Beyond The Way.

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Mo, The Collector
she/her, any
May 5
lumiose city, kalos
aromantic asexual
linguist, story collector
to the world's heartbeat.
5'3'' / 160 cm height
5'3'' / 160 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
67 posts
part of
TAG WITH @morrighan
Morrighan Cahill
Beyond The Way.
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 12:20:24 GMT
Morrighan Cahill Avatar

In a bustling city as Slateport, it seems quite difficult to find a quiet moment after the noise - or within the noise, to be more precise, leaving to wonder if the city would ever sleep. Perhaps, in those hours blending night to day, where only a few rise to the occasion, driven by insomnia or their profession ... perhaps then. But as people would say, the night is still young. Morrighan only left a concert venue a mere hour or two ago, trying to see if she can find a quieter place to reminisce over the experience. It feels like it's been quite a while since she went to a concert per se, that wasn't a musical or opera in that sense. Simply music, with no narration to be told. A refreshing experience, one could argue, as she also hasn't quite so heard the performer's music before. Though, something about her strikes familiar, it's hard to tell from fleeting glances on-stage, not enough to dig for in her memories.[break]
Sitting down in some park near the venue, it's almost frightening how little populated it is, but it seems that other concert goers might prefer to prolong the buzz of the concert, flocking towards busy bars and well-lit restaurants. Perhaps, she'll grab a bit for herself later? But for now ... Releasing Lunatone and Solrock, she simply walks, notebook in hand as she scribbles a little until-[break]
"Oh my - I didn't see you here-" she comes to an abrupt halt as she notices a figure in her near proximity, only hoping that perhaps, a crash is to be avoided ...



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played by


February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
364 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
Beyond The Way.
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 22:54:35 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

Mayhap it was because she was of Luminose to begin with that she tended to feel more awake in these waning hours. Or maybe it was from a young age she had been trained in a profession where, if you truly did well, you tended to work nights anyway. Or maybe it was simply that on an evening like this, coming down after a performance was incredibly difficult. Even if she was, in many ways, tired after. But that was mostly her body. Her mind was still busy half basking in the afterglow, half self-critiquing any minor error she had found. It was something that she never had been able to shake, even during her break.
It had just come back in full force ever since she’d had concerts again. Like riding bicycles, you just kind of got back into the groove again. And it meant that she was back to drudging along the restless hours after the concert.[break][break]
Fresh air usually helped. That was why she was here after a quick change into some fresh clothes. Given the residual heat that never completely left a city like this in the summer, she still just sported a black skirt and white blouse combination, her Alolan Vulpix and her Chespin, walking like the proud little knight he was, walking beside her. A young maiden had to protect herself a little at night, after all. Even if she just had sunglasses and a hat for her identity. It probably was not even necessary. People were surprisingly unable to recognize someone they had just seen in full stage costume afterwards in a normal setting.
It was probably the disconnect between it all, she mused – which was enough to make her fail to notice someone else not really looking where they went. Eve did not exactly crash into the other, but the bump would still at least be enough to send her hat briefly flying – Vulpix immediately going after it as if sensing a ‘fetch’ moment, while her glasses only dislodged a little. Still, as she would find herself briefly dazed, her Chespin would most definitely try to get between the two parties, almost as if on principle.




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played by


Mo, The Collector
she/her, any
May 5
lumiose city, kalos
aromantic asexual
linguist, story collector
to the world's heartbeat.
5'3'' / 160 cm height
5'3'' / 160 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
67 posts
part of
TAG WITH @morrighan
Morrighan Cahill
Beyond The Way.
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 13:58:35 GMT
Morrighan Cahill Avatar

Such a mishap felt a little like a punch in the gut when she was usually careful of her surroundings, but there is something about the night air, perhaps, the sight of the night sky, a deeply blue sapphire reflecting its specks of cosmic dust - shallow excuses for her inattentiveness for sure, but she makes-do with the present for now. Fortunately, none of them find themselves tumbling down to the ground, but the other's hat still manages to fly off, revealing ... something nearly familiar? But she can't quite pinpoint it just then.[break]
"My apologies - are you hurt somewhere?" Morrighan asks as etiquette would demand, even though it seems like the other seems just as fine. There is just some ... out-of-it that reminds her of herself, in a way, though she doesn't dare to speculate as to why this might be. There are aplenty of reasons after all, and it would be quite a coincidence if theirs overlapped.



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played by


February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
364 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
Beyond The Way.
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 22:11:20 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

Somehow, she did indeed manage to catch herself. She did not catch the hat, but fortunately Chespin, after realizing that the other person involved meant no harm, was already scampering off to collect it. And after a few moments of befuddlement, Evette started collecting herself again as well, taking a few breaths to steady her core. “No, I am…fine, I think.” She did not feel injured at least. And after a light collision like this, there really was no danger of anything worse. If nothing else, this was just a brief consequence of carelessness, but not much more. It was probably meaningless in the grand scheme of things, so she was ready to mostly brush it off.
But she just wanted to make sure the other did not think any worse of it all. “I probably am more exhausted than I thought I was is all. That sort of thing just gets overlooked when one is getting worked up all evening.” She offered a little chuckle in addition to these words, evidently ready to just let bygones be bygones.




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played by


Mo, The Collector
she/her, any
May 5
lumiose city, kalos
aromantic asexual
linguist, story collector
to the world's heartbeat.
5'3'' / 160 cm height
5'3'' / 160 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
67 posts
part of
TAG WITH @morrighan
Morrighan Cahill
Beyond The Way.
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 9:03:21 GMT
Morrighan Cahill Avatar

Fortunately, the run-in proves to be of mild nature with nothing have happened too much, and the Chespin seems quite attentive and retrives the hat that, with its lack on the top of the other's head, revealed hair of a striking purple colour. Now ... it's recent that she saw a similar if not the same colour, though she wouldn't want to assume on just this.[break]
In most situations, she also would have just left it at that if there isn't also that little ... curiosity, still, that she cannot quite place the other as much. "I'm glad to hear," Morrighan thusly remarks, continuing the conversation as it goes, "so you have been working all evening? Of course, only if you're inclined to share."



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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
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