the fox and the... other fox? [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
18 posts
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TAG WITH @maudlin
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2024 21:02:05 GMT
oooh, she is going to burn if she stays out here too long...

why did she come here again? she was going to buy something... oh, well. it's not often she goes out this way. she used to be able to just fly her hydreigon to places, but... that's neither here nor there. it's not anywhere, in fact. one day her little ones will grow up, but they'll never replace what she lost.

her zorua trots alongside her. oh, right! treats! she came here to get a specific type of chew that her canine companions love! there's a shop here that sells them, and so far it hasn't expanded outside of pacifidlog, so she has to go out of her way to get it. in such a pleasant, sunny area, she sticks out like a sore thumb. if maisie minded the stares, though, she wouldn't dress like this.

her eye catches on something. is that...?

without warning, she rushes over to the strange man and his even stranger pokemon. maisie gasps in delight, already fawning over it. "that zoroark...! what a cutie!! i've heard of 'em but never seen one in person!" she gushes, entranced with its wispy fur and sad eyes. her own zorua, however, is puffing up, hiding behind her leg.

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,022 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 20:43:19 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Pacifilog is Tempest's hometown. A proud Hoyeon, the rest of the native Hoennites who lived around him respected him. But with his duty to his people also came responsibility when he visited. His father was out trying to help steady the town and piece it back together after the great flood. Tempest had come to help out today.[break][break]

Most of the old grannies had needed assistance with heavy lifting. He'd already helped out at least six of them today and was on his way to the seventh.[break][break]

A heavy load is in his arms, one of his pokemon chasing behind him to help in it's own way, when a girl approaches him, excited. He doesn't recognize , but offers her a smile when she approaches. The Zoroark behind him shifts, white fluff shifting in the breeze, a careful sniff is scented in the wind.[break][break]

"Oh, hey! Yeah, this is Ashes." Tempest tilts his head, giving the girl a quick look up and down. "You a tourist?"




🔗 bond bridge


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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
18 posts
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TAG WITH @maudlin
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 17:18:31 GMT
she knows better than to approach an unknown pokemon unprompted, so she holds back, grinning at the creature. "nope! i'm checking out the stock in doggone good goods," she says. "though it sure does look like pacifidlog has seen better days." she'd seen the news, but experiencing the flood in person is a different issue. if she were back in galar, she might have offered to help out with her pokemon. as it is now, only lilith is capable of actually doing any lifting. too bad.

lycidas glares at tempest's zoroark. "th' name's maisie!" she fires off a stiff salute. "and this cutie is lycidas! say hi to your cousin, lycidas!" without warning she whirls around and lifts up the zorua, pulling him into her arms. with his hackles raised, he resembles a dust bunny more than he does a zorua at the moment.

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,022 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 8:12:06 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Ashes keeps her eyes locked on the Zorua. A hissing sound similar to laughter escapes the larger fox at the soot sprite showing.[break][break]

"Doggone? Hmm...." Tempest frowned, scratching his cheek as he thought back on that shop earlier. "I think that Auntie Maymay got pretty cleaned out during the flood. I took her some supplies last night, so maybe she got some stuff whipped up?"[break][break]

Tempest looks around for a moment, then waves down a young woman. After a quick exchange, he unloads his burden on the woman with an apologetic wave. When done, he turns back to .[break][break]

"Call me 'Temp'! I'll come with; Auntie Maymay might need me to grab something for her."




🔗 bond bridge


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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
18 posts
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TAG WITH @maudlin
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 18:46:20 GMT
maisie rubs her chin. "i see, i see... well, if she doesn't have what i need, i can still try and help out a bit! only seems fair, since she makes bloody good chews." lycidas's favorites are the sawsbuck antlers infused with peanut butter. she has no idea how you even infuse an antler with a certain flavor, but auntie maymay is apparently a master at it.

she puts the zorua down. he's calmed down a little, but he still eyes tempest's zoroark warily. maisie sticks her hand out. "th' name's maisie maudlin. i run a dive in lilycove, 'cept for the fact that we're a bit flooded out right now. had to take a break from fixin' things up, i did." her poor bar... her poor office... things will go back to normal eventually, but everyone is stressed out right now. it's rare to meet a friendly face who isn't already preoccupied.

and so, they had off to see auntie maymay! lycidas trots after maisie, keeping a safe distance from the stranger and his pokemon.

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,022 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 21:34:52 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

"She's always real proud of her stuff! She sets up a pop-up shop in Slateport sometimes if the trip out here is too much." Thought, honestly, tempest did like the idea of more people coming to the small town to act as tourists. It was just a shame that had come when they were still recovering from the flood.[break][break]

"Yeah? What's it called? I might try and pop in sometime. I don't live out that way, but I travel all over for work." What the work was Tempest would keep to himself, though.[break][break]

Ashes gave another hissing laugh, lowering herself to all fours to pad along beside her Trainer. She kept shooting curious glances back at the smaller fox as they moved.




🔗 bond bridge


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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
18 posts
part of
TAG WITH @maudlin
the fox and the... other fox? [m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 18:40:43 GMT

she keeps pace with him, their footsteps sometimes treading across a puddle of water left over from the flooding. it's a miracle pacifidlog survived at all, maisie thinks, considering its location. "the mausoleum," she responds. "bit of a hole in the wall, but my patrons seem t'like it well enough." not that they're particularly discerning, but she still takes pride in the establishment she built from nothing starting a year and a half ago. that was a period in her life when she wasn't sure she could live, and had been looking for anything that could serve as a life preserver.[break][break]

lycidas catches the zoroark looking at him. he puffs again, but when the larger pokemon doesn't do anything more, he gradually settles in. he even picks up the pace a bit, his own curiosity getting the better of him, so he can get a better look. it is a zoroark, but completely different from what he remembers of his own family. it's a bit uncanny valley, but now that he's settled in, he doesn't feel quite as threatened.[break][break]

then they arrive at the shop, which has seen better days. maisie pokes her head in. "hallo!" she greets the room, before she even sees if anyone's there. lycidas takes this moment to finally approach ashes warily. he sniffs her, not taking his eyes off her for a moment.


[attr="class","bottom"]i'll gouge you out with my fangs.[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP