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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Kokou's Trainer's Eye
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 7:24:07 GMT


[attr="class","fa fa-times-circle neg icon"]


[attr="class","fas fa-heart-broken"]
gross... are you even old enough to be on this app?

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 7:06:12 GMT

Airi smiled at Shinobu's success not only defeating his opponent, but also capturing it, too. Without warning, Bean immediately leaped from his trainer's arms jetted over towards Shinobu and Renji, running circles around them as he celebrated their victory with them. "I must admit that was quite impressive. Well done, Shinobu and Renji," Airi praised them as another wide smile curled against her lips.

Amongst their celebration, Shinobu soon pointed another word Wild Pokémon in the corner of the cave. A wide grin spread across Airi's face as her deep azure eyes took noticed of the adorable, purple infant-like Pokémon chewing on a rock. "I can't believe it, Shinobu, this spot is really turning out in your favorite, huh? Perhaps, you knew what you were doing all along," she smiled. She felt quite happy that her new friend had managed to track down the Pokémon that he has been searching for even before entering the cave. "Good luck, you can do this!" She cheered him on from the sideline.

A few seconds later, another Toxel appeared out of the corner of Airi's eyes. A confused expression soon over her face as she took a careful scan over this one. Her keen eyes immediately taking notice of the Toxel's unique tail. It was long, fluffy, and dark-colored. Not the normal tail that a Toxel is known to have on its body. Therefore, this one has to be an imposter! The "Toxel" must have known that Airi was on to its trick before he swiftly dashed from out of the corner and deeper inside of the cave. Without any hestiation, Airi sprinted behind the "Toxel", not even bothering to call out for Bean. The Mudkip was too busy watching Shinobu attempt to capture the real deal.

After a minute of two of trying to track down the mysterious Pokémon, Airi realized that it had managed to get away from her. Her piercing azure eyes shift towards a rocky ledge. There, she noticed a mischievous Zorua keeping a watchful eye on her. The dark-hued fox then stuck out his tongue at her before disappearing into the darkness. Airi sighed and shook her head. "Oh, well. it's not the Pokemon that I was hoping to find anyway," she mumbled underneath her breath. She then heard the sound of footsteps approaching her. Was it a Wild Pokemon or was it her friends catching up with her?

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 6:21:19 GMT

A deep sigh left from Airi's soft lips. It is quite obvious that their small group has managed to get themselves lost in the cave thanks to their fearless "leader". Yes, Airi could step in and lead them back on the correct path, but she wished to see if Shinobu will be able to figure it out on his own first before she decides to step in to save the day. Unlike Shinobu, Airi was not too distracted by other things happening around them in the cave. Therefore, she was able to spot the powerful Obstagoon before Shinobu collided into it. She chuckled and shook her head him. "Shinobu be more careful! You have to watch where you are going at all times!" She called out to him.

Airi was a bit surprised to witness Shinobu recover from his fall, then challenge the Obstagoon to a battle. She admired his ambition and courage that is for sure. Airi took a seat on a vacant boulder as she prepared to watch the battle take place between Shinobu's Pokémon and the Normal/Dark-type Pokémon standing on the opposite side of the cave. Bean cheered loudly for Renji as he hopped onto his trainer's lap, then focused his attention on the battle.

Surprisingly, Shinobu seem to be more than some uppity doctor. Apparently, he is a pretty decent trainer, too. His battle style even reminds Airi of her own unique battling style. Of course, his style is not as elegant nor graceful as her own style. Still, he managed to get the job down and knock out the Obstagoon. Airi and Bean's eyes locked in on the Poke Ball rocking back and forth as everyone watched to see if the capture will be a success or not.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 5:15:43 GMT

The Ranger Nurse's sharp nose quickly picked up on the foul order of both the Muk and Stuntank and she soon felt herself almost gagging. She swiftly pinched her nose as their small group traveled passed them without even thinking twice about interacting with them. The moment the coast was clear, Airi removed her fingers from above her nose. She then glared towards Shinobu. "No sir. You got us in this mess, and you are going to get us out of it," she told him, shaking her head at him then walking past him a bit to catch up with Bean and Renji. Luckily, both Pokémon were still managing to press forward after enduring the powerful stenches coming from the Muk and Stuntank.

"Renji, you know what? It might be a bad idea to have Shinobu training with you. I believe it would be helpful for him to learn how to become one with nature, then maybe he will be able to maneuver better in situations like this one," she stated loudly enough for Shinobu to hear her. Hopefully, it will be able to since the teasing in her words and not take offense to them.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 4:48:20 GMT

"Good. You do not have an excuse to be mean to little kids anymore," she giggled, taking a quick moment to think about Shinobu's previous interact with the kid attempting to steal some berries from one of the precious trees. "You know it's not as cute when you do it," she joked, rolling her eyes at him as she watched him stick his tongue out at her.

"Right, indeed. You cannot lose something that you have never had to begin with, Kouji," she added, nodding her head in agreement with his words as a small smirk tugged gently against the corners of her lips. With her agile reflexes, Airi swiftly took a hold of the finger that Kouji used to poke her cheek. She then applied a little pressure to it, bending it backwards just a bit before releasing it. "Come on, Kouji! You are going to have to move a lot faster than that, Slowpoke!" She giggled, shaking her head at her friend.
Airi sighed at Kouji's question. "Yeah. Like I mentioned earlier, I just do not have the time for it right now. Besides, does anyone ever truly date anymore?" She asked him, giving him a half-smile. Truth be told, she does desire to be with the right person someday. However, there is a strong sense of fear that someone will break her heart and leave her shattered in a million pieces. It is one of the reasons why she keeps the wall guarding her heart as study as a Steelix to prevent anything from happening to it.
"I am sorry to hear that, Kouji. I really am. I am just happy that you made it out alive." She verbalized in a sincere tone. She felt bad for bringing down his mood again. She will do whatever it takes to restore the little bit of happiness that seemed to gleam in his golden orbs earlier.
She knew it. She knew that there is something weighing heavily on his mind. She also expected that he would not wish to share those deep thoughts with her just yet, too and that is perfectly fine. "It is all good. I know that you tell reveal it to me in due time," she smiled, gently placing her left hand over his shoulders for a few seconds. "How about we take a stroll through the garden?" She suggested, hoping to brighten up his mood a bit.




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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 4:18:17 GMT

As expected Shinobu did make the journey through the dark and mysterious cave a little bit easier with his small talk and cunning sense of humor. "I agree confidence is a good trait to have, but there is a different between being confident and being arrogant, yes?" she responded, slightly raising her left eyebrow at the doctor. "I prefer to remain humble than prideful," she informed him, shining her light different corners of the cave in share of a rare Dark-type Pokémon. She did notice a powerful looking Zweilous in the distance and for a quick second or two, she thought about trying to capture it. However, she soon decided against it after figuring that it would not make a good fit on her team.

"So, you're trusting this mouse to lead us to some rarer Pokémon, huh? What an interesting tactic," she teased him a bit. She then continued to engage in small talk with Shinobu as the two of them continued to travel deeper inside of the cave. Bean eventually taking a few steps ahead of Airi in order to catch up with Renji. It appeared that the small azure creature developed a fondness towards his "protector". Airi giggled softly as she watched the two blue friends interact with each other.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 2:50:55 GMT

"Could it be? Kouji is losing his touch?" She questioned, raising her right eye at him as she places her hand over her heart in a dramatic manner. "I know that you're Mr. Cool and all... But have you ever broken a heart?" she would ask him, slightly curious to hear his answer. It is possible that he could have broken a few hearts here and there, but she often sees him a lot differently than most people would probably view him. The ultimate "Edge Lord" with a little bit of softness deep, deep, deep, down inside. She wished that he would allow others to see that side him, but she also understands the importance of keeping his guard up to prevent others from stepping on his heart or shattering his dreams.

Airi shook herself out of her deep thoughts once Kouji started to share more his unique adventure with her. "Area Zero, huh? I have read about it a bit. Either you were pretty damn lucky or cursed to visit a place like Area Zero," she laughed. She would not mind making a trip to Area Zero herself at some point. However, she also knew that those chances were quite low. Plus, she is not entirely if she would want to age a few extra years.
Airi smirked, then shrugged her shoulders at his words. "I would just have something to pull on until he stretches out even more. I am sure there are a lot of other options," she informed him. She then playful stuck her tongue out at him after he flashed him with his mischievous grin. She felt a lot more ease to see that he seems to be coming back around to the old Kouji that she remembered from back in the day.
"Hey, stop!" She swatted away at his hand as he attempted to show off the difference in their height. "You know what? You're just as annoying as you were as a kid," she laughed as she continued to swat at his hand. Normally, she probably would have given him a little shove, but she did not want to risk knocking him down from the fence.
"Aww, Kouji! Don't be like that! I've missed you, too! See, is that better?" She giggled, moving a bit closer to the fence them leaning her backside against it. "Kouji... You would tell me if you weren't okay, right? or if something is bothering you?" She asked, carefully picking a berry from a near tree, then gently rolling it around between her fingers for a few seconds as her dazzling azure eyes glances to over to connect with his golden ones.




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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 1:59:01 GMT






[attr="class","fas fa-thumbtack"]
RUSTBORO [break]


RANGER NURSE / GEMINI / INFJ [break][break]

vibrant, gentle, and authentic. petal dance attitude, exchanging stilettos for hiking boots, charming accessories, pretty things for pretty girls, always dress to impress, red lipstick is a statement, a lot of sugar with coffee, hair dancing in the wind, heart of gold, full of ambition and dreams, passionate and wild at heart, the small precious things are a love language, action speaks louder than words, the pretty ones are always a little guarded, somehow always smells like sweet scent, healing wish, pop music is always a vibe, mature and poised, never underestimate the power of the heart.

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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[attr="class","fa fa-times-circle neg icon"]

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 22:05:50 GMT

Airi narrowed her piercing azure orbs at Kouji when her white-haired friend admitted that he had "really" missed her. "Can you repeat that again? I am not sure if I heard you correctly or not... Did you just admit that you really missed me?" She giggled before placing her left hand around her left ear as she leaned in a little closer towards him to hear him repeat those words to her again, if he chose to do so. "Perhaps when Grumpig fall from the sky I will call you by that name," she giggled, being her stubborn self a bit. The small banter happening between the two of them truly taking her on trip down memory lane. Back then, everything seemed so less complicated to her.

The sound of a Taillow flying above them soon caused Airi to shift her attention away from Kouji for a few seconds as she took a moment to observe the tiny swallow perching on berry tree's branch. Unsurprisingly, she felt a berry make contact with the top of her head the minute she had let her guard down around her childhood friend. She swiftly turned her voluptuous body around as her sapphire-blue eyes glared at Kouji. "Hey! Don't try to play innocent, Kouji! I know that it was you!" She told him, extending her right hand out to playfully twist his ear. She giggled at his reaction to her playful gesture before she removed her hand and placed back down to her side.
"Ah, you are not being slick Kouji. You are asking, because you want to know if I am single or not." She smirk, resting her arms underneath her chest. "If you must know... It is still Miss. Being a Ranger Nurse keeps me pretty busy, ya'know? And how about yourself? Have you finally managed to sudden down with the right person, yet?" She inquired, her azure eyes connecting with his golden orbs once more.
Her eyes widened, then twinkled with a little bit of confusion and curiosity as Kouji revealed that he was stuck in a time slip. "What? How did that even happen? Goodness, Kouji. It seems that trouble still finds of a way of finding you... Or is it you that finds it?" She joked with him. "I suppose that explains why your ears and your head seem to be a little bit bigger," she teased him a bit more.
"Ha, ha. ha... Do not let that little growth spurt make you too proud, Kouji. I can still kick your ass. Short or not."




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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Book Shopping [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 5:18:34 GMT

A sigh of relief escapes from Airi's mouth, once she hears the other female confirm that Bean did not cause her nor her Pokémon too much trouble. "That is a relief. I would have felt horrible if he did. He is quite kind, but he can be a bit mischievous at times, too" she admits, gently rubbing her Mudkip's head behind his unique fin. Bean lets out a joyous cry as he wags his tail fin a couple of times. "Ah, yes. I was hoping to check out some of the new Pokémon mythology books that arrived on today. However, before I could even check them out Bean managed to slip away from me for a bit," she explained to the other female. A soft, warm smile curled against the corners of her lips as she watched the mysterious, young lady reach for a slice of life manga. Her piercing azure eyes admiring the gorgeous cover art on it. Airi was more of a magical girl lover more than anything, but she also enjoyed reading slice of life every once in a while, too. Perhaps, she will add this one to her list, too.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Elise," she smiles at her, slowly extending her hand out to engage in a friendly handshake if Elise wishes to do so. Airi's ocean blue orbs then shifts over towards the regal Pokémon accompanying Elise. "It is nice to meet you, too Charles." She smiled, performing a small curtsey. "My name is Airi, and this little guy is Bean." Airi introduced herself and her aquatic friend. Bean greets them both with a cheerful cry and a wide smile. Airi glances back over at Charles, taking a closer look at him. "I can't believe it... You are a Calyrex, right? I have seen pictures of you in a Galar Mythology book once," she spoke to the legendary Pokémon. It is quite obvious that she is honor by its presence and intrigued to learn more about it.




Book Shopping



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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Book Shopping [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 3:28:51 GMT

After a long break of patrolling the wild areas outside of Rustboro City, Airi and her Mudkip found themselves standing outside of the local bookstore after Airi remembered that she has a couple of books that she is interested in checking out. Airi took a glance down at her small, energetic water-type Pokémon. "Alright, Bean. Listen up! I expect you to be on your best behavior inside of the bookstore. No wandering off and no spraying books or individuals with water, okay?" She spoke to her Mudkip. The adorable water-type Pokémon let out a happy cry as he nodded his head at his trainer's words. Airi sighed then flashed Bean a soft smile before walking up to stairs to enter the building.

Airi's deep azure eyes carefully took a moment to scan over the array of colorful books surrounding her. She then glanced down at Bean, who stood beside her, wagging his tail in excitement. Airi shook her head at her Pokémon as a couple of soft giggles escaped from her soft lips. Airi walks over towards the bookstore clerk and flashes her a friendly smile as asked her if the books that she was interested have arrived in the store or not. The books focused on Pokémon mythology and lores.


"Now that we know that books have arrived. Let's find them." Airi smiled, glancing down at the spot that her Mudkip was sitting in a few minutes ago. Her smile soon immediately faded after she noticed that Bean was no longer in his spot. A deep sigh of annoyance escaped from her mouth as she realized that Bean had managed to wonder off yet again. The innocent water-fish Pokémon simply could not help himself. Without another word, Airi went to explore the bookstore in search of her missing Pokémon. Luckily, it did not take her too long to locate Bean. The Mudkip had stumbled upon a mysterious young lady with an even more intriguing creature by her side. Thankfully, Bean was not causing any trouble. He was sitting down on the floor and admiring them from a distance. "Oh, I'm sorry. I hope that this little guy did not disturb you. He is a curious one." Airi giggled softly, kneeling down to pick up.




Book Shopping



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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 0:43:37 GMT

Airi placed her dainty hand over her painted lips, giggling softly inside of the palm of her hand as she shook her head in disagreement with his words. "I don't trust it. I still believe that you would have given him a hard time either way," she responded back to his previous comment. She shifts her breathtaking azure orbs away from Kouji, focusing them on one of the towering berry trees in the distance. The golden sunray gently kissing her fair skin and casting an ethereal glow that causes her lovely features to stand out even more. She admires the berry tree for a few seconds, then returns her attention back to Kouji.

"You have got to be kidding me, Kouji. You should know better than to try to trick me. I have never been one to fall for any of your tricks," she stated, a cunning smirk slowly curling against her soft, full lips. "Or have you forgot?" She questioned him, slightly tilting her head to the side. A soft smile soon replacing the cunning smirk as she took a few seconds to admire his physical appearance. It seems that he has changed bit a quite since the last time the two of them were faced to face with each other. Still, she could not place a finger on what is exactly different about him this time. "Ah, come on. It cannot all be boring. There has to be something new that you have enjoyed learning about, Kouji. Think, think, think!" She told him, genuinely interested in learning even more about his travels.


Airi nodded her head at his remark about her occupation. "Ranger Nurse, mind you. Put some respect on my title," she answered with a few playful giggles falling behind her words. "You shouldn't be too surprised, right? I remember all of those adventures we used to have exploring Petalburg Woods. It was nothing for me to navigate through those woods to save an injured Pokémon in need," she added, a soft smile spreading across her lips as she reflected on those childhood memories for a moment. It was not easy for her to make the decision to leave her family and friends behind to pursue her dreams. However, she did what she felt like she needed to do in order to better herself and to serve those who are not able to serve themselves.


Airi took notice that something seems to be weighing heavy on her old friend's mind. His facial expression before breaking eye contact made it clear to her. She could feel herself becoming slightly concerned and worried about him. However, she made a quick promise to herself that she will not probe for answers. If he wished to share something with her, then she will just have to trust that he will do so in due time. A quick chuckle soon escaped from her lips when Kouji snapped back and suggested that she would call him "Kouma." "Yeah. There is no way that I will be calling you by that name. Kouji is a lot better, and it suits you," she added, flashing him with her alluring smile as her piercing ocean blue eyes connected with his golden-hued orbs for a while.


"Kouji... It is good to see you again." She admitted to him. To be honest, she is quite relieved to see that he is still alive and well. Despite the two of them not keeping in contact with each other over the years, she often found herself wondering about his well-being.




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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 22:07:02 GMT

Airi giggles and shakes her head at Shinobu's comment. "You're a confident one, aren't you?" She questioned, a few more giggles escaping from her lips. She admired his confidence, but she also hopes that Shinobu does not find himself falling into a situation that is too over his head. Airi continues to move along inside of the cave with Bean walking in front of her. The small, blue water-type's senses are at full alert as he led his trainer through the darkened path.

From the sound of everything happening around them, it seems that the cave is in fact full of Wild Pokémon, but which kind of Pokémon? Common ones, rare ones? Big ones, small ones? Dark-types? The possibilities are endless at this point until one of two of them finally decides to reveal themselves to Shinobu and her.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay