i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Won Ki
April 8th
Cerulean City, Kanto
You'll need it
like a craving
5'8 height
5'8 height
Maybe somehow I came off too strong to you~
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TAG WITH @tori
Victoria Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 8:25:11 GMT
Victoria Beckett Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia tori"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

The civilian's meant nothing to her. The heartless and cold truth. They were aware of the risks, not to mention they had been warned of remaining in the area despite the incoming pressure. Evacuations and security bunkers had been established for the public for that very reason. If after all that, they continued to resist against reason, there was nothing for her to do.

[break][break] Besides, she had to shift her focus. She was left with no other choice. This League avatar was out of control, unhinged, she could tell there had been a shift in his demeanor. She didn't know anything about the crown prince personally, she didn't really care to know. But she did recall their original meeting and how they had engaged in brief combat.

[break][break] Something had changed. Perhaps something between them both.

[break][break] The Zekrom avatar was still nowhere to be seen. However, a chill slid down her back despite all of that. Victoria usually had keen senses and instincts, so when her gut was telling her it was time to get out of here she didn't think to question it. Instead she turned to find the source. Out on the mighty sea's, from Tori's vantage point on the cliff, Kyogre could be seen attempting an ORIGIN PULSE aimed for all of Sootopolis.

[break][break] Victoria felt herself pale as she looked horror itself in the eye. Then, as if kicked in her gut, she turned back towards Jill who, was still very much so, incapacitated on the ground. She reached out to take her hand when a deafening rumble echoed in her ears. She froze, eyes wide in alarm as she looked for the source only to feel her heart sink to her stomach.

[break][break] Beset by intense an wind gust from Zekrom, the earth was ripped up in the form of a massive ROCKSLIDE tumbling towards the very cliffside where they were frozen in place. Without warning her Zeraora switched out for her Melmetal, Hephaestus, as it came swiftly to the Kantonian's rescue.

[break][break] Down below, her Lucario, Osiris, noticed the commotion and sensed the distress in his trainer. Without a moment's hesitation the Mega evolved Lucario utlized his EXTREME SPEED to quickly blitz his way up the cliffside to return to his trainer, who was clearly in distress.

[break][break] Once again, with little to no time to think, Tori could barely register what it was she needed to do. Everything was moving in slow-mo yet still managed to happen all too fast for her liking. Her Melmetal prepared itself to be a steady shield for it's trainer. Activating it's IRON DEFENSE the Melmetal began to rotate along the hex nut in it's chest. Using it's arms to increase it's velocity until it was a spinning iron fortress. In a DOUBLE IRON BASH the Melmetal would aim to turn the larger incoming boulder's into smaller pebbles. Creating a path of safety for it's trainer.

[break][break] Osiris, on the other hand, was intent to lead his trainer to safety, no matter what. In the process, he jerked her forward making Tori miss out on grabbing hold of Jill. "N-NO!" She shouted but it was too late and she knew it. Tori couldn't turn back to save her partner in time. Otherwise she would risk endangering, not only herself, but her pokemon as well.

[break][break] Following Hephaestus' and Osiris' lead, they barley managed to escape impeding death. Thanks to the path Hephaestus had cleared for her, and Oz's quick thinking, they managed to find a moment of respite after the ROCKSLIDE was over and done with. Tori stayed collapsed on the ground gasping for air.

[break][break] Sweat, dirt, blood, and rain dripped down her face and got into her eyes causing it to sting. A blood-curdling cry echoed in her ears causing her to swiftly get a headache. It sounded like a dying dog that couldn't breathe and it wouldn't cease. It wasn't until she felt the burning in her chest that she realized it was all coming from her. Her tears, her cries. It was all her.

[break][break] Osiris was able to feel his trainer's anguish. It was echoed in the heaviness in his gaze. He also felt helpless. If only he had been here sooner he might've been able to save his trainer's partner instead of being forced to make such a hard decision. Just like his trainer in that moment, he felt broken and weak.

[break][break] With shaky breath's Tori managed to collect herself and look back at where they had been. Nothing but a rocky tomb remained of where her partner had been. "Jill..." Tori whispered before she felt herself get sick. Her body heaved as it attempted to reject whatever was inside her but nothing came out. Nothing but cries of pain and groans.

[break][break] Tori hadn't known Jill for long but that didn't change the fact that they had worked together often. Not to mention, she saw a reflection of herself in Jill. She didn't deserve to die. Not like this.

[break][break] And she was the cause. She had murdered Jill. If she hadn't hesitated. If she was stronger. She could've saved her. "FUCK!" Tori dug her nails so deeply into her palm that they began to bleed, only to smack her balled fist into the earth. Tori felt sick but she couldn't just stay here and wallow. Grief and sadness turned into a bitter rage as she glared after the Galarian Prince and his Zekrom.

[break][break] Pulling herself slowly to her feet she stood for a moment in silence as torrential rain poured down on her. "Just you wait..." she muttered under her breath. "I'll kill you." she hissed under her breath in the direction the crown prince had left. A venomous promise. "Let's go." She spoke to her pokémon as they looked back at her. "We have to report."

[break][break] All wasn't lost this day. Objectively, Rocket had managed to come out relatively fine. But Tori couldn't help but feel like this was one of her biggest blunders, despite the objective truth of this...'tie'.
[attr="class","nametag"] &

tl;dr: swaps zeraora for melmetal. melmetal uses iron defense & double iron bash to clear a path through the rockslide. mega lucario uses extreme speed to climb the cliff side and pull Victoria to safety. Tori sacrifices Jill for her own safety.

[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 10 MP per IC post in your prelude thread.(x5)
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 50 MP have your character "hit rock bottom" (their lowest point).
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 50 MP have your character make a regrettable decision.
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 50 MP have your character make a sacrifice of some kind.(ally death)
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 50 MP have your character's Pokémon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character.
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 100 MP for completing your prelude.
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] 250 MP for "tying" or having a "neutral" outcome for your character and their prelude.
[attr="class","cp cp-fire"] Total: 1,160 MP



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October 13
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POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 4:16:49 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]PRELUDE COMPLETE!



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