big rat [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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big rat [m]
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 4:03:23 GMT
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"they told me there's a giant rat around here," he explains to the ranger as they wander around the abandoned warehouses. "they're probably exaggerating, but i'm being paid to look at the cause, so..."

kyle figured he might as well fix the problem while he's out here. being accompanied by a ranger just makes the process easier.

a flashlight illuminates the interior of an abandoned warehouse. debris from broken wooden crates and dents on its metallic walls were expected, but what was surprising wasn't the presence of something, but the absence of it.

"huh. weird. my bad. i brought you all the way here to help me relocate a wild pokemon, but i guess there's none."

it wasn't natural, and any ranger would catch that. the abandoned warehouse was a perfect shelter for nature's elements, and it was made more attractive with how infrequent people visit this location.

something was up, but there was no clue as to what it was.

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June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @airi
big rat [m]
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 23:23:16 GMT


big rat

"A big rat?" Airi questions him, more so to confirm that she did in fact hear those words escape from his mouth. She arches one of her eyebrows, then rests an index finger underneath her chin. The League made a request for her to accompany a private investigator on a mission. However, no other information was given to with her. "Well, species like Rattata and Raticate are known to nests in abandoned buildings like this one. I suppose it would not be too uncommon to find one here. It is possible that one may have feasted too much on berries and cheese," she adds, a soft giggles escaping from her pink champagne painted lips.


A gigantic mouse should not cause too much trouble, right? Then again, she probably would not wish to encounter one alone either. Especially not in a dark and eerie place like this particular warehouse. She kept her thoughts to herself as she continues to walk alongside Kyle. Ginger, her regal Delphox, walks closely behind them as she uses her enchanting stick as a torch to help illuminate the area, too. Airi's dazzling azure orbs glances over at the damaged property surrounding them. "Goodness..."


Airi shakes her head at Kyle as she moves closer towards the dents and scratches against the walls. "I don't know. These marks still look a bit fresh to me," she mentions, her keen eyes studying the markings a little bit longer until she felt a chilling shiver rushes down her spine. Ginger lets out a low growl as the fire coating the tip of her stick expands in size. "You felt that, too?" Airi asks her Pokémon, shifting her attention towards the Delphox. It is said that Delphox can see into the future by gazing at the flame at the tip of their branch.


"Reveal yourself! We can sense your presence!" Airi calls out to the being, who may be lurking in the dark shadows.








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dog boy
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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big rat [m]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 17:03:29 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
they had been the trespassers in this scenario. for the pokemon's point of view, it was the cornered prey and was given no other direction to escape besides going through them.

the challenge sent by airi was just the trigger for what had been its only choice.

a large golden raticate emerges from the roofs, dropping down in front of the ranger and her companion as it sheds light illuminating the entire place. blinding at first, it takes a moment for eyes to adjust to the spectacle beheld to them.

"y-yeah, about this..." his foot instinctively takes a step back, a hand inching towards a ball on his waist. "h-have the rangers faced anything like this yet?"

this was hoenn. strange things are common place, though just because they were common doesn't mean they were known.

he awaits the professional to make the first move, trying to follow up her lead instead of taking the role himself. one wrong move can cause the abnormally large rodent to barrel towards them, and kyle has no idea how much of a force the raticate threatens them with.

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played by


June 12th
Rustboro City
Ranger Nurse
Lavaridge Ranger Captain
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
267 posts
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TAG WITH @airi
big rat [m]
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 0:05:45 GMT


big rat

Airi's soul almost escaped from her body the moment the massive golden Raticate dropped from the roof above them and landed in front of her. Perhaps she should have thought twice about the brilliance of its body, almost blinding at first glance. Airi bites down on her bottom lip, then takes a few steps away from the illuminating Raticate. "Well, I have encountered an Illumina Pokémon before, but this one is a lot different. In fact, I am not sure if this one is even considered an Illumina Pokémon at this time... It's massive!" She answered Kyle's previous question. 


Ginger takes a few steps in front of the Raticate, protecting her trainer and her trainer's companion. The Raticate's appearance is quite intimidating, but it has not made an attempt to harm them, or at least not yet. Ginger flicks her wrist to summon a stunning barrier of light to surround them, just in case the Raticate does decide to make any sudden moves.


Airi's deep blue eyes make eye contact with the Raticate through the shimmering barrier. She takes a few seconds to study its body language and its behavior overall. She does not plan on ordering her Ginger to attack unless the Raticate shows a sign of causing them harm. "You must be far from home, huh? I suppose a place like this could be a bit frightening if you are not used to it," she spoke out to it. She is not sure how much the Raticate will be able to understand her, but it must be able to understand some human language since it chose to reveal itself when she requested it to do so. 









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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
big rat [m]
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 6:06:44 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
its eyes glisten like ruby. the way it stares back at airi after she tries to talk it down was telling enough that it wasn't going to listen.

while it listens, it doesn't take heed of her request.

"i don't think it's alive..." kyle whispers amid airi's attempt of diplomacy. "it's not breathing."

talking has given kyle the time to assess the situation, looking at anything to exploit in the situation. unfortunately, his eyes only manage to find what was interesting-- the supernatural state of the raticate before them.

"do you think we should-"

before he can finish his suggestion, the raticate charges forward. large teeth point themselves at the pair, unable to compromise with the ranger. its large size causes the interior of the warehouse to shake, further scaring away any pokemon that might have stayed.

kyle leaps away from the giant rat's trajectory, rolling on the dirty floors upon landing and throwing out a pokemon for protection.

electivire hits the field.



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