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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
Field of Nostalgia
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 21:51:56 GMT

After following her dreams of becoming a Ranger Nurse, Airi found herself spending less time in her hometown and more time traveling to the other cities and towns around the Hoenn Region in order to help protect the environment and those living within it. Unfortunately, it is always a bitter-sweet experience for Airi to return back to her roots. She enjoyed spending time with her father and catching up with old friends. However, home is also a reminder that her mother is no longer around to spread her joy and love. Despite it being years since her mother passed away, Airi has her moments when somedays or better than others. Today, just happens to be one of those not so good days.

Airi found herself wondering along the beautiful and peaceful path that will lead her towards the Berry Garden. One of the few places that she always enjoyed visiting when she was a little girl. She loved soaking in the sunlight, taking in the sight of the colorful berries and watching the Wild Pokémon that would often visit the Berry Garden in hopes of swiping a few berries for themselves. Of course, she was also known to shove a couple in her mouth or pockets, too. Sometimes, her mother would even bake some delicious treats from the berries that she had collected from the garden. Ah, the good ole' days.

As Airi continued to move a bit closer towards the Berry Garden, her keen ears would eavesdrop on a conversation between an adult and a child. Apparently, the adult was either trying to scold the child or attempting to intimidating him not to take any berries away from the garden. Perhaps, he was trying to do both of those things? Either way, Airi shook her head as she watched the kid run off crying to another adult. A deep sigh escapes from her scarlet-red lips as she walked towards light-haired person. Her long, chocolate brown hair dancing in the wind and her goddess-like hips and thighs swaying from side to side in her short, dark-hued floral dress that hugs against her dangerous curves in all of the right places.
"You did not have to make him cry, Kouji. We used to steal berries from the garden all of the time as little kids. He will grow older and learn to appreciate all of the hard work that others put in to ensure that this garden is thriving as it should be." Airi stated with a gentle tone as she continued walk towards the familiar face. "I can't believe it. It is actually you, huh?" She giggled, her deep azure eyes shimmering like beautiful sapphires as she makes eye contact with her old her. "Tell me... How have you been since our last encounter."





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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 6:46:22 GMT

Shinobu was a man of few words as Airi shared her story with him. To be honest, she did appreciate his ability to not only remain focused on her words, but to also show some interest in them, too. The wideness of his ocean blue eyes informed her that he, too, also sees a blazing passion in her dreams and ambitions. Right when she thought that Shinobu would not have a verbal response to her previous words, the handsome and friendly doctor confirmed his true thoughts regarding her ambition. "Thank you, Shinobu. I appreciate your kind words," she told him as another kind smile curled against the corners of her lips. "How about you focus on making out of the cave alive first, then we will see if we can develop a friendship," she teased him, lightly giggling at his comment.

"Perfect. If we start to explore now, then we may be able to finish before the sunsets," She stated, flashing him a warm and friendly smile. Airi then shifted her attention towards her Mudkip, who had just finished devouring his delicious treat. "Bean, let's go! It's time to check out the cave!" She called out to him. The Mudkip swiftly rushed over to his trainer's side.

Airi and Bean soon followed behind Shinobu and Renji inside of the cave. She immediately turned her flashlight in hopes of being able to see a little bit better around the cave. "Times like this I wish I would have a fire-type accompany me to light the way," she admitted, as her deep azure eyes attempted to adjust to the semi-dark cave.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 3:52:02 GMT

A soft sigh of relief escapes from Airi's sweet lips after she realizes that Shinobu is not upset with Bean and his playful antics. In a sense, it is a breath of fresh air to seem someone, who is a doctor, show that he has a pretty good sense humor. Airi placed her dainty hand over her hand as she giggled softly at Shinobu's reaction to Bean. "Yeah. He is something else, that's for sure!" She replied back to Shinobu's statement. "But I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world," she added with a soft smile painted across her lips as her deep azure eyes shifts over to the Mudkip. Bean let out a cheerful cry and wagged his finned tail as he continued to enjoy the treat.

Airi soon found herself moving a little closer towards Shinobu as she listened to his answer to her previous question. His answer was simple enough, yet slightly intriguing, too. Perhaps, it has something to do with his soothing voice or the sense of passion that she feels from his words as he shared his amazing journey with her. She smiled rather widely as she continued to listen to rest of his story. She could feel herself becoming less tense around him after learning a little bit more about him. Airi rolled her eyes in a playful manner as she took notice of his little eye wink. Yeah... He is charming, but maybe a little arrogant, too. "My uncle was a Pokémon Ranger back in the day. I used to spend a lot of time with him whenever he would come back from a tedious mission. We would take a trek through the woods, and he would teach me a lot of value skills that the majority of the Rangers should have or know how to do. It was fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Eventually, I would wonder off to the forest to help heal or rescue any injured Pokémon. My mother was a nurse and she taught me a lot, too." She shared, a soft smile curled around her full lips as she gently tugged against a Chansey-shaped pendant around her neck. "I decided to become a Ranger Nurse to honor both my mother and my uncle. I also did it because it is something I feel passionate about and someday I will start my own Rehabilitation Center for injured and endangered Pokémon," she added, taking a quick pause for a moment to reflect on the memories that she once shared with her beloved mother. "Oh, I'm sorry. I did not mean to talk that much," she giggled, rubbing the back of her neck a bit after realizing that she had talk for a few minutes too long.

"Anyway, if you're up for it... How about the four of us explore he cave together?" She suggestion with a kind smile. "It would be safer and more entertaining, too." She added, her kind smile widening just a bit more.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 2:52:57 GMT

Despite her guarded and reserved persona, Airi did not ignore Shinobu's dark azure eyes and charming smile. The friendly and charming doctor is quite handsome. A little too handsome, maybe? She thought to herself. So far, he has not shown her anything less of positive vibes. However, she still found it fairly difficult to let her guard down around him just yet. Perhaps, a time will come along, and he will be able to prove his good nature to her. Well, she could ask him a couple of personal questions to gather more information about him and gain a better understanding of him as a person. Yeah, that is exactly what she will do... "So, tell me? Why did you decide to become a doctor and about how long have you been a doctor?" she questioned, a small and gentle smile curled against the corners of her ruby-red lips.

She listened carefully to Shinobu's reasoning for traveling to Slateport City to track down a rare Pokémon of his own. "Ah, I see. You are searching for a rare Pokemon, too. That makes a lot of sense. I had no idea that Toxel could be found in this area. I am also here looking for a rare Pokemon... I overheard some trainers discussing some rare and powerful Dark-types hanging around this area, and I am hoping to see some of them," she added. And there he goes with that charming smile yet again.

Bean was enjoying his time with Renji. The Riolu did not attempt to disturb his play, nor did he attempt to judge him for his childish game of "chase your tail". Bean found the Riolu to be rather cool, calm, and collective. Perhaps, a legendary warrior in training? Bean could not help, but to tilt his head in an adorable way to express a little bit of confusion as he listened to Renji speak about being his protector against the strong Pokémon living inside of the cave. Despite his size, Bean is quite capable of taking care of himself and protecting his trainer, too. Still, he decided to play along with Renji's "little game".

Bean blinked his eyes at Shinobu as the other trainer made an attempt to interact with him. A mischievous smirk curled against the corners of his lips before he opened his mouth and shot forth a playful spray of water in the man's direction. If fast enough, Shinobu should not have a difficult time dodging the gentle squirt of water. Airi giggled and shook her head at her Pokémon's behavior. "Bean! I've told you a thousand times, you can't just spray others with water! I'm so sorry, Shinobu. Bean is quite playful," she apologized, half bowing to Shinobu. Hopefully, he would not be too upset with Bean. Airi then glanced over at Bean, only to find him snacking on the treat that Shinobu had given him a moment ago.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 1:38:04 GMT

Airi could not help, but to glance down and smile at the Riolu. A cute Pokémon with a playful nature it seems, a true reflection of her Mudkip, if she does say so herself. "Luckily for you, Bean was able to detect your movements before you two surprised us. I cannot say that if I didn't have Bean accompanying me that I would this friendly and welcoming," she added, a few soft giggles escaping from her lips. She then nodded her head at the rest of his words. She will give him the benefit of doubt for the moment. Nowadays, it is quite important not to let one's guard down too soon without gaining a good understanding of their true motives. Her shimmering azure eyes keeping a careful watch on him as his move closer towards her.

She watched him extend his hand out for a friendly handshake. She took a few seconds before extending her dainty hand out to engage in a pleasant handshake with him. "It is nice to meet you, Shinobu. Did you travel all the way from Petalburg City just to catch some Pokémon in Slateport City?" She questioned, then remembered that she still has not introduce herself. "I'm Airi. I'm a Ranger Nurse," she smiled, slowly removing her hand from his hand, then placing it back to her side. Her Mudkip then approached Shinobu and his Riolu. "And this cutie is Bean." She introduced them to her Pokémon. The Mudkip let out a cheerful cry before running around in a circle a few times in a puppy-like manner.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 0:53:10 GMT

It was warm and peaceful evening in Slateport City, Airi had decided to wonder off into the outskirts of the port city after resting up at the Pokémon Center. She had overheard some trainers conversing about a few rare Dark-type Pokémon that can be found outside of the city and the beautiful Ranger Nurse wished to encounter those rare Dark-types for herself. She had changed into her ranger uniform, not wanting to risk ruining her designer clothes nor her expensive high heels. Her ranger outfit embraced the dangerous curves of her feminine figure. She had added a few accessories to her uniform such her gemstone earrings and a cute and stylish red armband around her left arm. Her full lips were painted ruby red, and her fingernails were neatly manicured and painted. Despite being in the wild, Airi always made sure to look her best at all times. Walking alongside her is Bean, her trusted Mudkip, who often becomes a little distracted by a single stone that he continues to kick with his small feet over and over again as the two of them continued to move towards their destination.

After a few minutes of walking around the outskirts, Airi and Bean started to make their way those a cave. Airi hummed a beautiful song along the way as Bean swayed his head from side to side, enjoying the sweet, melodic humming sound coming from his trainer's mouth. Once at the entrance of the cave, Airi quickly opened up her backpack to retrieve a flashlight. It is times like this, when it would use to have a Pokémon on her team that knows the move Flash. Airi's eyes soon shifted away from the entrance of the cave when she noticed Bean's unique fin moving around a bit and alerting her that something or someone is near them. Airi turned her body around just in time to notice another person and his Pokémon walking towards them.

"It's not polite to sneak up on people. ya'know. It's also not safe either," She told him, resting her dainty hands around her curvaceous hips. "But, yes. I am in search of Pokémon." She informed him, a soft smile slowly curling around her lips as her gorgeous sapphire blue eyes connected with his eyes for a few seconds.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
Airi's P.C.
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 23:36:21 GMT





pokémon storage system






items in possession




garden pokémon info


pkmn name


♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[break]

move, move, move,[break] move, move, move



pokémon for trade




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[img src=""][h1]pokémon storage system[/h1]



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[img src=""][h1]garden pokémon info[/h1]



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   [b]♁/♂︎/⚬ ability[/b][break]

   move, move, move,[break] move, move, move[/div]



[img src=""][h1]pokémon for trade[/h1]



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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
48 posts
part of
TAG WITH @airi
watanabe, airi
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 5:37:29 GMT

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



nameairi watanabe
played byaphrodite

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK cadet

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM shiki ichinose from iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




Airi was born and raised in Rustboro City to an upper-class family. Her mother works as a Pokémon Nurse, and her father works as a Pokémon Researcher. Unfortunately, due to her father's career requiring him to travel a lot she would not get a lot of time to spend with him. However, she was able to spend a decent amount of time with her mother. Airi decided that after watching her talented mother heal numerous Pokémon from various injuries and illnesses that she would become a nurse, too. After informing her mother about her aspiring dream of becoming a Pokémon Nurse, her mother quickly started teaching her daughter all the basic rules and skills needed to become a successful nurse in the future. However, before her mother could even witness Airi obtain her first Pokémon, her mother had passed away from an unexpected illness. [break][break]

Shortly after her mother's death, Airi ended up moving in with her caring aunt and her uncle while her father was out traveling and collecting research data. Airi's is local schoolteacher, and her uncle was Pokémon Ranger at the time. Airi often spent half of her time expanding her knowledge around Pokémon. Other times, she would watch her uncle train his Pokémon and accompany him on hikes or short trips. Whenever her uncle was not too busy training his Pokémon or undergoing dangerous missions, he taught Airi about raising and training Pokémon for battles. He also thought her some of the common ranger skills like reading maps, surviving in the wilderness, and approaching Wild Pokémon in a safe manner, how to forage for medicinal herbs. Airi soon found herself wanting to learn more about Pokémon and how to become a ranger. She expressed her new interest to her uncle, and he explained to her that she would have to enroll in a trainer school in order to be a Pokémon trainer or ranger. [break][break]

Once her father had finally returned back from his one of his long trips, he had noticed that his daughter still shown some sadness in her heart due to the loss of her mother, Airi's father decided to cheer her up by enrolling her into the high-ranked academy for future trainers and rangers. He figured that it would be beneficial for his daughter to attend the school since she held a strong desire to become both nurse and Pokémon Ranger like her late mother and her uncle. Not to mention that he did not have the skills to teach her himself. Airi was more than happy to hear that she would be attending the academy to study more about Pokémon. She promised her father that she would become the world's greatest Pokémon Nurse & Ranger that she could possibly become to honor him and her late mother. Before setting off on her new adventure, her father gifted her with two of her mother's youngest Pokémon a Ralts and Mudkip. [break][break]

While attending the academy, Airi was able to obtain the necessary skills that she needed to become both an aspiring nurse and ranger. She created remarkable memories with new friends, who were also a predominant part of helping her transform into a stronger being. She experienced new friendships with people and Pokémon, love, heartbreaks, new adventures, and challenges. Through it all, she managed to graduate at the top percentage of her class with a few of her fellow classmates ranking up alongside her. [break][break]

Airi is quite new to being a Pokémon Ranger. However, she takes pride in being one of the few Pokémon Rangers, who also has a background in nursing. She believes that her unique combination will give her an advantage whenever it comes time for her to climb up the ranks of becoming a high ranked ranger. Airi does not mind going on dangerous missions with the other rangers, but she refers to stay back to help rehabilitate injured Pokémon, protecting and any endangered Pokémon. [break][break]


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