the mad queen

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 3:36:23 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

An endlessly stretching reality of death lay on the horizon. Floating mountains hovered above inverted hills, the sepia flavored air sour with despair and regret. Tempest stared deeply at the horizon's line, eyes fixated on a point of nothing that could have been thousands of miles away. A twisted spire of rock jutted from the ground as if it had paused mid eruption.[break][break]

His Sygna Suit hummed. This was the same one Tempest had offered to show when they had first met. It was almost silly looking, a facade of a knight. The metal clinked when he tossed the visor open. His Firagarif lingered at his side, peering down at the woman curiously. Compass was not as tense as most would be in this place.[break][break]

"I think this might be the day." Tempest says it with that same grin as always, but this time it is tight. With worry, with doubt, with a wash of many other things. The devices that had given him worked soundly. The scouting he had done with had narrowed down the area.[break][break]

Today they would find Yveltal's nest.




🔗 the hunt


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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 14:57:12 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The Border was not her area of interest as a researcher given that the Megalopolans had tech and knowledge that the rest of the world had failed to completely archive. Still, her trips to Lesser Megalopolis had prepared her for the treacherous environments that ultra space held, so she kept her head on a swivel for threats and stuck close to Tempest. [break][break]

"The Harbinger of death and chaos and destruction," she mused as they walked. "Such a funny thing to seek rather than run from." She watched as her shadow moved separate from her body. It contorted with aborted movements as if forced to crumple and stretch by a psychic force, but she knew better. It was something darker. [break][break]

She was grateful for the opportunity to visit the Border with him. The invite reinforced a sense of value to Rocket, which made her feel safe, but it also intrigued her about the nature of the hunt. [break][break]

What did he think she could offer besides some scientific advice and some combat value when the former was focused on few disciplines and the latter was lesser than his own? "How many times have you been here looking for it?"

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 4:10:58 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

"Those things are only scary if you let them be." Was Tempest's answer, though it was given with a half smile. You had to make peace with some things when you were as deep in Rocket as he was by this point. The things he had caused was much like what Yveltal was lord of. To call it such a thing was to call him that as well.[break][break]

"Just three, but I've been here many times before."[break][break]

Tempest was most likely the Rocket who knew the area the most. The bubblegum-stretched landscape would never be as familiar as he might like, but there basics were there. He knew to watch for killer shadows, how to tell which bridges you could cross and which you would be walking on forever.[break][break]

A fog rolled in the distance.[break][break]

He had watched for that, too.[break][break]

"The spirits are getting riled up."




🔗 the hunt


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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 17:09:56 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Easy to say, she figured. But she wasn't someone often running from death. Arguably, she ran from life with her dream studies, as she wanted to leave this one behind and step into a new one altogether. [break][break]

She frowned as she noticed exactly what he spoke of. The spirits were seemingly unhappy. "I have not killed anyone recently, if the spirits here are the kind for grudges." Maybe they just hated the living. The Border was not a common haunt for her. "I would hope they would start to like you if you are a recurring visitor." [break][break]

Three times here, and he brought her this time. She felt a little flattered. "I meant to ask... is this mission of yours one of your own making? I am surprised to see any manpower allocated to the search of legendary pokemon given our losses." Though, what they'd gained seemed to be a larger drain on resources, even with Kanto's assistance. Tempest - and Cillian - had lost more than she had in the fight, though.

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]
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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 18:52:05 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

"These are all spirits who haven't 'passed on' for one reason or another. They're not usually very friendly."[break][break]

As if to spite him, wing-beats overhead. A Pelliper circles down in a low arc, slow and easy, to land on Tempest's head. He makes an undignified noise and almost swats it away before he realizes what, or who, it is.[break][break]

The bird has an empty, bloody holy where her left eye should be. Tempest reaches up to ruffle her feathers like he used to do to sate her. The Pelliper kicks off again, flying idly overhead. An ally for this adventure alone.[break][break]

"It was orders from Walsh." From before the battle. In truth, Tempest was throwing himself into this with more gusto than was needed. It was so hard, though, to spend all your hours to rebuilding what was lost. Only then, to come home and stare at the ruins of the like you had built with someone else. It was draining to recover what little he and had been able and then go to an impersonal hotel room that belonged to neither of them. To step into his flooded house with windows broken and jagged and see the chaos inside. What wasn't ruined would mold or rot before they could get to it.[break][break]

It was easier to focus on a project.[break][break]

"I've kept the outings quick and specialized. I don't believe in throwing Grunts at a problem till something sticks. Only people I want to be here have come with me."



🔗 the hunt


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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 19:07:16 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

At least the ghosts weren't throwing things around. She had little interest in poltergeists. [break][break]

The Pelipper was clearly a pokemon of his. She hoped her original Espathra had not crossed over to this land, unhappy. She could not face the guilt of her death, and she had no interest in watching her prior failures be thrown back at her. The very concept made her antsy. [break][break]

"Well, I am glad to have made the short list." She paused, thoughtful. "I suspect since you brought me here, though, that we are not actually trying to catch it?" Surely, there would more of them if they were attempting such a feat.

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 19:49:03 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

A shake of the head 'no' at her question.[break][break]

"I've almost tracked down it's nest. I'm hoping to scout the area so I can set up a trap when we're ready to engage. There is a chance that Yveltal may in it's nest, though, so I was hoping we might be in a position for you to keep it asleep."[break][break]

The fog rolls in closer.[break][break]

"But if we're lucky, we'll be able to scout without worrying about that."




🔗 the hunt


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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 20:35:05 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Trapping a legendary beast would not be an easy task. Her eyes held a twinkle of amusement at the thought. Tempest did not do anything by halves; he was fully committed to this mission of his. "I can manage the sleeping," she stated despite a lack of experience of doing so to legendary pokemon. [break][break]

She always had Musharna with her despite its limited combat capacity. It was the most potent pokemon she had for putting others to sleep, and her recent z-move development made her even more effective. Though, she was unsure how impactful it would be against a deity, given her doubts about their capacity for higher thought. [break][break]

"Well," she mused as they traversed the ominous ultra space, "let no one ever call you boring." If this is where he took colleagues, she imagined he was very thoughtful for dates. Not that it was appropriate to say as such... but it did make her wonder if this was the kind of adventure liked to get up to.

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[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 21:43:19 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

A prick of flattery came over Tempest at 's words. For the first time during the trip, the first quirks of a genuine smile start to creep over his face.[break][break]

"Yeah, I guess no-"[break][break]

Even though the fog had been sweeping from a distance till now, it suddenly screams over the two of them.[break][break]

Harsh winds batter, making Tempest yelp. Then, a quick "Behind me!" as he reaches for Ameena's hand. Stepping closer, he physically tries to body block from the direction it comes from, his free arm raised to cover his own face. It smells like pungent sulfur, the stink of old bones, and dried blood. A cacophony of whispers and screams echo around them, twisting and burning in their ears. Ghostly fingers reach out to drag small scratches over whatever exposed skin they can reach.[break][break]

With a gust it stills all at once, a dead silence ringing. Only the heavy fog remains, stained a sickly yellow as it wafts around their ankles.[break][break]


Hissed between teeth.




🔗 the hunt


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn] text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; background: var(--accent); padding: 5px; width: 410px; margin-left: -40px; margin-bottom: -40px; margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 22:20:30 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Her stomach drops as the atmosphere goes from ominous to horrifying. [break][break]

The fog moves like it's alive. A tendril digs into her skin as it passes, as she stands behind Temp and lets him brave the storm of sickly portents. "What the hell is this?" She's never seen anything like it. She's never heard of anything like it. Instantly, she knows this is going to be featured in her coming dreams. [break][break]

Lucario issues a heal pulse that spreads over them and stitches closed her newest cut. "Is this Yveltal?" Was it the Border instead? She had never directed her inquiries, her attention, to this chunk of ultra space. But maybe she shouldn't have been chasing Megalopolans at all; this thin line between life and death was dangerously provocative. She wouldn't have minded a few sleep experiments in this land, though the thought is sour against the acrid fog warning them to LEAVE NOW.

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NOTES – [break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 22:58:02 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The Heal Pulse is appreciated, even if not aimed for Tempest himself. Dull scratches knit together before they even have a chance to bleed.[break][break]

"It's a Delusion of ghosts." Tempest grits out. Heavy, in the still air he takes one step. Gently and with meaning, he tries to tug behind him. "A hoard of angry spirits who all clustered up. They're feeding off each other's negative energy."[break][break]

Tempest takes a sharp breath.[break][break]

The ground rumbles.[break][break]

"No matter what you hear, no matter what you see, no matter what you think I say. Do not let go of my hand." The order is clear, laced with a twinge of fear usually absent in the Hoyeon's confident voice. Temp squeezes Ameena's hand lightly before turning away from her.[break][break]

"We need to get out of here or they'll tear us apart."




🔗 the hunt


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 23:13:09 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

His explanation has her holding him tight. [break][break]

Maybe this isn't a good date spot at all. [break][break]

"Do not let go," she echoes, "got it." She holds tight to her Lucario with her other hand, weighing his potential to help above his potential to make things worse if he succumbs to the ghosts, too. [break][break]

She hears screams, and the sound of war, and the wet clap of blood on dusty, barren ground. She sees visages of violence in the ghostly fog. Her own heart pounds with an anger that is not quite her own, but still she holds onto Tempest. She manages her breath and pinpoints her mind on their shared contact: he is all that is real in this fog. She anchors her mind to him, to his footsteps, to what she can hear of his breath. [break][break]

She feels wispy fingers drag against her skin as if to pull her down to the gates of hell, but she does not let her footsteps falter. If they wanted her to join them in the land of the dead, they'd better come in greater numbers. She stares at the back of his head and imagines a small forcefield around them that the dead cannot penetrate. They are guided by purpose and safe from the wails of a phantasmic mob.

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NOTES – [break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 4:07:07 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The scenery shifts as the delusion around them grows. Faces in the mist, contorted in pain. Flashes of past memories not quite their own. Phantom emotions strong enough to make the heart race. False pains. Tempest squeezes a bit too tightly, his palms growing sweaty. It smells like petrichor and storms, like the dry heat of a desert sun beating on hard packed earth.[break][break]

His breath hitches.[break][break]

A thunder of hoof-beats start to drum behind them. It stampedes closer and louder. Screams of a mob only wanting bloodshed gaining, aiming to capture.[break][break]

Tempest takes a deep breath.[break][break]



He breaks out into a sprint, only slowed for the initial takeoff to ensure that Ameena is with him. Feet flying over the odd dead grass ground, fear that isn't his own mingles in the back of his throat. The mob shrieks, inharmonious voices one crescendo of fury as they pick up speed as well.




🔗 the hunt


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
the mad queen
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 16:46:27 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The wails reach a fever pitch. She feels more than hears Temp's command, senses the moment's precarious balance stretch and break. She follows him closely, forcing herself to keep her full attention on him. It's hard to ignore everything going on, but the rage and ruckus soon dull into a roar - one that drags at her skin, but one that she can render into background noise. [break][break]

She tries to imagine the sounds of Temp's footfalls over the roar, tries to recall the sound of both of their heaving breaths to give herself a different soundtrack to listen to as they flee. She can't focus on other senses over the overwhelming reality they're trapped in, but she's doing her damnedest to convince her mind there's plenty to cling to. [break][break]

She stumbles, corrects herself barely, and chases him still. This is worse than the abyssal horror of the deep sea by an inch. At least she knew everything there was hallucinatory; here, the threat was real. If the ghosts took over her mind, what would they do with her? Kill her? Was that too easy? [break][break]

TAGS [break]

NOTES – [break][break]


[newclass=".ameena"]--accent:#EF59D8;font:13px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".ameena .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".ameena .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass][googlefont="Roboto Mono"]

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the mad queen
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 19:08:10 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The only sounds coming from and Tempest are the mad drumbeats of pounding feet and panting as they run. It's drowned out by the steady rise of whatever is chasing them. The moist and icy breaths of whatever is chasing breathes down on them. Clammy hands reach out to grasp at elbows, palmy hands not able to get a proper grip.[break][break]

Visibility low, Tempest charges blindly forward.[break][break]

He slams into a person who appears in the mist.[break][break]

"Ack!" Knocked off balance, he tumbles forward and takes the person down with him. They fall under him, shattering into hundreds of dry pieces of stone. Landing hard, Tempest feels dazed before he thinks to try and push himself back up.[break][break]

Only now does Tempest realize that he's lost Ameena's hand.[break][break]

Ahead of them, a great and haunting roar erupts.




🔗 the hunt


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP