getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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keiko mori DOLLARS
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keiko mori
getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 0:59:27 GMT
keiko mori Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]Keiko wasn't a very indulgent gal given that alcohol meant giving up control, and she rather liked being in control of herself. There were plenty of things to give her a buzz, like a successful high-pressure delivery or - her more recent discovery -  . [break][break]

It's all to say that she was still in business mode in the bar, trying a mocktail and planning out tomorrow's route on her Rotom phone. Well, until she kept hearing buzzing. And no one around her seemed to be reacting as if their phones were vibrating... so what was that about? [break][break]

Was it behind the bar? [break][break]

She leaned over her stool to see a combee buzzing and bumping into a partially-opened mini-fridge, trying to access something inside. Something was happening, surely, but she couldn't say if it was her losing her mind or Hoenn being one stop short of crazy town. After all, what kind of heist would a combee have in a bar?

[break][break] [break]

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november 14th
lilycove city
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getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 17:35:36 GMT
the combee's interest doesn't go unnoticed for long. as it buzzes hurriedly around the partially open mini fridge, the woman who's been tending the bar reappears with an armful of bottles. normally she's working on a case in her office, but her usual bartender for this day called in sick, and she hurriedly covered for him. it's usually quiet on weekdays, leaving keiko as the only one currently sitting at the actual bar, other patrons glumly nursing their drinks in the dark corners of the dive.

maisie carefully puts the bottles down on the counter. "blimey, look at him go," she marvels. "must've snuck in through an open window. wonder what he wants?" she moves toward the open fridge, but the combee suddenly buzzes angrily at her, telling her to back off.

she scratches her cheek. "rude." she's not gonna start a fight here and now, not with so many fragile things around them. "maybe he wants a drink? i can hardly open one for him if he keeps chasin' me off, though."

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April 7
celestic town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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keiko mori
getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2024 17:44:43 GMT
keiko mori Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]The other woman's reaction to the combee was amusing, but Keiko also appreciated the non-violent approach. Combee were pest pokemon to most, so they often got the short end of the stick when they were simply curious little fellas. [break][break]

"I got him." She extended both hands and snapped her fingers quickly to get its attention, the curious Combee coming close to investigate the sound and her moving fingers. [break][break]

She opened her palms to him as he fluttered close, and he rested down tentatively. "Combee are native to Sinnoh, but even the ones out here are pretty gentle." It buzzed in her hands. "Maybe some sugar water would be good for him?"

[break][break] [break]

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[newclass=.rouxcredit1]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
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getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 1:17:54 GMT
maisie tilts her head, studying the bee with a smile on her darkly painted lips. muted metal plays in the background of the bar, the volume her own preference since she likes to be able to hear other people when they talk. "sugar water... OH! maybe he wanted this!" she yanks a bottle of something out of the mini fridge and shuts it with her foot, then proudly displays her finding to keiko. it's... cupcake flavored vodka? "i spilled a little around the fridge when i was getting it out, then i had to take a call in my office, sooo... he probably smelled the sugar."

she yanks the cap off and sniffs it, making a face. "ugh. i still haven't had the courage to try it out. smells right minging, it does." she puts the cap back, and leaves it on the counter. "i should have some sugar in my apartment... be back in a tick."

exiting from behind the counter, maisie throws her apron off off and heads for a door in the back. she unlocks it and then disappears into the dark hallway, and keiko can likely hear her footsteps upstairs as she ascends and searches for the aforementioned sugar.

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April 7
celestic town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
215 posts
keiko mori DOLLARS
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keiko mori
getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 16:41:11 GMT
keiko mori Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]Keiko watches with interest as Maisie presents a bottle that's... cupcake flavored? [break][break]

Did it actually take like cupcakes? What was the default cupcake flavor? She would need to be more adventurous the next time she came. Or maybe she'd try a taste before she left today, but Maisie's reaction to the smell left her unsure about how brave she should be today. "Good luck," she said with a faux salute as Maisie went to retrieve some sugar. Keiko gently rubbed at the gentle Combee while keeping an ear out for the bartender's footsteps. [break][break]

Storage above the bar? That seemed odd. [break][break]

"She's gonna hook you up," Keiko cooed at the Combee.

[break][break] [break]

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[newclass=.rouxcredit1]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
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getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 18:38:27 GMT
within a few minutes she's back, carrying a bag of sugar in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. she opens the door to the staircase, steps into the bar, takes a drag from her cigarette and puffs it back into the stairwell before closing the door on it. before it can close, though, a little fox pokemon comes trotting out, curious as to what all the fuss is about. "here comes lycidas," maisie announces. "think i woke 'im up when i was going through the kitchen."

the zorua hops up onto a barstool, careful not to get on the counter with his dirty paws. maisie goes to grab a regular glass, thinks better of it, and gets a fish bowl instead. much easier for the combee to drink from, she figures.

she pours some sugar in, then adds some water from the tap before swirling it all together. the sugar dissolves, leaving behind a cloudy, sweet-smelling drink that the combee will likely fly right to. "and there we are! the mausoleum's special sugar water."

maisie turns back to the bottle of vodka, and gives keiko a wolfish grin. "what you thinkin', mate? wanna try a shot? if you don't like it, next drink's on the house."

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April 7
celestic town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
215 posts
keiko mori DOLLARS
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keiko mori
getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2024 20:14:20 GMT
keiko mori Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]The fishbowl's cute, and Combee has no issue with it being made with tap water. It drinks hurriedly, but Keiko's gaze is pulled from the cute bug and back to the bartender. "I think a shot of that stuff'll kill me," she confessed. Cupcake vodka sounded horrific in every way... but then, she'd recently learned how much peril the region was in and, why shouldn't she indulge? [break][break]

Life was short, and it was clear there were evil and divine forces both at play in the region. Tomorrow was most certainly not guaranteed.[break][break]

"I'll risk it," she decided with questionable confidence. "But you have to try it with me. I can't suffer through it alone, y'know." She hopes she can take the shot with some grace. She doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of the Zorua or the owner.

[break][break] [break]

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[newclass=.rouxcredit1]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
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getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 19:36:23 GMT
maisie's response is a guffaw and a slap of the countertop. "i like th'way ya think!" she laughs. she whirls around and grabs two shot glasses off the shelf behind the bar, placing them on the counter. she carefully pours out a shot of the cupcake vodka for each glass and then puts the bottle away securely this time. she's hoping the low temperature of the drink will make it a bit easier to get down.

lycidas sniffs the glasses, and maisie pushes his nose away. while the combee is busy enjoying its drink, she picks up her shot glass and eyes it with some apprehension. oh well. "down the hatch!" she lifts it to her mouth and drinks it in one go. actually... it's not as bad as she expected. it's a bit too sweet, yeah, but the taste itself pairs well enough with the vodka that she's able to swallow it easily. it leaves only a lingering taste in her mouth.

"could definitely be worse," she says. "prob'ly be better mixed in with something, yeah? bet i can come up with somethin' good..."

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April 7
celestic town
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
215 posts
keiko mori DOLLARS
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keiko mori
getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 18:10:03 GMT
keiko mori Avatar

[attr="class","rosepost"]Maisie's got maybe too much enthusiasm. But Keiko feels camaraderie with someone who approaches Combee with something other than disgust, so she knows she can't back out of the challenge before her. Maisie downs it first, and Keiko follows a few seconds behind with visible apprehension. [break][break]

It's disgusting. Keiko's face scrunches up and she turns her head pre-emptively, but she successfully fights the cough. She thinks gasoline might've been better, since the sweetness does a bad job of covering up the harshness of the drink. [break][break]

Keiko tentatively places the cup on the counter and tries not to think about what she's just done. The barkeep's review is more positive than anything Keiko can offer. "Um, definitely unexpected. Could work as a secret ingredient kind of deal." Please don't serve this to a human being, she wants to say but doesn't. "I think I'll abstain from testing out any concoctions made with that thing, but I might bring a friend to try it." Someone who needs a little punishment, maybe. [break][break]

"I ought to head out before it gets late. I'll see this little fella out." She gently taps the Combee, which lifts from its refreshing drink and settles into the palm of her hand readily.

[break][break] [break]

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[newclass=.rouxcredit1]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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november 14th
lilycove city
private eye/bounty hunter
i long to be like you, lay cold in the ground like you
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TAG WITH @maudlin
getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 18:24:38 GMT

maisie laughs at keiko's expression. "guess it didn't go so well for ya," she teases lightheartedly. admittedly, her tolerance for the many varieties of alcohol out there is... higher than most, and it's only gotten higher since she opened the mausoleum. she has her favorites, of which there are quite a few, but she can't help buying new things to try them out. hence, the cupcake vodka that the combee so badly wanted a taste of earlier. there's a few other concoctions lying around, some of them more abominable than others.[break][break]

"don't let me keep you," she says. "but you come back now some time, yeah? i owe you a drink, after all." she meant it when she said keiko would get something on the house if she didn't like the vodka maisie offered.[break][break]

she turns her attention to the combee. "an' you stay safe out there too, alright? you can come here any time for more sugar water." she tickles the combee under its chin, or whatever serves as its chin. she doesn't mind wild pokemon coming in as long as they're not disturbing the peace or her customers. it's their world too, after all.[break][break]

after keiko leaves, maisie announces last call for drinks. it's about time for her to wrap up here, too. there's more clandestine work to be done once the bar has closed.


[attr="class","bottom"]i'll gouge you out with my fangs.[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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getting buzzed in the mausoleu[m]
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 2:34:32 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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