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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2024 20:44:46 GMT
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Power in the region had shifted with the recent battles, but it was unclear who truly had the upper hand until the dust settled. The strangest part was that everyone was to return to business as usual. [break][break]

Ameena sat in her office, annoyed. She had projects to initiate. But she was stuck managing her technology company because the upset had disturbed her employees and they needed reassurance. Thankfully, the monotony of constructing a company-wide memo was interrupted with her secretary's knock, alerting her to the presence of her guest. [break][break]

A Rocket she'd yet to meet personally, but more importantly, someone who had reached out for dream-related business. Her favorite, of course. "Please, come in." In the corner of the room behind her was her Gardevoir, slumped against a wall and fainted, though Ameena didn't realize the unsettling image of it until she'd already permitted her guest to enter.

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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 0:38:26 GMT
maki enters silently and without expression. she only glances once at the fainted gardevoir, the slightest bit of curiosity registering in her eyes before she moves to take a seat. her malamar follows behind her, on guard, as they have all been since the war began in earnest. even if they think they're safe, they can never truly know.

maki looks closer at ameena. blinks. "you..." her brow furrows. "you were on that megalopolan ship, weren't you?" she recognizes the woman from their jailbreak. she had tried to pull a child away, hadn't she? maki had kept her own mask on, having to hide her identity due to her name being a fairly high-profile one, but she'd paid attention to the who'd been spirited away. "i remember you."

her malamar floats lazily over to the gardevoir. it reaches a tentacle out to the other pokemon's shoulder. whether it's out of concern or something else is impossible to say; the squid's face remains the same, regardless.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 17:13:08 GMT
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The question throws her off rhythm. [break][break]

For a moment, her expression is open and vulnerable and stunned, but she pulls herself together just as quickly. It was her mistake for not keeping the mask one when she'd done that anyhow. "Yes, that was me." Novina had been in her grasp, but the Megalopolan child was spirited. [break][break]

Ameena had rejected accusations about the intentions of the action with an insistence that the toxic chain had deeply poisoned her. It wasn't a complete lie. "Unfortunately, if you did want to ask of the child's bracelet, it revealed nothing of importance. Its minerals are unusual, but it is not something to unlock the powers of the universe." She sighed, partly in humor and partly in exhaustion given how many tests she'd put the bracelet through to get something from it.

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POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 16:54:15 GMT
she shakes her head. "that's not why i'm here." her malamar seems to be gently trying to rouse ameena's gardevoir now, and maki glances out of the corner of her eye. " you need to deal with your pokemon first? i can certainly wait." there's a subtle rebuke in there, so small ameena may not even notice. maki's been taught to treat her pokemon like tools, but you still have to take care of your tools properly. "i'm only here to discuss something... related to our imprisonment."

watching her malamar, though, it's interesting to see how a creature that could be so cruel in the battlefield still managed concern for its fellow pokemon. it's clueless as to how to help, but still it continues anyway. "malamar, that's enough," maki calls. "you're not going to wake it like that."

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 16:50:37 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Maki's concern simultaneously flatters and insults her; she knows how to handle herself and her team, but she's also pleased to see any interest in her wellbeing from those she hasn't directly served. Rocket was interesting like that - all about networking and opportunity, but often, there was plenty of honor, and empathy, among thieves. [break][break]

"Gardevoir is dangerous," she explains lightly. She owes no explanation, but she feels no animosity towards Maki. That, and she hates bad first impressions. "I need to study the damage infinity energy has done to her before I can take care of her. Fainted pokemon help no one, but she... I have to wait." The details were interesting, but she had to be careful in expressing a lack of control over herself and her pokemon. [break][break]

She leans forward, focusing on her guest. "About the imprisonment? Tell me more." She had more questions than answers, unfortunately.

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jigokuhime, snow white
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i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 19:00:45 GMT
maki blinks. "i see." her malamar ceases its attempts to rouse the other pokemon, but remains stationed by it just in case it awakens on its own. it's unlikely, but maki doubts the squid cares. it seems a bit more curious than anything, though the concern is definitely there, too.

finally, maki takes a seat. she sits upright, her hands clasped together in front of her. "since returning home, i've... had the same recurring dream, almost every night." even now the music is faint in the back of her head, no matter how she tries to drown it out. "it's the same as the vision i had in what they called the chamber of desires. exactly the same, every time." she shakes her head. "but it's meaningless. i can't make any sense of it. i was hoping... to make it go away."

she's sick and tired of it. the same dream, over and over again, as if it's desperately trying to tell her something. she wants it to cease, so she can enjoy dreamless nights once more.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 19:40:45 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Her eyes are ablaze as Maki mentions the penitentiary's chamber of desires. Ameena, too, had gazed upon its offerings. She had seen her mum, alive and well, and unlike the dreams that chased Ameena every night, the other shoe did not drop. She did not have to watch her mum bleed out or suffer a heart attack or get torn to shreds. What a pleasure, it had been. [break][break]

But reality had followed. She was just as far as ever from seeing her mum in another reality, permanently. So far from walking the dreamscape and sliding into a world where Mum never died. [break][break]

Her fingers clenched before she could stop the tic. "What is the vision?" She has no right to the information. But she's learned many people are forthcoming when in the presence of someone they trust to help them. Trust might be wrong, in this case, but she's frequently seen as the 'last hope' of solving the problem, when it comes to dreams. [break][break]

"An orthodox sleep study is all I can normally offer," she continues, "but I have learned my Musharna knows a new trick. She can create a semi-waking dreamscape, and we can revisit it. That, or the more immediate but riskier solution of a mind wipe, but... my go-to is a little spoken for." She darts a knowing glance at Gardevoir. She wouldn't let the psychic back in her own mind until she'd found a remedy anyhow.

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jigokuhime, snow white
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i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 17:39:10 GMT
upon being asked to describe the dream, maki hesitates. she's not one to divulge personal information, but this... problem... irritates her enough to make her act out of character. "it's... nothing. the dream is... nothing," she explains. "i wander, and there's nothing. then it starts to snow... but other than that... nothing." how is it that this nothingness bothers her so? she doesn't normally dream, or at least she doesn't remember the dreams she has. she tells herself it's only because it's out of the ordinary that she wants it gone so badly.

she sits back in her chair. she wrestles with herself, conflicting emotions on her usually placid face. "...alright," she finally concedes. "as long as it's... mostly non-invasive, we can use your musharna."

her malamar sits in the corner, forgotten for now. it waits patiently to be of use again.

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 17:45:27 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Maki's description of the dream is unusual. Often, people are overwhelmed in the dreams that bother them. The absence of obstacle, by her description, makes her wonder about the underlying desire or fear that guides Maki's unease. The Penitentiary had pulled from desire for many, but others dreamed of fearful scenarios. In the aftermath, it was almost entirely so. How could one not be horrified at how quickly some of the region's strongest forces were abducted, chained, abused? [break][break]

"Revisiting the dream can offer closure." She releases Musharna. Closure is sometimes all that is needed for the mind to rest. Other times, the mind is a growlithe with a bone, and it won't release such upsetting visages until it has investigated the problem to its core. Musharna releases a dreamy terrain that fills the room with pink mist. "This mist does not pull from your conscious mind, so try to keep a clear head." [break][break]

She herself does her best to clear her mind of any thoughts. The half-sleep state overtakes her, making her eyelids heavy as she watches for shapes to form in the mist, for Maki's creations to fill the room and show them what she might've missed the first time around.

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NOTES – musharna's dream mist spreads throughout the area and creates a DREAMY TERRAIN. those caught in this terrain and stuck between sleep and wakefulness, and that that they dream of manifests in semi-visible hallucinations in the mist for all to see.[break][break]


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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 23:58:46 GMT
maki slumps back in her chair. the vision that fills the room is exactly as she stated; dark and cold, flecks of snow falling from an unseen sky above. in her mind, maki follows the same path she always follows, unaware that she's being tracked this time. there's the tinkling of ballet music playing in the background, distant and haunting.

then it starts again... the shaking. she's bounced around the inside of something spherical, hearing a voice call her name. her own, much more child-like, voice responds, and maki opens her eyes to see her own face from when she was seven trained on her. she looks more closely this time and realizes this was, with all likelihood, the day her training began. this was the very day her fate was sealed, and she was given a whole world to bear upon her tiny shoulders.

in her half-waking state, she reaches up as high as she can, willing herself to make contact... her hands find the seven-year-old, and move as if to embrace her... anyone might look upon this figure with pity, wishing to save her, to carry her away from all this for good.

but instead, she wraps those same hands around the child's tiny throat and squeezes. she can feel the pulse there as she presses. she meets no resistance as she crumples the child's windpipe within her grip.

the usual cool expression on maki's face has changed to one of hot fury. her eyes narrow, her burning gaze kept solely on the child within her grasp, and she's completely forgotten ameena is there at all. she's never wanted anything dead more than she wants those innocent blue eyes snuffed of life, so they might never look upon her again.

the child's breath stops. maki pauses, and finally releases her... and wakes up.

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june 8
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5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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ameena abadi
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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 15:26:23 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena compartmentalizes and steps out of her herself, putting each sliver of personality and experience - the veteran, the researcher, the criminal, the dreamer - aside in order to observe with the most neutral mind. To do anything else is to significantly raise the risk of tainting what plays out. [break][break]

The dream unfolds, then continues to unfold, revealing a detail that alters the reality only to unfold further, like a very complicated piece of origami. The child looks similar to Maki, but Ameena holds back from drawing any inference to avoid any confirmation bias. This data is valuable to her, and she will have to scribble it down quickly when Maki leaves. Being as objective and factual as possible is key. [break][break]

Maki's fury, however, is captivating. [break][break]

Admittedly, she wants to see more of it. But the dream fades, the mist reflecting nothing for a few precious moments before Musharna draws it to a close. Ameena lets the silence sit with them like an old friend, giving Maki space to reflect or settle back into full waking. [break][break]

"Is that more complete than what you experienced in the Penitentiary?" She hopes it can be laid to rest; a distracted colleague was an ineffective one. Ameena's gaze flickers between her Gardevoir, the Malamar, and Maki.

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jigokuhime, snow white
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i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
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POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 19:16:29 GMT
when maki awakens, she takes a moment to settle back into reality. the rage seen earlier is gone, replaced with her usual cool, collected attitude. she can remember the dream far more vividly now, and the feeling of destroying the vision she had of her childhood is still thick on her hands like blood. she doesn't regret it, though. it had to be done. she can't afford any distractions, especially not now that things are heating up between team rocket and the league.

she nods in response to ameena's question. "...yes. i believe i will no longer have a problem with it." she can't say why she's so certain the dream will not return. at the very least, it will not be nearly as frequent. she should be able to sleep undisturbed again. "thank you for your assistance. i'll be sure to return the favor some day soon." a yukimura does not forget their debts.

maki stands. "i should go now. come, malamar." her malamar reluctantly follows after her with only a backward glance.

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POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 6:24:16 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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