its whole weight into the advancing Deoxys. Beams of variegated light streak from the porygon-z. The room lights up with the klefki’s pink energy, focusing into an array of blasts. A net of sticky silk shoots out over the symbiote intruder from the masquerain. The noivern releases a sub-sonic howl.[break][break]

Chaos. chaos. chaoS![break]


(addendum in lieu of one more post)[break][break]

The end…[break][break]

Yujin wobbles through the ruined control room. A ceiling light falls; the tremors that linger from the earthquake still shake the dim aftermath of their battle. As she passes each of her pokemon, they anxiously follow her with their eyes.[break][break]

She can only give Niola a mute nod, utterly spent from the cycle of adrenaline and despondency borne from erraticism.[break][break]

The seat next to her porygon-z is inexplicably inviting. The fingers that hover over her laptop are stiff, having forgotten the muscle memory of her password. Eventually, she manages to log in.[break][break]


With the help of the porygon-z and the resulting wins outside of Mossdeep, the southern guns can finally be activated.[break][break]
She can hear them turn through the hole in the building—or maybe it's just a hallucination. Heavy, creaking, and final.[break][break]
Is it too late? It’s certainly too late to care anymore.


[attr="class","bottom"] [break]

tl;dr yujin loses her marbles. deploys all pokemon, who just fight independently (multiple attacks).[break]
90 MP Post x9[break]
50 MP Recall Past Thread[break]
50 MP confidence grows[break]
50 MP strength[break]
50 MP antagonistic exchange[break]
10 MP mega[break]
25 MP KO a mon[break]
50 MP experience fear[break]
50 MP injury[break]
50 MP spotlight strength[break]
50 MP mon is KO'd[break]
50 MP low point[break]
50 MP symbolize condition[break]
50 MP meaningful moment[break]
50 MP motif chaos

[newclass=".yujin"]--accent:#366bcb; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".yujin .bottom"]background-color:#222222; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; width: 310px; height: auto; text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:-60px; padding: 10px 35px 10px; border-radius: 0px 0px 25px 25px; border: 5px #252525 solid;[/newclass]

[newclass=".yujin .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
755 posts
part of
TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 4:32:00 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar
Chaos is all Makoto knows, in the moment, as Erebus - through their body - clashes against the pokemon in the control room.

The Archaludon's weight presses into them. Were it just Makoto, bones would be broken. They would've quicky become paste on the floor. But here, Erebus stands its ground - able to force the dragon back with a burst of psychic powers before they could be crushed completely.

Blasts that would've scorched away Makoto's skin and flesh simply leave red and teal in their wake - that quickly shifts back to what they hope is human flesh - as Erebus regenerates it for them, before retaliating with a blazing fist and electrical arcs.

Even as the Noivern's howl leaves their head ringing, it doesn't last long - and for a moment Makoto can't help but wonder if their hearing is keener than ever, with the Deoxys' regenerative abilities. All the same, an icy strike is sent the wyvern's way.

And when webs cling to them, root them to the ground, and they are helpless for but a moment...--

-- Makoto's stomach lurches, as they're suddenly elsewhere. Perched atop a desk that the computers had been thrown from amidst the madness. Staring down the combatants with the blank gaze of an alien who knows naught of making expressions, before electricity arcs outwards through their arm.

But all the while, Makoto is but a passenger in their body. A passenger made to endure it all, as Erebus puppeteers them. Stop. They want to say, to beg. I'm scared. They witness each clash, and can only feel the desire to flight - as their human mind can only expect for their body to break underneath the strength of other pokemon.

But even if they couldn't voice it, Erebus heard all the same. I will protect you. It responded with certainty, in some semblance of comfort. They will be defeated. There was nothing to be scared of, for it knew how much this body would take. It had done something like this before, after all.

We will learn more. They would turn the unknown into known. And once it was known, there would be nothing to fear. Once the unknown was known, Erebus would become stronger. And in becoming stronger, there would be even fewer things to fear.

Nothing for either of them to fear, in this world, where rule is made by strength.

But, the fight would not last forever; for a thundering boom would be heard, from a far distance... From Sootopolis, in fact. And in that moment, there was but one thing on Erebus' mind, as the symbiote's gaze snapped towards the hole in the wall.

Home. Something was happening. Something that was, perhaps, far more important than anything happening in the moment. It had to know what was happening.

Makoto, though reluctant to dive into yet further danger, concurred - a sense of worry for peers, particularly , briefly filling their mind.

So - with but one last glance to Yujin and Niola both... Erebus would reach out Makoto's arm - to scoop Kuro up. And with one more lurch of Makoto's stomach, they would be gone as it Teleported away - leaving the horrid mess that the control room had become behind.

MP Log (Final Count; 1010) :
- Posted x10 (100 MP)
- Showcase Strengths (50 MP)
- Showcase other's strengths (50 MP)
- Past Thread (50 MP)
- Antagonistic dialogue (50 MP)
- Experience Relief (50 MP)
- Experience Fear (50 MP)
- Gimmick (10 MP)
- Injured by pokemon (50 MP)
- Own Pokemon KO'd (50 MP)
- x2 Enemy KO (50 MP)
- Meaningful Moment w/ Pokemon (50 MP) meaningful doesn't mean wholesome /obliterated
- Symbolized by Pokemon (50 MP)
- Complete Thread (100 MP)
- Draw (250 MP)

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 8:35:59 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]PRELUDE COMPLETE!



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RPG Unlimited
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