i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 4:43:37 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"Hm..." Rex narrowed his eyes thoughtfully as he inspected the restroom door. His gaze wandered towards the sign on the door. That was definitely a triangle, and it was definitely placed in a way that indicated a dress. Next to him was his ranger partner. He snuck a glance at her, before returning to the sign. "Alright."

Yep, this was definitely a women's restroom. Cross-referencing Airi with the sign proved it.

The men's restroom next door was blocked by the trainer's Munchlax, who unceremoniously slept in front of the door to ensure that the angry Krabby within didn't come out and attack them.

"I can't go in there, Airi." Rex looked at the ranger nurse earnestly and with much regret. It looked like he was about to deliver terrible news, instead of the nonsense that fell from his lips. "It's a women's bathroom. I'll get in trouble."

Judging from the state of the door, and from this section of Sea Mauville, nobody had used this bathroom in the past sixty years.

44. Use a pokemon to place temporary barricades.
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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 3:50:24 GMT


rex and airi

Airi did not fully understand it, but the League assigned her to explore the Sea Mauville to retrieve some important documents that are believed to be housed inside of the building from a few years ago. Normally, she is requested to assist with the medical team, but not this time. Perhaps, it has something to do with the fact that the League is starting to realize that she is capable of taking on other missions outside of the ones that involves her having to heal. Ideally, she should consider it to be great compliment, right?


Luckily, she does not have to take on the mission by herself. Her deep azure eyes glances over at her partner when he makes the comment to her about not being able to enter the women's bathroom. How cute. It is true, she finds his polite and thoughtful manner to be cute and innocent. However, this is not the time or the place. The two of them are on an important issue and need to complete it as soon as possible incase sometime dangerous happens to them or around them. She giggles, then shakes her head at his words. "Relax, kid. You have my permission to enter the women's bathroom. Besides, do you really think that they are in women in here?" she asks him as a few more giggles escape from her mouth.


"C'mon. Let's go inside. We do not have too much time," she explains to him, taking the lead and entering the women's bathroom first. She is not sure if Rex is following behind her or not at first, but she takes it upon herself to call out to him. "Hey, are you okay back there?" she questions, her piercing blue orbs still focusing on their surroundings at the moment to decrease any opportunities for a Wild Pokémon or expected human to ambush them. Her Rotom Phone floating around in the air, using an Item Finder app as an attempt to find any items that are not visible to the naked eye.



21. Use technology to assist in the operation.






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March 13
Littleroot Town
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 8:16:17 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
"I dunno." Rex shrugged. "Maybe there are women in there."

The door creaked open. There were not.

For a moment, Rex didn't reply. His gaze wandered the restroom like a demon infringing upon Eden. This was a world that no man had or would ever see again. He was here temporarily and with a purpose, but that did not mean that he belonged here. His eyes landed on pipes dripping water from the ceiling, resulting in clear liquid pooling at their feet.

Mighty inconvenient. The Sea Mauville folks could've at least left a decades-old wet floor sign in here as a contingency. It was rude of them not to. Hindsight was twenty-twenty, he supposed.

"I'm good. Just preparing to live out my life in prison when we make it back up to the surface." He was far too honest. A verified boy scout and battle junkie. "It feels wrong being here. It's exactly as I imagined it."

Like the men's restroom, but with no urinals.

"Let's see..." By Rex's feet, a Togepi followed him, demanding uppies. He eventually complied and scooped the egg up and held him close. "I'm not a kid, y'know. I can drink! I can adult."

With the pouty expression and the Togepi waggling nubby arms, that claim continued to crumble. He was more of a teen pretending at adulthood. The classic 'Pokémon Trainer' complex.

03. Address environmental hazards.
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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 4:50:00 GMT


rex and airi

Airi giggles and rolls her eyes at Rex's statement. It seems that her partner still feels a little uneasy about exploring the women's bathroom. "Old and wrinkled up women, if anything." She teases him, a few more giggles escaping from her lips. "If it safe to assume that you have not had your first kiss yet?" She asks him, a curious expression showing over her face as she glances over to make eye contact with him for a few seconds. Truthfully, it is none of her business. However, his answer may help her better understand his nervousness about being inside the women's bathroom.


"Watch your step," she warns him, taking notice of the wet spots covering a great deal of the floor in specific areas of the room. Her dark azure eyes glancing up and taking notice of the leaking pipes above them. "If I were a handyman, I would be able to fix those," she adds. Alas, she is only a Ranger Nurse. "But, who needs a handyman when there are other creative ways to fix stuff like this?" She smirks, then summons her Leavanny. "Mint use your String Shot to stop those pipes from leaking!" The Leavanny nods her head then fires countless amount of String Shot around the pipes to prevent them for leaking. Hopefully, the String Shot will be able to last for a while.


"Rex, I promise you. You are not going to have to go to jail for entering he women's bathroom. Especially when I am the only woman in this bathroom," she assures him, not that she is confident that her words would be able to ease his nerves a bit. He seems to be a little too lost in his head. Oh, well. She can at least hope that he will manage to pull it together at some point.


Airi cannot help, but to laugh at Rex's protest. She finds it cute. "Aww, you're right. You are an adult kid, who can partake in some adult activities," she teases him. She then turns her attention towards the adorable Togepi in his arms. "And with an even cuter Pokemon!" She smiles as she engages with the baby Pokémon for a few seconds. "You two make quite the team," she smirks before turning her attention away from them in order to continue searching for the missing box of information.



37. Perform emergency repairs on infrastructure or equipment.






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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @althus
Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 6:51:21 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Togepi looked at Airi with large round eyes, full of childish innocence as he waved his arms around happily. The glee of youth was a delicate flower, threatening to curdle and turn to ash within an uncouth and harsh world. The small egg raised its arms and let out a happy cheer as the nurse doted on him.

'toge toge!' Fingers waggled, a Metronome was cast, which turned into a Safeguard that covered Airi, Mint, Rex, and his Togepi.

Yet that was the disposition of youth. Ideals over truth. Hope over realism. Ambition over judiciousness. The ranger nurse was right. They were a perfect fit, but only because the shared bond of childishness had yet to be fully strained before threatening to snap. When it did, Rex and Togepi would be adults.

That was a harsh truth. Yet it did not need to come today. Instead, they could worry about breaking arbitrary rules in a bathroom that did not matter.

"Hey, I've been kissed! Loads of times!" Rex reddened and looked away, annoyed. "I have game! I'll have you know that I gave a girl my number after saving her from a Blaziken. You're asking a lotta weird questions. It's embarrassing..."

Togepi had done that, his Metronome converting into a Hyper Beam which had left a large chunk of Sea Mauville ablaze. Airi didn't need to know that, though. It was neither here not there. Instead, the younger trainer focused in on an odd section of the wall. He peered at it, before knocking on it.

A hollow thud rang out as knuckle rapped against plaster.

"Hey, Airi. Use that item finder gizmo, would ya?"

14. Ensure the area is safe from remaining threats.
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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 16:11:18 GMT


rex and airi

The short amount of time Airi was able to engage with the Togepi is more than enough to encourage her to want to capture her own in the future. A gentle smile curls around her lips as she watches a soft glow coat her entire body as the Togepi manages to set up a Safeguard around their current party. Better safe than sorry, right? "Thanks cutie-pie!" She gives the Togepi an appreciative smile. Despite its small size, the Togepi has proven that it can be of great assistance, too.


Airi giggles as she notices the reddish glow on her in partner's face. Apparently, her playful antics are leaving him slightly flustered. She cannot help it. He reminds her of the little brother that she always wished she would have been blessed with before her mother passed away. "Oh, yeah? I suppose that was pretty brave and charming of you. Good job!" she praises him, giving him a gentle smile. She fought the urge to reach over to tug against his cheek. She laughs at his statement about her questions being embarrasing. "Hey! I am just trying to keep us in good spirits and distract your mind from being in the women's bathroon, since that seem to cause you a little bit of stress!" She explains to herself. She may or may not have left the part out that she finds it amusing to tease him a bit.


Airi watches as Rex starts to interact with an odd section of the wall. "Ah, you also find this wall to be a little suspicious, too, huh?" she says, as she continues to watch Rex knock against the wall a few times. She then nods her head and retrieves her device from around her waist. She aims the device towards the wall, and it starts to beep quite loudly throughout the room as it indicates to them that there is in fact something hiding behind the wall.


"Alright, let's see what is behind it. We just need to bre-..." Airi's words are cut off as she hears the sound of sharp pinchers snipping in the background. She turns her body around just in time to notice a rather large Crawdaunt making its way towards them. "Of course, this task couldn't be this easy, right?" she chuckles, then turns her attention back towards Rex. "I will take care of this. Focus on getting through to wall to retrieve that item," she tells Rex, then turns her attention back towards the Crawdaunt. "Mint use Leaf Blade!" The Leavanny's sharp blades glow an emerald, green hue as she rushes towards the Water/Dark-type Pokémon and slashes at her opponent. The Crawdaunt lets out a loud and painful cry before releasing a powerful blast of bullet-like bubbles at Mint. Mint stood her ground, then crossed her arm-like blades across her body to endure the small amount of damage. "Leaf Blade once more!" Mint leaps high in the air before clashing against the Crawdaunt with her glowing arms to deliver another powerful Leaf Blade, which leaves the Crawdaunt low on health and causes it to flee from the scene.



27. Handle encounters with hostile individuals or Pokémon.






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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 17:45:24 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Rex wasn't stressed. He was simply wary of breaking the rules! They existed for a reason, and if he and Airi broke them on a whim, they were no better than criminals. Rules were meant to be followed. If they weren't, then...

Don't think about it.

Instead, he puffs up with pride at the praise. It's childish and, deep down, he suspected that Airi was naturally loose with her praise of others. Still, there was little need to look that deeply. It was praise, and what sort of child didn't like praise? Or, as the ranger nurse would call him, a 'kid adult'.

"Gotcha. No worries, shouldn't take me more than a minute..." Rex felt the wall again. Hard, but crumbling. It was plaster designed to be broken later to claim whatever was within. He kicked it once, and it refused to crumble. He did it again, and it refused to crack. His face quickly flushed in shame, which quickly paled as the Crawdaunt wandered in. "Shoot."

He look at Airi innocently. "Think that one's female?"

The ranger nurse leapt into action, leaving the young trainer behind. He grumbled as she did so. He wanted to fight. He hadn't gotten to throw hands since he and had beaten that Blaziken. Still, he was riding the high of giving out his autograph and number.

Airi could have this one.

"Alright, Togepi." Rex held the egg in front of him, their heads touching. "Here's what you're gonna do."

"Toge toge!"

"You're gonna do your Metronome thing..."


"Waggle your finger..."


"And you're gonna punch through that wall."


"I dunno, use like, Brick Break or something! It's brick, right? Break it!"

"Toge." Togepi nodded in affirmation, before waggling his finger to cast another Metronome. Rex's Metronome luck was pretty good, but he had still almost blown up half the ship with an attempted Explosion. This time, though, the Metronome converted into the Brick Break that they both desired. "Pi!"

The wall shattered. Files and folders came falling out.

"Nice." Rex rubbed cheeks with the Togepi in delight. "This is why you're the best!"

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 18:59:47 GMT


rex and airi

"You did great, Mint!" Airi praises her Pokémon for her victory. "We shouldn't have to worry about it bothering us anymore," she adds, watching the Crawdaunt make a run for it. For a moment, she finds herself wondering if the Crawdaunt was a Wild Pokémon or if it belongs to a hidden trainer, who is trying to prevent them from finding the mysterious documents. Either way, she will keep a watchful eye on everything around them.


Airi laughs at Rex's question. "Oh, I am sure it was a female," she teases him, shifting her attention back towards him as she watches his Togepi waddling its cute and adorable hands around until it manages to strike the wall with a powerful Brick Break. The perfect move to use for this event. It is either their lucky day, or Rex's Togepi is extremely well-trained.


"Whoa, don't let those files and folders hit the floor!" Airi yelled out, rushing into grab as many files and folders as she can before any of them have a chance to make contact with the soaking, wet floor. Two of them have put in too much work to locate the value information to let the water underneath their feet ruin them. Mint, using her quick-thinking uses her String Shot and bladed arms to weave a basket to store all of the intel for them. "Thanks again, Mint." Airi smiles at her Pokémon as she carefully places the files and folders inside of the basket made from silk.


"Alright. We have what we were asked to retrieve. Let's get ready to head back, what do you say?" Airi speaks directly to Rex. Her piercing azure eyes making eye contact with his eyes for a few seconds as she awaits an answer from him.








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March 13
Littleroot Town
Wandering Trainer
Climb the ladder, one rung at a time.
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Althus Rex
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 20:50:02 GMT
Althus Rex Avatar
Mint caught the files. A prudent decision, too. The water would have ruined them, and Rex and Airi would have to do a walk of shame back to their superior and explain that they lost sensitive information to a wet floor.

That'd be embarrassing. It might've even caused Rex to consider swan diving off the tallest point in Sea Mauville.

"That was good thinking. Nice work!" Rex waggled his finger in a way similar to his Togepi's Metronome. Togepi mirrored the action, and the two finished waggling their fingers in asynchronous harmony. He beamed at Airi as he pilfered his way through the files. If they brought back someone's secret diary instead of the desired intel, they'd be in trouble. "You're the real MVP. You'll be as good as me, one day!"

His eyes scanned the files. Lots of ledgers. Lots of numbers. Lots of abandoned scripts. This looked like something that someone had hidden in a hurry, and within the wall of a random restroom had been the best available place.

Strange. It made the young trainer shift uneasily as he put the files back into the basket. It was either that or her intense gaze. It was like the nurse was drilling into the back of his head.

"Yeah, we can go back, I guess." Rex shifted awkwardly, before looking at his colleague. "But I have a request! No, a question!"

His gaze grew intense.

"Can I..." His eyes began to sparkle. "...battle you, sometime? You're strong, and I want all the practice I can get to become Hoenn's champion!"

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2024 4:01:10 GMT


rex and airi

"Thanks?" Airi responds with a slightly confused expression shown over her face. She is pretty confident that she has been a ranger a lot longer than Rex has been one. "But I do believe that you have your words twisted around a bit. If you keep hanging around me, then you will become as good as me. Hopefully!" she teases him, watching him take a careful glance through the secret files. She glances over his shoulder, but even she does not understand all of the numbers and symbols printed over the forms. More than likely, it best to not even attempt to figure them out at this point.


Airi raises her eyebrow at his request. It is known knowledge to a lot of the other rangers, that Airi is not one to engage in Pokémon battles, unless she has to do so. However, she cannot turn her back against a fellow ranger, who desires to become stronger. She nods her head and gives him a warm smile. "Of course, ki-.." She catches herself from preferring to him as a kid. "Yes, Rex. We can have a battle someday," she adds, flashing him another smile.


Airi recalls her Leavanny back to its Pokémon for a rest. She feels a little bit more confident with Rex's Pokémon's ability to protect them from any other threats awaiting them in shadows after witnessing the strength of Togepi's Metronome. "You did great today, Rex. You should be pretty proud of yourself, too," she smiles, gently wrapping her arms around his shoulder at the two of them start to make their exit out of Sea Mauville.









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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 6:10:41 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]WOPS COMPLETE!



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