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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Desmond King | APP
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 5:26:41 GMT

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I have never been one to turn down coffee. so, it looks like you have yourself a deal. =)

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Desmond King | APP
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 4:44:56 GMT

[attr="class","fa fa-check-circle pos icon"]


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I would say that is quite the compliment coming from a photographer such as yourself. You are pretty photogenetic, too. It would be nice to see that smile of yours though.

[newclass=".hoeapp b"] font:bold 12px/11px 'Poppins'; } .hoeapp i { letter-spacing:0.5px; color:#a9a9a9; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Circle of Life [M]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 18:46:12 GMT


circle of life

Airi smiles and nods her head at Navy's saying her name out loud. He took his time and pronounced it perfectly without any issues at all. "Ai means Love and affection. Ri is pearl and Jasmine," she explains to him, sharing the meaning of her name just in case he was curious to know a little of its origin. "Alright, sir. Navy it is." She responses to his simple request, flashing him with another alluring smile. She finds Navy to be cute and clever play on his surname.


"Hopefully, a pretty and peaceful day," she adds with a small smirk. The two of them still have to make sure that the entire bale makes it to the ocean without any injuries or worst. Despite her striking appearance, Airi is not only a knowledgeable Ranger Nurse, but also a talented trainer, too. Although, she does refer not like to use violence without making an attempt to de-escalate the situation first. However, today is one of those rare occasions where she will be willing to make the opposite approach to ensure the safety of vulnerable hatchlings. Luckily for her, she will also have Navy's support, too. She has heard great stories about him, and she feels confident in his ability to strength to keep everyone safe, too.


"It was not a terrible trip at all." She responses to him, her shimmering ocean blue eyes glancing over to make eye contact with Navy's darker orbs for a few seconds. She wonders if he is a native of Dewford City of if he was born and raised in another city or town within the Hoenn Region. Of course, there is an opportunity that he could be from another region, too. Unfortunately, her question will have to wait for later due to the upcoming attack from above. Her piercing eyes glancing away from Navy, focusing on the Wingull diving towards them. "Perfect. Leave it us." She offers Navy a confident smile as she accepts his suggestion.


Impressive. Airi thinks to herself, watching Navy channel the power from his mysterious suit to perform a powerful Stone Edge to enclose the hatchlings and keep them safe. She has never witnessed anything like this in her entire life. She will have to make a mental note to inquire about his suit later. Right now, it is up to her to take care of the aggressive Wingull. Now that the bale of hatchlings is safe, Airi's Pokémon do not have to risk hurting them in the process. "Chamomile use Discharge!" She calls out, extending her arm out towards the sky. The Shiny Pachirisu lets out a cheerful cry as she climbs her trainer's arm, then leaps high into the air. Beautiful light blue sparks of electricity dances around Chamomile's cheeks before she fires multiple shimmering bolts of electricity form her body at the folk of Wingull.



Notes goes here.




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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Protecting Buriance
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 3:19:38 GMT

It quite obvious to Airi that something seems a little bit off with Kouji since the last time the two of them encountered at other at the Berry Garden and as much as she would like to figure out the answer to her own question right away, she will have to push it off until after the current threat has been taken care of.

Airi smiled again at the Absol, watching her recover her strength. Her piecing blue eyes widening as she witnesses Kouji's Pokemon undergo a mesmerizing transformation. Mega Evolution?! When did he unlock Mega Evolution?! Airi thought to herself. She glanced over at Kouji with a smirk curled against the corners of her mouth as she shook her head at him. "It looks like someone has been keeping a trick up their sleeves. Not bad, I am not even mad," she laughed, then shifted her attention back at the beautiful Dark-type Pokémon standing not too far away from her. A fearless warrior with snow-white fur and the majestic wings of an angel. Her power and beauty even more breathtaking than before when Airi first laid her eyes on Absol.

Airi nodded her head at Kouji when he confirmed that he trusts her. "Good, because I trust you, too..."

The battle was becoming even more heated as the Pokémon on the battlefield went against each other without holding back any mercy. Airi watched as the aggressive fighting-type struck the ground to summon a pillar of crystal-like materials from the ground. She figured that the attack was going to be aimed at one of the Pokémon. Unfortunately, the Conkeldurr had decided to send the attack towards her instead. Cinnamon was too far away would not be able to make it to her trainer in enough time. Luckily, Absol was able to protect her with a Detect. A deep sigh of relief escaped from Airi's mouth as she fell down to her knees. "Thank you Absol, that was close." She smiled up at the guardian angel.

Cinnamon let out a loud and intimidating hiss at the Conkeldurr, not pleased with its actions towards her trainer. "Cinnamon, I think it is time to wrap this up. Venom Shock!" Cinnamon leaped into the air, firing globs of glowing purple, poisonous liquid from the pattern of her back at the opponent. The powerful attack doubled due to the Conkeldurr being poisoned.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Protecting Buriance
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 2:36:48 GMT

"Just watch us!" Airi smirked, winking her right eye at Kouji. Despite her petite and attractive appearance Airi is a talented trainer and she has the ability to defend herself during challenging times like this one. She will not only prevent the cemetery from being destroyed, but she will also prove to Kouji that he does not have to worry about her well-being.

Cinnamon's sparkling and powerful stream of flames hit the Conkeldurr quite hard, inflicting a decent amount of damage to its body. It seems that Cinnamon's scorching hot attack was enough to give Absol the opening that she needed to assault their opponent with her impressive physical prowness. "Route C? Path A?" Airi repeated out loudly, glancing over at Kouji with an eyebrow arched at him. "Did you join the military or something and forgot to tell me?" she asked, blinking her deep azure eyes at him a few times as she awaited his response to her question.

Airi's attention soon shifted from Kouji over to the Absol, who landed in front of her another enduring a super effective attack from the massive Conkeldurr. Airi's heart began to race a bit as she imagined the amount of pain that dark-type Pokémon must be experiencing after taking such a powerful attack head on. Airi eventually flashed the Absol a gentle smile as she slowly nodded her head at Absol, encouraging her to pick herself up and fight back against their opponent. In the meantime, Cinnamon will have to cover for her. "This might seem crazy, but I am going to need you and your Pokémon to trust us, Kouji!" Airi called out to her friend and his Pokémon. She is about to take a risk, and she needs to know that Kouji and Absol trusts Cinnamon and her.

After hearing their response, Airi nodded her head then prepared to give out her order. "Toxic!" She ordered her Salazzle. Cinnamon took a graceful leap into the air before opening her mouth widely then firing a steam of light purple venom from her mouth, aiming it at the Conkeldurr's eye. The attack will not only blind the monstrous fighting-type for a moment, but it will also badly poison it. A double-edge sword to be honest, which is why Airi encouraged Kouji and his partner to trust them. If their opponent has a special ability, then it will receive a boost from having a status condition. However, its health will be placed on a timer as the poison slowly overtakes it body.

"We can't let up, Venom Drench!" She followed up with her next order. Still in midair, Cinnamon opened her mouth and let out another shot of light purple venom from her mouth to drench the opponent's body. This time, the venom will lower the opponent's attack, special attack, and speed. The effective should be more than enough to allow Absol enough time to strike back against it without too much trouble.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Protecting Buriance
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 1:20:11 GMT

The moment Cinnamon's feet sense the small trembles against the ground, she quickly used her nimble movements to leap from the ground and climb up one of the nearest trees to protect her trainer and herself from any damage caused by the Earthquake. The massive fighting-type Pokémon is going to be more of a pain in the ass then she hoped that it would with powerful moves like this.

"As usual, it does not seem like you are doing a great job at it! In fact, I could probably blame you for all of this since trouble seems to love following you around!" she teased him with a smirk. Her cunning smirk soon faded away as she watched the Absol destroy the massive boulder. Majestic and powerful. Airi thought to herself, watching the Absol in amazement. Cinnamon let out a loud hiss, signaling for her trainer to get her head back in the game, too.

"I am not one that likes to solve problems with violence at first, but it seems like we do not have too much of a choice at the moment. I refuse to let these hooligans destroy the cemetery," she stated, sliding down from her Salazzle's back. "Cinnamon, work your charm!" Airi commanded her Pokémon with a smile. Cinnamon raises her back, then shakes her slender body to release thick pink power with light pink sparkles from her pores. The Sweet Scent drew out a few male nearby Salandit from the wilderness to help fight the lackies. "Now, we can focus on taking out the boss." She told her old friend.

"Or maybe I will be the one to dazzle you," Airi smirked at Kouji. "Flamethrower!" Cinnamon opened her mouth widely, releasing a gorgeous, yet eerie light purple and pink steam of fire from her mouth at the opponent.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 0:49:11 GMT

Airi smiled, then nodded her head at Shinobu. "I suppose." She responded to him. Although she did not admit it to him, she slightly disappointed that she was not able to find an Absol this time around. Perhaps, she will have better luck the next time. "You have a garden, huh? I've been thinking about starting one myself, too." She shared with him, shifting the topic of their conversation to a lighter one.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Airi agreed, glancing down at the tired Bean, resting in her arms. "Let's get them healed up, then we can grab some food together afterwards," she suggested, taking the lead to guide them out of the cave.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2024 0:40:41 GMT

Airi frowned at Kokou's words. The last time she checked did not ask for his advice. In fact, she gave him two simple orders to obey, and he appeared to be having a hard time with following through with them. "Some Wild Pokémon do understand our language. Rushing and showing aggression right away doesn't do anything, but make the matters worst. It is always worth a shot to at least reason with someone before acting out with force," she told him in a stern tone.

Airi sighed, her plan did not seem to be too effective. At first, she thought the shower of rain was enough to snap the Swellow back to its senses, but that does not seem to be the case. Airi keep a watchful eye on the Swellow as she took a few seconds to brainstorm another idea. She rolled her eyes as she watched Kokou attempt to "shoo" the Swellow away. He just told her that Wild Pokémon do not understand human speech, yet he is trying to tell the Swellow to go away. Airi shifted her attention away from the young trainer, then focused them on the majestic owl flying beside her. "Kokou, remember what I said, okay?" She said, hoping to remind him of her request from earlier then though he has disobeyed her words a couple of minutes ago.

Again, her words are in vain. She watched as Kokou's Pokémon attack the Swellow, knocking it down from the air and pinning it down against the ground with its unique powers. "Do you ever listen?!" She shouted at him, if she was closer to her, then she would have twisted his ear or something to express her frustration towards his actions. Luckily, the Decidueye's attack was ghost-type, which meant that it would not deal any serious damage to the Pokémon's body. However, the special effects of the attack still seem to be effective.

Airi signal for Cream to lower them back down to the ground. The Dragonair nodded her head before flying lower towards the ground. Airi carefully jumped down from her partner's back and landed on her feet in a graceful manner. Meanwhile, Bean decided to stay put on Cream's back. "You could have at least warned me about your plan. We are supposed to be working as a team after all." She expressed to him. "Sorry, Swellow. We really need to find another place for you to build your nest. A place that will be a lot better than this place. I am sure that Kokou will be able to free you right away if you promise to follow us," she spoke in a gentle tone, a warm smile curled against her lips. Bean standing on Cream and using his voice to translate the Swellow's words.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Protecting Buriance
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 21:06:05 GMT

A soft, melodic song sounded off from Airi's sweet lips as the attractive ranger made her way along the outskirts of Rustboro City, paroling the area that she was been assigned to cover for her shift. So far, she was able to guide a younger trainer on the safest route, rescued a Wild Skitty from being trapped inside a fence, and even managed to help a baby Taillow return back to its nest. Everything seem to be going quite well for the most part. Unfortunately, not all good things can last forever, right? Airi jumped from shock as she heard an unexpected clamorous noise came from outside of the path leading towards the cemetery. "What is in the world? That does not sound good," she stated, her deep azure eyes glaring towards the path.

"Cinnamon!" she called out, releasing her Salazzle from her orb. The stunning, grayish purple salamander with pink marking let out a soft hiss as she greeted her trainer. Airi smiled at her, gently giving her a pet on the head as the Salazzle transitioned from her standing position to lowering herself down to all four. "Something is happening at the cemetery, and we need to check it out," She explained to the Fire and Poison-type Pokémon as she hopped onto her back and using her as a mount.

With Cinnamon's swift speed and ability to maneuver through rough terrain, Airi was able to arrive on the scene without any major challenges along the way. A cold shiver rushed down her spine as Cinnamon moved closer towards the entrance of the cemetery. One of the places Airi knew enjoyed visiting. Especially, not since she lost her beloved mother. She felt an uncomfortable feeling building up inside of her stomach just from being so close to the cemetery. It was not long before she felt her mind becoming clouded with past memories of her mother. Her deep azure eyes becoming teary-eyed as she found herself dazing off from a bit.

The sound cry of a Wild Pokémon quickly caused Airi to snap out of her thoughts. She glanced in the direction of the noise, taking in the sight of a rather large fighting type falling down against the ground. Shortly, after its fall a small army of fighting-types would emerge behind it. There is no way that she will be able to take them all out on her own. Airi narrowed her eyes a bit just enough to noticed a familiar face heading towards her. "Kouji! What are you doing here?" She questioned, happy to see his face again, but also concerned to see him in a scenario as chaotic as this one.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 3:39:42 GMT

Airi's heart almost jump out of her chest as the sound of a gunshot echoed through her sensitive ears. Her azure eyes immediately glancing over at Kokou and thinking the worst possible incident that could have happened only a few seconds ago. "Hey! Are you crazy! You need to put that gun away before you hurt someone!" She shouted at him, slightly relieved that he did not shoot at a Pokémon, but into the air instead. "I am thankful that you did not harm a Pokémon with that little weapon of yours, but remember everything that goes up must come down," she explained to him, not that she expects him to listen to those words of wisdom.

Airi sighed, then turned her attention back towards the Swellow, who chose to ignore her request. If everything was not bad enough, Kokou would take it upon himself to fire another gunshot in the air. Unfortunately, Airi was not able to scold him for his actions due to the Swellow attempting to attack her. Cream quickly retrieves away from the aggressive flying-type using her agile and graceful movements. The majestic dragon let out a cry warning cry as she locked eyes with the bizarre Swellow. The Swellow puffed out its chest, cawed loudly, and flapped its wings wildly at Airi and her Pokémon. "Cream, calm it down, please." Airi instructed her Pokémon in calm down.

Cream let out another loud and mystical cry, this time the precious blue crystal around her name started to glow a gorgeous light blue hue as she summoned a dark rain cloud over the Swellow's head. Within seconds, a downpour occurred of its head. The Swellow cawed out loud and flapped it wings even harder before slowly calming itself down thanks to the cool water drenching its feathers and soothing sound of the train sounded off inside of its ears. After the bird calm down a bit more, the storm cloud eventually faded away.

"Let's give this another shot... Swellow, we have to find another nesting area for you. The power lines are not a good place to make a nest. It could cause harm to you and your future eggs. There's a forest not too far away from here. Please, allow us to guide you there." Airi spoke out to the rather large bird, hoping that it has a clearer mind and more open to her suggestion.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 2:04:59 GMT

Another successful capture. Airi walked over to the red and white sphere, picking it up then carefully clipping it onto her utility belt. Airi walked over to her Mudkip, praising him and rewarding him with a soft nudge before picking him up to carry him inside her arms. Although Bean was able to take down his opponent, his body did take quite the beating from his last opponent not to mention that the energy was a little low from the other battle, too. Airi took a few moments to tend to Bean's wounds, then refresh his skin with fresh water to help rejuvenate his energy level.

After she finished tending to Bean, Airi would notice that Shinobu and Renji had managed to make a new friend. A cute and adorable Bulbasaur, who kind of reminded her of Matcha a bit. "How cute, you two made a new friend," she giggled, approaching them. Bean jumping down from her arms to get a better view of the Bulbasaur right before Shinobu used a Pok Ball on it.

"I still cannot believe your luck, Shinobu. You have captured quite a few Pokémon here and I still have not encounter not one Absol, yet. I suppose Absol is rarer than I imagined that it would be," she stated.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
45 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 1:53:09 GMT

"Ah, a year again, huh? I see. I have been a ranger for a few years. Every day is a different day. The job can be difficult it times, but it can be quite rewarding at times, too." Airi says, giving Scout another warm and gentle smile. Her deep blue ocean did take notice of Scout taking a few steps back to keep a decent amount of distance between the two of them. She did not take any offense to his actions at all. She figures that perhaps he is a little shy or maybe even a little guarded around strangers.

Airi turns her attention back towards the ocean. "It feels so much better being out here in here on the open seas instead of being trapped instead of the ranger station waiting for something to happen," she says, her deep ocean blue eyes keeping a watchful eye on the swimming Corsola.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @airi
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 1:36:55 GMT

At least the other trainer did not seem to be too bothered by Bean's present and that was a good thing. Airi giggled softly, then nodded her head at the other person. "Yeah. He is quite the curious one. A little mischievous at times, too. But I do not think that is by he needed up here. It seems that he may have sense danger," She added, her deep blue eyes making eye contact with his darker orbs for a few seconds. He seems to look a little bit familiar to her, but she cannot remember exactly where she may know him from at the moment. It is not that she is horrible with faces, just more so preoccupied with more important matters as the moment, then to figure out how she knows him.

"Exactly, this why I am going to have to intervene before anything bad can happen," she stated, shifting her attention back towards the bird and the power line as she took a moment to assess the situation. Her thoughts were soon distracted when the male trainer offered to help them introduced himself to her. She sighs a bit, debating on if she should allow him to help her not. It is not that she does not want him to help her, but more so along the lines of not wanting a civilian taking a major risk and potentially getting injured. "Nice to meet you, Kouki. I am Airi. Listen... I will let you help me out, but you have to promise me two things... First, you are going to have to listen to me. Secondly, you have to promise me that you will not attempt to harm this Pokémon." she shook his head, introduced herself, then hit him with the guidelines for helping her out. If he agrees to her words, then she will allow him to help her.

"If you have a flying-type then follow me." She told him, taking out a Poke Ball and releasing her majestic Dragonair. The Dragon-type lets out a mystical cry as her trainer approaches her, then gives her an affection pat on her head before climbing onto her body. With a quick signal from her trainer, Cream extended her wing-like ears and took flight in the air.

As Airi, Bean, and Cream approached the Swellow, Airi prepared to make an attempt to reason with the flying-type. "Swellow, you cannot build your nest here. It is not safe. Please, allow us to help you find a safe area to build your nest," she spoke out to the Swellow, hoping that it will take her request into consideration.

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