ceres' plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 11
Saffron City
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me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
ceres' plotter
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 2:48:24 GMT
ceres Avatar


Outwardly, there's nothing necessarily wrong with Ceres. Sociable despite her oft lackadaisical nature, her personality remains relatively fluid, capable of adjusting at a dime as though having no real solidity to it. To most, however, she is rather friendly. Perhaps even kind, should the occasion warrant it. And like a false sun, she can possess warmth, too.

Ceres is masterful at that; pretending. She'll pretend to be a fantastic friend and is seemingly capable of holding close relationships, even if they couldn't be more one-sided. She'll often appear as supportive; happy to tell you what you'd like to hear. Ass-kissing, if you will— especially to those who may hold some authority or power over her. Her own anxieties keeps her almost fanatically in tune with the wants and emotions of others, even if she seems to scarcely recognize her own. She's a mockery of an empath.

Inwardly? She's fucked. A terrible individual who is, often, quite miserable. She is selfish to a fatal degree, capable of acting charitable only when it doesn't matter. Her well-being will, always, come first even if she's adept at acting humble. Her utter inability to trust others manifests as greed and paranoia. It's a conundrum, really— how she manages to have such a relaxed bravado despite being an utterly anxious mess internally.

Likely, she doesn't like you despite whatever lie she's fed you or others. Her need for control and enjoyment of power over others manifests in wanting to be depended on by others, even if she hates the responsibility of it. And of course, Ceres lies. She lies, and lies, and lies, to such a degree that she's gaslit herself before.

Ironically, Ceres' most toxic traits are typically only visible to those that know and, genuinely, befriend her. Whether it's a self-destructive habit or done purposefully has yet to be seen.


Weaving Webs
It's genuinely difficult to tell how rotten Ceres is to the core. Capable of playing the 'long game' for months, her ability to befriend others seems sincere. She'll often take the initiative in cultivating bonds, getting closer, and becoming someone important to them. Someone they can trust. Rocket and League alike, her need for connection, regardless of how vile her intentions, is a prevalent thought.

  • Characters (both league and rocket) for social threads— with the intention of building a bond (for totally innocent reasons), or pre-existing friendships. Ofc I'm always happy to slap two characters together and see if something naturally builds!
  • Characters who are just down for a good time, even if she's probably faking it, Ceres can be a riot & will 100% enable others
  • Especially passive or timid characters drawn to confidence and the promise of a friend who seemingly, genuinely, cares. Ceres is great at pretending. She is fantastic at pretending to be a comfort character. Let her comfort you.
  • You can try to improve her for the better or indulge her fully and make her worse. We love character development here.
Beast of Burden
Ceres plays the part of a loyal rocket quite well. Always willing to be front and center, if a task needs to be done, she'll do it. Especially if requested by someone in the upper brass. Anything to earn her brownie points in the eyes of those who matter, she's happy to assist. Otherwise, she may have a habit of sticking her nose in places it shouldn't be when it comes to the affairs of other Rocket members, too. She can't help you better if she doesn't know all that you're involved in, after all.

  • Missions with other Rocket characters
  • Social threads with League members of potentially inhibiting or disrupting their goals/missions/peace (harmless and harmful).
  • Characters of higher rank or prestige in Rocket who want someone to boss around (she will remember this).
  • Rocket characters who may be sus of her seemingly affable nature. Let the shenanigans ensue.
  • Building seemingly genuine bonds with Rocket members. Gotta strengthen those social links.



  • Former Friends. Especially for those who managed to genuinely get close to Ceres before going 'ew' and promptly retreating. Directions aplenty this could go, with a juicy potential for character development.
  • Rockets who came from Kanto. She used to be in Kanto's Rocket up until a month or so ago.
  • There are plenty of people she's exploited in the past. Manipulated into precarious positions, used and then abandoned, or potentially even gotten hurt or worse on her behalf. Ceres does not expect to pay for the consequences of her actions. Maybe you're someone who has, though?
  • An ex or past fling. She's probably only had 1 (one), and there's so many different ways it could've gone lol. We could make this juicy.


  • She's new to Hoenn, a tour guide would be nice.
  • Currently, she sometimes works at a Bar (a part-time shift) as a bartender when not doing Rocket things. Come drunkenly air out your blues and she definitely won't keep note of it.
  • Rivals in Rocket. Likely to be secretive, but Ceres does intend to rise in ranks either literally or metaphorically (via her connections— a puppetmaster if you will). Don't get in her way.
  • She's easily dragged into hobbies or stupid events because she struggles saying no. Yes, she'll go to your dumb kid's soccer game.



  • @tag - Brief description of relationship.


  • @tag - Brief description of relationship.


  • @tag - Brief description of relationship.


  • @tag - Brief description of relationship.


it's a long life full of long nights

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