i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november 9
sootopolis city
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tragedy baptizes the angels, and so too it will initiate me
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verona santillian
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2024 6:46:34 GMT
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a fire blooms, and the illusion burns out with it.

sariel commits the most grievous sin with her own hands. any wound that the divine beast has is cauterized before it can rot. the tera crystals reflect only that which they have saw fit to show. the stones hum with life and the thrum echoes throughout the cave of origin and the blue flames steal the breath from her lungs. she inhales. forces herself too as the redness of her palms fades. her fingertips tremble with the warmth stolen away from them and she steadies herself as her senses fall silent.

the nerves in her body numb again as she bows her head. steadies herself on her palms and knees as though from devotion.

she is.

she was.

gentle hands guide her head up and her gaze softens as the other woman's fingers ghost across her skin as she unveils the priestess once more. she becomes a follower again. verona smiles as a laugh comes out in what feels like a too-human breath. she feels the stickiness of the ichor running down her forehead, the bridge of her nose, her cheek. she closes her eyes as sariel touches her forehead to the back of her hand.

she opens her eyes again and knows there is no blood on her hands for gods do not bleed.

she touches her hand, retrieving and turning it so that her heartline faces her. sariel does not bleed either. verona does not notice the way that the tendons strain at the unnatural pull. "have you found your answer?"

the priestess rises to her feet, but does not let go as she takes a parting glance at the crossroads between.

the entei bids them deeper inside.

who is she to do anything but follow?


10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread.

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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 1:53:38 GMT
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he does not know whether bringing these strangers in was good or not. entei is a neutral force whose curiosity is sated by involvement itself-- or at least, it's by someone else's influence that shifted it to a stance of keeping the most units alive for the final boss.

there is no reason for it to align itself with people who had attempted to kill the image of itself, nor does it evoke any emotion of any kind when it does these acts. an ancient creature that lived for more than most, nostalgia evokes little when most events connect to each other.

still, to lead the shepherd and her flock to a destination that pushes them to the direction of involvement with the region's cacophony of chaos gives it enough to carry on the legacy.


the late champion of the league and the representative of ho-oh would have had bridged those outside of the playing area and help them get the traction to stay on course with the ever so moving storyline.

having sariel and verona tag along in its own personal investigation leads to nothing, but it was fine. kyle would not have cared for the results, and it's more so the journey that incentivizes the late champion to keep on prying to the world's secrets.

if this can spark the same inquisitiveness in them, it would be enough to mirror the same inclusivity from the refracted memory.

entei leads them deeper into the cave, guiding them to the special chamber it has sensed since coming in.

10 MP (6) per IC post in your prelude thread.
50 MP have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC.
50 MP showcase your own character's strength(s) meaningfully.
50 MP have your character directly or indirectly spotlight another writer's character's strengths.
50 MP have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.
50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).
50 MP have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc.
50 MP have your character reflect on why they're fighting/reflect on their loyalties.
50 MP have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character.
50 MP have your character become inspired or consoled by another writer's character (tag them).
50 MP include a motif or recurring symbol of some kind in your thread.

[newclass="entei"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-162 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(!important; [/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 4:48:47 GMT
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ENTEI IS CHASED INTO A CRYSTALLINE CHAMBER DEEP IN THE BOWELS OF THIS TERASTAL CAVE. It is still damp here. Shallow waters slosh against their ankles and ancient stone. Deep below, , and the Volcano Pokemon can sense the secret grumblings of primal waters, mythological magma. However, the three would instead be enamored by the countless mirrors of crystals surrounding them.[break][break]

Their reflections waltz across each facet in fascinating skewed shapes. Abstract and oft frightening warps. However, as and 's sadistic imaginations court the crystalline panes while KYOGRE makes its approach, the cave begins to rattle. Like an anxious chandelier, the crystals shake and shine with blinding brilliance.[break][break]

In these crystals, , and the ENTEI would be able to capture glimpses of other worlds. Other people. Other LEGENDARY POKEMON. When the glow ends, another ENTEI emerges out of the scattering glimmer: another to pursue for sport. For the hunt. It ROARS, immediately sensing the humans' intent.[break][break]


[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 the "imagined entei" does not need to be its regular palette; it may be its shiny palette instead to help differentiate it from 's entei.

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 should and slay the "imagined entei", they will be able to take pieces of its body (e.g. fur, fangs, etc.) for accessories, clothing, artifacts, etc. curiously, this legendary pokemon's body does not disappear right away if at all...

[attr="class","prompt0"]🌊 the three will sense that the water is slowly rising (but not to a concerning degree).




[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.topocorner]background:url(''); width: 573px; height: 405px; position: relative; z-index: 0; margin-bottom: -405px; margin-left: -34px; margin-top: -35px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.promptsection]border-left: 1px dashed #aaa; margin-top: 20px; padding-left: 20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.prompt0]background: #2b2b2b; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.omgen blockquote]background-image: url(; position: relative; z-index: 1;[/newclass]
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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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sariel duong DOLLARS
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sariel duong
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 0:59:37 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
it is to her surprise when she hears the priestess laugh, the sing song melody of her voice reminiscent of a bird's call. in the past, sariel had found it grating, having been a victim of the mockingbird. but now it seemed sweet, honeyed words that asked sariel if she had found her answer. she pulls verona to her feet.

"no..." she admits. but her hands squeeze the priestess's tight, and she glances at the priestess with a renewed sense of vigor.

"but i have found purpose."

she turns and walks, the priestess obediently following her as they leave the chamber. the entei may be walking, but it would not wait forever. their journey was quiet, only the sounds of their footsteps echoing through the walls. deeper they went, occasionally pausing to take note of the increasing vibrations, and with each step was the subtle rising of water; shallow for now, but with the primal god's arrival, they may not be so lucky should they waste time.

the entei seemed to be leading them to yet another chamber even more spectacular than the last. it had been some time since she had seen so many of these crystals; and they had never shone so bright before. with their light came darkness—form. upon closer inspection, what amorphous forms that had lived in the crystals were in actuality visions.

tempest skybringer. will of continents. primal seas.

ancient titans.

all these visions of other worlds. of other gods.

in her own vision, she imagines each and every one of them bleeding, dying. for as long as she lived, she would fulfill this creed. a new world reborn; may she one day return to find none of these legendary pokemon in the reflections of these crystals, having wiped their existence from human society. it filled her with hatred, seeing them alive.

remembering her daughter dead.

the crystals slowly dim.

from the darkness materialized another ENTEI, one that which can sense their ill intent. but this entei, as opposed to the one that had guided them, responds with hostility instead of curious benevolence.

the ROAR makes her stumble, makes her heart beat furiously against her chest. was it an illusion like the past, only to disappear after death? perhaps the illusion had only been a prelude to what was to come. the look in the other entei's eyes...she could sense that it was far more intent on murdering them.

she looks back at the entei that had healed them, wondering if it had only just led them into another trap. but it had not shown them any hostility other than the ones they had drummed up in their mind. if it was truly 's ward, should it not embody the hopes and dreams of its late champion?

"if you are who you show yourself to be, ENTEI, then you seek the truth. let us live to see another day, and i shall return the favour twicefold." she says quietly, wary of the hostile legendary.

the illusory entei charges at them, bounding towards the humans at an extreme speed. "priestess, run!" she says. wasting no time, sariel grabs her hand and turns. panic was setting in—a new feeling. for so long she wished for death, and waited. but now she runs, seeking to preserve herself for her new purpose.

will they return to origin, or will they be reborn anew?


10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread.

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november 9
sootopolis city
5'6" (167.6 cm) height
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tragedy baptizes the angels, and so too it will initiate me
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TAG WITH @verona
verona santillian
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 5:14:47 GMT
verona santillian Avatar
the waters whisper.

gently, softly: the ocean bleeds into the stone. water drips from the stalactites. her face is turned toward the heavens and she hums a familiar lullaby as they descend deeper and deeper into the cave. one droplet navigates her features and verona follows in sariel's step.

she is disinterested in all that there is now and marvels instead at all that which could be. she only looks again when the crystals match the refrain. the cavern sings to her and verona dares not join the chorus.

each facet of the crystals cuts into another timeline.

another place, another face: verona sees the alternatives. one, in which she thinks she would've seen another future than this. and another, where she sees no future at all. but more than that, there are others ad infinitum. places that she's never seen, worlds that seamlessly overlap with this one, gods and creatures that look just like entei and kyogre but are not all at once. she wonders what should happen if she reaches for one. the image is so sharp that she thinks she may cut herself on an alternative.

her hand retreats from the shepherd as sheep is drawn to water. her touch sends ripples through a mirror. wonder, marvel: human things that she's forgotten.

things she's meant to forget.

her head jerks to attention when the awe is torn asunder by a roar of finality. it lurches and verona fails to move until she is forced. she stumbles, nearly falls and runs still as though buoyed by her command as illusory beast chases on their heels. it is not clear where it is that they are running. only that they were. the two navigate as the earth beneath her feet grows warmer even as the rising sea remains frigid. primal entities are at odds still as they cross the threshold of another cavern.

the unbirthing ghosts cling to her skirts like a child.

"there is blood in the water."


10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread.

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dog boy
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 16:17:10 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
entei doesn't process sariel's words, or rather, it does not care.

instead, it ponders on the visions it caught glimpses of-- images of the emergent appear, followed by flashes of other legends. various feelings emanate from the sight of it: joy and pride when it saw him with itself, and fear and envy when he sees him with someone else.

when the truth is unveiled, it becomes much more easy to make assumptions supported by what is logical based on the facts of the world.

mindlessly, he followed the pair. only when they reached a certain point did entei snap from the daydreams and face the mirror of itself. traits from the emergent had been adapted by the entei, but it does not dull its sense in a skirmish.

it turns, and returns with its own roar.

a stomp of its foot shakes the earth, with bulldoze tripping the entei on their tails. the smallest sign of slowing down was all it takes for the volcano pokemon to position its next move.

stone edge pierces through its thick hide, first blocking its front before sharp cones of earth jut out from the ground to its sides. multiple spikes come with the last move as precaution, unwary of any collateral to stop the other beast of legend.

10 MP (7) per IC post in your prelude thread.
25 MP for knocking out another Pokemon in your prelude thread.
50 MP have an antagonistic exchange of dialogue between your character and another writer's character or NPC.
50 MP showcase your own character's strength(s) meaningfully.
50 MP have your character directly or indirectly spotlight another writer's character's strengths.
50 MP have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.
50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).
50 MP have your character self-doubt or cast doubt on another's confidence/allegiances/beliefs, etc.
50 MP have your character reflect on why they're fighting/reflect on their loyalties.
50 MP have your character become inspired or consoled by another writer's character (tag them).
50 MP have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character.
50 MP have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.
50 MP have your character experience great pride, joy, relief, or have confidence grow.
50 MP include a motif or recurring symbol of some kind in your thread.
100 MP for completing your prelude.
300 MP for "losing" or having a "negative" outcome for your character and their prelude.


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january nineteenth
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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sariel duong
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 6:27:23 GMT
sariel duong Avatar
one must imagine the type of destruction a legendary pokemon must bring in its unbridled rage; the entei that chases after them roared once again, forcing her to keep up her pace. around them, the air heats, and she feels SACRED FIRE billowing behind them, crashing onto the walls of the cave they ran through. she looks back to the priestess, ensuring that she was still there, still safe.

surprisingly enough, the other entei had tailed the two, ensuring their safety with moves of its own. regardless of its own intentions, and whether it had accepted her deal, it did not matter now. what mattered now was getting out alive—by any means possible.

and so they enter the next chamber. it is filled with the typical tera crystals, glowing softly, though with no depictions of other universes like the one before. but crystals were not the only thing present in this chamber; there are murals from ancient times. despite the illusory entei on their tails, sariel still cannot help but gaze curiously at the murals around them.

carvings stained with ink stood the test of time; it was an ancient ritual. and there was none so more vivid than the red blood. it ran down from the creature's wound, having just been sacrificed. underneath it laid an orb, freshly covered in its crimson hue.

sacrifice it demands. she understands it well.

a few seconds pass, until she can hear the hostile entei's footsteps echoing down the hall. they had little time to prepare. and so the shepherd releases the sheep, one of pure white fur and pure intentions.

"maria," she whispers. her sheep, who held her heart as much as any other. she holds its head in her hands and stares into its blank eyes. "in witnessing a god, shall we be spared in its presence and our offerings duly received." she murmurs.

she keeps it still as she motions for everyone to move into positions, hiding in the shadows, behind the large crystals that jutted from the entrance.

in her hand is a knife, eager for blood.

when the illusory entei enters the chambers, its eyes first alight on the wooloo in front. vicious it was as it leaped onto the prey animal, ripping it to shreds. the wooloo cried in pain, confused and frantically trying to escape. but it was weak was the animal against the rage of a legendary. sariel's face contorts into pain, her chest feeling tight against her bleeding heart.

into the shallow waters did the blood drip, the shepard's legacy now stained. the priestess had foretold it after all—

blood in the water.


from the manifestations of a god witnessed, on its last breath came a STONE EDGE. weak as it were, but still effective; the sharp stone cuts into the legs of the entei, thin cones that kept it in place for the finale of their swan song. they lept out from the shadows. an ambush.

a blade glints in the facets of the many universes, and she strikes it from behind its neck, sinking the blade deep into its flesh. where there had been fire before—illusory as it were, was now blood. real in every sense: in warmth, in its thick viscosity.

all gods must die.


10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread.

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november 9
sootopolis city
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5'6" (167.6 cm) height
tragedy baptizes the angels, and so too it will initiate me
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verona santillian
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 6:07:35 GMT
verona santillian Avatar
as the world would have it, pokemon and human work in tandem as partners in all things.

that is their role. their fate, as it is that these creatures would pay for their sins though they were crafted in the image of the gods. and hers, for transgressions made from before she was called priestess. from when she'd only been verona. it is in this way that she sees what they say is the natural order of things.

this unwelcome interloper forces its opposite back.

its urgency is born of an inherent desire to protect that which is weaker than it. it needs no command. it needs only the basest instincts to see this through.

dragalge falters because it has grown too weak. bound to her, as all pokemon are to humans, where they ought seek liberation above companionship.

the shepherd's pokemon too.

this entei, for its life is inextricably linked with a dead champion. why does it still yet linger?

the ground shakes and rumbles beneath her as the waters turn crimson as lamb is conveyed as a sacrifice. she thinks of her own throat as she steps past the threshold as sariel does battle with a god and as the rest of this blighted world rejects their destiny in some meaningless fight for their morals and for their honor. light feet traipse across carved stone, curved altars and a stone that neither glows or hums with recognition for what has been delivered unto it.

she does not recognize ritual of human advent.

she recognizes only what the sea provides her—a toxapex—before the quaking grows. an earsplitting explosion, and the earth swallows them whole.


10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread.

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 7:37:09 GMT
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