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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 2:04:59 GMT

Another successful capture. Airi walked over to the red and white sphere, picking it up then carefully clipping it onto her utility belt. Airi walked over to her Mudkip, praising him and rewarding him with a soft nudge before picking him up to carry him inside her arms. Although Bean was able to take down his opponent, his body did take quite the beating from his last opponent not to mention that the energy was a little low from the other battle, too. Airi took a few moments to tend to Bean's wounds, then refresh his skin with fresh water to help rejuvenate his energy level.

After she finished tending to Bean, Airi would notice that Shinobu and Renji had managed to make a new friend. A cute and adorable Bulbasaur, who kind of reminded her of Matcha a bit. "How cute, you two made a new friend," she giggled, approaching them. Bean jumping down from her arms to get a better view of the Bulbasaur right before Shinobu used a Pok Ball on it.

"I still cannot believe your luck, Shinobu. You have captured quite a few Pokémon here and I still have not encounter not one Absol, yet. I suppose Absol is rarer than I imagined that it would be," she stated.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 1:53:09 GMT

"Ah, a year again, huh? I see. I have been a ranger for a few years. Every day is a different day. The job can be difficult it times, but it can be quite rewarding at times, too." Airi says, giving Scout another warm and gentle smile. Her deep blue ocean did take notice of Scout taking a few steps back to keep a decent amount of distance between the two of them. She did not take any offense to his actions at all. She figures that perhaps he is a little shy or maybe even a little guarded around strangers.

Airi turns her attention back towards the ocean. "It feels so much better being out here in here on the open seas instead of being trapped instead of the ranger station waiting for something to happen," she says, her deep ocean blue eyes keeping a watchful eye on the swimming Corsola.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 1:36:55 GMT

At least the other trainer did not seem to be too bothered by Bean's present and that was a good thing. Airi giggled softly, then nodded her head at the other person. "Yeah. He is quite the curious one. A little mischievous at times, too. But I do not think that is by he needed up here. It seems that he may have sense danger," She added, her deep blue eyes making eye contact with his darker orbs for a few seconds. He seems to look a little bit familiar to her, but she cannot remember exactly where she may know him from at the moment. It is not that she is horrible with faces, just more so preoccupied with more important matters as the moment, then to figure out how she knows him.

"Exactly, this why I am going to have to intervene before anything bad can happen," she stated, shifting her attention back towards the bird and the power line as she took a moment to assess the situation. Her thoughts were soon distracted when the male trainer offered to help them introduced himself to her. She sighs a bit, debating on if she should allow him to help her not. It is not that she does not want him to help her, but more so along the lines of not wanting a civilian taking a major risk and potentially getting injured. "Nice to meet you, Kouki. I am Airi. Listen... I will let you help me out, but you have to promise me two things... First, you are going to have to listen to me. Secondly, you have to promise me that you will not attempt to harm this Pokémon." she shook his head, introduced herself, then hit him with the guidelines for helping her out. If he agrees to her words, then she will allow him to help her.

"If you have a flying-type then follow me." She told him, taking out a Poke Ball and releasing her majestic Dragonair. The Dragon-type lets out a mystical cry as her trainer approaches her, then gives her an affection pat on her head before climbing onto her body. With a quick signal from her trainer, Cream extended her wing-like ears and took flight in the air.

As Airi, Bean, and Cream approached the Swellow, Airi prepared to make an attempt to reason with the flying-type. "Swellow, you cannot build your nest here. It is not safe. Please, allow us to help you find a safe area to build your nest," she spoke out to the Swellow, hoping that it will take her request into consideration.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Circle of Life [M]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2024 0:52:47 GMT


circle of life

A gentle smile curves against the corners of Airi's full, rosy-pink lips as she watches the adorable sea turtles hatch from the small, iridescent eggs. The warm, golden sunrays shining down against her sun-kiss skin casting a beautiful and ethereal light against her body, high lightening her natural attractive features a bit more. The cool, crisp breeze dancing around her body and causing her long, rich, chocolate brown air to whip around her body like a graceful vortex. Her deep azure eyes shimmering like true sapphires as the brilliant sun reflects off them. She carefully tucks a few strands of her hair behind her ears before slowly smoothing out her ranger uniform. Normally, she would be wearing a stunning bikini on the beach, but she is on the beach for business and not pleasure it would be a bad look for her to be out in such revealing clothing. Luckily, her ranger uniform fits her body just right. The comfortable, yet protective gear accentuating her dangerous hourglass-like curves in a captivating manner.


She is a long way from Rustboro City, but she would not have it any other way. Dewford Town had endured a lot of damage during the most recent event. Although, she was not as active in the event at the time Airi wishes to do whatever she can do to help rebuild the island and restore the residents' spirit. So, when Navy reached out to the Rustboro City Station for assist Airi was one of the first rangers to volunteer her services.


"Please, Sheriff. Airi is fine." She tells her, shifting her attention away from the hatchlings and over to Sheriff Navy. "And you are welcome. I was devastated to learn that Dewford Town had suffer from so much damage. I am grateful to be able to lend a helping hand," she says, her bright, alluring smile curling against the colors of her lightly painted lips and her piercing azure eyes connecting with his orbs for a few seconds. Eventually, her keen eyes shift back towards the turtles and her energetic Mudkip, who seem to be trying to entertain a bit, while also keeping a watchful eye on them, too. Her Shiny Pachirisu hanging from her left shoulder, staring up at the annoying flock of sea gulls.


"As do I." Airi responds to his previous remark. Alas, the two of them finds themselves standing on the beach preparing to serve and protect the sea turtles from any predators, who wishes to cause them any harm. Her deep blue eyes taking a quick glance up at all of the keowing sea gulls flying above them. It likes like the duo will have their work cut out for them.



Notes goes here.




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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 4:03:26 GMT

A bright and pleasant smile touches the corners of Airi's soft lips as the warm sun kisses her somewhat tanned skin. She takes a moment to inhale, then exhale the crisp, yet briny air surrounding them. Her long, chocolate brown hair dancing around in the wind as their boat continues to cruise along the pristine ocean. She closes her deep azure eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the soothing sound of the boat's humming mixed in with the cries of the Wingull's flying above them.

Bean, Airi's trusted Mudkip, is zooming around the decent-sized boats, attempting to "chase" the folk of Wingull. The aquatic creature eventually bumps into his trainer's leg, causing her to open her piercing blue eyes. "Bean, are you done with the zoomies yet?" She giggled, kneeling down to pet the mudfish's head. The Mudkip nodded his before licking at his trainer's hand in an affectionate manner. A few more giggles escape from Airi's lip as she picks up Bean, then carries him towards the railing of the boat to take a look at the group of Corsola jetting through the peaceful water after Scout pointed out that the school of Corsola are in view. "Aren't they amazing, Bean?" She smiled, admiring the bubblegum pink and white sea creatures. Bean nodded his head and wagged his tail in excitement.

"Scout, if you do not mind me asking... How long have you been ranger?" She asks him, a soft smile curling against the sides of her mouth as she walked over towards him.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
[Mission] On Top of the Utility Lines
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 3:44:09 GMT

Airi and Bean, her Mudkip, made their way through Rustboro City completing the rounds before shift change. "Well, at least the weather isn't too bad, right Bean?" Airi spoke to her azure aquatic partner, who is walking closely behind her. The Mudkip nodded his head in response before jogging ahead of his trainer a bit. "Bean! Don't wonder off too ahead of me!" She called out to the mudfish Pokémon. She sighed and shook her head at bit at her partner. Energetic as always," she giggled as she continued to walk along the path.

As Airi continued to follow the path ahead, she soon felt her cell phone vibrating against her hip. She carefully removed the device from her utility belt to read the alert across the screen. Apparently, a wild bird Pokémon has been seen trying to build its nest on a few power lines within the city. Unless the said Pokémon is a Kilowatterel, there is a good chance the flying-type's life is going to be put at risk. Airi quickly marked the location of the crisis on her device. Luckily, she is not too far from it. Hopefully, she will be able to make it there in time before the bird turns into fried or roasted bird.

Up ahead, Bean found himself approaching a rather dark, and mysterious trainer and his Pokémon. Bean, being the curious individual that he is carefully move closer towards them. He glanced up and stared at the trainer for a few seconds before greeting him with a loud and cheerful bark as he titled his head to the side a bit.

Thankfully, Airi was not too far behind her Mudkip. "Bean! I told you not to wonder off to far ahead of me!" She called out to the water-type Pokémon, carefully picking him up and carrying him inside of her arms. "My apologies," she said to the younger trainer, barely making eye contact with him. However, her deep azure eyes did make contact with the flying-type above trying to make its nest within the power lines. "This isn't good. I am going to have to find a way to stop that Swellow before it hurts itself. I will also need to make sure that no one else gets hurt, too." She spoke more to herself than to anyone else around her.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2024 1:11:37 GMT

The Poke Ball shook a couple of times before coming to halt, confirming that the Pangoro has been successfully captured. Airi smiled as she walked over to retrieve the red and white orb from the ground. Airi then shifted her attention towards Bean. "You did an amazing job out there. You are getting a lot stronger," she praised her Mudkip, kneeling down to give him a gentle pat on his head. Airi knew that Bean has been training extremely hard lately in hopes of evolving someday. Once his trainer had finished petting him affectionately, Bean barked at Shinobu compliment before he rushed off towards Renji, seeking his approval of his recent battle against the larger Pokémon.

Airi rolled her eyes at Shinobu comment. "Not so bad? That battle was flawless," she stated with a confident grin spread across her lips. "But thank you. I know that I may not look like much at first glance, but I have been around Pokémon the majority of my life and I have learned how to train them to their full potential," she added, tucking a few strands of her mocha-hued hair behind her left ear.

Bean continued to engage with Renji when dark shadow emerged from one of the corners in the cave and approached him and kicked sand in his eye. The small water type let out a surprised cry as he took a few steps back from the figure then shook the sand off his body. Bean's dark, beady eyes, then made contact with a Scraggy. Apparently, the Scraggy was not too fond of Bean defeating her friend and she wished to seek revenge. After noticing what happened to her Pokémon, Airi quickly rushed over to his side. "Bean! Are you okay?" She called out to her him. The Mudkip nodded his head at his trainer's words. "Alright, if it is a fight that you want, then it is a fight that you will get!" Airi shouted at the Scraggy, not too happy about her attacking her precious Bean. "Rock Smash!" Airi ordered her Pokémon. Bean jetted towards the Scraggy with his powerful tail, leaping into the air then whipping his glowing tail around to strike to the Scraggy. The Scraggy let out a painful cry as the super effective attack knock it back and inflict a decent amount of damage to her body. The Scraggy regained her balanced then bolted towards the Mudkip for Payback. The force of the Scraggy's attack was doubled and caused the Mudkip to fly into the air before landing back down on the ground with a loud THUD. Bean groaned, but slowly managed to pick himself up back after taking a lot of damage from the powerful move. Despite her size, the Scraggy is able to strike pretty hard.

"Come on Bean, you can do this!" Airi cheered on her Pokémon. Bean nodded his head at his trainer's words of encouragement, then locked eyes with his opponent. "Water Pulse!" Airi called out. Bean opened his mouth widely, creating a huge shimmering blue ball of energy in his mouth. He then fires the ball of energy towards his opponent as waves of water surrounded the shimmering sphere on both sides and collided with the Scraggy. The Scraggy let out a loud cry as the impressive water-type move made contact with her body, then knocked it out cold. Airi took out another Poke Ball and tossed it at the Scraggy.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 21:28:33 GMT

Before Airi could even give Shinobu an answer to his previous question, a powerful roar echoed through the dark and mysterious cave. Airi swiftly pointed her flashlight in the direction of the earsplitting roar. Her azure eyes widened as she watched a massive panda-like creature rushing towards them. Apparently, the small group of trainers and Pokémon had stumbled onto the Pangoro's territory. "Pangoro! We are sorry, we did not mean to disturb you. We will turn around and leave, okay?" Airi made an attempt to plead with the Fighting/Dark-type Pokémon. Unfortunately for Airi and her friends, the Pangoro did not seem to want to back down. In fact, The Pangoro reveal her powerful fist to the group before striking the air with them a couple of times.

Airi sighed and shook her head at the Pangoro's behavior. Normally, she is not quick to engage in a Pokémon battle unless she absolutely has no other choice, but to fight. In this case, there did not seem to be another way around it. Bean barked at the Pangoro before leaning out of Airi's aim, then taking a few steps towards the Pangoro before jumping into a fighting stance. The Pangoro chuckled at the Mudkip, mocking Bean for his small size. Fortunately for Bean, he is used to bigger and stronger-looking Pokémon dismissing him due to his size. He did mind it too much, because he usually finds a way to close the gap between them and obtain victory.

The Pangoro's right hand began to shine with a white glow as it rushed towards Bean with a Karate Chop. "Let's go Bean, use Rock Smash!" Airi called out to her Pokémon. Bean nodded his head at his trainer's orders, dashing towards the raging Pangoro. The Mudkip took advantage of his small size to dodge the Pangoro's glowing hand. The Pangoro's powerful hand made contact with the cave's floor, causing it to shake for a second or two. Bean took the opportunity to climb up the Pangoro's arm as he started to build up energy within his fan-like tail. Within a few seconds, Bean's majestic tail became coated with a blinding white light as he continued to climb up the Pangoro's arm and moving closer towards his face. Without a single warning, the Mudkip used his small body to flip in the air, then strike the Pangoro's face with a super effective Rock Smash. The Pangoro let out a loud cry as she felt her face sting from the impact of the straightforward attack. The Rock Smash itself caused her to take a few steps back in order to regain her balance. The Pangoro almost felt down to her knees as she felt her defense drop a level.

The Pangoro let out a thunderous roar as she pounded against her chest attempting to intimidate Bean. Bean titled his head to side in confusion, trying to figure out what the Pangoro is attempting to do. Airi giggled and shook her head at her ditzy Pokémon's behavior. Well, the Pangoro did not think that it was too funny, because she immediately began to Slash at Bean with her razor-sharp claws. "Protect, Bean!" Airi commanded her Pokémon. Within the blink of an eye, Bean summoned a beautiful, emerald, green forcefield to shield himself from the slashes. The Pangoro grew even more frustrated with her attack not making contact with her opponent to the point that she began to slash even harder and faster at the forcefield. Eventually, she tired herself out quite a bit.

"Now, it's our chance! Finish it off!" Airi instructed her Pokémon. Bean shattered his own forcefield with the fin of his head, creating a powerful beam of green light energy to blind the Pangoro for a moment. Bean then fired a blast of water towards the ground to lift himself up high into the air for more momentum as he builds up another Rock Smash in his tail. He performed a graceful aerial summersault before diving down at the Pangoro with his powerful tail, striking the overgrown panda bear directly in the face, then causing it to collapse into a nearby wall. Airi grabbed an empty Poke Ball then tossed it at the Pangoro.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 21:24:39 GMT

"Debatable!" Airi responded to his previous statement, shrugging her shoulders at him. "You are still as cocky as I remember though," she smirked, giving him a playful shove without a lot of force behind it. She was never fond of overly confident individuals, but Kouji kind of made his cockiness work for him. Perhaps, he has something to do with the fact that she has grown up around him the majority of her life and she has witness some of his cockiness being more of coping mechanism or at least that is how she viewed it at the time.
"Score!" She laughed out loud, watching the single berry hit its target. "Mhm! I could not just let you get away without being punished for your actions," she teased him, reaching out to engage in a friendly handshake with him. Her dainty fingers felt a lot softer and smooth against his calloused ones.
"Well, I am sure that you were able to get your worth out of the app," she smirked, not bothering to probe for more information regarding his romance life. Like a lot of things in life, dating apps comes and goes just like everything else.
Airi nodded her head, then folded her arms underneath her chest. "Trust me, I may know that better than anyone else," she responded back to him a softer tone. She constantly finds herself worrying about those who are close and dear to her. She would even go to the end of the world for them without any fear or hesitation. "I'll be ready for whatever comes my way," she smiled at him. Her alluring azure eyes staring deeply into his eyes for a moment as the two of them took a little bit time to disgust the various emotions swirling around them.
Airi gave him another head nod, accepting his request. "Promise me that you will be extra safe, too. Do not put yourself in unnecessary danger, okay?" She then leans in to pull him inside of warm and tight embrace. She hugged him tightly for a few seconds before eventually freeing him from her hold. "I should head back to the station... Take care Kouji." She gave him one last gentle smile before walking away from him.




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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
code grey [m]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 3:34:05 GMT

Stepping back inside of the Rustboro City Center with an iced coffee in her hand that she did not get a chance to finish during her break, Airi found herself returning back to the building being in total darkness and chaos. Her deep azure eyes widening slightly through the darkness as she heard all of the panic voices and felt everyone zooming around in the building from various directions. Collisions after collisions! She was about to ask one her fellow nurses what is the big panic about, but she soon received the notification requesting walk up at local Power Plant to assist with some Wild Pokémon, who has caused to damage to the power plant.

Without any hesitation, Airi slurped down the rest of her iced coffee before fumbling around in the dark to find the nearest trashcan to toss her contain in. Luckily, she was able to throw about the empty container right before someone or something collided against her body, almost knocking her down to the floor. Luckily, she was able to regain her balance and prevent herself from falling down against the cold, hard floor. "Ah, that's okay. Accidents happen all of the time! Especially in situations like this one," Airi responded with a gentle smile curled against the corners of her lips as her piercing azure eyes made contact with the slightly familiar face. Ah, what was her name again? She has surely seen her around the building a few times.


"Mhm, I just received the alert not too long ago and I was about to head there myself. It would be nice to have someone tag along with me. I am confident that we should be able to figure out what is going on together. Besides, two is better than one, right?" She smiled, extending her hand out for a friendly handshake as she introduced herself. "Airi." After the quick introduction, Airi would agree that the two of them should get a move on to the power plant before something else happens on the scene. "The power plant is in the outskirts and a little before you reach the cave," she explained to her co-worker as she exited the building.




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  3. When using the posting template, use BOLD tags around dialogue to change the color automatically. No need to use the FONT tags![break][break]
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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 3:04:23 GMT

"I wouldn't be too worried about that new title of yours, because it not going last too long," she teased him, a playful smirk spread across her lips. One wrong piece of advice about love would cancel his new title right away. Airi would like to believe that Kouji would have more sage advice, but she finds it hard to believe. She has never seen him as the lovey-dovey type of person.
"Is this really happening right now? Like I am about to agree with you again?! Airi laughed, shaking her head. "Honestly, I agree with everything you just said a few seconds ago. I am not fully against it, but I am not going to go out of my way to find it either. If it happens then it happens, if it doesn't happen, then that is fine, too!" Airi added to Kouji's previous statement. She could not have explained it any better. Even as a small girl, Airi believed that if it is meant to happen, then it when happen.
"If I didn't know any better, I would think that you are quite experienced with using dating apps, Kouji," she laughed. She quickly picked a berry from a nearby tree and flicked it in his direction. A few soft giggles escaping from her mouth as she watches to see if the berry will hit its mark or if Kouji will be swift enough to dodge it.
After a few more minutes of harmless banter and small talk between two old friends, Airi and Kouji found themselves at the other end of the Berry Garden. Airi stood next to Kouji with her arms tightly folded underneath her chest as she stares off into the distant and listed to his words. His words were deep, and quite meaningful, too. Airi could feel a few knots twisting inside of her stomach as their conversation switched to a more serious topic. "Yeah. I know... I'll be careful. I promise. Don't worry about me, okay?" Her piercing azure eyes making eye contact with his golden-hued eyes. A soft smile shown over her lips, but there is also a hint of a warm smile reflecting through her stunning eyes, too.




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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 2:16:59 GMT

Airi turned her attention towards the direction of the approaching footsteps. A warm smile found its way across her lips as she noticed Shinobu, Renji, and Bean walking towards her. "Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to wonder off without you all," she giggled slightly, extending her arm out for Bean as he dashed towards her and leaps into her arms. She hugged the azure Pokémon tightly, then glanced back up at Shinobu.

"I take it that you captured the Toxel, right? That's amazing. You caught the Pokémon that you have been searching for this entire time." She smiled at him. At least one of them have managed to capture the Pokémon that they have been searching for a while. "Yeah. I haven't been too lucky with finding mine, but I am not going to give up," she assured him. She is confident that Absol must be wandering around the cave somewhere. She nodded her head at Shinobu then lead them up to the next floor of the cave.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2024 0:43:58 GMT

Airi's deep blue eyes shimmered with excitement, watching the elegant butterflies flutter and dance gracefully through the peaceful skies. She swiftly withdrew her cell phone in enough time to record a decent video of them. She will plan to post the video on her social media page for later. Plus, she will have a new memory stored on her phone to remind her of her reunion with Kouji.
"I don' think so and you better not get any funny ideas, Kouji!" She warned him. She hated nothing more than anyone messing up her hair on purpose. As usual, Kouji, being his stubborn self still took it upon himself to ruffle up her hair anyway. "KOUJI!" He yelled out at him, trying to slap at his hand. Luckily for him, he managed to pull it away in time. "You are really going to make me kick your butt, today, huh? I am trying to be nice to since this is our first time seeing each other in a while!" She added, taking a moment to smooth out her hair.
"And when did you become Dr. Love?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. She understood where he is coming from with his lecture. However, she is still not sold on it just yet.
"I see, but it seems that you may be open to the idea? I suppose that is a start, right?" She smiled at him. She would love for him to find a special person. He has gone through a lot over the years, and he deserved to be happy just like everyone else in the world. "I don't know. I guess I just figured that the majority of the people use dating apps for hook-ups and not using it to find their soulmate. But, what do I really know?" she giggled, finally smoothing out the rest of her hair. She then caught a hold of his phone and entered her person number inside of it before handing her cell phone over to him. "I promise not to."




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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 21:18:18 GMT

Her azure eyes were locked on Kouji as she studied his body language a bit. This time, she was not distracted by anything else happening around them. Therefore, she was able to dodge the incoming berry flawlessly. "You fooled me once. There was no way that I was going to fall for that little trick again," she giggled, shaking her index finger at him. "I believe that you have learned your lesson, so I am not too worried about any more of your antics," Airi informed him, a small smirk spreading across her lips.
Airi sighed, then rolled her eyes the moment Kouji encouraged her not to worry about him. "I know that you are tough, but that does not mean that I cannot worry about you... You been through more than enough." She told him. A hint of a softer expression showing through her deep ocean blue eyes. She admired his strength and his ability to bounce back after being knocked over repeatedly and ever once thinking about giving up on his goal or objective. Still, even the strongest grows weak over time. A few soft giggles fell from her mouth as she watched him continue to pound his chest like Rillaboom.
Airi shrugged her shoulders at Kouji's words. "I am not going to say that it is not possible. I suppose it is not something that I am looking for at the moment. Besides, this world is crazy enough. Could you imagine trying to live in this world and balance a relationship, too?" She asked him right before her mind went to wondering off a little. Perhaps, it would be nice to have a significant other to be there for some extra support during this difficult time.
"Hmm, I will think about it? As long as you make a dating profile, too." She grinned at him. She then made an attempt to swat his finger away from her dimpled cheek. "I am convinced that you can't keep your hands off me. I prefer hugs over poking," she teased him. Her deep blue eyes, then glancing up at the sky just time to see a swarm of majestic Beautifly flying above them. "Beautiful."




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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Kouji Matsubara(Kouma) | App
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 7:30:43 GMT

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sooo... this is why you wanted to me to call you, kouma, huh? interesting...very interesting indeed. anyway, my pictures aren't pretty enough for you? i can't believe that i'm taking your advice twice this year... downloading a dating app, then adding a photo of my Pokemon... you should go take a look at the picture of my Pokemon that i just added to my profile. let me know what you think about it, okay?

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay