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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 11
Saffron City
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me, myself, & i
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Incoming [dw]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:22:19 GMT
ceres Avatar

"The influence of so many unknown variables?" Ceres offers with a crane of her head. "Avatars, different dimensions, unheard of pokemon, God-like pokemon being more than myths, the creation of new technology— in contrast, the war in Kanto almost feels old fashioned."

Ceres answers with a hint of bittersweet amusement. Upon transferring, she'd heard things in Hoenn were complex, but this... was beyond her wildest dream. Even looking at Theo's blaziken, it felt like something foreign to her altogether. Some part of her was interested and another disgusted. She hated change, truly.

Skipping both wild pokemon.
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June 11
Saffron City
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me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Fake it 'till you make it [s]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:21:35 GMT
ceres Avatar
That, Ceres could agree with. It was impressive, even if she felt incredibly overwhelmed by it all the same. Even the vastness of Saffron seemed to pale in contrast to it, even if she still preferred the former. "I've never been to Unova before." A truth amidst a tangle of lies escapes as she nods, offering a thin smile, "let's see how well it holds up to Sinnohian grub."

"Oh, I'm Valerie, by the way. Nice to meet you— and thanks for the company."

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June 11
Saffron City
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me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
fight night [m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:20:59 GMT
ceres Avatar

"Boo." An unenthused huff left her lips, but the woman didn't complain further. "Alright, alright... Here I come then, big guy." Unfortunately, despite how toxic and mentally abusive she could be, Ceres did not get any enjoyment from getting to punch something. Maybe seeing someone getting hit? Oh, absolutely. Doing it herself though? Not so much.

Still, her form wasn't terrible. Aware of her smaller size, she made sure she was light on her feet, more prone to duck and weave, to be quick, than to be strong. And so, instead of one strong punch, as she sprang forward, she went for two quick jabs. A bit of an overachiever, maybe she did want some semblance of praise from the experienced fighter.

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Poking In, Poking Out
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:20:29 GMT
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"It's difficult, maybe even absurdity, but Rocket's done it before, in Kanto." Kanto was different, though. It didn't have beings thought to be Gods intervening and freaks from different dimensions. Maybe he had a point. Approaching anything in Hoenn like Kanto... maybe that'd been Silas' folly. 
Howard's question, while simple, peels at her ego uncomfortably. She was weak. It was a fact she'd known since her youth.

Weak-willed, weak-bodied, weak-hearted, weak. It saturated her insides like a second skin she couldn't remove; yet another fact she despised of herself. Thankfully, in her years, she'd grown adept at playing the role of someone strong. As long as others perceived her as such, or at least as weaker than herself, what she actually was didn't matter.

While she could easily lie and keep that guise going that she wasn't just as cowardly or simpering as a common grunt, Ceres spoke truthfully.

"I'm smart." She retorts without hesitation. "While strength wins the war, the smart commands the victors." 

"What about you? Excuse me for making assumptions, but you don't seem like the type who enjoys going in, guns blazing and bodies falling." For even someone as weak as herself, no, she wasn't intimidated by any prowess Howard may have possessed. Call it foolish arrogance that somehow existed in her anxious mess of a mind, but, he didn't necessarily seem 'strong' to her. 
No, he seemed 'smart' too. And that was what made him a threat in her eyes. 

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Poking In, Poking Out
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 7:50:43 GMT
ceres Avatar
Pale hues narrow in thought. Or judgment. Faintly, Ceres wondered if this was a test. The paranoid thoughts twist further into her mind, tearing between what she wanted to say versus what she believed he wanted to hear. Of course, in the end, her own desires seldom ever won.

"Propaganda." She gave the faintest shrug. "Or, intimidation. If we can keep Sootopolis secured and also procure Petalburg, that will be two cities under Rocket's siege. It'll prove our strength and further show the League's incompetence." That was a given, though. Their public relations made sure to nail that part in with each conflict between the two opposing sides.

"People cling to those who are strong. Power is what makes the world run. If we want to keep PR manageable, the rebuilding process could be prioritized. Get the citizens back into their usual life. There'll be plenty of jobs available in Petalburg for reconstruction among other things. Money always makes people shut up. Income brings in people." She scoffs.

"I can see the advertising now. 'Petalburg, reopened and ready for your business. Find a job today'!" Stifling a laugh, she continues.

"Either way, we show people we're not complete terrorists. Show them that Rocket is better than their precious League."

In times of desperation and hellfire, people were weak. And the weak would always latch onto the strong like parasites. Though the fires of war would run red and fear would be high, they could use it to their advantage, still.

"Sugar will always attract more cutieflies than salt. So, we shouldn't go around salting the earth too much, hm?"

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
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me, myself, & i
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5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
fight night [m]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 6:30:57 GMT
ceres Avatar
Temp's friendly nature made it easy to fall into a flow with him. Of course, Ceres was a bit... wary still. Well, she was wary of everyone, truthfully. A constant state of being paranoid of any and everyone would rarely yield genuine trust. For Tempest in particular, though... being ranked as 'beast' wasn't a title given lightly. Regardless of how easy the smile, fangs still bear.

Swallowing down the anxious feeling that rose as she internally appraised his rank once more, Ceres gave a huff. "Aren't big brothers supposed to spoil their siblings though?" She whines with mirth. Still, she begrudgingly puts up her arms, sliding into a practiced stance.

"...You sure?" She questions his instruction with a slight falter. "Not saying it'd hurt you, but, I've got a mean right hook, you know?" She was, probably, bluffing.

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
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me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Incoming [dw]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 6:17:17 GMT
ceres Avatar
Even at his explanation, she can't help but wonder if there's something more. Oh, what she'd give to be able to pick his mind a bit better. Not to offer any real comfort in the case of plights, really. Rather, for her own benefit. Always for her own benefit. Regardless, her smile remains. "Of course."

She takes her place at Theo's side confidently, content to walk in step with him and relish in just a brief taste of his presence, as though his power were her own.

"While you've never been anything but capable," Ceres spoke without falter, "I'm always happy to lend an ear." A bold offer, but one she decided was worth the risk. For as long as she'd dealt with him, and he her, seldom had Ceres tried to bridge that vast gap. Maybe, in the past, it was due to cowardly fear.

But, perhaps with new beginnings in Hoenn, it was time she started being a bit more... progressive.

"I know Rocket's going through many new developments. I couldn't imagine standing at the head of it all." That was a lie. Oh, many times she had. And how sweet those thoughts had been.

As she spoke, the appearance of a larger, more hulking pokemon caught her eye. Though it might benefit the scientists she'd proclaimed she wanted to help, selfishness reared its head.

The grimmsnarl wearily stared at her absol and the lingering blaziken. Utilizing this brief moment of hesitation, she offered a command. "Wear it down." Against a trainer, she'd usually give more direct command and strategy. For something like this though, innate and instinctual malevolence would work well.

Her absol engaged, deftly dodging a startled bite from the wild pokemon in favor of striking first with a sucker punch. Though mostly ineffective, relentless pursuit of its prey through attack after attack would, eventually, yield results. Stumbling slightly from the nausea of swagger, Ceres took the chance to throw a Pokeball at the fairy/dark type.

, attempting to capture the grimmsnarl

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Poking In, Poking Out
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 5:53:45 GMT
ceres Avatar
You'd think an admin could afford to have more expensive tastes. Ceres was, quickly, proven wrong.

She offers a small smile back, "oh, must be my lucky day." She muses. She had a creeping feeling that being treated out by Howard was a rare occurrence... Thus, she'd enjoy being a freeloader with him while it lasted.

Shifting in her seat, a brow soon arches. She pauses, as though thinking over his statement, and words leave her lips easily enough.

"For good reason and cause." She wasn't entirely sure if she believed that answer herself. Wanton violence via war hardly ever passed without blameless victims. Was there ever a 'right' reason for that? She briefly follows his gaze, watching the bustle of clueless lives going about their business.

...And all she felt was a stinging numbness. An inability to care, aside from what doors their sacrifice may open for herself.
What soon followed was a sting of, perhaps, slight envy that even a corrupt admin could afford more sympathy than she could.

Refraining from the urge to bitterly smile at herself, she decides to stop focusing on her own thoughts. Nothing good ever came from it but unwanted self-reflection and realization.

"Right?" The words came off more challenging than she intended. Ceres was quick to soothe them, however. "It will rebuild. People will learn to live through it and move on. Like a scabbed wound, they'll heal. Scar, maybe. But heal."

"Unless," she continues, "you have some other grand idea to pitch to the head honchos. Maybe I'll even back you up if you do." Her sincerity seemed genuine.

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Poking In, Poking Out
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 10:04:33 GMT
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She'd pressed her luck, however slight, and was nearly nipped by the waiting fox. And though her insides churn with bitter envy and relent at recoiling even faintly, she accepts his authority with grace. There is a faint twitch to Ceres' smile, however, it does not falter.

"Of course." Her head slightly dips in a faint nod of acknowledgment, a hint of begrudging respect forced through teeth that ache to bare. "My apologies, Howard. It won't happen again." She lies to him for the second time today. It won't be the last.

Stifling her irritation, Ceres offers a pleasant hum once more in thought.

"If you're paying? A Fuecocoa with a dash of caramel. Otherwise, a muddy water cappuccino." One was significantly cheaper than the other. "Unless you have something you'd recommend," she offers a slight shrug. "Yourself?"

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
fight night [m]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 10:03:57 GMT
ceres Avatar
"I can't just phone you in if I find myself in a fight?" Ceres' complaint is followed by a delicate laugh as she locks her fingers together, holding her arms above her head as she stretches and loosens taut muscles.

Combat, in any form, was not her forte. More adept at playing support or being a hindrance, feats of brute strength were, often, something she'd be more than happy to let another deal with. However, with outright war encroaching, brushing up on self-defense wasn't entirely a terrible idea, especially if she found herself in a situation where her pokemon were already occupied.

That still didn't mean she cared for the idea, though.

More than content to let someone bloody their hands for her, she had no qualms with letting her fights be fought for her if the chance arrived. Better someone else get their face broken than her.

Alas though, she'd play the part of a bleeding heart more than willing to jump into the fray for any of her comrades.

, lmk if you need smth changed! <3
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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Fake it 'till you make it [s]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 10:03:21 GMT
ceres Avatar
"I don't, either. Confusing, but interesting." Ceres agrees. In her, slightly drunken, state, his words blurred together more than she would've liked for them to. But, she paid attention to them well enough.

Some part of her felt uncomfortable exposed in her somewhat intoxicated state, even more so given who this man was. But, another part of her predatory mind saw an opportunity.

"Veilstone is nice. Though it definitely feels a bit less... grand," she enunciates with her hands, "than this. I'm not complaining though, it's a nice change of pace." Ceres laughs once more. "I wasn't, but... if you join me, I think I could be convinced to." She offers him a hopeful smile.

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played by


June 11
Saffron City
Info Broker
me, myself, & i
5'7 height
5'7 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ceres
Lost lambs [m]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2024 9:53:38 GMT
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The streets were dark, but, not quite quiet. In the outskirts of Slateport, the nightlife seemed to thrive when the light began to die. Unsavory sorts of all ilk crawled out to play— and Rocket was no exception.

Despite the danger the streets of Slateport's fringes could pose, Ceres felt at peace. There was something familiar to be found in chaos, something she could appreciate.

Unfortunately, as much as some part of her itched to see what she could get herself involved in... There was work to be done. With the war coming, a few rocket members had gotten... 'cold feet', so to speak. Completely abandoned ship, as though their absence wouldn't be noticed and dealt with.

"So, are you the type that gets right to the bloody part or can we see if they're ready to come home yet?" She spoke of the deserters like they were lost wooloo that needed to be led back to their pins. In neither situation did Ceres see them surviving long. There was no place in Rocket for traitors. But, they could always use more capable bodies to fight for their cause nowadays, no?

, let me know if you need any edits!
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