Seashells all around [OPEN]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2019 7:31:09 GMT
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Notes: Ruriko is a bit shy but needs friends, come at them![break][break]
Outfit; here




While Ruriko wasn't the type that loved to show their body off, it nearly fell and Ruriko wanted to say they at least enjoyed the sun, the beach and well their pokemon once this year. Sure Ruriko picked a day they knew most people wouldn't be on the beach, picked the furthest place they could away from anyone that might come on the beach. Why? Well while Ruriko knew they had a nice body, they weren't the type that loved to show it off. Today just so happen to be a special day, the day Ruriko wanted to celebrate the 'end of summer' even if summer wasn't over yet, it was close enough and you know, Ruriko happens to be passing along and their pokemon looked up at Ruriko with hopeful eyes. [break][break]

Nodding their head Ruriko agreed, but they headed back to the house first to get some swimwear for today. slipping the clothing on under, well their normal attire Ruriko headed down to the beach with a large beach bag in hand. Setting up their beach towel Ruriko sat the bad down next. Stripping away the long sleeve (jacket) and their pants Ruriko sighed softly standing here in their blue little swimsuit. Reaching for the Pokeball's, Ruriko tossed all four up in the air, summoning or releasing the pokemon. Cabaletta the Mienfoo, Vivace the Pachirisu, Brio the Emolga and finally Sonatina the Swablu.[break][break]

With all the pokemon lose and free for the ay, ruriko gave a soft sigh pulling their dress down a bit. While they would have loved to cover up more, the thought of swimming in heavy layers did not seem appealing at all, if anything it worried them. So instead they picked a bathing suit to look like a dress to hide their midriff instead. With the pokemon running around wild and free, Ruriko sat down to read through their journal instead with a soft little smile, just going over their notes of the pokemon they encountered this week alone. While Ruriko sat there reading their pokemon ran wild, tackling one another, fighting with one another, while Brio flew around, spinning in the air, teasing the grounded pokemon.[break][break]

Looking over Ruriko's eyes widen a bit, mouth gaped open just slightly when they noticed Brio going for a quick attack only for Vivace to fly backward, rolling in the sand, causing a dust of sand to fly everywhere. Ruriko quickly tossed the journal down running after their pokemon in a frantic. Sure they knew the pokemon was okay but that was their baby 9well all were but still.) "Vivace!" Ruriko called out picking the little pokemon up in their arms. pouting a bit when the little squirrel pokemon laid in Ruriko's arms like a spoiled child. "Don't scare me." Ruriko pouted a bit when the pokemon started nuzzling their arm, the other three quickly playing, getting out of sight in fear of being scolded.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2019 23:42:58 GMT
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Now this was what Arthur needed more of. Sun, sand, and energy drinks by the beach with his main bro Uncle Luc.

Both trainer and Pokemon were lounging on a pair of white, shabby, wooden chairs that Arthur had found at the edge of the beach. Over head was an umbrella, big and blue as it shielded the duo from the harsh golden rays that had been beating down on Hoenn today. Between them was a little blue cooler, cracked open, innards filled with ice and energy drinks. It was a pretty good set up if Arthur said so himself.

Speaking of Arthur his attire was much more casual this time around, instead of his jean, sneaker jacket combo he was clad in a paid of navy basketball shorts, and nothing else but a pair of sunglasses he had found with the chairs. Luc was in his usual get up, nothing, because he was a Pokemon and Pokemon didn’t wear anything c’mon.

“Bro pass me a cold one,” Arthur called out to his Pokemon, one leg crossed over another as he eased back into the chair, “Get it from the bottom though.”

Luc peaked an eye open, it was evident he was feeling just as lazy as his trainer as his legs had been crossed as well, paws behind his head and cool smile on his face as he enjoyed the beach air.

“Fine, I’ll get it myself.”
he sighed, the beefy blonde would reach into the cooler, rummaging through it. “Wait did you like, drink my juice?”

Luc didn’t answer, he’d only mutter ‘lucario’ and remained in place.

“I can’t enjoy the beach without a cold beverage bro, c’mon”
Arthur appreciated a good drink and to be deprived of it by his own Pokemon felt like a jab to his heart. Begrudgingly, he uncrossed his legs and slid out of the chair, “I’m gonna go see if someone else on the beach has got something to drink... And maybe to eat. Watch the chairs while I’m gone.”

... No reply.

Waving off his Pokemon Athur would make way down the beach, after a short stroll he’d spot a cloud of sand kicked up from a commotion down by the way side. With a wide grin he’d run towards it, perhaps someone was fighting? Or some beach side justice would need to be delivered? Fingers crossed he’d get to body slam someone.

When he arrived at the scene of conflict he didn’t find a perp, but someone with a few Pokemon. “Ey, bro you okay over here?” there was disappointment in his voice, but he’d perk back up in this new company, “Seems like a lot of hooplah goin on.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 0:51:13 GMT
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Notes: Ruriko is sweet... Cabaletta might not be as nice!




With the three pokemon running away, Ruriko wanted to call out to them and make them line up already and.. no-no. Today was a good day, today Ruriko would enjoy the beach, the sand and the rowdy children they seemed to be hauling around with them. with the little squirrel pokemon nuzzling them, Ruriko smiled happily, nuzzling it back. Ruriko was a sucker for her babies, all of them. just as Ruriko was about to let the little squirrel pokemon go, they found their attention being drawn upwards. looking up at the blonde Ruriko hugged the pokemon closer to their chest. [break][break]

Right no-wrap today, ruriko felt... odd not having their chest bound and hidden away. Giving a soft smile and a soft sigh to release their breath ruriko nodded their head. holding a hand out t the male as if they were asking for help up. If he helped ruriko or not they would stand up to their full five foot even height, the little Pachirisu in their arms. "Yeah, my boys just rowdy today they don't want to listen to me." Ruriko said with a soft little laugh, for a change their voice was soft, sweet, overly feminine. While it wasn't on purpose, Ruriko was just feeling... sweet today? [break][break]

Looking back at Arther, Ruriko bowed her head softly, slightly. "I'm assuming you thought there was a fight. Sadly it's just my spoiled pokemon, I'd teach them a lesson but, I'm a bit too soft you see" Ruriko gave another soft little laugh, covering their mouth to not laugh 'in his face'. instead Ruriko turned back to him with a bright little smile. Ruriko want always social but today was a good day, a special day right? "I'm Ruriko! You can call me Ruri if you want, not that you have too or even stick around. I'm perfectly fine.. just a little sandy is all." Ruriko offered him with another smile, the little Pachirisu bouncing in her arms calling out to the trainer.[break][break]

"Vivace, please calm down I'm sure not everyone wants to hold you," while the Pachirisu was the youngest of the four pokemon, it was definitely the most spoiled. Wait, was Ruriko being rude? Looking up at the male once more, Ruriko waved their free hand (that wasn't hugging the pokemon to their chest) "How extremely rude of me, you came over thinking there was trouble, can I help you with anything for trying to help?" even if there was no need to help, ruriko had manners.[break][break]

While Ruriko chatted with the man, the little Mienfoo strolled over to their trainer standing in front of ruriko, getting on guard, lowering their stance as if she was ready to strike at the first sign of danger or ill intent to her owner. Clearly the pokemon was ready to fight, willing to fight the trainer if she needed to giving a "Mieennfoo!" Watching the protective pokemon, ruriko gave another happy little laugh "Down Cabaletta, he's not going to attack." Ruriko couldn't help the giggles that escaped, clearly, she didn't care and wasn't about to budge.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 1:47:05 GMT
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This person’s Pokemon were certainly a lively bunch with all of the running and bouncing around they were doing. It reminded Arthur of how Luc used to be when he was just a Riolu, so spirited and fun loving. Nowadays all the Lucario did was lounge around and drink juice outside of battle. Where did all the time go? Then again, given who his trainer was that wasn’t that shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise for Arthur they had been juice loving jocks for almost the entirety of their lives.

When the person held out their hand Arthur took it in his own, fingers lacing around them and effortlessly hefted them up to their feet. Once they were up, he’d retract his help and crossed his arms, a finger fidgeting against one of his biceps as he listened to them speak.

A smile crept across his features at the mention of their Pokemon’s behavior. He made a bad assumption about the situation, as he always did whenever he heard a series of loud noises. For him, there was always a fight on unless he saw otherwise, maybe it was just his nature but he was always in the mood to wrestle. Perhaps it was his inner jock begging to get back out.

With a low chuckle he spoke when they introduced himself, “Arthur, Arthur Lynch at your service" his smile grew, the pearly whites of his teeth shining in the sun as an air of confidence became present in his form. He relaxed, shoulders drooping as he wind down just as quickly as he got wound up. His right hand extended to his new friend and if they took it he’d give it a soft squeeze as they shook, “Well, if I can call you Ruri you can call me…” he paused as he pondered a good nickname for himself, “Arty”

The energy coming from the squirrel in her arms surprised him as it called up to him. If allowed he’d pat the little electric type on its head, “Well, hey, there’s nothing wrong with being a little sort.” he joked, “Buuuut. Maybe you can help me and I can help you?”

His hand would move from the pachirisu’s fur to Ruri’s shoulder as his other hand pointed its thumb behind him, “How about we have a little training session?” of course, that would mean Luc would have to stop being lazy but maybe he could help this person out? He wasn’t the best trainer but if discipline was an issue he had a tiny solution in his big blonde dome and that was training!

“You and your Pokemon can come back to my spot, my boy could help burn some of your Pokemon’s energy off-” just as he finished his thought an audible “meinfoo” broke his concentration. Letting go of Ruri he backed just a step away, “Well, aren’t you a cutie. How would you like some sparring?” he crouched in an attempt to become eye level with the fighting type. Absolutely adorable,

"And if you happen to have a little juice or food, maybe we can uh. Share it."
he looked at at the other trainer with a wide grin. He still needed that juice. Was it right to just asks for someone else's food? It's worked out so far...

When he arrived at the scene of conflict he didn’t find a perp, but someone with a few Pokemon. “Ey, bro you okay over here?” there was disappointment in his voice, but he’d perk back up in this new company, “Seems like a lot of hooplah goin on.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2019 2:41:45 GMT
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Notes: I love Arthur! he's so fun and interesting




Up they go! With Arthur so courteously helping ruriko up they felt relieved to know they wouldn't have to put the pokemon down and have him whine about not getting enough attention when it was 'hurt.' the fact that Arthur helped without even a second thought got Ruriko to feel a little shy. ruriko wasn't always like that, while they loved helping, it took them a moment before they could move normally. Hell, Arthur looked as if he was enjoying himself, Ruriko couldn't help but to let out another laugh. They weren't sure what it was, but that smile made Ruriko smile even more. They said smiling was contagious, Ruriko believed it when they saw this male's bright smile, it brought them joy strangely. [break][break]

Happily accepting the male's hand Ruriko shook it, while their hand was a lot smaller, softer, Ruriko didn't mind, they knew they had a small framed female body whether they liked it or not. It was just refreshing to see someone squeezing their hand softly. Not that Ruriko was scared of a strong handshake, no! But you know, there was no way Ruriko would win in a handshake or arm wrestling with the male. The thought was pointless and silly but it crossed their mind nevertheless. Arty huh? Ruriko liked that, nodding their head, Ruriko gave a soft 'mm'. [break][break]

With Arthur giving the pokemon attention Ruriko was nearly ready to let him hold the pokemon if he wanted! But the words caught ruriko off guard. Before Ruiko's mind had time to catch up they spoke. "Oh?" simple question but it came out without hesitation. At first, Ruriko wasn't sure who he was talking to, the little pokemon in their arms, or well Ruriko! With the hand on their shoulder, Ruriko looked up at him with their waikawa gray eyes blinking in confusion, ruriko wasn't sure what to say, looking back to see the pokemon, Ruriko's lips parted to respond to him... Yet as luck would have it, ruriko didn't get time to respond before their pokemon jumped in between the two of them.[break][break]

With Arthur leaning down to speak with the pokemon, ruriko held their hand out as if to warn him not to get too close to her! Just like that, with the trainer asking for food Ruriko flinched when the saw goes for a double slap at the trainer. He asked for it! She was simply giving the male what he wanted! Cabaletta had no problem attacking the male with two slaps right across the face or large pecks, depending on if he moved or not. Ruriko wanted to scold the pokemon but instead, they pulled the pokemon in their arms closer to bite back a giggle against his fur. [break][break]

Well, he did ask for a spare, he didn't clarify who he anted Cabaletta to fight so it wasn't like... No, it was rude any way you looked at it. Blushing a bit, ruriko bit their lip nodding their head happily. "I have both, excuse me!" ruriko quickly ran off from the blonde hair male so they wouldn't laugh in his presence. Cabaletta on the other hand never moved, she stood her ground watching the trainer as if she was daring him to chase after her trainer, that she'd launch another attack (whether it hit or not).[break][break]

with ruriko returning they held the bag on their shoulder, smiling happily at the blond, the little squirrel pokemon following behind Ruriko this time seeing how ruriko needed a moment to collect supplies and well, the poke balls. Returning to others side Ruriko dug in their bag to grab some apple juices out with a nervous, almost shy little laugh. "Its this or water, I'm sorry." Ruriko bit their bottom lip once more out nervous, all three of the other pokemon following behind Ruriko, two airborne the other grounded. "I do have snacks thought... But... They are peanut butter or ham sandwiches. I have plenty for your pokemon too! Just... I know not everyone has the same taste so..." [break][break]

Yeah ruriko was a bit shy but they weren't used to people, they were more used to pokemon and music. "Oh! I never gave you a proper answer Arty!' Ruriko looked up at him with a light blush. "I wouldn't mind at all for a spare, just be warned... I.. In battles I get a little more serious so don't be surprised if you notice a change." how else could ruriko say battling made them more focused, determined and
less 'feminine'


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2019 23:38:17 GMT
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It happened so quickly, the Pokemon slapped him twice across the face. His cheeks stung red. He was hit so hard his cowlicks were crooked at the end of the attack. "OW, that was a pretty good move." he laughed, shaking the stars out of his vision as he stood back up, "You don't like sparring huh little guy?" he hadn't ever been hit by a Pokemon and in truth he kind of liked it. It was a new pain when hit by a person the force was usually blunt but that move felt like something fierce. Maybe he'd get one of his boys to hit him.

Arthur gasped when she presented him a bounty of juice and sandwiches. Was everyone in this region so well prepared? He had already met so many people who had food on them and this young woman was yet another fine samaritan that offered him something.

The big blonde couldn't help but shake his head at the kindness shown by the stranger, "I couldn't possibly take this from you," he sounded choked up, reaching down and taking an apple juice despite his words, "You're so kind, so sweet, and I just now met you. You're gonna share your juice with me? You must be an angel."

Putting the apple juice in his pocket he put both of his hands on Ruriko's shoulders, "I have to know something," he looked down at her Pokemon in case it was readying another attack, "You have shown me great kindness, so I ask that you let me show you kindness? How about you and I meet up again later tonight? We can check out the city and maybe catch some Pokemon. Whattaya say?"

When he arrived at the scene of conflict he didn’t find a perp, but someone with a few Pokemon. “Ey, bro you okay over here?” there was disappointment in his voice, but he’d perk back up in this new company, “Seems like a lot of hooplah goin on.”


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2019 1:19:06 GMT
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Notes: Not used to people... excuse them XD




"No. She loves to spare too much..." Ruriko mumbled more to themselves then Arthur. The little fighting pokemon took sparring to a new level and it worried them a bit because Ruriko wasn't that dedicated to fighting as she was. Whatever it was, he seemed to be fine, just a little red, Ruriko was sure Arthur would be fine, maybe put a few cool drinks on his cheeks he should be fine. Well, they hoped at least... Ruriko would make a note to run into him again in a few days just see if his cheeks were bruised from Cabaletta's attack. [break][break]

Seeing how happy Arthur looked a when Ruriko presented everything to him, they couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped. "Please take anything, my father always taught me to bring extra everything, you never know when you run into someone that might need something or be hungry. Please enjoy." Ruriko smiled softly only to find their ears burning red, their cheeks just as hot if not worse. "Wha?' Ruriko didn't even get the word out before Arthur went on to sing their praise. [break][break]

Ruriko could feel their breath catching in their throat, "I-I would not go that far! I'm just... ah.. um..." Yeah Ruriko was not used to compliments and felt embarrassed, biting their bottom lip Ruriko gave a soft laugh. "T-thank you." When all else failed just say thank you and move on right? Ruriko was so happy to be called an angel, compared to other things they been called in the past? But it also made them feel super shy and super happy. [break][break]

Just as Ruriko thought it couldn't get worse they felt the back their neck burning a bit. Calm down a blush, just because he was being nice didn't mean you had to go crazy. Ruriko wasn't bothered one bit by his words let alone him grabbing their shoulders but how nice they were being to Ruriko "O-o-okay! What time?" Ruriko asked with a deep blush, they really needed to get used to people more and not just pokemon. [break][break]

Wait! Meet out later? Normal people would assume a date right? But Ruriko blinked a few times. "Ah! Okay, that works. I was curious about something anyways. T-thank you for the offer it would be my pleasure to join you." Ruriko smiled brightly as if something hit them and they remembered one important fact, or detail should they say. "But um... When we meet I won't... ah.." How could they say this? Should Ruriko say they don't often go out in public looking like a girl? No that would sound weird. "I won't be in a dress!" Yeah good enough, who wore a bathing suit at night right?[break][break]

If Ruriko thought they couldn't get more embarrassed well, sadly Ruriko was mistaken, hearing their own words, Ruriko pulled away from him and headed straight for the pokemon that Arthur left unattended to, walking away from their scene and the embarrassment, it was too painfully obvious how new this was to them and talking to people in general. Ruiko's pokemon on the other hand stood and floated there looking at the poor blonde as if they were saying sorry for their trainer, well all but Cabaletta who followed their trainer.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Seashells all around [OPEN]
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2019 16:22:23 GMT
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“Hmm, maybe this evening? It’ll be dope.”

Confused would have been an understatement. “Also, it’s okay if you’re not in a dress, I mean personally i don’t really wear them so... I’m sure it’ll be fine?” he laughed, only to see Ruriko walk away from him towards her Pokemon. He didn’t quite get why his new friend was acting so strange but regardless he smiled at them as they walked away.

Arthur placed his hands on his hips and looking at the water. It was as big and blue as it ever had, reminding him of his Lucario... HIS LUCARIO.

He forgot all about old Luc and why he even went to look for someone in the first place. Following Ruriko to the Pokemon he looked just past the girl to see his Pokemon still lazing about under the sun. There was no moving that old Pokemon when he was comfortable.

Arthur’s attention then turned to the floating Pokemon next to him, “Are they okay?”


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