Spirited Away

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 25
mauville city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jecht Moreau DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jecht
Jecht Moreau
Spirited Away
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 2:54:22 GMT
Jecht Moreau Avatar

Jecht stood at the edge of a quiet meadow, his eyes tracking the slow, aimless drift of the Drifloon and Drifblim he had been using to spirit away various Pokémon from lavaridge town. It had been a clever scheme—no one suspected that these ghostly Pokémon, who already carried the ominous reputation of kidnapping children, were under his quiet influence. The Drifloon would lure Pokémon away, and in the confusion, they would disappear into the sky, never to be seen again. Simple. Effective.

Until now.

A low breeze swept through the clearing as Jecht stared down at the Drifloon hovering beside him. Wrapped in the delicate, thread-like tendrils of its body was not a Pokémon, but a child—a young boy, eyes wide with confusion and fear. Jecht’s stomach twisted uncomfortably, his usual confidence shaken. This wasn’t part of the plan. The Drifloon must have grabbed the boy by mistake, its nature as a wandering soul-catcher taking over.

The boy's eyes flickered from Jecht to the drifting Drifloon, clearly unsure whether to cry or call out for help. Jecht’s mind raced. No one had ever seen him in connection with the Drifloon incidents. If he let this slip go, the child would simply vanish like the rest. No one would know. No one would question it. The Drifloon would take the boy away, and the rumors would only grow stronger, painting the ghosts as legends of tragedy.

Yet something stopped him. This wasn’t what he signed up for. 

Jecht took a slow step forward, his mind at war with itself. The child was innocent—no different from the crowd that adored his circus performances, the same people he swindled, but never hurt. He wasn't a monster. He wasn’t like those whispered legends. His goal had always been personal gain, never something so… irreversible.

"Damn it,"
Jecht cursed under his breath, narrowing his eyes at the drifting Drifloon. "This wasn’t part of the deal." 

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Spirited Away
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 3:59:02 GMT


spirited away

Airi was taking her daily stroll around Lavaridge Town with her majestic Absol walking beside her when a middle-aged woman approached her with worry and fear reflecting through her warm chocolate orbs. "Captain Airi! I do not wish to be a bother, but I... I was wondering if you may have seen Haku wondering around town? He was supposed to go fetch some firewood, but he never returned home." The woman explains to her. Airi gently places her hand against the mother's shoulder, then offers her a sweet smile. "I do not ever want you to feel like you are a bother. It is my duty to help serve and protect all civilians. I will search for Haku, and I will bring him back home to you. Please try your best to get some rest." The Captain Ranger encourages the concerned mother. The woman wipes away a few tears from her fair face as she gives Airi a small smile as she hands Airi an item that belongs to Haku before walking away with her head held a little bit higher.


"Geisha, we must hurry. I am afraid that Haku may be in danger," Airi speaks to her Dark-type companion. It is uncommon for children to disappear in Lavaridge Town. However, Airi recalls a professor sharing a lore with her about Drifloon grabbing the hands of small children and spiriting them away. Airi positions the item by Geisha's nose, giving her a few seconds to focus on the scent. The Absol lets out a quick bark before sprinting off in the direction of the nearest forest area with her trainer dashing alongside her. 


With Geisha's superior tracking skills, the duo soon finds themselves approaching a clear, tranquil meadow area. The two come to a quick halt to scope out the scene. The bow-like horn above Geisha's head starts to vibrate, signaling to her trainer that a potential disaster is brewing. "We must be close," she whispered underneath her breath. A few seconds later, Geisha rushes towards another part of the area, with Airi following closely behind her. 


Airi's deep azure eyes widen at the sight of Haku, a ghoulish clown-like figure, and a horde of Drifloon and Drifblim not too far away from her and her Pokémon. She could not believe it! Drifloon and Drifblim stories seem to be true... But what does this eerie clown have to do with them? Well, at least Haku is safe... for now. "Get away from Haku! I am not going to warn you again!" Airi warns the mysterious man. Geisha's crimson's eyes narrowed at the man as she growled deeply at him as she waited to attack at any given moment. 



  • In the name of love and justice, we will punish you!






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March 25
mauville city
6'0 height
6'0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
Jecht Moreau DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jecht
Jecht Moreau
Spirited Away
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 4:44:10 GMT
Jecht Moreau Avatar

Jecht couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at the sight of Airi, the bold Captain Ranger, charging toward him, her Absol snarling in defense. Always the hero, he thought, his lips curling into a sly grin. She was good—he could see it in the way she carried herself, the fire in her eyes. But this situation was more complex than it appeared.

The Drifloon and Drifblim floating eerily around the meadow weren’t inherently malicious, but they’d caused enough trouble to make it look like Jecht had orchestrated something far worse than he intended. The kid—Haku. The Drifloon had picked him up by accident in their wandering, and now he was caught up in this strange moment. Jecht had a reputation for showmanship, but not for harming innocents. There was a way out of this, and it would have to be… a spectacle.

Jecht raised his hands, palms open, feigning surrender. "Whoa, whoa, easy there!" he called, his voice light with mock innocence. "This? This is all just a misunderstanding, I swear. Haku’s fine! See?"

With a flick of his wrist, Jecht released his Mimikyu, who appeared at his side with a mischievous tilt of its head. The Drifloon hovering around seemed to respond to the ghostly Pokémon’s presence, drifting closer in curious silence.

"These Drifloon? They’re not kidnappers, they’re wanderers—lost, just like the stories say," Jecht continued, stepping slightly to the side to show Airi that Haku was unharmed, just a little scared. "Poor little Haku got swept up in the confusion. I was just about to bring him back. No need for things to get messy now, right?"

His mind raced, formulating a quick plan. He needed a way to return Haku without causing a scene or letting Airi arrest him. And if there was one thing Jecht excelled at, it was turning every situation into a performance.

"Tell you what,"
Jecht said, his grin widening as an idea took shape. "Let’s make this a little fun. I’ll return Haku to you, safe and sound. But first, let me show you something that’ll make your little heart skip a beat." He flicked his fingers toward the Drifloon and Drifblim. "Ever see a Drifloon parade before?"

Without waiting for an answer, Jecht’s Mimikyu let out a soft, eerie call, and the Drifloon began to drift in formation, swirling and dancing in the air like balloons in a circus show. They moved in rhythm, creating a hypnotic, spiraling dance that filled the clearing with an eerie, ethereal glow. The spectacle was enough to distract the eyes of anyone watching. However, this was also a signal for the remaining  Drifloon and Drifblim under Jecht's control to escape with the rest of the pokemon they took, which was his actual goal. 

"There," Jecht said, taking the opportunity. "Now, while they’re entertained…" He moved swiftly toward Haku, placing a hand on the child’s shoulder and leaning down to whisper, "Time to go back home, kid."

With a gentle nudge, Jecht guided the boy back toward Airi, making sure to keep the Drifloon’s performance going to avoid any suspicion. "See?" he called, extending a hand toward Airi. "No harm done. Haku’s safe, and the Drifloon get to do what they do best—wander."

Jecht's eyes glinted with satisfaction as he took a step back, preparing to make his exit. "Now, " he said with a playful smirk, "how about you let me slip away quietly, and we’ll both leave this meadow with a little less drama, hmm? After all, it’s all just part of the infinite jest."

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Spirited Away
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 18:24:13 GMT


spirited away

Airi's deep sapphire orbs continues to focus on the mysterious man standing a few feet away from her. She feels grateful to see Haku is good health. However, she cannot let her guard down until the child's reunited with his mother. Therefore, she still needs to get the kid away from the suspicious man. She cannot order Geisha to attack him until Haku is out of the way. So, she will have to think of another way to take down her opponent and to assure Haku remains in good health.


Her eyes shift away from the white-haired male for a few seconds as she takes in the sight of the Mimikyu. Could his Pokémon be the one controlling the Drifloon? She wonders to herself. The miniature hot air ballon-like creatures hoovering eerily over the malicious puppet. "I do believe the Drifloon and Drifblim do not wish to cause Haku harm. However, I cannot say the same thing about you. If you really wished to return him, then you would have done so already instead of standing in the middle of the meadow contemplating your next move," she responds to his previous words with a stern expression shown over her fair face.


"I do not have time for this!" Airi snaps at the distrustful man. Geisha's low snarling following behind her trainer's words. A Drifloon parade? What is this guy up to? She thinks to herself, returning her attention back on him. Perhaps, he is planning to make a grand escape by distracting her. She will need to keep her guard up.


Airi would hate to admit it, but she found herself becoming slightly intrigued by the Drifloon and Drifblim parading around in the peaceful sky for a little while. Their movements were nonchalant, yet daunting. Her attention was soon taken away from the ghouls he second Airi took notice Haku running towards her. "Haku!" She reaches her arms out to pull the frightened boy inside of warm and comforting embrace. "You're safe now. I will take you home to your mother, but first I need to take care of this guy," she explains to him. The little boy nods his head before hiding himself behind Airi's body.


"You are out of your mind if you think I am going to allow you to escape," Airi tells him. Geisha had managed to use her nimble movements to sneak behind the stranger, blocking off his exit. "Tell me... Who are you and what are you doing in Lavaridge Town?" She asks him, expecting him to answer all of her questions.



  • In the name of love and justice, we will punish you!






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March 25
mauville city
6'0 height
6'0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
Jecht Moreau DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jecht
Jecht Moreau
Spirited Away
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:27:55 GMT
Jecht Moreau Avatar
Jecht’s smirk never wavered, even as the tension thickened around him. He watched Airi pull Haku into her arms, her relief palpable, though her eyes never left him. The little boy was safe now, but the Ranger Captain’s guard was still up, and her Absol had moved into position, cutting off his escape. Clever. She was sharp—sharper than most, and Jecht couldn’t help but respect that.

But this was all part of the game.

"Out of my mind? Perhaps," he replied, his tone light, almost playful, as though the whole situation was nothing more than an amusing performance to him. He took a slow step back, hands raised in mock surrender, though his eyes glinted with mischief. "But I wouldn’t say I’m trying to escape. After all, why run when the show’s just getting good?"

The Drifloon continued their eerie parade above him, floating lazily, almost unaware of the tension on the ground. Jecht knew the performance had done its job—he’d managed to return the boy without looking like the bad guy, but now the real game was at hand.

"Who am I?"
Jecht echoed her question, his voice softening, though still dripping with the same playful charm. "Now, that’s a dangerous question, don’t you think? Sometimes it’s better not to know." He gave a slow, deliberate shrug. "But, since you’ve asked so nicely…"

He paused, drawing out the moment, his eyes flashing with a mix of amusement and something darker. "The name’s Jecht. And as for what I’m doing here? Well, let’s just say I have a vested interest in these Drifloon. They’ve been wandering a bit too far from where they belong, and I was simply helping them find their way back." He tilted his head, his smirk deepening. "Call it… damage control."

Jecht glanced at Geisha, still blocking his path, and then back to Airi. He could feel the weight of her judgment pressing down on him, and yet, he couldn’t resist one more jab.

"Now, you’ve got the boy, and I’ve got my little puppet show." He gestured to Mimikyu, still hovering beside him. "So, what’s it going to be? You going to lock me up for a crime I didn’t commit, or let me walk away and call it even?"

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
255 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Spirited Away
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 17:55:32 GMT


spirited away

Airi's deep sapphire orbs continues to focus on the mysterious man standing a few feet away from her. She feels grateful to see Haku is good health. However, she cannot let her guard down until the child's reunited with his mother. Therefore, she still needs to get the kid away from the suspicious man. She cannot order Geisha to attack him until Haku is out of the way. So, she will have to think of another way to take down her opponent and to assure Haku remains in good health.


Geisha kept her eyes locked on the mysterious man. She let out a threatening growl the moment he threw his arms up and took a few steps away from her. "You must think that I am a fool or something, huh? You cut out the act. No one is going to fall for it," Airi told him. She refused to believe any of the words escaping from his mouth. His body language and facial expression told her everything she needs to know about his actions.


She did listen to his introduction. What an interesting name. She thought to herself. "Luckily for you, I am here. I will guide those Drifloon home. But first, I am going to have to take you on a special trip," she shared with him. A cunning smirk of her own spreading across her full lips. Her shimmering sapphire eyes staring deeply into his dark and eerie eyes. There is no way this guy should be trusted.


"Who said that I do not have any evidence, huh?" She questioned, arching her eyebrow at him. He is forgetting one thing. Haru serves as a witness. Even if he did not understand why the Drifloon decided to pick up him, he may have overheard Jecht discussing his plans, right? "So, what is going to be? You're going to come with freely or are you going to put up a fight?" she asked him. She takes pride in her position as a ranger, and she refuses to let him get away.




  • In the name of love and justice, we will punish you!






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it's a long life full of long nights

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Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
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